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{he ranabl Mone Ss eeilslieins guttettge As on ‘hal hh oe expense of the spl components. ‘sa ong ad ardoous press. Thee Catng fidotherperaten MR 40% 82 G GO et or more rg (A):ALLN; ML fearless (193; XP 7,000; Runs of Undemnounain, [Notes Tiranlin can pry open doors and carry prey oF object “They are not smart enough to wield magical tems on thie own, al though they can duplicate actions they have observed. They sleep 50% of the time. Thes respect and obey those dressed ac priests of Thrandal and can understand brief commands slong with instinc> tively protecting ther lair (usually a temple of Ibrandul). ‘SA~Serpentine hodies enable irandlin to reat up on thie tail and attack with all four claws while biting or breathing fire. They breathe ie every fifth round in 2 cone 5 fet wide a che mouth, 10 feet wide a the end, and 15 fet long for 246 points of damage, save vi breath weapon for al While they cannot bite while breath “bite” attack roll suceeds in the same round that they breathe, ‘tim drety infront ofthe breath weapon takes maximum damage from fie (12 pois) with no saving throw. With a sucessful attack roll, an ibrandlin can pina victim beneath its body in lew of three ‘law attacks, but does noc automatically est is weight upon pinned tims fa victim continues to fight after being pinned (sing spells ‘sth only veka components ora an attack and damage roll penalty 13), she of he chen feels the tbrandlin’s weight and suffers 1e4 points of eushing damage per ound. A singe tbrandlin ean pin upto five man-size victims. To escape requires succesful Strength and Dexterity checks in the same round even if the ibranalin is dead Es caping from beneath a held or paralyzed ibrandinis at a-10 penalry to the ability checks, ‘SW—When ibrandlin hurl or throw objects, they atack at 3 eval mics lind 0 ft from heir itened pe Ilmater (The Crying God , the Lord on the Rack. the One Who Endures, the Broken God) Intermediate Power of Bytopia, LG Posrrouc: Endurance, suffering, maeyrdom, perseverance ‘Autases ‘yur (among the peoples of the Great Glacier) nan Seti Surenice ‘Aus Tye Tn tal ode, Lander Loviatar, Matas, Talos, Bane (now dead), Bhaal (now om a? isc Thands bound atthe wrists with - 6) Hocdaned rack a nite tet the one who takes: pee emer gen pee pain. He is the god of the oppressed unjustly treated. rica TImate is quie, kind, go ous story and has @ appear, he takes asauls upon, against another Le isnot otal a joctrine of endurance. as eo need harm ¢ Ree ernie sndtechinghintw bmletbonh et iacy pnchoot my ol gn RecA a es kes we know collecively mathe’. iipmetoombal intent dps wo the Honda ik, bx nce the One Neue elneak soe hited iin! os pe arg lg penne ao poe aera llimater’s Avatar (Monk 35, Cleric 52, Paladin 20, Mage 18) mater appent asa man with broken jones who drags himself round in ob- vious pain using his smashed hande and ravaged limbs despite the agony ac- ‘iviy causes. He is short, burly and wears only a breechcloh. ls balding head sports a homely, kindly fae, and his hairy body is erssrossed with sears, open cus, burns and ocber mark of torture. He can cast spells frm any pees phere or wizard school, barely casts any spell that causes any form of damage to another unless in reeibucion for sade acts performed by others. All postive forms of healing and necromantic sphere spells he cass are at double AC-5:MY 15: HP 224 THAGO 2:54 1" ‘Dg 11049 (29'Srm, +1 pec hemos in punching, +9 char boas) MRO; $2 (12 fee) Sex 21, Dex 13, Con 25, lo 19, Wis23, Ca 18 Spells SIGS) IIIB, W:SSBBAEN Shves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, 5p “Includes extra uniemed specialisation attack. **Usng the PHB o# Complete Fighter's HandBook ox Complete Pris's Handbook unarmed combat rales. Using Puan's Orion" Combat & Tactics, he is considered a rad master: Special AttDef limater doesnot use a weapon. He most often does not even defend himself agaist atacks, simply suffering the damage he is dealt He regenerates 6 hitpoints a round, chough his broken physical form never this healing. He ean function pefetly well without being destroyed 13 hic pois. He only strikes out tn anger with spells or fists in reerbution for extreme acts of crueley and sadism or when defending an- ‘cher from attacks He also strikes outwith his fst o deflect missile attacks directed at hire and others (with a succesful atack roll per mis) and to tame specific itm that he deems dangerous. He ie considered tobe spe- ‘lized in martial arts, a grand master in martial arts, of specialized in ‘punching, depending om the unarmed combat rales in we (se dhe mone lass in Appendix I Priest Clase). Other Manifestations IImater appears ae an unseen, watchfol presence accompanied by whin- peting or howling sound. In thi form he speak, telekineses tems about, and hurl spells ‘Alternatively, the Crying God can choose to postess any good-aigned creature who being tortured without having done anything to eam such treatment under the laws ofthe realm in which the rrtue is taking place ‘When such a manifestation occurs, the tortured being’s body glows with a bright white aura, the being is healed and regenerated all pain is Fanished, any restraints are broken asunder and torture devices smashed, and the beng ser te, vigorous and ale. If lmater is angered enough by what has teen done (ill crcl ores and accompanying murders are def ‘te rigs for this), he empowers the freed being cast destructive spells fortum ors, opal chanting the aby to cas ach spell dan hinge sr, ie \ormed from marty), and other not yet Keni be dlrs dase, white roses, field mice, and wp assign to encourage his faithful persevere The Church Cusnoe (Clerics, specialty priests, monks ‘Cusnor’s Auon.: LG, NG, OG, LN “Tuna Unoead: | C Yes, SP: No, Mon: No . ‘Chavo, Unoean: No, SP: No, Mon: No All clerics, specialty priests, and monks of Imater receive religion (Faerin- ian) asa bonus nonwespon prficiency. Bae clon eta «es, but in realty they concentrate alt of effort on provi et ling rs om ieee bee Tey puree aed of themselves, are sharing, and emphasise the spiritual nature of lie over the ‘ros material boy. Ilmater’ priest tend to be the most sensitive and caring of humans. ‘When new co the faith since they see much suffering, they often weep. (Overtime this consane raging at theis heartstrings wears at them and they chen tend toward a cyical view of lif in FaerOn. They ae dstin- smshed from other cynics, however, by ther inability to ignore or pass by thes in need. Even when 2 couse is hopeless, chey must help liar are ‘aught tobe firm in ther principles and fares, withthe result that they farm enormous respect with the general populace but ae often slain by brigandsor those who hold different principles than they do. The church of mater is diferent from many FaerOnian fics in chat fas many sai, among them St Dionivs and St Sollars the Twice-Martyred (whose sym bol isa yellow rose). Few pees of llmater are soldiers and fewer stil are merchants, but they

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