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Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn: Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let

my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.

Now, when the Angel of the Lord speaks like that, there is not nothing can stand before it. It's absolute... Then wha... My faith? Well, I know it's going to happen. There's no need of saying anything more about it; it's got to happen. If that person had been dead and in the grave for twenty years, and He'd say, "Go there and speak," I'll believe all heaven would shake out of its orbit before that prayer would be refused from being answered. God will do it. Now, that's when it's really, THUS SAITH THE LORD . But the only person that has a right to say, THUS SAITH THE LORD , is an a vindicated prophet. You never seen anybody judging Isaiah, or Jeremiah, or those people. They were prophets, foreordained and borned in the world to be prophets. And they foresaw the thing by a vision, and then said, " THUS SAITH THE LORD ," for the Lord had already said it. So what the Church needs today, is a good old fashion teaching of the Gospel. That's right. To know where they... I don't mean just educated teaching; I mean spiritual teaching. Some people speaks about God, and--and knows nothing of Him. You don't... See, you must get down and deal with the actual spirit itself, you see, to know what you're speaking of. So the hour has come for the repeat of the Bible, and the fulfilling of the Word. Now, God promised that He was going to send a former rain and a latter rain. And He promised the former and the latter rain in the latter rain, in other words, a double portion. Like the garment of Elisha. When Elijah dropped it, Elisha picked up and had a double portion. He was a type as a type of the Church and Christ. Christ was taken up. And the same Spirit that was upon Christ is on the Church tonight, the Holy Ghost God has to appear in this last days to do the things He's doing now. It's to fulfill the Scripture. He said, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit." And remember, He said, "There'd be a former rain and a latter rain. And in the latter rain, both former and latter would come together," a double portion. Hallelujah. Then if we see what the former rain produced, how much more will the latter rain produce? When God pours out His Spirit, there'll be signs and wonders take place. As I was speaking not long ago, as your beloved pastor published it, "When omnipotence speaks miracles happens." It has to. It has to.

Now, a few years ago the Holy Ghost went forth upon the people, believers. And It caused them to shout, and to praise God, and to separate themselves from sin and the things of the world, and to come out and be a separated people. And the Holy Ghost was poured out upon them, and they spoke with tongues, and prophesied, and done miracles and signs. It was the latter rain falling. And then, did you notice, He didn't just leave it without that--or by that, He said, "The former rain also will come with the latter rain." Did you notice what the first rain was? Was His own rain; after that come the rain of the apostles; and in this last days both the rain of the apostles and the rain of the Lord Jesus, that's what's making the people cry out, "Hosanna to Him that cometh in the Name of the Lord." The prophet said there'd be a former rain and a latter rain; in the latter rain would be both former and latter rain together--a great church universal that would sweep from one side of the world to the other side of the world. A great message, great signs and wonders, would be accomplished by this church. Daniel said the people that know their God in that day shall do exploits. That's exactly where we're living at in this day. Do you know what former rain means in the Hebrew word? I can't call it right now; I never wrote it down; it skipped my mind. But "former rain," the first rain, means "a rain of teaching." The second rain is the Spirit that comes upon what's been taught and produces the crop.

And that's how you're a Christian, by birth, when you're borned of the Spirit of God. Persistent, yes, that's when you can achieve something. All men down through the ages has always been able to achieve what... They're persistent if they're--if they have faith in what they're trying to achieve. It depends on what your achievement is. Depends on what you're trying to do, whether you're persistent or not, how much faith you got in what you're doing. We must have faith in God. We must believe God.
Now, the third thing is a trumpet, which always at the Feast of Trumpets is calling the people to the feast; and that'll be the Bride's supper, the Lamb's supper with the Bride in the sky. See, the first things comes forth is His Message calling the Bride together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride, the--the one that's died back in the other ages. They're caught together, and the trumpet, the feast in the heavens--in the sky. Why, it's--that's the thing that takes place, friends. We're right there ready now. The only thing, the church coming out has got to lay before the sun to ripen. The great combine will come by after while. The wheat will be burned, the stalks, but the grain will be gathered into it's garner. See?

And the trumpet, with the sound of the trumpet, and when it does, it calls... Always a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets (See?), which was the Pentecostal feast, the great feast in the sky and the Feast of the Trumpets... And now, a trumpet denounced a calling together, calling to the feast. And now that is the--the Lamb's supper in the sky (Now, watch.,)--the assembling together in the Bride, the Feast of the Trumpets, the Wedding Supper.

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