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It was really dark, rainy, and gloomy outside and it was a school day.

my mom started to pack her luggage, I thought about why she was going
suddenly and how long she would be gone. She was going to India to visit my
grandfather who had cancer for about 2 years now and he wasn't in good
health. I was in 4th grade and we lived about 2 minutes away from the school.
I lived in and still live in Virginia Beach. We lived close to Seaboard Road,
which was where my school was. The name of the school was Old Donation
School/ Kemps Landing. It was a school for gifted students who think in
different and creative ways. I was really tired and sleepy that morning. When I
reached school all I could think about was why my mom was leaving
suddenly. Something was fishy and I had to get to the bottom of it. I had to
stay after school for theatre club too which meant that my day would be
Feeling like a detective I entered my classroom and my head felt like there was
a brainstorm going on in there. My quirky, kind teacher greeted me,” Good
Morning Esha! I love your outfit today!”
“It is stylish as usual!” she said.
I beamed,” Thank you, Mrs.Arnold!” That made me feel a little better I had
thought to myself.

Fishy - suspicious

Gloomy – depressive, frightening

To get to the bottom of something – to find a true reason

Quirky – eccentric, bizarre

To beam – to shine brightly (in this context)

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