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Beginner's Guide to

Estcon Trading
(Earn Income without Stress)

Compiled by


Table of Contents
Introduction to Estcon Trading ................................................................................................... 3
What is Estcon Trading? ........................................................................................................ 3
How Does Estcon Trading Work? ........................................................................................... 3
Why Should You Consider Estcon Trading? ........................................................................... 4
Getting Started with Estcon Trading ........................................................................................... 5
Creating your Penvestor Account ........................................................................................... 5
Logging in to your Dashboard ................................................................................................. 6
Understanding your Cash Balance ......................................................................................... 6
Depositing funds to your account balance .............................................................................. 6
Trading Estate Contracts (ESTCON) ......................................................................................... 7
Understanding PATGEN (PTGN) Currency ............................................................................ 7
Exploring the Penvestor Market .............................................................................................. 7
Buying and Selling ESTCON .................................................................................................. 8
Unique Feature: Price Stability of ESTCON ............................................................................ 8
Role of Brokers in Estcon Trading .............................................................................................. 9
Who are Brokers in Estcon Trading? ...................................................................................... 9
Earning Commissions as a Broker.........................................................................................10
Verifying Accounts, Withdrawing Funds, and Other Broker Responsibilities ..........................10
Transferring ESTCON – The P2P Exchange ............................................................................11
How to Transfer ESTCON to Other Traders ..........................................................................11
Using the Transfer and Import Feature ..................................................................................12
Unit of Measurement: SQM (Square Metres) .........................................................................12
Future Possibilities in Estcon Trading .......................................................................................13
Exchange ESTCON for Real Property Ownership .................................................................13
Estcon Project Timeline by Penvestor ...................................................................................14
Important Notes on Estate Contracts Trading ...........................................................................15
Licensing Information: Estcon Trading and SEC ....................................................................15
Penvestor Group: The Digital Cooperative Society ................................................................15
Account Verification for All Traders, Brokers, and Liquidity Providers ....................................16
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................16
Introduction to Estcon Trading

Welcome to the world of Estcon Trading, where opportunities abound for

earning income without stress. In this introductory chapter, we'll delve
into what Estcon Trading is all about, how it operates, and why you should
seriously consider becoming a part of this exciting venture.

What is Estcon Trading?

Estcon Trading revolves around the buying and selling of estate contracts
(ESTCON) as digital assets. These contracts represent ownership or
rights to real estate properties and are traded on platforms like Penvestor.
It's essentially a digital marketplace where individuals can invest in real
estate without the hassle of traditional property transactions.

How Does Estcon Trading Work?

Getting started with Estcon Trading is straightforward. First, you'll need

to create an account on the Penvestor platform, either through the web app
( or the Android app. Once logged in, you'll deposit funds
into your account balance using the primary currency, PATGEN (PTGN).
This currency conversion makes it easy for traders from various African
countries to participate.

After depositing funds, you can explore the Penvestor Market and
purchase ESTCON of your choice. These contracts come with a fixed
supply and can be bought and sold based on their market value. As the
price of ESTCON increases over time, traders have the opportunity to sell
their contracts and earn a profit.

In addition to trading, Estcon also involves the role of brokers who assist
with account management, fund transactions, and spreading awareness
about Estcon Trading. Brokers earn commissions for their services,
making it a collaborative ecosystem for traders and facilitators.

Why Should You Consider Estcon Trading?

Estcon Trading offers numerous advantages that make it an appealing

investment opportunity:

1. Accessibility: With low entry barriers, Estcon Trading allows anyone

with minimal capital to participate in real estate investment.

2. Potential for Profit: The steady increase in the price of ESTCON

presents a lucrative opportunity for traders to earn substantial profits over

3. Future Growth: As Estcon Trading evolves, traders will have the

opportunity to exchange their digital assets for real property ownership,
further expanding investment possibilities.

4. Community Engagement: Penvestor Group fosters a digital

cooperative society where traders, brokers, liquidity providers, and
property exchangers interact, creating a supportive community for growth
and collaboration.
Estcon Trading offers a promising avenue for individuals seeking to
diversify their investment portfolios and secure financial growth. By
understanding how it works and the potential benefits it offers, you can
embark on a journey towards financial success and stability.

Getting Started with Estcon Trading

Embarking on your Estcon Trading journey is an exciting endeavor that

begins with creating your Penvestor account and familiarizing yourself
with the platform. This chapter will guide you through the essential steps
to start your Estcon Trading experience.

Creating your Penvestor Account

To begin your Estcon Trading journey, you'll first need to create an
account on the Penvestor platform. You can do this by visiting the
Penvestor website ( or downloading the Android app from
the Google Play Store. Follow the simple registration process, providing
the required information such as your name, email address, and password.

The two major information that you are meant to provide while creating
estcon trading account on Penvestor are: Agency ID number and Six
Digit Secret Code. You get the Agency ID number from a recognised
Estcon broker. The six Digit Secret Code is your persona; transaction
PIN. Ensure that you save the Six Digit Code, and never forget it.
Logging in to your Dashboard

Once you've successfully created your Penvestor account, you can log in
to your Dashboard using your email and password. The Dashboard serves
as your central hub for managing your Estcon Trading activities,
providing access to various features and functionalities.

Understanding your Cash Balance

Upon logging in to your Dashboard, you'll notice your Cash Balance

prominently displayed. This balance represents the funds available in your
Penvestor account for trading ESTCON. It includes both your deposits
and earnings from previous trades. Understanding your Cash Balance is
crucial as it determines your purchasing power within the platform.

Depositing funds to your account balance

Before you can start trading ESTCON on Penvestor, you'll need to deposit
funds into your account balance. This can be done using the primary
currency, PATGEN (PTGN). PATGEN serves as the standard currency
for transactions on the platform and is equivalent to 1000 units of the
currency of 54 African countries. E.g 1 PTGN = N 1000. (1000 Naira is
equivalent to 1 Patgen)

To deposit funds, navigate to the Deposit section of your Dashboard and

follow the instructions provided. You can choose from various payment
methods supported by Penvestor, ensuring convenience and flexibility in
funding your account.
By completing these steps, you'll be well on your way to engaging in
Estcon Trading on the Penvestor platform. With your account set up and
funds deposited, you're ready to explore the market, purchase ESTCON,
and embark on your journey towards financial growth and success.

Trading Estate Contracts (ESTCON)

Now that you've set up your Penvestor account and deposited funds, it's
time to dive into the exciting world of Estcon Trading. This chapter will
guide you through the essential aspects of trading ESTCON on the
Penvestor platform, from understanding the currency to exploring the
market and executing trades.

Understanding PATGEN (PTGN) Currency

PATGEN (PTGN) serves as the primary currency for transactions on the

Penvestor platform. It is the standard currency used for buying and selling
ESTCON and is equivalent to 1000 units of the currency of 54 African
countries. Understanding the value of PATGEN is crucial for navigating
the Estcon Trading market and determining the cost of purchasing

Exploring the Penvestor Market

Once you've familiarized yourself with the currency, it's time to explore
the Penvestor Market. This marketplace hosts a variety of ESTCON
contracts available for trading. You'll find a diverse range of available
Estate Contracts you can buy. Use the Filter button to find Deals
(Listings) of a particular ESTCON.

Navigating the Penvestor Market allows you to assess the available

ESTCON contracts, the sizes and their prices as listed for sale. Take your
time to research and analyze each opportunity before making buying
decisions, ensuring you make informed choices that align with your
investment goals.

Buying and Selling ESTCON

With your preferred ESTCON contracts identified, you can proceed to

buy and sell them on the Penvestor platform. Buying ESTCON is as
simple as selecting the desired contract and completing the purchase
transaction using your available funds in PATGEN. You can find the
ESTCON which you have bought on “My Contracts” section of
Penvestor estcon trading platform.

When the price of your ESTCON contracts increases, you have the option
to sell them to take your profit. Selling ESTCON follows a similar
process, allowing you to capitalize on favorable market conditions and
maximize your returns.

Unique Feature: Price Stability of ESTCON

One of the unique features of ESTCON is its price stability. Unlike
traditional assets that may experience fluctuations in value, ESTCON
contracts have a stable price trajectory, consistently increasing over time.
This stability ensures that ESTCON traders can confidently invest in
contracts without worrying about price depreciation, offering a reliable
avenue for long-term wealth accumulation.

By understanding these key aspects of trading ESTCON, you'll be well-

equipped to navigate the Penvestor platform and capitalize on the
lucrative opportunities it offers. Whether you're a seasoned investor or
new to the world of Estcon Trading, Penvestor provides the tools and
resources you need to succeed in building your investment portfolio.

Role of Brokers in Estcon Trading

Brokers are pivotal players in the Estcon trading landscape, acting as
intermediaries between traders and the Penvestor platform. In this chapter,
we'll explore the essence of brokers, their commission structure, and the
range of responsibilities they shoulder to ensure a seamless Estcon trading

Who are Brokers in Estcon Trading?

Brokers are individuals who serve as ambassadors for Estcon trading,

promoting the platform and recruiting new traders. They are enthusiastic
advocates who educate others about the benefits of Estcon trading and
guide them through the process of joining the Penvestor community.
Brokers play a crucial role in expanding the reach of Estcon trading and
fostering a vibrant trading environment.

Earning Commissions as a Broker

One of the primary incentives for individuals to become brokers in Estcon

trading is the opportunity to earn commissions. Brokers receive
commissions for their efforts in introducing new traders to the platform
and facilitating their trading activities. These commissions serve as a
tangible reward for brokers' dedication and contribution to the growth of
the Estcon trading community.

Verifying Accounts, Withdrawing Funds, and Other Broker


Brokers undertake a diverse array of responsibilities beyond recruiting

new traders. Some of their key responsibilities include:

- Verifying Accounts: Brokers assist in the verification process for new

trader accounts, ensuring compliance with platform requirements and
regulations. Verified accounts gain access to additional features and
benefits within the Penvestor platform, enhancing the trading experience.

- Withdrawing Funds: Brokers facilitate fund withdrawals for traders,

ensuring efficient and hassle-free transactions. They guide traders through
the withdrawal process, addressing any queries or concerns that may arise
along the way. Brokers play a crucial role in ensuring that traders have
timely access to their funds.
- Other Broker Responsibilities: Brokers provide ongoing support to
traders, offering guidance on navigating the platform, executing trades,
and maximizing their trading potential. They serve as trusted advisors,
assisting traders in making informed decisions and optimizing their
Estcon trading experience.

Overall, brokers serve as integral pillars of the Estcon trading ecosystem,

driving growth, and facilitating engagement within the community.
Through their efforts in recruiting new traders, earning commissions, and
providing valuable support, brokers contribute to the vibrancy and success
of Estcon trading on the Penvestor platform.

Transferring ESTCON – The P2P Exchange

Transferring ESTCON between traders is a fundamental aspect of Estcon

trading, facilitating collaboration and exchange within the Penvestor
platform. In this chapter, we'll explore the process of transferring
ESTCON, the innovative Transfer and Import feature, and the unit of
measurement used in Estcon trading.

How to Transfer ESTCON to Other Traders

Transferring ESTCON to other traders is a straightforward process that

allows individuals to exchange digital assets within the Penvestor
platform. To initiate a transfer, a trader simply needs to access the
Transfer feature within their account dashboard. From there, they can
specify the quantity of ESTCON they wish to transfer to another trader.
On confirming the transfer, the recipient's transfer address is
automatically generated under the Transfer Request form.
The receiver gets the transfer address and import it at his own end.
Immediately the ESTCON is imported into the recipient’s Contracts, the
status of the transfer address from the sender reads “Imported”.

Using the Transfer and Import Feature

The Transfer and Import feature in Penvestor streamlines the process of

transferring ESTCON between traders. When a transfer is initiated, a
unique transfer address is generated for the recipient. The sender shares
this transfer address with the recipient, who then uses it to import the
specified quantity of ESTCON into their account.

This innovative feature ensures secure and efficient transfers of ESTCON,

enabling traders to seamlessly exchange digital assets and collaborate on
investment opportunities.

Unit of Measurement: SQM (Square Metres)

In Estcon trading, ESTCON contracts are measured in square meters

(SQM), representing the size or area of the real estate properties they will
represent during Physical Value Exchange. This unit of measurement
provides traders with a tangible understanding of the value and scope of
each ESTCON contract, allowing for informed investment decisions.
By leveraging the Transfer and Import feature and understanding the unit
of measurement, traders can effectively transfer ESTCON between
accounts and participate in collaborative trading activities within the
Penvestor platform. This fosters a dynamic and interconnected trading
community, driving growth and engagement in Estcon trading.

Future Possibilities in Estcon Trading

As Estcon trading continues to evolve, exciting possibilities emerge on

the horizon, offering traders unprecedented opportunities for growth and
expansion. In this chapter, we'll explore the potential for exchanging
ESTCON for real property ownership and the project timeline envisioned
by Penvestor.

Exchange ESTCON for Real Property Ownership

One of the most promising prospects in the world of Estcon trading is the
ability to exchange ESTCON for real property ownership. As the Estcon
ecosystem matures, traders will have the opportunity to convert their
digital assets into tangible real estate properties, such as land or
commercial houses.

This transformative capability not only enhances the value proposition of

Estcon trading but also opens up new avenues for wealth creation and
asset acquisition. Traders can leverage their ESTCON holdings to secure
ownership of physical properties, diversifying their investment portfolios
and realizing their real estate aspirations.
Estcon Project Timeline by Penvestor

Penvestor has outlined a comprehensive project timeline for the

development and expansion of the Estcon trading ecosystem. This
timeline provides a roadmap for the progressive rollout of key milestones
and initiatives, shaping the future trajectory of Estcon trading. The project
timeline by Penvestor includes:

1. Issuance of Estate Contracts (ESTCON): Each of the current 27 Estate

Contracts has a total fixed size (supply) of 112,112,112 square meters
(SQM), laying the foundation for trading activities within the Estcon

2. Distribution of ESTCON: The issued ESTCON is made available to

Liquidity Providers who bring significant funds for initial purchase and
support of the ESTCON, ensuring liquidity and market stability.

3. First Market Buyers (ESTCON FMB): Estcon traders can participate

in the First Market Buyers phase, acquiring ESTCON at a discounted rate
during this initial offering period.

4. High Volume Trade (ESTCON HVT): Estcon boasts high liquidity,

facilitating seamless trading activities with minimal delays. Traders can
easily buy and sell ESTCON on the market or through brokers,
maximizing their trading potential.

5. Property Exchange: In the future usage, Estcon traders will have the
opportunity to exchange their digital assets for real property ownership,
marking a significant milestone in the evolution of Estcon trading.
By adhering to this project timeline, Penvestor aims to create a robust and
sustainable Estcon trading ecosystem that empowers traders and
facilitates wealth creation. The envisioned future possibilities of
exchanging ESTCON for real property ownership underscore the
transformative potential of Estcon trading, paving the way for a new era
of investment innovation and prosperity.

Important Notes on Estate Contracts Trading

In addition to the exciting opportunities and features of Estcon trading, it's

essential to be aware of important regulatory and operational
considerations. This chapter highlights key points regarding licensing, the
role of Penvestor Group, and the importance of account verification for
all participants.

Licensing Information: Estcon Trading and SEC

It's crucial to note that Estcon trading is not licensed by regulatory bodies
like the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in any country. While
Estcon trading presents lucrative investment opportunities, traders should
be aware of the regulatory landscape and conduct thorough due diligence
before engaging in trading activities.

Penvestor Group: The Digital Cooperative Society

Penvestor Group serves as the Digital Cooperative Society (DCS) that
facilitates Estcon trading activities. Within this ecosystem, traders,
brokers, liquidity providers, and property exchangers interact and
collaborate to drive growth and innovation in Estcon trading. Penvestor
Group fosters a supportive and collaborative environment where members
can access resources, tools, and opportunities to enhance their trading

Account Verification for All Traders, Brokers, and Liquidity


Account verification is a crucial requirement for all participants in the

Estcon trading ecosystem, including traders, brokers, and liquidity
providers. Verification helps ensure compliance with platform regulations
and enhances security measures within the Penvestor platform. Traders
and other participants are required to undergo the verification process
before gaining access to account management features, such as fund
withdrawals and trading functionalities.

By adhering to these important notes, traders can navigate the Estcon

trading landscape with confidence and diligence. Understanding licensing
information, leveraging the resources of Penvestor Group, and prioritizing
account verification contribute to a safe, secure, and rewarding Estcon
trading experience for all participants.

Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide to Estcon
trading! As you've discovered, Estcon trading offers a unique and
lucrative opportunity to invest in real estate contracts and generate income
without stress. As we conclude, let's recap some key points and encourage
you to embark on your Estcon trading journey.

Start Your Estcon Trading Journey Today!

Now that you're equipped with the knowledge and understanding of

Estcon trading, there's no better time to start your journey than now.
Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the world of trading, Estcon
offers a user-friendly platform and a supportive community to help you

By creating your Penvestor account, exploring the market, and engaging

in trading activities, you can take the first step towards building a
diversified investment portfolio and realizing your financial goals.

Join the Estcon Ecosystem and Earn Income Without Stress

Joining the Estcon ecosystem opens up a world of opportunities to earn
income without stress. With features like low entry barriers, high
liquidity, and the potential for profit, Estcon trading provides a flexible
and accessible avenue for wealth creation.

By becoming a part of the Estcon community, you'll have access to a

wealth of resources, support, and collaboration opportunities. Whether
you're a trader, broker, liquidity provider, or property exchanger, there's a
place for you in the dynamic Estcon ecosystem.
So, what are you waiting for? Start your Estcon trading journey today and
experience the excitement and rewards of participating in this innovative
digital marketplace. Join the Estcon ecosystem and embark on a path to
financial freedom and prosperity!

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us. We wish you success
and prosperity in your Estcon trading endeavors. Remember, the Estcon
ecosystem is here to support you every step of the way as you earn income
without stress..

Link to Penvestor trading Platform:

Penvestor Academy:

PENVESTOR – Get Real Freedom!

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