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Comparative Analysis: Disney’s Cinderella and Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih’s Story -

Exploring Local and Foreign Narratives

By: Nadia Zahra Roseno (1209622035)
Children and Young Adults Literature

Abstract: This paper conducts a comparative analysis of two cherished folktales: Disney’s
Cinderella and the Indonesian folk story Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih. Despite sharing
themes of resilience, identity, and transformation, these narratives originate from distinct cultural
contexts, offering unique perspectives on these universal motifs. Through a thorough examination
of narrative structures, character progressions, cultural influences, and underlying messages, this
research aims to uncover both the parallels and distinctions between the indigenous and foreign
tales. By exploring the historical and cultural backgrounds surrounding each story, this study
illuminates how cultural heritage shapes storytelling methods and influences the portrayal of
characters and themes. Ultimately, this comparative investigation not only deepens our
comprehension of these timeless stories but also underscores the importance of cultural diversity
in shaping global narratives.

Initially, art is not merely seen and heard but can also become a living heritage, passed
down from one generation to the next through rich works imbued with meaning and cultural
values. One of the most reflective forms of cultural heritage and community tradition is
folktales—oral stories passed down through generations within a community or cultural group.
In the enchanting world of storytelling, narratives serve as windows into the cultural fabric of
societies, reflecting shared beliefs, values, and traditions. Disney’s Cinderella, a beloved fairy
tale, stands as a prime example of this rich tapestry, captivating audiences with its timeless
themes and enduring appeal. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Cinderella
who, after the death of her father, is forced into servitude by her cruel stepmother and stepsisters.
Despite her hardships, Cinderella maintains her kindness, grace, and hope for a better future. The
narrative takes a magical turn when Cinderella's Fairy Godmother grants her the opportunity to
attend the royal ball, where she captivates the heart of the Prince with her beauty and charm.
However, she must leave before midnight, as the Fairy Godmother's spell will wear off. As
Cinderella flees, she leaves behind a glass slipper, which becomes the key to her destiny. Through
perseverance and the help of her animal friends, Cinderella's true identity is revealed, and she
ultimately find her happily ever after with the Prince.
Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih is one of Indonesia's most beloved folk tales. The story
revolves around two sisters, Bawang Merah (Red Onion) and Bawang Putih (White Onion), who
live with their cruel stepmother. Bawang Merah is portrayed as arrogant and rude, while Bawang
Putih is gentle and polite. Conflict arises when the stepmother chooses to favor Bawang Merah
and mistreat Bawang Putih. Despite this mistreatment, Bawang Putih remains patient and kind.
The narrative takes a transformative turn when Bawang Putih discovers that her stepmother is
actually an evil witch. With the help of a grandmother and her magical pumpkin, Bawang Putih
learns of her stepmother's wicked plans and manages to save herself. In the end, Bawang Putih's
goodness is rewarded, and she finds happiness alongside her true siblings.The tale of Bawang
Merah and Bawang Putih carries a strong moral message about the importance of patience,
kindness, and justice. It also highlights values such as siblinghood, courage, and honesty. As one
of Indonesia's most renowned folk tales, Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih are an integral part of
Indonesia's cultural heritage and continue to be passed down through generations.
As we embark on a comparative exploration of these two iconic tales, we aim to uncover
the nuances of local and foreign storytelling traditions they represent. By closely analyzing
narrative elements such as plot, character development, and thematic motifs, we endeavor to
reveal the ways in which cultural influences shape storytelling conventions. Through this
comparative lens, we seek to not only highlight the universal themes that unite these narratives
but also to celebrate the diversity of storytelling traditions that enrich our global literary
landscape. As we delve into the depths of Cinderella and Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih, we
invite readers to embark on a journey of discovery, where the intersections of local and foreign
storytelling traditions offer new insights into the power of narrative to transcend borders and
connect hearts across cultures.


There are many aspects that we can analyze, but the background becomes the reason how
the storyline progresses. Both Disney's Cinderella and Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih have
different origins, and these origins become the distinctive features of each story. Disney's
Cinderella is based on European folk tales that have existed for centuries. One of the oldest
versions of the story dates back to 17th-century France, known as "Cendrillon," written by the
author Charles Perrault. This story has been adapted by various cultures worldwide, including
Germany, England, and Russia.Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih is an Indonesian folk tale that
has been passed down through generations in Indonesian culture. The tale revolves around two
sisters, Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih, and their interactions with their cruel stepmother.
Disney's Cinderella presents a romanticized narrative where the main character, Cinderella, is
depicted as a passive victim of her circumstances, relying on external forces such as the Fairy
Godmother and the Prince to overcome oppression.
The story emphasizes themes of kindness and perseverance but reinforces traditional
gender roles and hierarchical structures. The antagonists, Cinderella's stepfamily, are portrayed
as caricatures of evil, reducing the complexity of the characters and underlying themes.On the
other hand, Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih offers a more nuanced portrayal of its protagonists,
who actively confront injustice. Bawang Putih's resilience and intelligence drive the narrative as
she uncovers her stepmother's true nature and takes action to protect herself. The story highlights
themes of empathy, courage, and solidarity, with Bawang Putih receiving support from
unexpected allies. Although both stories share the same themes of resilience, identity, and justice,
their different approaches reflect distinct cultural values and storytelling traditions. Disney's
Cinderella provides a romanticized interpretation, while Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih offers a
narrative that specifically emphasizes empowerment and cultural agency. Through these stories,
we gain insight into how storytelling shapes and reflects cultural norms and values.
In portraying the main characters, in Disney's Cinderella the main character is Cinderella
herself, and in the tale of Bawang Merah and Putih, more emphasis is placed on Bawang Putih
who becomes the main character, but also on Bawang Merah, however, contrasting
characteristics make the audience more focused on everything related to Bawang Putih. In this
regard, both stories have main characters with very similar characteristics. However, the
difference lies in the focus of the audience, which tends to be on Cinderella's story, not paying
much attention to her stepsisters. The audience tends to enjoy the storyline of Cinderella's life
continuation, compared to Bawang Merah and Putih, which lean more towards the conflict
between the stepsisters. Both characters convey strong moral messages about kindness,
resilience, and empathy to the readers or audience. They show that, despite facing difficulties and
unfair treatment, integrity and kindness are qualities that should not be compromised. This
character analysis provides a deeper understanding of how these values are reflected in everyday
life and inspires people to emulate the positive attitudes shown by Cinderella and Bawang Putih.
In a folktale, the plot is highly significant. Plot refers to the sequence of events that make
up a story, novel, play, or film. It encompasses the arrangement and unfolding of events in a
narrative, including the introduction of characters, the establishment of setting, the development
of conflicts or challenges, the rising action leading to a climax, and the resolution or conclusion.
Essentially, the plot is the storyline that outlines what happens in a narrative and how those
events are connected and structured to create tension, drama, and meaning for the audience or
In Disney's Cinderella, the plot development revolves around Cinderella's journey from
oppression to liberation. Initially, Cinderella is depicted as a mistreated and oppressed character,
living under the tyranny of her stepmother and stepsisters. However, with the help of her Fairy
Godmother, she attends the royal ball and captures the heart of the prince. The climax occurs
when the clock strikes midnight, and Cinderella must leave the ball, losing her glass slipper in
the process. The resolution comes as the prince searches for the mysterious maiden who fits the
slipper, leading to Cinderella's ultimate liberation from her oppressive circumstances as she
marries the prince and finds her happily ever after.In Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih, the plot
development focuses on the relationship between the two stepsisters and their interactions with
their stepmother. Initially, the story portrays Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih as loving sisters,
but their bond is tested when their stepmother favors one over the other. The conflict escalates as
Bawang Merah's jealousy leads her to mistreat Bawang Putih, resulting in a series of trials and
tribulations for the latter. The climax occurs when Bawang Putih's true identity is revealed, and
she receives recognition for her goodness and loyalty. The resolution comes as justice is served,
with Bawang Putih rewarded for her virtues, while the stepmother and stepsister face the
consequences of their actions.
Both plots follow a similar trajectory of initial oppression and conflict, leading to a
climax where the protagonist's true identity is revealed or recognized, followed by a resolution
where justice is served, and the protagonist finds happiness or liberation. However, the specific
events and challenges faced by the characters differ between the two stories, reflecting the
distinct cultural and narrative traditions from which they originate. Through their plot
development, both stories convey universal themes of resilience, perseverance, and justice,
resonating with audiences across cultures and generations.
In both Disney's Cinderella and Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih, the portrayal of the
world plays a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and enriching the storytelling experience
overall. In Disney's Cinderella, the world depiction is characterized by a romanticized and
fantastical portrayal of a medieval European setting. Audiences are transported to a realm of
majestic castles, lavish ballrooms, and enchanting forests. The visual aesthetics and architectural
intricacies of the settings evoke a sense of nostalgia and fairy-tale charm. This world depiction
serves to immerse audiences in a timeless and magical realm where dreams can come true,
despite the presence of adversity and cruelty.On the contrary, Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih
presents a more grounded and culturally specific world inspired by Indonesian traditions and
folklore. The setting reflects rural landscapes, traditional villages, and familial dynamics
prevalent in Indonesian society. Through vivid descriptions and cultural references, audiences are
introduced to the rich tapestry of Indonesian customs, beliefs, and values. The world depiction in
this story creates an aura of authenticity and resonance, enabling audiences to connect with the
characters and their experiences on a deeper level.
Despite their disparities, both stories utilize world depiction techniques to establish a
sense of time, place, and atmosphere, thus enhancing the narrative and engaging audiences.
Through meticulous crafting of settings and cultural elements, these stories craft immersive
worlds that captivate the imagination and convey universal themes and messages to audiences
from diverse backgrounds. The detailed portrayal of settings such as grand castles or traditional
villages not only serves as a backdrop for the characters' actions but also adds depth and richness
to the overall storytelling experience. Additionally, the incorporation of cultural elements helps
to ground the narratives in their respective cultural contexts, allowing audiences to gain insights
into different societies and traditions. Overall, the careful construction of these worlds adds
layers of authenticity and resonance to the stories, making them more relatable and impactful to a
wide range of audiences.
The differences in magical interventions can be observed between Cinderella, aided by
the Fairy Godmother, and "Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih," where magical interventions come
from three sources: the Fish, the Old Grandmother, and the Pumpkin. However, upon deeper
analysis, there is a similarity as well, as both stories find a way out of their respective situations
through something not entirely present in the world, which is magic. The focus in both stories
also differs. In Disney's Cinderella, the theme revolves around love between non-family
members, namely towards a prince. Conversely, in "Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih," love is
more attached to oneself and family.

In conclusion, the comparative analysis of Disney's Cinderella and "Bawang Merah &
Bawang Putih" offers a nuanced understanding of their synopses, themes, characters, plots, and
cultural contexts. While both narratives share overarching themes of resilience, kindness, and the
triumph of good over evil, they diverge significantly in their execution.The synopsis of Disney's
Cinderella follows the tale of a mistreated young woman who, with the help of her Fairy
Godmother, attends a royal ball and captures the heart of a prince. In contrast, "Bawang Merah &
Bawang Putih" revolves around the trials and tribulations of stepsisters Bawang Merah and
Bawang Putih, emphasizing familial relationships and the consequences of jealousy and cruelty.
Themes in Disney's Cinderella emphasize romanticized elements and the pursuit of romantic
love, particularly with the prince. Conversely, "Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih" underscores the
importance of integrity, loyalty, and self-love within familial bonds.
Characterization in both stories reflects their cultural contexts. Cinderella is portrayed as
a kind-hearted and resilient heroine, while Bawang Putih demonstrates courage and empathy in
the face of adversity. Plot development in Disney's Cinderella centers on Cinderella's journey to
overcome oppression and find happiness, culminating in her marriage to the prince. On the other
hand, "Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih" focuses on the relationship dynamics between the
stepsisters and their stepmother, with justice prevailing in the end.Cultural influences are evident
in both narratives, with Disney's Cinderella drawing from European folklore and "Bawang Merah
& Bawang Putih" rooted in Indonesian traditions and values. These cultural nuances shape the
settings, character interactions, and overall storytelling approaches in each tale.
In essence, while Disney's Cinderella and "Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih" share
fundamental themes, their unique synopses, characterizations, plot developments, and cultural
influences contribute to their individual narratives' richness and depth. Through this comparative
analysis, we gain valuable insights into the diverse storytelling traditions and cultural nuances
inherent in local and foreign narratives.
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