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Argumentative Essay

Virtual learning has become a widespread phenomenon in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the
question remains: did it harm or help US students? While some argue that online learning provided
students with flexibility and access to resources, others assert that it not only hindered academic progress
but also aggravated the current balance of education. In my opinion, virtual learning has unfavorable
effects on students as it restricts social interactions, and causes mental health issues.

The limitation of social interaction is one of the main issues of online learning. The restriction of social
interaction in virtual learning refers to the lack of in-person communication and engagement with
classmates and teachers. It may harm students' ability to collaborate, form relationships, and participate in
group discussions. In 2021, Brookings reported that the limitations on social interaction brought about by
COVID-19 have had a detrimental impact on student learning, resulting in damage to educational
progress. Without face-to-face interactions, students may struggle to develop social skills and feel isolated
or disconnected from their peers. Research has shown that prolonged periods of limited communication
during the pandemic have made individuals feel isolated and stay away from their friends (Springer,

Moreover, mental health challenges also played a role in US students due to virtual learning. The shift to
virtual learning in the US has exacerbated mental health issues among students. The increased screen
time, lack of social interactions, and feelings of isolation have contributed to feelings of anxiety,
depression, and loneliness. According to (Children's Institute, 2021), the mental health problems due to
COVID-19 had a detrimental impact on students, leading to increased anxiety and depression. Some
students may also struggle with the pressure of managing their learning without the structure and support
of traditional classrooms. Addressing mental health issues and providing resources for students to cope
with the challenges of virtual learning is essential for their well-being and academic success.

Some individuals think that online learning does not effect US students’ lives negatively. Advocates for
virtual learning believe that it helps students develop valuable technological skills that will be useful in
their future careers. While it is true that online learning may have introduced students to new
technology, it cannot be denied that the lack of face-to-face interaction and hands-on learning can have
detrimental influences on social development and critical thinking skills. Those who oppose the idea that
virtual learning negatively impacts students cite research showing that certain students excelled in virtual
learning platforms. While some students may have adapted well to virtual learning, it is important to
consider the overall impact on the majority of students. Studies have shown that many students struggle
with motivation, engagement, and academic performance during virtual learning.

In conclusion, virtual learning has proven to have detrimental effects on US students by limiting social
interactions and exacerbating mental health issues. The lack of face-to-face communication and
engagement with peers and teachers has hindered students' social skills development and contributed to
feelings of isolation. Additionally, the increased screen time and feelings of pressure from managing their
learning have led to mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression. It is essential to address
these issues and provide resources for students to cope with the challenges of virtual learning. Failure to
take action on these issues may result in long-term negative effects on student's well-being and academic
success. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the detrimental influences of online learning and work
towards finding solutions to support students in this challenging educational environment.

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