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Table of Content

Chapter 1
Introduction to Telecom (OSP)……………………………………………………………3

Chapter 2
Installing pole hardware, cable terminal, line wire and accessories………………......11

Chapter 3
Performing main cable Installation (MCI)……………………………………………….19

Chapter 4
Safety Procedures in pole climbing…………………………………………………...….28

Chapter 5
Cable Installation………………………………………………………………………….35

Chapter 6
Splicing joining cable terminal to main aerial and or underground copper cable

spice (SCT)…………………………………………………………………………..…….69

Chapter 7
All about cable……………………………………………………………………………75

Chapter 8
Performing Basic Troubleshooting and Correction of Cable Fault and Error (BTC)..83

Chapter 9
Installing Pots Subscriber Line (IPS)……………………………………………………...91

Chapter 10
Installing DSL…………………………………………………………………………….100

Introduction to Telecom (OSP)

At the end of the session, students should be able to:

1. Identify and describe various types of communication technologies used in


2. Explain the historical development of telecommunications and its impact on

technological advancements.

3. Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze telecommunication-

related issues and propose solutions.

PowerPoint Presentation


Telecom History Timeline | Telecommunications History Archives. (2018, December
10). Telecommunications History Group, Inc.

What PPE can protect a worker from electrocution? (n.d.). Creative Safety Supply.

What is common PPE used for electrical safety? (n.d.). Creative Safety Supply.

Telecom - Telecommunications, also known as telecom, is the exchange of
information over significant distances by electronic means and refers to all types of
voice, data and video transmission. This is a broad term that includes a wide range
of information-transmitting technologies and communications infrastructures, such
as wired phones; mobile devices, such as cellphones; microwave communications;
fiber optics; satellites; radio and television broadcasting; the internet; and telegraphs.
OSP - In telecom, OSP stands for outside plant. Put simply, OSP refers to all of the
equipment, cables and infrastructure that are located outside of a building.

(Guess what)

Direction: Identity what is being asked on the following question. Choose your
answers on the box. Write your answer on the space provided.

Hydraulic Heliographs Maritime Robert Signal lamps

semaphore (shield flag Hooke
signals) semaphore

Nikolai Transatlantic Computer Internet Mobile

Tesla telephone networking satellite
cable hand-held

__________1. In the 4th century BCE, the hydraulic semaphore was designed in
ancient Greece as a method of communication and it was vital during the first Punic

__________2. first documented during the famous Greek battle of Marathon that
took place in 490 BCE.

__________3. The ability to communicate between ships was very difficult before the
15th century.

__________4. The first credited with creating an acoustic telephone in 1672.

__________5. In 1867, the first dots and dashes were flashed by signal lamps at sea.

__________6. The first to successfully transmit radio waves wirelessly through a

transmitter in 1893.

__________7. The first 36-circuit transatlantic telephone cable was installed in 1956..

__________8. The first data traveled between nodes of the ARPANET, a predecessor
of the Internet.

__________9. On January 1, 1983, the Internet was officially born.

__________10. The first canopy of 64 satellites was put into place by a company
called Iridium in 1998.

1. What are the main types of communication technologies used in

2. What is the significance of outside plant (OSP) in telecommunications?

3. How has telecommunications impacted society?

History of Telecom (OSP)

Telecom History Timeline – Telecommunications History Group

The telephone had as big of an impact on the 20th century as the Industrial
Revolution had on the 19th century, and its associated industries have produced
some of the most incredible technological advances in humankind. The rise of the
telephone changed the way we live, work and play, and contributed to the invention
of television, computers, pagers, fax machines, e-mail, the Internet, online stock
trading and more. Explore our timeline below highlighting just a few of these
extraordinary leaps of innovation and invention.

The history of telecommunication illustrates this never-ending push for progress as

it steadily parallels human growth, becoming more widespread and efficient as the
development of modern civilization unfolds.

Prehistoric Era: Fires, beacons, smoke signals, communication drums, horns - Man’s
first attempts at distance communication were extremely limited
6th Century BCE: Mail – Cyrus the Great was a Persia’s power in 6th Century BCE
the empire was so vast that Cyrus couldn’t easily communicate from one end o the
5th century BCE: Pigeon post – Persia and Syria are credited with establishing the
first pigeon messaging system around the 5th century BCE due to the discovery that
pigeons have an uncanny ability to find their way back to their nests regardless of
the distance.

4th century BCE: Hydraulic semaphore – In the 4th century BCE, the hydraulic
semaphore was designed in ancient Greece as a method of communication and it
was vital during the first Punic war.

Circa 490 BCE: Heliographs (shield signals) - The heliograph or shield signal was
first documented during the famous Greek battle of Marathon that took place in 490

15th century CE: Maritime flag semaphore - The ability to communicate between
ships was very difficult before the 15th century.

1672: First experimental acoustic (mechanical) telephone - Robert Hooke is first

credited with creating an acoustic telephone in 1672. Hooke discovered that sound
could be transmitted over wire or string into an attached earpiece or mouthpiece.

1790: Semaphore lines (optical telegraphs) - Using the maritime flag semaphore as a
starting point, the Chappe brothers, two French inventors, created the first optical
telegraph system in 1790.

1838: Electrical telegraph - Samuel B. Morse had been working on the idea of a
recording telegraph with friends Alfred Vail and Leonard Gale. They discovered that
when connecting two model telegraphs together and running electricity through a
wire, you could send messages by holding or releasing the buttons in a series of

1858: First trans-Atlantic telegraph cable - The first transatlantic telephone cable to
connect England and the United States by telegraph.

1867: Signal lamps - In 1867, the first dots and dashes were flashed by signal lamps
at sea.

1876: Telephones - The year 1876 was a big one for Alexander Graham Bell. Having
come to the U.S. as a teacher for the deaf, he had been trying to figure out a way to
transmit speech electronically.

1877: Acoustic phonograph - Inventor Thomas Alva Edison made incredible strides
in sound recording and transmission when he completed the first acoustic
phonograph in August of 1877.

1880: Telephony via light-beam photophones - In 1880, Alexander Graham Bell

took the money he’d received for successfully creating the telephone, set up a lab
and got to work improving his invention.

1893: Wireless telegraphy -Nikolai Tesla was the first to successfully transmit radio
waves wirelessly through a transmitter in 1893.
1896: Radio - Undaunted by his defeat in the U.S. courts, Marconi kept working on
his own versions of wireless transmission of sound. In 1896, he sent his first long-
distance wireless transmission.

1915 First North American transcontinental telephone calling - Alexander Graham

Bell is back in the history books again after he made the first coast-to-coast call by
phone in January of 1915 to his assistant.

1927: Television - Phillip T. Farnsworth made media history on September 7, 1927,

when he demonstrated the first working television set.

1927: First U.K.-U.S. radio-telephone service - The first radio-telephone service from
the U.K. to the U.S. was established in January of 1927.

1930: First experimental videophones - In 1930, AT&T had decided to create a two-
way experimental videophone they called the Iconophone.

1934: First commercial radio-telephone service, U.S.-Japan - The first radio

telephone calls from the U.S. to Japan were first made in 1934

1936: World’s first public videophone network - The world, now in the throes of
World War II, sees the first public videophone network installed in Nazi Germany in
March of 1936 during a trade fair.

1946: Limited-capacity mobile telephone service for automobiles - In June of 1946,

the first telephone call was made from an automobile phone.

1956: Transatlantic telephone cable - The first 36-circuit transatlantic telephone

cable was installed in 1956.

1962: Commercial telecommunications satellite - The Communications Satellite Act

was officially passed in 1962, allowing telecommunications to finally go into space.

1964: Fiber-optic telecommunications - In 1964, Charles Kao and George Hockham

published a paper that proved that fiber-optic communication could be possible as
long as the fibers used to transmit the information were free of impurities.

1965: First North American public videophone network - In 1965, the first
picturephone service began in trials. These phones were called “Mod I”
picturephone sets, and in July of that year, Union Carbide Corporation began trials
for the first picturephone network.

1969: Computer networking - In October of 1969, the first data traveled between
nodes of the ARPANET, a predecessor of the Internet.

1973: First modern-era mobile phone - Inventor Martin Cooper placed the first
cellular mobile call in 1973 to his rival at Bell Labs, Joel Engel.

1979: INMARSAT ship-to-shore satellite communications - The year 1979 was a big
leap forward for maritime communications.

1981: First mobile phone nnetwor - The first commercially automated cellular
network was launched in Japan in 1981.

1982: SMTP email - Prior to 1982, the Internet was highly secure and comprised of
limited network clusters between military, corporate, and some university research

1983: Internet - On January 1, 1983, the Internet was officially born.

1998: Mobile satellite hand-held phones - The first canopy of 64 satellites was put
into place by a company called Iridium in 1998.

2003: VoIP Internet telephony - In 2003, phone calls were now capable of being
transmitted over a computer through Internet protocols.

Preparation of tools, materials and personal protective equipment


Cable cutter - to properly cut either wire or cable with minimal damage to the
insulation or internal conductors of the wire or cable.

Side cutter - are used on wire and the leads of electronic components, as well as to
strip insulation.

Crimping tool is the tool used to deform the material and create the connection.

Cable slitter helps to organize cables.

Polyethylene knife for cutting cables or stripping.

Screwdriver is a tool that is used for turning screws.

Socket/Adjustable tightening or loosening a wide selection of fastener sizes and


Wrench are used for gripping, fastening, turning, tightening and loosening things
like pipes, pipe fittings, nuts and bolts.

Manhole Hook are designed to help lift and replace a manhole cover safely.

PPE Category 1: This category is meant for instances with the lowest level of
electrical risk. Required PPE includes leather gloves, a hard hat, and arc-rated pants,
long-sleeved shirt, and face shield.

PPE Category 2: The next level of protection requires all PPE be arc-rated, save for
the leather gloves. This includes a balaclava or helmet, a face shield, long-sleeved
shirt, pants, and a jacket.

PPE Category 3: One step up, PPE for this category also must be arc-rated, save for
the leather gloves, and includes a balaclava, a flash suit hood, a long-sleeved shirt,
pants, flash suit paints, and a flash suit jacket.

PPE Category 4: This category is for instances with the highest level of electrical risk
and could possibly result in death. It is required to wear a balaclava, a flash suit
hood, gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, paints, flash suit paints, and a flash suit jacket, all


Bond clip

Bond bar

Cable gel cleaner

Tie wrap

Color coded binders


Tap-off bracket

Electric meter

Circuit breaker


Hand head set

Service vehicle

Extension ladders

WH ladders

Manhole pump

Personal Protective Equipment

Body belt and strap

Hand hat helmet

Set gloves


Safety shoes

Tool pouch.


Task: Designing a Telecommunications Network. This is to apply the knowledge
gained in the Introduction to Telecom (OSP) module to design a telecommunications
network using outside plant (OSP) infrastructure.


1. Divide the students into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a hypothetical scenario that requires the design of a
telecommunications network. For example, the scenario could be setting up a
telecommunications network for a new residential community or a small
business complex.

3. Instruct each group to design a telecommunications network for the given

scenario, considering the following aspects:
a. Identify the communication needs of the scenario (e.g., voice, data, video).
b. Determine the required equipment, such as wired phones, routers,
switches, and wireless access points.
c. Plan the layout of the network, including the placement of equipment and
the routing of cables.
d. Incorporate outside plant (OSP) infrastructure into the design, considering
factors such as cable types, distribution points, and cabinets.
e. Ensure the network design provides reliable connectivity and meets the
communication requirements of the scenario.

4. Encourage the groups to collaborate and brainstorm ideas for their network
design. They can use diagrams, sketches, or simulation tools to illustrate their
proposed network.

5. Allocate sufficient time for the groups to complete their network designs.

6. Once the designs are complete, ask each group to present their network
design to the class. They should explain their design choices, justify their
decisions, and highlight the role of outside plant infrastructure in their

7. Encourage the class to provide feedback and engage in discussions about the
different network designs presented.

8. Facilitate a class discussion to compare and contrast the network designs,

highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

Conclude the activity by summarizing the key considerations in designing a

telecommunications network and emphasizing the importance of outside plant
infrastructure in ensuring reliable connectivity.

Installing pole hardware, cable terminal, line wire and
At the end of the session, students should be able to:
1. To demonstrate knowledge of pole hardware, cable terminal, line wire, and
accessories used in telecommunications networks.
2. To perform the installation of pole hardware, ensuring stability and
longevity of the installed equipment.
3. To apply best practices for efficient and effective installations.

Power point presentation

Installing pole hardware, cable terminal, line wire and accessories. (n.d.).
Tec-Voc. (2022, January 25). Telecom OSP and subscriber line installation
(Copper Cable/POTS and DSL) NC II. Tesda Courses.

Telecommunications networks rely on robust and properly installed pole
hardware, cable terminals, line wires, and accessories to ensure seamless
communication and connectivity. These components play a crucial role in
supporting the transmission of voice, data, and video signals over long distances.
Throughout this lesson, we will delve into the key aspects of installing pole
hardware, cable terminals, line wires, and accessories. We will discuss the types of
hardware involved, their functions, and the importance of adhering to industry
standards and safety protocols during installation.

Directions: Answer the question to the best of your knowledge. Write your
answer o space provided for Question.
1. Plain Old Telephone System (POTS)

2. Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL)

3. Site/Vicinity Mapping

4. Joint Pole Agreement

5. Installation Constraints

1. What are the main differences between Plain Old Telephone System (POTS)
and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), and how do they impact telephone and
internet connectivity?
2. What are the relevant authorities and regulations that need to be
considered when performing outside plant construction tasks, and how do
they ensure safety and compliance?

3. What are the potential installation constraints and safety hazards associated
with outside plant construction, and how can they be identified, addressed,
and reported according to standard procedures?

A. Outside plant construction principle and standard
• Plain Old Telephone System (POTS)
-also known as Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
-basic telephone call service that individuals and businesses have been using
since the 1880s.
-upgraded over the rudimentary phone system invented by Alexander
Graham Bell
-refers to the traditional, analog voice transmission phone system
implemented over physical copper wires (twisted pair) and refers as a basic
voice telephone service.-
• Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL)
-DSL is a way to connect to the internet. DSL is a high speed connection
(256kb/s to 24mb/s down and about the same up depending on DSL technology
and equipment) that transfers data using the same wires as a regular telephone
line. . The primary advantage of DSL for the homeowner or small business is that
it shares the existing telephone lines and it keeps the cost of installation at a much
lower level.
DSL service has the following characteristics:
• Typically provided in an ADSL (Asymmetrical DSL) format with the link
toward the customer (download) at a higher rate than the link toward the
Internet (upload).
• DSL can be provided as SDSL (Symmetrical DSL) when the user needs to
have equal bandwidth bi-directionally.
• DSL is a shared service. At peak use times, the available bandwidth is
reduced. Many users have complained that they get better service via dial-up.
• DSL offerings start at 384 kbps/128 kbps and can rise to 6.0 mbps/6.0
mbps.(the monthly rates start at $30 and rise to $400).
• DSL can only be used when the customer is no more than 18,000 “wire feet”
from the Serving Central Office. Best service is available when the customer is
less than 12,000 “wire feet” distant.
• DSL is most often used to provide internet access.
B. Outside Plant Protection Concept

-In telecommunication, the term outside plant refers to all of the physical
cabling and supporting infrastructure (such as conduit, cabinet, tower or
poles), reand any associated hardware (such as repeaters) located between a
demarcation point in a switching facility and a demarcation point in other
switching center or customer premises.
-This section provides guidelines for the installation of “outside plant”
communication cable. Each cable manufacturer will provide specific
information related to the product they provide about care and handling
during installation.
C. Relevant Authorities in Performing a Task
-Installation site is made safe through erection of necessary barriers in
accordance with standard practices and applicable rules and regulations.
• Republic Act 10173 or Data Privacy Act of 2012
-A law that seek to protect all forms of information be it private, personal or
sensitive, it is meant to cover both natural and juridical persons involved in
processing of personal information.
• Electric Safety Codes
-The National Electric Safety Code (NEC) is updated every 3 years to include
the latest in proven safety technology and creates a universal safety standard.
Allowing all new and renovated construction built to code to be safe from
electrical hazard.
D. Site/Vicinity Mapping
-Site is cleared and prepared to provide unrestricted access for installation
works in accordance with joint pole agreement.
-When establishing line-of-sight, it is extremely important to plan for the
future. In urban areas, new building construction may result in total path
obstruction. In areas where construction is not anticipated, the rapid growth
of trees or foliage may severely affect the path over time. While a number of
software products are available for assisting with path work, combining a
topographical mapping of the path with a subsequent path walk or drive is
often an excellent way to start the line-of-sight confirmation process.
E. Joint Pole Agreement
-Information on proposed locations and necessary approvals from relevant
authorities is obtained.
-Fixing structures on pole are installed securely in accordance with
manufacturers specification and joint pole agreement (JPA) and/or enterprise

This is the example of Agreement

F. Installation Constraints
-Installation constraints and safety hazards are identified and suitable action
is determined.
-Installation and designed amendments are reported/ documented in
accordance with job requirements.
-Problems encountered are reported as per standard operating procedures
G. Safety and Hazard in Performing a Tasks
-Necessary tools, materials and personal protective equipment (PPE) are
prepared in line with job requirements.
-For telecom workers maintaining on the job safety is difficult because
technician must not only be familiar with general construction safety
guidelines but also be aware of electrical safety and special rules.
Hazardous Materials:
Flammable gas
Combustible Dusts
Falls from heights
Exposure to hazardous chemicals
Microwave and RF radiation (non-ionizing radiation)
Harsh weather (e.g., heat, cold, wind)

H. Fixing Devices Installation Procedure
Fixing devices where the support is other than the pole are installed in
accordance with the JPA and/or enterprise standards.
-Fixing structures on pole are installed securely in accordance with
manufacturer’s specification and joint pole agreement (JPA) and/or enterprise
• Cabling On Wood Pole
-A utility pole is a column or post typically made out of wood used to support
overhead power lines and various other public utilities, such as electrical cable,
fiber optic table, and related equipment such as transformers and street light.
• Messenger and Helixes
-The linear supporting member, usually a high strength steel wire, used as the
supporting element of a suspended aerial cable. The messenger may be an
integral part of the cable, or exterior to it.
• Aerial Cable
-suspended and attached on telephone pole for distribution purposes.
-usually strung on Utility Poles and designed to be either self-supporting or
lashed to a supporting cable. Cables are usually constructed with materials that
are resistant to aging from exposure to sunlight.
• Lashing
-Lashed cable is similar to cable that can be direct buried and requires a
“messenger support wire” to which the cable is affixed.

Case Study Analysis (30 min):
To analyze case studies of businesses that experienced growth or struggled as
a result of the internet revolution, and facilitate group discussions to extract
lessons learned and emphasize the importance of digital transformation.
Provide participants with case studies: Distribute case studies of businesses
that have either experienced significant growth or faced challenges due to the
internet revolution. Select a diverse range of industries and business types to
provide a comprehensive understanding.
Individual Reading and Analysis: Allow participants some time to
individually read and analyze the case studies. Encourage them to take notes
and highlight key points, focusing on the impact of the internet revolution on
each business.
Group Discussion: Divide participants into small groups and assign each
group one or two case studies to discuss. Instruct them to share their
observations, insights, and lessons learned from the assigned case studies.
Group Presentation: Give each group an opportunity to present their
findings to the larger group. Encourage them to highlight the critical factors
that contributed to the success or failure of the businesses in the case studies,
with a specific focus on digital transformation.
Facilitate Discussion: Lead a discussion with the entire group, fostering an
interactive conversation around the following points:
a. Key success factors: Identify common factors that contributed to the growth
and success of businesses in the case studies. Discuss how these businesses
leveraged digital transformation to their advantage.
b. Challenges and failures: Explore the challenges faced by businesses that
struggled to adapt to the internet revolution. Discuss the consequences of not
embracing digital transformation.
c. Lessons learned: Extract lessons learned from the case studies, emphasizing
the importance of digital transformation in today's business landscape.
Discuss how businesses can proactively adapt and transform to stay
Wrap-up and Key Takeaways: Summarize the key takeaways from the case
studies and group discussions. Highlight the significance of digital
transformation in driving business success in the internet era.


At the end of the session, students should be able to:
1. Prepare necessary tools, equipment, materials and personal protective
equipment (PPE) in line with job requirements.
2. Prepare for cable jointing installation.
3. Install main cable.

• Laptop
• Module

Gonzales, R. (2020), Performing main cable installation
Performing main cable installation - Flip eBook Pages 1-41 | AnyFlip

Aniana, I. J.,Casiano, C. F., Deguino, Marie L.T., Sabordo, M. C.,(2024), Perform main
cable installation

Main cable installation is a crucial aspect of infrastructure development, vital for
establishing reliable communication and power distribution networks. This process
involves meticulous planning, precise execution, and adherence to safety standards
to ensure seamless connectivity and operational efficiency. In this guide, well outline
the key steps and best practices for performing main cable installation, emphasizing
the importance of attention to detail ad adherence to industry standards.

1. Did you ensure that all necessary materials and equipment are ready for the
installation process?
2. How do you determine the optimal pathway for laying the main cable
considering factors like terrain, existing infrastructure, and environmental
3. How do you manage cable slack and maintain appropriate tension throughout
the installation process?


Or slitting knife is used for cutting polyethylene cable sheath so as to make cable
openings, also for cutting lead sheath.

Used for cutting tabs in the ends of the polyethylene jacket to permit placement of
bullet bond clip.

Is a nickel plate finish tool used for stripping and cutting small wires.

Or manhole tent 10’ x 15’ lightweight or black with canvass, used on underground
works or
trenches especially during inclement weather.


Used as side pouch of light tools such as a side cutters, pliers, screwdrivers etc. and
supported by a leather belt.

Consist of 60 ft. of ½” rope. A one sleeve block, a ring spliced in one end of the rope
and a
hook in the hand end, used on aerial cable work to raise and lower tools and

Or tool bag used for conveniently transporting all necessary tools and equipments
used by
cable splicer is mad of canvass materials and pocket on its sides for small tools.


Collect all necessary materials and tools for cable jointing and installation, including
cable joints or splices, cable termination kits, cable glands, insulating materials, cable
lubricant, cable sheath stripper, cable cutter, crimping tool, heat shrink tubing,
insulation tape, voltage tester, and personal protective equipment (PPE) such as
gloves, safety glasses, and protective clothing.


Safety glasses are normally made of non-conductive frames that are shatterproof,
anti-static, UV protected and anti-fogging.

Insulating gloves (also referred to as electrical gloves) offer personal hand
protection for workers against electrical shocks when working near or on live wires,
cables and electrical equipment including substation switchgear and transformers -
risk assessment identifies electrical shock during the jointing of cables.


Flash Suits are specialized protective clothing used by electricians and other
personnel working on or near electrical installations. These suits provide protection
from electric arcs, which can generate temperatures over 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit
and cause severe burns, smoke inhalation, and other injuries.

Electricians and other personnel who work with electrical equipment can not only
fall victim to electrical shock, but from objects that could roll or fall onto their feet
that could either penetrate or crush them.


Clean and prepare the cable ends by removing any dirt, oil, or debris using a cable
cleaner or solvent. Trim the cable ends to the required length and strip the insulation
carefully using a cable sheath stripper, following the manufacturer's


If using pre-molded cable joints or splices, inspect them for any damage or defects
and ensure they are suitable for the cable size and type.


Determine the optimal routing for the cables, taking into account factors such as
distance, accessibility, environmental conditions, and potential hazards.


If the cables will be passing through enclosures or junction boxes, install cable
glands to provide strain relief and protection against dust, moisture, and mechanical


After making the connections, insulate the joints using appropriate materials such as
heat shrink tubing, insulation tape, or resin-filled sleeves.

Before energizing the cables, perform continuity tests, insulation resistance tests,
and polarity checks using a voltage tester or multimeter to ensure that the
connections are secure and free of defects.


Record key details such as cable identification numbers, joint locations, installation
dates, and test results in a cable schedule or logbook.


Determine the cable route, considering factors like distance, load requirements, and
safety regulations. Choose the appropriate cable type

Gather the necessary materials, including the main cable, conduit, junction boxes,
connectors, and grounding components.

Run the main cable through the conduit from the electrical panel (distribution
board) to the desired location.


Conduct continuity tests to ensure proper connections. Verify that the cable is
correctly sized and meets safety standards

Students should seek approval to undertake the installation of main cables, ensuring
efficient and reliable connectivity for essential infrastructure.

task 1. Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. .Which type of protective gear is NOT mentioned in the passage as essential for
electrical work?

a) Insulated gloves

b) Hard hat

c) Flash suits

d) Insulating boots

2. What is the MAIN purpose of using flash suits?

a) To protect from electrical shock

b) To insulate hands while working with wires

c) To shield from extreme heat generated by electric arcs

d) To prevent dust inhalation

3. Before stripping cable insulation, you should use a _______ to clean the cable

a) Scrub brush

b) Cable cleaner or solvent

c) Heat gun

d) Sharp knife

4. According to the passage, what should be inspected before using pre-molded

cable joints or splices?

a) Cable length

b) Wire color coding

c) Presence of damage or defects

d) Expiration date

5. Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider when planning cable


a) Cable type

b) Accessibility for maintenance

c) Weight of the cable

d) Environmental conditions

task 2. Performance Task: Safe Cable Jointing

Scenario: You are a team of electricians tasked with safely joining two underground
feeder cables to provide power to a new building.


Wire strippers

Cable cleaner or solvent

Cable sheath stripper

Pre-molded cable joints (or materials for splicing)

Heat shrink tubing (or other insulating materials)

Cable glands


Safety gear (insulating gloves, flash suit, insulating boots)


Safety First: Don your safety gear (insulating gloves, flash suit, insulating boots)
before starting any work.

Cable Preparation: As a team, clean and prepare the cable ends by removing dirt, oil,
or debris. Measure and cut the cables to the required length using the cable strippers
and sheath stripper. Follow manufacturer recommendations for proper stripping.

Joint Selection: Decide if you'll be using pre-molded cable joints or splicing the
cables yourselves. Inspect the pre-molded joints (if used) for damage and ensure
they are compatible with the cable size and type.

Planning the Route: Discuss and determine the most suitable path for the cables.
Consider factors like distance, ease of access, environmental conditions (e.g.,
underground, exposed to sunlight), and potential hazards.

Cable Gland Installation: If the cables are going through enclosures, install cable
glands to provide strain relief and protect them from dust, moisture, and physical

Making the Connection: Following proper electrical codes and techniques, carefully
join the cable ends using the chosen method (pre-molded joints or splicing).

Insulation and Sealing: Once the connection is complete, thoroughly insulate the
joint using heat shrink tubing, electrical tape, or resin-filled sleeves, ensuring a
proper seal.

Testing and Verification: Use a multimeter to verify the continuity and proper
connection of the cables. Double-check for any shorts or faults.


Your performance will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Safe work practices (proper use of PPE)

Following cable preparation procedures (cleaning, stripping)

Correct selection and installation of cable joints/splices

Planning and executing an appropriate cable route

Proper installation of cable glands

Effective insulation and sealing of the cable joint

Successful continuity testing with the multimeter

Source: A rubric for Book Creator – Book Creator


At the end of the session, students should be able to:
1. Recognize different types of poles, their materials, and their potential hazards.
2. Execute emergency procedures, such as self-rescue or assisting a teammate in distress.
3. Develop a positive attitude towards safety protocols, understanding their role in
preventing accidents and injuries.

- Safety Harness
- Hard Hat
- Safety Gloves
- Safety Hooks
- Ladder


WPS 365. (n.d.).

Training, H. H. (2023, February 15). What is a Pole-Top rescue? - Hard hat training. Hard Hat
California, S. O. (n.d.). Portable Ladder Safety - Inspection, use and maintenance.
Service loops: discovering purpose, placement, and preparation. (2024, April 11). trueCABLE.


A collection of rules and procedures known as safety procedures for pole climbing
are intended to protect workers who have to climb utility poles for different reasons, such
installing, maintaining, or repairing cable, electrical, or telecommunications equipment.
These protocols include a variety of actions designed to reduce hazards, avoid mishaps, and
encourage safe habits when operating at heights. Using personal protective equipment (PPE)
like safety harnesses, helmets, and gloves appropriately, adhering to established climbing
techniques, thoroughly inspecting poles and equipment before climbing, and being aware of
emergency response protocols are usually important parts of pole climbing safety

Activity: Answer Me

1. How might advancements in technology, such as the development of smart safety

equipment or drones for inspection purposes, impact the effectiveness of safety
procedures in pole climbing?
2. How does the implementation of comprehensive safety procedures in pole climbing
contribute to broader social and economic outcomes, such as reducing healthcare
costs, improving worker productivity, and fostering community well-being?

1. By doing the activity, do you think following the precautions are important?
2. What do you think is the most essential in climbing pole?



• Arrange tools and equipment to allow both hands to be free for climbing
• Do not stand on mailboxes, signs, fire alarm boxes, or similar equipment that may be
attached to the pole or located near it.
• Do not race up and coast down poles.
• o not use safety straps while climbing, except when climbing over slippery or ice
coated crossarms or timbers. Whenever the hands are apt to slip off, a safety strap
must be used. The use of rope safeties is prohibited.
• Remove all signs from a pole before any worker climbs or does any work above them
on a pole. It is not desirable to have signs on poles, but some signs, such as street
signs, may be necessary. If street signs are removed, they must be replaced as soon as
possible after work is completed
• Climb on the high side of a raked or leaning pole, if possible, but do not climb on the
side where the ground wire is attached. Avoid grasping pins, brackets, crossarms,
braces, or other attachments that might pull lose and cause a fall.

• Never slide down any type of pole or any guy wire. If it is impossible to use climbers
for ascending and descending such places, ladders or other means must be used.
• Do not ride overhead guys or cables. (This is not intended to apply to cables installed
for river crossings or otherwise designed to support workers in suitable
• If more than one worker needs to work on the pole at the same time, the first worker
must reach working position before the next worker leaves the ground. Ordinarily,
no worker must work directly under another worker on the same pole. When this is
necessary, take extreme care to prevent tools or other objects from being dropped on
the worker below.
• Minimize the number of tools carried in tool belts. Keep all other tools on the ground
until they are required. Needed tools must be raised and lowered by means of a
canvas bucket attached to a handline.
• When carrying a handline up a pole, leave the handline uncoiled with one end
attached to the rear of the body belt or harness. When climbing with a handline, take
care to prevent the handline from fouling on any pole attachments.
• Wear appropriately rated arc flash personal protective equipment. Discontinue work
during adverse weather conditions such as thunderstorms, rain, high winds, and icy
conditions. In bad weather, do not climb poles except for emergency restoration.


PRODURES (Climbing Rescue Procedure)

EVALUATE THE SITUATION. This is always the first step in any rescue. Call out
to the victim: "Hey, Do You Need Any Help! Are You O.K.?” If there is no response or if
the victim seems stunned or dazed, prepare to do a rescue. At this point, TIME IS
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! While calling to the victim, observe the pole for splits,
cracks, or fire. If the victim is in contact with an energized conductor, clear the victim
using rubber goods or a hot stick. When evaluating the scene, look at the whole scene
and not just the victim.
PROVIDE FOR PERSONAL PROTECTION. Your safety is very important to
the rescue mission. Without you, there will be no rescue. This means your personal
climbing equipment and personal rubber goods need to be in serviceable condition. Hot
line tools should be ready in case they are needed and the physical condition of the pole
should be surveyed.

You should plan your route to the victim, treating the pole as energized unless it is
confirmed otherwise. Always leap onto the pole, making sure that no part of your body
touches the pole and the earth at the same time. This prevents your body from providing
an alternate path to ground for electricity should the pole remain energized. Never take
any unnecessary chances that may make you a victim as well.

CLIMB TO RESCUE POSITION. Prior to ascending
the pole, secure one end of the rescue rope to your body
belt, and be sure you have a sharp knife in your possession.
While climbing to the rescue position, be sure to climb
carefully and belt in just slightly above and to one side of
the victim. This is normally the best position for checking
and working with the victim and is known as the rescue
position. If necessary, clear the victim from energized
conductors using insulated work items, then reposition
yourself and determine the victim's condition.

DETERMINE VICTIM’S CONDITION. How fast you need to move is

determined by the victim’s condition. You may be able to determine that condition from
the ground; if not, once you are face-to face, it should be obvious.
- Responsive- The rescue time is not as crucial if the victim is conscious. A responsive
victim should be able to tell you what the problem is, and you can then act
accordingly. Your next step is to secure the victim with the rescue rope.
- Unresponsive- You may encounter an unconscious non-breathing victim at some
point. In this case, once you are in the rescue position, give two slow breaths, as
shown in Figure 4-36. Then secure the victim with the rescue rope.


rescue position, remove the rescue rope from your
belt and position it over the crossarm or another part
of the structure. Do not throw the free end of the
rope over the crossarm, as there may be energized
conductors present. Instead, pass the rope over the
crossarm from one hand to the other, maintaining
control. Place the rescue rope over the crossarm or
structure at a distance of two to three feet from the
pole; this prevents the victim from hitting the pole
when being lowered. The rope may be positioned on
either end of the crossarm; however, use the end that
allows for a clear descent around obstructions such as transformers, streetlights, etc.
Then wrap the free end of the rope around itself twice, pass it around the victim's chest,
and tie it with three half hitches. Remove any slack in the rope between the victim and
the crossarm. If there is too much slack, the victim will drop too far when you cut the
safety strap. Remove slack by pulling on the rope. Take a firm grip on the fall line and
with the other hand cut the victim’s safety strap. Cut the victim’s strap on the side
opposite of the desired swing, being sure not to cut your own strap.

LOWER VICTIM. As you lower the victim, control the descent by tightening or
loosening the two twists around the fall line. With one hand, control the rate of descent;
and with the other, guide the rope and the victim around any obstructions. When the
victim is on the ground, descend as quickly as possible. Call for help and give first aid as
necessary (in that order).

PROVIDE FIRST AID. Lay the victim on his or her back. If the victim is
unconscious and not breathing, provide an open airway, give two full breaths, and then
look, listen, and feel for breathing and administer CPR as required.


Importance of Ladder Safety

• Any fall can be serious, and a fall from the height of even a low ladder can
mean a painful and incapacitating injury.
• The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that in one year,
65,000 individuals receive emergency room treatment because of ladder
accidents. (CDC) Types of LADDERS,
• To raise a ladder, brace the lower end against a wall and then grasp the top
rung with both hands.
• Raise the top end and walk underneath the ladder, moving down the rungs
until the ladder is vertical.

When Using an Extension Ladder, Raise It to The Desired Height, Being Sure
the Locks Engage Properly on Both Sides of The Ladder.
• Extension ladders do not exceed 44 feet when extended.
• Extension ladders are not used fully extended. There is an overlap between
sections, not less than 10% of the working length of the ladder

Storage and Maintenance

• Ladders should be stored in a sheltered area.
• Never leave a raised ladder unattended. It could fall unexpectedly and injure
• Straight and extension ladders should be stored horizontally on racks or
hooks with support points at the top, middle, and bottom of the ladder to
prevent sagging and warping.
• Never use a damaged ladder.
• Have repair work done only by a competent repair shop.
• If there is major damage, discard the ladder.

Controlling Hazards Inspecting the Ladder

• Ladders shall be inspected by a competent person for visible defects on a

yearly basis and after any occurrence that could affect their safe use.
• All ladders should also be inspected prior to use and be maintained in good
working condition.
• Ladders found to have defects, will immediately be marked "Do Not Use",
taken out of service and replaced
• Check that the ladders have no nails, screws, or splinters sticking out.

• Check side rails for dents or bends.
• Check rivets for shear.
• Check the hardware connections.
• Check for excessively dented rungs.
• Check that the rungs are firmly attached to side rails.
• Check that the rungs have no oil or grease on them.
• Check that the non-slip safety feet or bases on ladders are in good condition.
• Check that the non-slip safety material on ladder rungs is in good condition.
• Check that the ladder is not wobbly and that steps are not worn or broken.

Safety Precautions When Using Ladder

• Read the labels on the ladder, and follow any safety instructions written on it.
• Never stand on the top rung of the ladder. You could easily lose your balance
and fall.
• Make sure that people in the area know you will be working there.
• Cordon off the area with caution tape or safety cones.
• Then you are using a ladder that leans up against a wall, follow the
instructions written on the ladder, and have someone hold the ladder to help
keep it steady.


Installing network cables, whether copper or fiber-optic, can be dangerous. Often, cables
must be pulled through ceilings and walls where there are obstacles or toxic materials. You
should wear clothing such as long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdy shoes that cover your
feet, and gloves to protect you from those toxic materials. Most importantly, wear safety
glasses. The tools required to install copper and fiber-optic cable may cause danger through
improper use.

When Working with Cables, Strictly Follow These Safety Rules:

• Make sure that the tools you are using are in good working condition.
• Watch what you are doing, and take your time. Make sure that you do not cut
yourself or place anyone in danger.
• Always wear safety glasses when cutting, stripping, or splicing cables of any kind.
Tiny fragments can injure your eyes.
• Wear gloves whenever possible, and dispose any waste properly.


Stationary Reel Method

The stationary reel method is best used when there are obstacles along the path as to
not to allow a reel trailer and truck to drive through. This method is generally more costly
than other methods and may require more time to install the cable. In the stationary reel
method, the Round Messenger cable is pulled into place using rope and stringing blocks
placed at each pole along the route. The radius of the stringing blocks must meet the
minimum bending radius (under installation load or short-term load) of the cable.

Once the cable has been pulled into place, the Round Messenger cable is tensioned
and terminated with dead end hardware and attached to the pole at each dead-end location
along the route. Once the cable has been secured with the dead-end hardware, the cable
between the dead ends should be securely fastened to the poles by removing the cable from
the stringing blocks and attaching the proper tangent support hardware. If tangent support
hardware without the inserts was used for temporary placement, then the center inserts
should be installed in order to secure the cable.


Safety Precaution of Copper Wire Installation

• Wear safety glasses:
• Use common sense with ladders.
• Wear protective clothing.
• Don’t be careless when lifting.
• Don’t use power tools unless you know how to use them.
• Be worry about an electrical cable.
• Know local code: building code may prohibit drilling holes in firewalls or
• Take care of what you touch.
• Use the right tools.
• Depending on your project use the right materials.
• Mark junction box locations carefully
• When pulling the cable through drop-in ceilings, you must be sure to prevent
the cable from scraping along sharp edges.
• Every rushed install will most likely have something wrong with it, so take
your time on installation

• Planning and Risk Assessment:

- Conducting thorough risk assessments before initiating any climbing activity.

- Identifying potential hazards such as electrical wires, weather conditions, or
structural weaknesses in poles.
- Planning the climb considering factors like the condition of the pole, the presence of
obstructions, and accessibility


At the end of the session, students should be able to:

1. identify proper handling, use, and maintenance of tools and equipment.

2. demonstrate proper handling and manipulation of cables to prevent damage or tangling.
3. exhibit patience and persistence when faced with challenging installations, maintaining a
calm and focused demeanor to troubleshoot issues effectively.


•Fiber Optic Cables

•Copper Cables

•Connectors and Splices/Tools

Introduction to the Topic:

Cable installation in the Telecom Outside Plant (OSP) is a crucial aspect of building
and maintaining telecommunications networks. It involves the installation,
termination, and testing of cables to ensure reliable and efficient communication.
Cable installation requires careful planning, precise techniques, and adherence to
industry standards to ensure optimal signal transmission and minimize signal loss.


Before the discussion, identify at least 5 key considerations, challenges, and steps
involved in installing cables in the OSP.


1. What are the key factors to consider when selecting the appropriate type of cable
for a specific OSP installation?

2. Discuss the importance of proper cable management in maintaining the integrity
and accessibility of the OSP network.

3. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic cables compared to copper
cables in OSP installations.

Cable Installation

What is Cable Installation?

Cable Installation means all actions necessary to install the cables necessary to operate the
AV System in the building, but not including connecting the cables to the equipment.


Here are a variety of ways to install power distribution
cables. Each method ensures distribution of power

economy, and quality for any specific set of conditions.

with a unique degree of reliability, safety,

These conditions include the electrical characteristics of

the power system, the distance and terrain of
distribution, and the expected mechanical and
environmental conditions.

Open-wire construction consists of insulated conductors on insulators which are mounted
on poles or structures. The conductor may be bare or it may have a thin covering for
protection from corrosion or abrasion. The attractive features of this method are its low initial
cost and the fact that damage can be detected and repaired quickly. Proper vertical clearances
over roadways, walkways, and structures are critical. Exposed open-wire circuits are also
more susceptible to the effects of lightning than other circuits; however, these effects may be
minimized by the use of overhead ground wires and lightning arresters.

In addition, there is an increased hazard where crane or boom truck use may be involved. In
some areas contamination on insulators and conductor corrosion can result in high
maintenance costs.

Aerial cable consists of fully insulated conductors suspended above the ground. This type of
installation is used increasingly, generally for replacing open wiring, where it provides
greater safety and reliability and requires less space. Properly protected cables are not a
safety hazard and are not easily damaged by casual contact.

They do, however, have the same disadvantage as open-wire construction, requiring proper
vertical clearances over roadways, walkways, and structures.

Aerial cables may be either self-supporting or messenger-supported. They may be attached
to pole lines or structures. Self-supporting aerial cables have high tensile strength for this
application. Cables may be messenger-supported either by spirally wrapping a steel band

around the cables and the messenger or by pulling the cable through rings suspended from
the messenger.
It is suitable for only relatively short distances, with spans in the range of 100-150 feet.
Messenger-supported cable can span relatively large distances, of over 1000 feet, depending
on the weight of the cable and the tensile strength of the messenger. For this reason, aerial
cable that must span relatively large distances usually consists of aluminium conductors to
reduce the weight of the cable assembly.

The supporting messenger provides high strength to withstand climatic rigors or mechanical
shock. It may also serve as the grounding conductor of the power circuit.


Rigid steel conduit systems afford the highest degree of mechanical protection available in
above-ground conduit systems. Unfortunately, this is also a relatively high-cost system. For
this reason their use is being superseded, where possible, by other types of conduit and
wiring systems.

Where applicable, rigid aluminium, intermediate grade steel conduit, thin-wall EMT,
intermediate grade metal conduit, plastic, fiber and asbestos cement ducts are being used.


Ducts are used where it is necessary to provide a high degree of safety and mechanical
protection, or where above-ground conductors would be unattractive.

Underground ducts use rigid steel, plastic, fiber, and asbestos cement conduits encased in
concrete, or precast multi-hole concrete with close fitting joints.
Clay tile is also used to some extent. Where the added mechanical protection of concrete is
not required, heavy wall versions of fiber and asbestos-cement and rigid steel and plastic
conduits are direct buried.

2. CABLES Cables used in underground conduits must be suitable for use in wet areas,
and protected against abrasion during installation.

Rigid steel conduit systems afford the highest degree of mechanical protection available in
above ground conduit systems. Unfortunately, this is also a relatively high-cost system. For
this reason their use is being superseded, where possible, by other types of conduit and
wiring systems.

Where applicable, rigid aluminium, intermediate-grade steel conduit, thin-wall EMT,

intermediate-grade metal conduit, plastic, fiber and asbestos-cement ducts are being used.

Cables may be buried directly in the ground where permitted by codes and only in areas that
are rarely disturbed. The cables used must be suitable for this purpose, that is, resistant to
moisture, crushing, soil contaminants, and insect and rodent damage. While direct-buried
cable cannot be readily added to or maintained, the current carrying capacity is usually
greater than that of cables in ducts. Buried cable must have selected backfill.
It must be used only where the chance of disturbance is unlikely. The cable must be suitably
protected, however, if used where the chance of disturbance is more likely to occur.
Relatively recent advances in the design and operating characteristics of cable fault location
equipment and subsequent repair methods and material have diminished the maintenance


Submarine cable is used only when no other cable system can be used. It supplies circuits
that must cross expanses of water or swampy terrain.

Submarine cable generally consists of a lead sheathed cable and is usually armoured.
Insulation material should be XLP or EPR, except when paper insulation is justified because
of its high resistance to and freedom from, internal discharge or corona.

Multi conductor construction should be used, unless limited by physical factors. The lead
sheathing usually consists of a copper-bearing lead material, however, other alloys may be
required when special conditions warrant nonstandard sheathing. The most common type of
armoring material used for submarine cables is the spirally wrapped round galvanized steel

In this type of cable, asphalt impregnated jute is usually applied over the lead sheath and the
wire armor is applied over the jute to reduce mechanical damage and electrolytic corrosion.
An additional covering of the asphalt impregnated jute may be applied over the wire armour.

Non-metallic sheathed cables are sometimes suitable for certain submarine applications. The
cable must be manufactured specifically for submarine service and, generally, has an
increased insulation thickness. The cable may require wire armour and should have electrical
shielding for all voltage ratings above 600 V.

Submarine cable should lie on the floor of the body of water and should have ample slack so
that slight shifting caused by current or turbulence will not place excessive strain on the cable.
Where the cable crossing is subject to flow or tidal currents, anchors are often used to prevent
excessive drifting or shifting of the cable. In addition to laying cables directly on the bottom,
burying cable in a trench using the jet water method should be considered.

Cables must be buried in waters where marine traffic is present. The depth of burial should
be enough to prevent damage caused by dragging anchors, which may be in excess of 15 feet
for large ships on sandy bottoms.

Warning signs located on shore at the ends of the submarine cable should be provided to
prohibit anchoring in the immediate vicinity of the cable.


When you work with appliance repair, you need to be
familiar with working of the tools. You may already be
familiar with the typical wrenches and screwdrivers, but
you will need to know. Various tools and equipment are
required more, such as about voltage meters and even
single and multiphase compressor testers. Therefore, it is
necessary to be sure that you are equipped with enough
knowledge to properly use the tools that will be needed.
Always remember to take them when you are working on
a job.

Session 1: Tools and Equipment

The various tools and equipment used by an electrical or electronic technician while working
with electrical circuits are explained below:

(a) Screw driver: It is used to turn, tighten or remove screws.

b) Ratchet: It is used to allow rotary motion in

only one direction and preventing the motion
in opposite direction. It is used to tighten nuts
of various sizes

(c) Spanner: It is used to provide grip to apply
torque for turning objects such as nut or a bolt. A
spanner is available with variable diameter to tighten
nuts and bolts of various sizes.

(d) Wrench: It is a hand tool used for tightening

and loosening of the nuts and bolts. These tools hold
slippery or small nuts and bolts for loosening or
tightening it.

e) Wire cutter and Plier: A

wire cutter is used for striping
and cutting wires whereas a plier is
used to hold objects like nuts and bolts
firmly also used for cutting metal wires

(f) Tester: It is used to verify the presence of electric voltage in electrical equipment
(g) Hammer: It is used to fix nails in walls and wood, fit parts, or forge metal and
breaking different materials.


(h) Ladder: It is used to climb upwards to reach higher places (6 to 7 feet) in tall units of
a control panel.

(i) Utility Knife: It is used to cut various objects, such as wires, cords, tapes and
so on.
(j) Soldering or Desoldering Iron: It is used to embed/ remove the components
on/from the panel.


(k) Soldering or Desoldering Station: It is used to hold the hot iron when it is not in use
and adjust the temperature of the tip.

(L) Crimping Tool: It is used to cut various objects

such as wires, cords, tapes and so on. It is also used to
join wires with metal or plastic objects

(m) Voltmeter: It is
used to measure
potential difference between two points in the electric



(n) Ammeter: It is used to measure current flow in a circuit.


(o) Watt meter: It is used to measure electrical

power of any given circuit (in watts).

(p) Megohmmeter or Megger: It is used to measure leakage in wires and earth resistance.

(q) Multimeter: It is used to measure various electrical quantities like resistance, voltage,
current, etc.


Tools and Equipment used for Cable Laying

Preparations of Cables and Equipment for Cable Laying Activities

Tools and equipment are used for various electrical activities. We should take care while
handling the electrical wire laying. While laying the cables necessary precautions and health
and safety practices for power related work should be observed as per standard rules.
Important tools and equipment used for laying electrical wire (laying works) are given here.

Tools and Equipment used in Cable Laying Activities

Many tools are used for cable laying. These include cable pulling winch, cable guiding device
and cable pulling grip, etc.

Cable Drums
Cable gets twisted during laying process. Drums are used to check or avoid twisting of cables.
Cable drums help the technicians with the laying of cables. Similarly angle rollers are also
used for laying the cable.

Pulling Methods and Calculations

Proper methods should be used while laying the cable in the field. Suitable equipment and
tools must be used in this process. The cable drum should be mounted on jacks and the cable
should be rolled off the drum gently avoiding kinks and twists. The free end in the case of
heavy cables may be pulled with the help of a winch. Laying cable in an open trench presents
no serious difficulty. The cable is first placed on rollers laid in the trench or on the ground

above, which is then transferred to the bed of the trench. When laying cables in pipes and
ducts, care should be exercised so as not to damage them during installation. The correct
method of laying of cables for installation in a duct.

Testing of Underground Cables

After laying cables underground or above the ground, proper testing is done to check the
faults caused, if any, due to the laying. The cables are tested for short circuiting faults,
discontinuity faults and earth fault. Murray and Varley loop tests are done to check these

Tools Used for Erection and Maintenance

A lineman, who is doing erection and maintenance work, cannot do his job without proper
hand tools, which he carries around on a daily basis. Unlike tools used by any other worker,
a lineman’s tools require proper insulation, because these tools are used with electrical
installations. The handles of these tools are coated with rubber to prevent the worker from
getting electrocuted.
Tools are important to carry out a job. The entire job being carried out by a technician is with
the help of tools. The following tools are commonly used for working in a distribution

(a) Combination Pliers
It is used for cutting, removing insulation, jointing and twisting the electric wires and cables
even on live-line. A lineman’s pliers have special design, which multiplies force through
leverage. These pliers usually have grips for better handling than bare metal handles. The
grips also have insulation for protection against electric shock when working with live
circuits. A lineman’s pliers are typically machined from forged steel. The two handles are
precisely joined with a heavy-duty rivet that maintains the pliers’ accuracy even after
repeated use under extreme force on heavy gauge wire.

(b) Adjustable Wrench

It is used to open and close nuts and bolts in case of
proper size spanner not being available. Common sizes
are 8” (Inch) to 12” (Inch). Adjustable wrenches are
designed to provide a wide range of capacity in a single
tool and are a convenient service wrench for
distribution linemen. They are not intended to replace
fixed opening wrenches for production or general
service work. High dielectric insulated handle types are
widely used by linemen and other electrical workers. dOhiFg2s/s-l1600.jpg

(c) Pipe Wrench

It is used to open, close, conduit GI pipes and valves. Common size is 10” (Inch). The design
of the adjustable jaw allows it to lock in the frame, such that any forward pressure on the
handle tends to pull the jaws tighter together. They are usually made of cast steel. Nowadays,
aluminium is also used to construct the body of the wrench, while the teeth and jaw remain
steel. cdn/shop/products/stanley_pipe_wr ench_30daa886-68c2-4cbf-

(d) Measuring Tape
It is used to measure the length of wires, cables and
space. Use of measuring tape makes cable savings
efficient for cleaning and reduces wastage. These are
made of cotton or metal strips bearing size of 10’ (feet)
to 100’ (feet).

(e) Hammer
It is used to pierce nails, centre punch, rawl plug and
chisel. Common sizes are 1, 2.5, 3 and 5 lbs (Pounds).
A lineman’s hammer is best suited to driving in big
lag screws and hammering bolts in utility-pole work.
They are also used by electricians to drive nails in
hard places. ull/hammer_370448246.jpg

(f) Ratchet with Drill Bit (Hand Drill)

It is used to make holes on wooden cross arms and
wooden cleats for tight fitting High Tension and Low
Tension cables emanating from DP structures, or LT
transformer bushings. m6m3gL._AC_UF350,350_QL80_.jpg

(g) Electric Drill Machine
It has the below mentioned properties:
➢ It is a portable electric powered tool used for
drilling the surface
➢ It has a high speed motor to revolve the chuck.
y It is used to make holes smoothly and easily. 231215104253EJEU6G16096401_700.jpg

(h) Bench Vice

A vice is a mechanical apparatus used to secure an
object to allow work to be performed on it. In electrical
works, cutting does play an important role. Cutting an
electrical conduit has to be secure enough so that a
smart cut is made. A bench vice (Fig. 2.32) is a perfect
way to do this. Bench vice is used to grip the job
(object) which has the following features:
➢ Base Plate (permanently fixed on the
working table sides).
➢ Fixed Jaw (fixed with Base Plate)
➢ Moving Jaw (could be moved
according to the thickness of job)

(i) Chain Pulley

It is a pulley with depressions in the periphery of its wheel,
or projections from it, made to fit the links of a chain. The
desired capacity chain pulley is hooked at the centre to lift
heavy load for loading and unloading at site.
(j) Tripod
It is a combination of three to four meter long 40 mm GI pipes hinged
at upper end for making a tripod formation. Tripods are perfect for
utility workers as they are portable and lightweight with high-
strength anchor.

(k) Come along Clamp
It is used while laying overhead lines. These are
mainly used for holding conductors and ground wires
in overhead transmission lines and various other
industrial maintenance operations. These clamps are
available in multiple diameter, weight and design that
are ideal to use in electrical works. They are ideal to
pull conductors as they are lightweight and compact
in structure.

(l) Ratchet Device

It is a device consisting of a bar or
wheel with a set of angled teeth in
which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages,
allowing motion in one direction
only. Ratchets are widely used in
machinery and tools as well as
maintenance works. GcRoboGcY3gk1ZePN58prwZnJh9yXHFuzxVvz5hVb hl-ug&s

Fault Indicators and Protective Equipment

The flow of current towards an undesired path or abnormal stoppage of current is termed as
fault. Fault indicators are devices which indicate the passage of fault current.
When properly applied, they can reduce operating costs and reduce service interruptions by
identifying the section of cable that has failed.

Dos and Dont’s while Working

1. Never touch a current carrying wire or conductor.
2. Never pull out a flexible cable while removing the plug from the mains.
3. Switch off the supply while checking any electrical appliance.
4. Never play with tools.
5. Handle tools carefully and be alert while working.
6. Never switch on supply unless you are sure about working of an appliance.
7. Ensure that proper earthing is provided for the appliance.




Lashing wire is used throughout America in the utility and telecommunications industries to
bring and support aerial cables or a combination of cables to a supporting strand. Lashing
wire alloys are also used in the fabrication of pole line hardware.

Using wire rope lashings safely. Ensure that the tensioner is free to align and not bent over
an edge. Ensure that the wire rope is not knotted and that the terminal fittings engage
correctly with the lashing points. Ensure that the wire rope is protected from sharp and small
radius edges by suitable packing or edge protectors.

• Inspect wire rope lashings before use.
• Calculate the lashing force(s) required for the chosen method of load restraint.
• Select the capacity and number of wire rope lashings to provide at least the
calculated lashing force(s).
• Ensure the lashing points on the vehicle and/or load are of adequate strength.
• Protect the wire rope lashing from small radii. A minimum radius of 4 x rope
diameter is required to avoid kinking.
• Ensure the wire rope lashings are correctly tensioned.
• Exercise care when releasing wire rope lashings in case the load has become
unstable since the lashings were applied.

• Use wire rope lashings to lift a load.
• Knot, tie or modify wire rope lashings.
• Overload wire rope lashings.

• Use wire rope lashings over a sharp edge without edge protection.
• Expose wire rope lashings to chemicals without consulting the supplier.
• Use wire rope lashings which have any kinks or broken wires, or damage to
the tensioner, ferrule terminations or terminal fittings or missing ID tag.


The standard for wire rope lashings is BS EN 12195-4: 2003. It requires the wire rope to be of
6-strand ordinary lay with fibre or steel core with a minimum of 114 wires or of 8strand
ordinary lay with steel core with a minimum of 152 wires, as given in EN 12385-4. Only
stranded steel wire ropes of the grade 1770 shall be used.

The connecting components to conform to EN 1677-1, 2 or 4 as appropriate. Connecting and

shortening components must have a have a securing device such as a safety latch. Wire rope
lashings are available in a range of capacities and lengths and in various configurations. Some
are general purpose. Others are intended for specific applications.

Selection should start with an assessment of the forces acting on the load. The lashing force(s)
required should be calculated in accordance with BS EN 12195-1: 2010. Next check whether
the lashing points on the vehicle and/or load are of adequate strength. If necessary apply a
greater number of lashings to spread the force across more lashing points. Wire rope lashings
are marked with their lashing capacity (LC). Expressed in (deca Newton = 10 Newtons). This
is a force approximately equivalent to a weight of 1kg.


Wire rope lashings can be damaged by tensioning them across small radius edges without
adequate edge protection. However damage may occur accidentally as a result of the load
moving in transit hence the need to inspect before each use. Wire rope lashings should not
be exposed to chemicals. If accidental contamination occurs, the lashings should be cleaned
with clear water and allowed to dry naturally.
Weak chemical solutions will become increasingly stronger by evaporation. Wire rope
lashings should be inspected for obvious signs of damage before each use. Do not use the
wire rope lashing if any of the following defects are found: illegible markings; visible wire
breaks of more than 4 on a length of 3 rope diameters, more than 6 on a length of 6 diameters
or more than 16 on a 30 diameter length; wear or abrasion of the rope by more than 10% of
the nominal diameter; crushing of the rope by more than 15%; kinks; damage of a ferrule or
a splice; distorted or notched coupling components or end fittings; ineffective or missing
safety latches.
Wire rope lashings will gradually wear over time. The LEEA recommends that they should
be inspected by a competent person at least every 6 months and a record made of the result.
Wire rope lashings should only be repaired by someone competent to do so. For long term
storage the storage area should be dry, clean and free of any contaminates.

Cable Handling Precautions

CAUTION: Fiber optic cable is sensitive to excessive pulling, bending, and crushing forces.
Consult the cable specification sheet for the cable you are installing. Do not bend the cable
more sharply than the minimum recommended bend radius. Do not apply more pulling force

to the cable than specified. Do not crush the cable or allow it to kink. Doing so may cause
damage that can alter the transmission characteristics of the cable; the cable may have to be

1.1. The following may be used as a general guideline for maximum pulling tension for
standard, non-connectorized Corning Cable Systems outdoor fiber optic cable: 600 lbF (2,700

1.2. Corning Cable Systems cable specification sheets also list the minimum cable bend radius
both “Loaded” (during installation) and “Installed” (after installation). If these sheets are not
available on the job-site, the following formulas may be used to determine general guidelines
for installing Corning Cable Systems fiber optic cable:
✓ To arrive at a working bend radius for cable installation, multiply 15 times (15
x) the cable outside diameter.
Cable Diameter = 0.46 in (11.8 mm) 15 x 0.46
in = 6.9 in (177 mm)
minimum Working bend radius = 6.9 in (17.7 cm)
✓ To find the minimum diameter requirement for pull wheels or rollers, simply
double the minimum working bend radius.

1.3. All pulling equipment and hardware that will contact the cable during
installation must maintain the minimum bend radius of the fiber optic cable as

1.4. Situations which require the use of radius-maintaining devices include the
• when cable is placed on blocks, sheaves, or quadrant blocks.
• at all bends of the cable route.

NOTE: Carefully select hardware that maintains cable bend radius. Not all equipment is well
suited for fiber optic cable installation. Consult your company’s standard operating
procedures for details.

1.5. Exercise care to prevent damage to cables while setting up equipment or while
using tools of any kind. Be extremely careful when handling cable reels or loading
reels on trailers or vehicles.
1.6. Leave cable reel packaging on the cable reels until they arrive at the cable site.
If the packaging has been previously removed, securely fasten the cable end(s) to
avoid damage during transit. If the cable ends are not secured, vehicle bouncing can
cause the cable to loosen on the reel, resulting in kinks, irregular cable bundles, or

1.7. Establish good communications between the pull, feed, and monitoring
locations before starting any installation. This is especially critical when a winch is
used to pull the cable.

1.8. Avoid surges and jerks of the reel at all times. Properly adjusted reel brakes
should be used in all installations.

1.9. To prevent damage to the cable and ensure lowest possible tensile load (drag),
cable reels should be attended while the cable is being pulled.

Cable Pair Identification and Splicing

A 2 pair cable is designed as a star quad. All other cables are twisted pair designs with 10
pair sub units and 50 or 100 pair main units. The cable core lay-up and the identification
scheme are described in the following tables. (The pairs in a 5 pairs cable are coloured as
pairs 1-5 in a 10 pairs sub unit.)

1. Colour coding Quad (2 pair cables)

Wire Insulation colour

a Blue

b Red

c Green

d Black

Sub unit

Pair Number Insulation Colour Insulation Colour

a-wire b-wire

1 Blue Red

2 White Red

3 Yellow Red

4 Grey Red

5 Orange Red

6 Blue Black

7 White Black

8 Yellow Black

9 Grey Black

10 Orange Black

2. Identification of sub units

Each sub unit is identified by wrapping of a colour coded tape:

Sub unit number Colour Code

1 Blue

2 White

3 Yellow

4 Grey

3. Cable cores with 10-100 pairs

Number of Sub units Remarks Sub unit Sub unit
Pairs located in: located in:

Centre 1 st layer

10 1 Sub unit 1

20 2 1-2

50 5 Main unit, 50 pairs 1-5

100 3+7 Main unit, 100 pairs 1-3 4 - 10

4. Cable cores with 200-2000 pairs

Number of Number of Main unit Main unit Main unit

main units located in: located in: located in:

Centre 1 st layer 2 nd layer

200 4 1-4

300 3 1-3

500 5 1-5

700 1+6 1 2-7

1000 3+7 1-3 4-10

1500 1+5+9 1 2-6 7-15

2000 2+7+11 1-2 3-9 10-20

The main units are identified by numbered bindings.

5. Cable core dimensions

Element Nominal Nominal Nominal

diameter (mm) diameter (mm) diameter (mm)

Conductor 0.4 0.6 0.9

Insulation, 0.81 1.15/1.1 1.79/1.88


Quad - 2.7 4.6

5 pairs unit - 4.8 9.0

Sub unit, 10 pairs 5.1 7.2 11.0

Main unit, 50 pairs 10.7 15.4 24.1

Main unit, 100 15.1 21.2 34.1


A splice may be considered as two or more
conductors joined with a suitable connector,
then reinsulated, reshielded and rejacketed
with compatible materials and applied over a
properly prepared surface.

Whenever possible, splicing is

normally avoided. However, splicing is often
an economic necessity. There can be many
reasons for building splices, such as:

➢ The supplied length of cable is not sufficient to perform the intended job, e.g.,
only so much cable can be wound on a reel (the reel ends), or only so much cable can
be pulled through so much conduit, around so many bends, etc.
➢ Cable failures
➢ Cables damaged after installation
➢ A tap into an existing cable (tee or wye splices)

Splicing Steps
The previous definition accurately identifies the need for splicing, which leads into the five
common steps for building a splice:

1. Prepare the surface
2. Join conductors with connector(s)
3. Reinsulate
4. Reshield
5. Rejacket

1. Prepare the surface

High-quality products usually include
detailed installation instructions. These instructions
should be followed. A suggested technique is to
check off steps as they are completed. Good
instructions alone do not qualify a person as a
“cable splicer.” Certain manufacturers
offer handson training programs
designed to teach proper
installation of their products. It
is highly recommended that
inexperienced splice and termination
installers take advantage of these programs where a1MQdiWGpR2Gkr_KY&usqp=CAU

2. Join conductors with connector(s)

After the cables are completely prepared, the rebuilding process begins. The first step is
reconstructing the conductor with a suitable connector. A suitable connector for
medium/high voltage cable splices is a compression or shear bolt connector.

Do not use mechanical type connectors (such as split-bolt connectors.). Connector selection
is based on conductor material: aluminium or copper.

3. Reinsulate
Perhaps the most commonly recognized
method for reinsulating is the traditional tape
method. Tape has a history of dependable
service and is generally available. Since tape
does not depend on cable
types and dimensions, it is the most
versatile approach. However, wrapping tape
on a medium/ high voltage cable can be time
consuming and error prone since the careful
build-up of tape requires accurate half-lapping
and constant tension in order to reduce built-in
air voids.
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4. Reshield
The cable’s two shielding systems (strand
shield and insulation shield) must be
rebuilt when constructing a splice. The
same two methods are used as outlined in
the reinsulation process: tape and molded
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5. Rejacket
Rejacketing is accomplished in a tape splice by using a combination of the rubber splicing
tape overwrapped with a vinyl tape.





















1. Compression (crimped) type connectors shall be used for splicing and terminating
stranded conductors, except as indicated in paragraphs 8.2.3 to 8.2.5 below, and except as
specified in SAES P-111 for grounding conductors. The use of solder lugs is prohibited.
Compression terminal connectors for 4/0 and larger conductors shall be two hole NEMA
design. All compression connectors for 8 AWG and larger conductors shall have a
manufacturer’s reference compression die number and conductor size printed or stamped
on the connector.

2. Compression in compression connectors is accomplished by means of a compression or

crimping tool. Connectors in which compression is accomplished by means of bolts, set
screws, etc. are mechanical, not compression connectors.

3. All compression connectors shall be tinned copper.

4. Spring pressure type twist-on connectors, and pressure set screw connectors with
insulating caps are permitted (a) for lighting and receptacle circuits in non-hazardous
locations, and (b) in non-industrial applications.

5. Cable terminators relying on inwardly protruding flat springs or tines for grounding the
metallic sheath or armor are prohibited.

6. Check proper terminals and crimping die are used on cable and that crimping procedure
is proper. 7. Inspect cables for physical damage and proper connection in accordance with
single line diagram.

8. Cable connections shall be torque tested to manufacturers recommended values or values

recommended in SA-P-000.

9. Verify proper terminals and crimping die are used on cable and that crimping procedure
is proper.

10. Verify cable colour coding or phasing.


Grounding Installation
➢ Install grounding system cables, rods and accessories as depicted on IFC
drawings. Install products in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction, approved
drawings and Job Specifications, including Saudi Aramco Electrical Installation
➢ Excavation and backfill shall be carried out in accordance with SAES-A-114.
➢ Verify that final backfill and compaction has been completed before driving
any rod electrodes into the ground.
➢ Install grounding electrodes at locations indicated on IFC drawings and job
specifications. Ground well shall be installed and equipped with removable covers
for maintenance access to the ground rods and their mechanical connections.
➢ All surfaces for grounding connections shall be thoroughly cleaned before the
connections are made.

Following completion of installation, submit “Request For Inspection” (RF I) to site QC

Section, indicating scheduled time and date for inspection.


➢ Check and confirm the actual underground grounding routing for installation against
approved construction drawings.
➢ Layout the grounding grid cable trench by marking using white pulverized powder
the areas to be excavated.
➢ Excavation work shall be in accordance with SAES-A-114.
➢ Excavation shall be performed as required by the design drawings, to the dimensions,
grades, and elevation as noted and required
➢ All buried grounding conductors shall be installed at a minimum of 460mm below
➢ Underground grounding cable connection shall be performed using exothermic
➢ Ground cables crossing the access way shall be run in duct banks or PVC conduits.
➢ Buried grounding cables shall have clearance of 300mm (minimum) from any
underground obstruction.
➢ Where there are earth connections between feeders & branches are located in the cable
trench, ensuring that joints have been connected and tapped before backfilling.


➢ Check and confirm the aboveground grounding routing for installation
against approved construction drawings.
➢ All Earthing points to be checked as per the drawing.
➢ Earth wire leaving the ground (stub-up) shall be protected by PVC conduits
or RGS conduit.
➢ Sealing for stub-up PVC conduit or RGS conduit.
➢ The end(s) of ducts and conduit terminating below or in open air shall be
sealed with duct sealing putty or an equivalent compound.
➢ All above ground cable connections shall be compression type.

➢ All cable Trays are to be bonded together and to the main ground grid with a
70mm² green PVC insulated copper ground conductor at interval not exceeding 25
meters apart.
➢ Frames of Medium Voltage motors shall have at least two (2) ground
➢ Ensure a complete As-Built record of grounding installation is maintained for
above and below ground (Red line I Mark-Up).


Ground Rod shall have the following characteristic:
a. Bare copper or copper jacketed steel or galvanized steel.
b. Have a minimum length of 2.4 meters. Jointed rods are permitted but each joint must
be at least 2.4 meter long.
c. For copper or copper jacketed steel rods be minimum of 16 mm in diameter and for
galvanized steel rods be a minimum of 19 mm diameter.
d. Install the grounding rod and accessories as depicted on the IFC drawing.
e. Excavation and backfill shall be carried out in accordance with SAES-A-114.
f. Verify the final backfill and compaction has been completed before driving the
ground rod.
g. Having confirm the soil final backfill and compaction, install the ground rod by
driving using a light hammer, or mechanical, pneumatic or gasoline powered ground
rod drivers.
h. Continue driving until the desired depth is obtained.
i. Below ground connection to the grounding grid or ground rod or between conductors
and or grounding rods shall be made using one of the following methods:
➢ By thermite welding or brazing
➢ By approved compression grounding connectors.
➢ For connection at ground test stations only where it is necessary to disconnect
ground conductors for tests, approved mechanical connectors may be used.

When using Thermite weld / Cadweld, the following step shall be performed:
a. Prior to making a connection, the detailed instruction and safety precautions
provided by the manufacturer should be read properly.
b. Sub-contractor will conduct training for skilled manpower to do thermite
weld and cad weld.
c. Clean the upper tip of the ground rod and the conductor with an approved
cleaning solvent.
d. Place the grounding rod and cable mould and close handle to lock mould.
e. Drop metal disk and weld metal into the mould.
f. Sprinkle starting material over weld metal and on lip mould.
g. Close cover and ignite.
h. Open cover after weld metal solidifies.
i. Inspect weld per manufacturer’s recommendation. Coat weld with
bituminous paint and adhesive PVC insulation tape.
j. Prior to priming exposed area, clean substrate to bright metal.
k. Thermite weld connection is not recommended in areas where a hazardous
fire atmosphere may exist during the attachment process.

➢ Install grounding bus bar and accessories as depicted on IFC drawings.
➢ Install products in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction, approved
drawings and specifications.
➢ Ground Buses in Switchgear, Switchboard, and MCC shall have two
connections to main grounding electrode / grid.
➢ Grounding plate I bus bar fixed on concrete shall be installed using a pre
arrange anchor screw on masonry concrete wall at elevation as per drawing and
➢ Grounding plate I bus bar fixed on metallic structures shall be installed using
head bolts welded on flat surface of metallic structure at elevation as per drawing and


1. Which type of cable is commonly used for transmitting data using light signals?

a. Copper cable

b. Coaxial cable

c. Fiber optic cable

d. Twisted pair cable

2. What are connectors and splices used for in cable installation?

a. Transmitting electrical signals

b. Terminating cables at equipment

c. Joining cables together

d. Cable management

3. What are the key considerations in selecting the appropriate cable for an OSP

a. Cable color

b. Cable length

c. Bandwidth requirements

d. Cable weight

4. What is the purpose of using cable management systems in OSP installations?

a. To protect cables from weather conditions

b. To ease maintenance and troubleshooting

c. To increase signal strength

d. To reduce cable costs

5. Which tool is used for fusion splicing in fiber optic cable installation?

a. Cable cutter

b. Crimper

c. Fusion splicer


6. What is the role of an OTDR in cable installation?

a. Terminating cables

b. Testing signal strength

c. Measuring cable length

d. Identifying cable faults

7. What is the primary advantage of fiber optic cables over copper cables?

a. Higher bandwidth capacity

b. Lower cost

c. Easier installation

d. Better resistance to weather conditions

8. What is the purpose of cable termination in OSP installations?

a. To join cables together

b. To connect cables to equipment

c. To test cable strength

d. To identify cable faults

9. Which type of cable is commonly used for voice and data communication in
traditional telephone networks?

a. Fiber optic cable

b. Coaxial cable

c. Twisted pair cable

d. Ethernet cable

10. What is the importance of proper cable preparation in cable installation?

a. Ensuring cable color consistency

b. Minimizing signal loss

c. Reducing cable weight

d. Increasing cable flexibility

Application: Cable Installation Simulation

Materials Needed:

- Fiber optic or copper cables

- Connectors and splices (appropriate for the chosen cable type)

- Cable cutters, strippers, and crimpers (as required)

- Cable management system components (racks, trays, etc.)

- Testing equipment (optional, depending on availability)


1. Divide the students into small groups, providing each group with the necessary
materials and tools.

2. Assign each group a specific cable installation scenario, such as installing fiber optic
cables for a new office building or copper cables for a residential neighborhood.

3. Instruct the groups to plan and execute the cable installation, considering factors
like cable routing, termination points, and cable management.

4. Monitor and guide the groups as they perform the following tasks:

a. Cable preparation: Cutting, stripping, and preparing the cables for termination.

b. Termination: Installing connectors or splices onto the cables and ensuring proper
termination techniques.

c. Cable management: Organizing and securing the cables using appropriate cable
management system components.

d. Testing (optional): Using testing equipment to verify cable integrity and signal
transmission (if available).

5. Once the groups have completed the cable installation, have them present their
work, explaining their choices, techniques, and any challenges they encountered.

6. Facilitate a discussion where students can share their experiences, insights, and
lessons learned from the activity.


- Accuracy and quality of cable preparation, termination, and cable management. 10%

- Adherence to industry standards and best practices. 5%

- Problem-solving skills in overcoming challenges encountered during the installation.


- Effective communication and cooperation within the group.5%

- Ability to explain and justify their choices and techniques during the presentation.

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At the end of the topic, the student should be able to:
• Identify the safety precautions in splicing and joining main cable work.
• Identify the different types of cable wire underground

PowerPoint Presentation
Fiber Optic cable Installation Guidelines. (n.d.). Fosco Connect.


This module is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude in performing
splicing/joining cable terminal to main aerial and/or underground cable splice for outside
telephone network.
Safety Precautions
➢ When installed on a live system, invisible laser radiation may be present. Do not stare
into connector end face or view directly with optical instruments.
➢ Wear safety glasses when working with optical fiber.
➢ Dispose of all scrap fibers to avoid getting fiber slivers.

1 Scope
The following guidelines are intended as a general overview of important issues related to the
installation of fiber optic cable.

2 Installation Specification
For a proper cable installation, it is important to understand the cable specifications. The two
most important specifications are tensile loading and bend radius. It is very important to
adhere to these limits.
Tensile Loading
There are two tension specifications for fiber optic cables. The important tension for
installation is the maximum load the cable can be subjected to without causing permanent
damage. We call it the “maximum load installation” and it is measured in Newtons or pounds.
The “maximum load installation” can also be known as “short-term tension,” “dynamic load,”
“installation load” or “installation tension.” Whenever possible, the tension on the cable being
installed should be monitored. Tension can be measured with a dynamometer or with a

pulling wheel. Breakaway pulling eyes that separate if the tension reaches a preset level are
available. The use of a swivel is recommended when pulling the cable in a tray. The swivel
allows the cable and pulling rope to twist independently. If pulling a cable in an outside plant
conduit, the use of approved lubricants can help minimize friction. The use of corrugated
innerducts can also help reduce the amount of tension needed to pull the cable. When
installing loose-tube cables, the use of sealer is recommended to prevent gel migration. If a
run is too long, or if several bends are in the conduit, intermediate pull boxes should be used
to separate one long pull into two or more shorter pulls. A cable should not be pulled through
more than two 90º bends at one time. If three or more 90º bends in a continuous run are
unavoidable, the cable should be installed from a central point, unreeled into a figure-eight,
and then backfed to complete the installation. Sharp bends may increase cable tension, so it is
best to install cable in sequences that minimize stress and labor costs. When running cable
vertically, take note of the cable weight. Install cables in a sequence that applies the least
amount of strain to the cable. For example, most vertical chasers in buildings tend to be
congested at the lower floors; instead, try to start your installation at the top and work down
the building, thereby eliminating most of the cable installation by the time you reach the lower
floors. After installation, the strength member of the cable will need to support the hanging
cable. If a long vertical run is necessary, cable should be secured at each floor and service loops
should be placed every three floors, at a minimum. This procedure will help distribute the
weight of the cable vertically and will facilitate moves, adds and changes (MACs) if needed
at a later date.
Bend Radius
There are two types of bend radius:
✓ The short-term minimum bend radius, or dynamic bend radius, is the tightest
recommended bend while installing cable at the maximum rated tension. It is the
larger of the two specified bend radii. Throughout the pull, the minimum bend radius
must be strictly followed. If a location exists in the middle of a run where a relatively
tight bend is unavoidable, the cable should be hand-fed around the bend or a pulley
can be used.
✓ The long-term bend radius, or static bend radius, is the tightest recommended bend
while the cable is under a minimum tension. It is the smaller of the two specified bend
radii. After the pull is complete, the cable can be bent more tightly to fit into existing
space, but not to exceed the long-term minimum bend radius.

Figure 1: Bend radius

Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for minimum bend radius and tension.
Failure to do so may result in high attenuation (macrobends) and possible damage to the cable

and fiber. Guidelines are normally supplied with the cable manufacturer’s specification
sheets. If the bend radius specifications are unknown, the de facto standard is to maintain a
minimum radius of 20x the diameter of the cable.
The minimum bend radius must also be adhered to when using service loops. Fiber optic
splice trays and patch panels are designed to accommodate the bend radii of the individual
fibers, but outside of the hardware, extra care must be taken.

3 Installation Tools
Gripping Techniques
✓ General
To effectively utilize all of the available strength in the cable, the strength member
must be used. The manufacturer’s specification will identify the strength member(s) in the
✓ Cables with aramid yarn as the strength member
For cables using aramid yarn alone as the strength member, the jacket can be removed
to expose the yarn. The yarn should be tied in a knot with the pull rope, so that the jacket will
not be inadvertently used for strength. Optionally, the jacket can be tied into a tight knot
before pulling. After pulling, the knot should be cut off.

Figure 2: Distribution cable tied in a knot

✓ Cables with aramid yarn and an e-glass central member
For cables using aramid yarn and an e-glass central member, a pulling grip should be
used. The strength member(s) should be attached independently. This can be accomplished
by weaving the strength member into the fingers of the grip, and then taping it together. All
strength members should be gripped equally to ensure proper distribution of tension.

Figure 3: Pulling Grip

Pre-Terminated and MPO Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies
✓ General
Factory pre-terminated fiber optic cable assemblies may be specified in project
environments such as data centers. The assemblies can be ordered in either indoor (plenum)
or outdoor versions, with different fiber counts, and in multimode or single mode. A pulling
eye can be factory installed on either end or on both ends of the cable. The pulling eye (and

associated cable netting) will protect the pre-terminated ends during the pull. This product is
a great time saver and ensures quality connections every time.
✓ Pulling eye
The use of pulling eyes (and associated cable netting) is highly recommended. Pulling eyes
facilitate installation and protect the pre-terminated ends during the pull.
For both regular and pre-connectorized cables, the maximum pull force is identified with the
“installation maximum load” cable specification on our datasheets.

In many cases, pulling is not done from point to point, but rather from an intermediate
point, pulling in each direction to each termination location. In these cases, it is important to
make sure that the cable is ordered with two pulling eyes, one at each end.
The installation of a cable that is pre-connectorized on both ends requires special raceway
considerations and pulling grips. A typical fiber optic connector is 0.5 in. (1.25 cm) in diameter,
has a limited pull-off rating and must be protected during cable placement. A pulling grip for
a pre-connectorized cable must successfully isolate the connectors from any tensile load by
placing the load on the cable itself. The pulling grip must also protect the connectors from
abrasion and damage. In medium fiber-count cables (6 to 24fibers), the connectors must be
staggered when installed to reduce the diameter of the pulling grip. In high-fiber-count cables
(greater than 24 fibers), installation of a pre-connectorized cable may not be possible due to
the conduit size that would be required.
✓ MPO fiber optic cable assemblies: ordering tips
Since the MPO connector is pre-terminated by the manufacturer, it is important to be precise
when measuring the length of the ribbon cable required, and to always add a minimum of 3
to 5 m (10 to 16 ft.) to the total ribbon cable length to plan for unknown difficulties. For very
long lengths, adding three percent to the total length is suggested.
The minimum conduit diameter needed to pull one ribbon cable assembly equipped with an
MPO connector and one pulling eye is ¾ in. (21 mm). Up to 12 ribbon cables can be pulled
through a 1-½ in. (41 mm) conduit.
Installation Guidelines
✓ Prior to Installation
All optical fiber cables are tested before leaving our manufacturing plant. Before
installing the cable, we recommend testing the cable for continuity while still on the reel. This
is to ensure that no damage occurred during shipment. Since the cost of installation is usually
higher than the cost of materials, testing the fibers before installation can avoid unnecessary
additional expenses and help meet important deadlines. At a minimum, continuity testing can
be done on the reel with a visual fault locator or a simple fiber tracer such as a flashlight, a
modified flashlight to properly hold the fibers, a microscope or a bright red light (LED
lookalike). With one of these simple tests, you should be able to identify broken fibers, if any,
within the optical fiber cable.
Also, double-checking the actual fiber count and actual cable length is recommended to
ensure a proper installation and avoid added costs. It is preferable to use Velcro® wraps
instead of tie wraps. Remember not to distort the shape of the cable, as this adds pressure to
the optical fibers and may affect performance.
Fiber optic cables can be installed in innerducts. The use of innerducts tends to reduce the
pulling tension required. Ensure that properly rated innerducts are being installed.
A 3 to 6 m (10 to 20 ft.) length of cable slack should be stored in the enclosure or on the wall
to allow for repairs and relocation needs.
✓ Outside Plant Cable Installation

✓ General
Protect exposed cables from vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

✓ Underground installation
For underground installations, pull long cables from the center of the run. Store excess
cable in vaults or manholes, and identify optical cables with markers.
✓ Aerial installation
Use proper hardware that matches cable type, as well as span and tension
requirements. Use the correct cable jacket.
✓ Buried cable installations
Identify cable locations with surface markers. Anticipate obstructions.
✓ Administration
A unique identifier shall be assigned to each backbone cable, which shall be marked
on each end. Reference should be made as per the ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A standard.
✓ General
Before termination, the cable should be properly secured to provide a tension-free
length of fiber. When splicing fibers, mechanical or fusion, a splice tray is needed to properly
store the completed splices. If connectors are to be used, trays or shelves should be used to
support the fiber behind the connector. Proper strain relief sleeves provided with the
connectors should always be used to prevent excessive bending of fiber. No shelf is necessary
if terminating a breakout style cable with connectors.
Cable Preparation for Termination
✓ General
It is acceptable to directly terminate the 900 μm tight buffer from a distribution cable
with a connector, if the above precautions are taken. It can be acceptable to directly terminate
the 250 μm coated fiber from a loose buffer tube with a connector in certain applications.
However, it is usually recommended to use a breakout kit, which converts a six- or twelve-
fiber loose buffer tube to a six- or twelve-fiber 900 μm distribution-style ready for termination.
If outside plant cables are used, the gel flooding material needs to be cleaned with the
appropriate solvent (please consult the cable manufacturer for recommendation on the choice
of solvent). The more thorough the cleaning, the easier the termination procedure will be.
✓ Cable preparation
To prepare the cable for termination, the outer jacket must be properly stripped. Two
ring cuts should be made in the jacket, one about 2 in. (5 cm) from the end and the second at
the point

where the jacket is to be removed. Care must be taken not to cut all the way through the jacket
and into the core. The 2-in. piece is removed from the end of the cable exposing the core and
the aramid ripcord. Make a notch in the jacket alongside the ripcord (do not cut the ripcord!).
Pull the ripcord with needle-nose pliers, or similar tool, until it reaches the second ring cut.
Remove the core from the sliced jacket and pull the jacket to tear it at the ring cut.
Once the fiber optic cable is ready for termination, follow the Belden CDT termination
installation instructions.
✓ General
Once the cable plant is installed and terminated, it is recommended to test the fiber
optic segment. The testing should be done according to TIA TSB-140 and the Acceptance
Testing Notes guidelines. These documents provide additional guidelines for field-testing
length, loss and polarity of a completed fiber optic link.
For all Fiber Express solutions, it is necessary to perform an end-to-end attenuation test to
verify the quality of installations and to ensure high quality system performance. The best
way to verify whether an end-to-end link meets the link loss budget is to divide the end-to-
end link into segments at each crossconnect and measure the attenuation of each link segment.

In order for the system to operate properly, the sum of the attenuation for the multiple link
segments that form an end-to-end link must be less than the link loss budget calculated in the
design phase. For additional information on link loss budget calculations, refer to the Optical
Fiber Design Guide.
✓ Test Equipment
Various types of testing equipment are available on the market, such as an optical loss
test set (OLTS), a visual fault locator (VFL) set or an optical time domain reflectometer
(OTDR). For troubleshooting, the OTDR is recommended.
✓ Optical loss test set (OLTS)
The OLTS consists of a light source and an optical power meter. The main function of
this equipment is to measure the optical power or loss.
✓ Visual fault locator (VFL) or tracer
The VFL is a red laser source; the tracer is an LED source. Either instrument can be
used to trace fibers and troubleshoot faults on optical fiber cables. The main function of this
equipment is to check continuity of the fiber, as well as to identify fibers and connectors in
patch panels or outlets.
✓ Optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR)
The OTDR is a more sophisticated measurement instrument. It uses a technology that injects
a series of optical pulses into the fiber under test and analyses the light scattering and the light
reflection. This allows the instrument to measure the intensity of the return pulse in functions
of time and fiber length. The OTDR is used to measure the optical power loss and

the fiber length, as well as to locate all faults resulting from fiber breaks, splices or connectors.
✓ Fiber Testing Guidelines
The following testing guidelines promote efficient and accurate testing:
• Clean all connections and adapters at the optical test points prior to taking measurements,
as per ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A.
• The light source or OTDR (optical time domain reflectometer) used for multimode testing
must operate within the ranges: 850 ± 30 nm and 1300 ± 20 nm.
• Test jumpers must be of the same fiber core size, performance and connector type as the
cable system (e.g. 50/125 μm FX2000 jumpers for a 50/125 μm FX2000 optical fiber system)
and shall be one to five meters long.
“Method B, One Reference Jumpers” as per ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1 is the recommended test
Please refer to the Acceptance Testing Notes guideline for details on field testing approaches


At the end of the session, students should be able to:

1. Define cable Closure

2. List the problems encountered in installing cable closure
3. Enumerate flush testing procedures.
4. Explain cable support installation.

Materials: Laptop and module

What is a cable closure? (n.d.).

Baudcom. (2024, January 22). Fiber Optic splice closures Common Issues – Baudcom.

Matan. (2023, October 26). Cable Supports | How it works, Application & Advantages.
Electricity – Magnetism.

In this chapter, we wll explore some of the most common issues with fiber optic splice
closures and how to fix them. You will also know, learn and aware about cable closure.

Cable closure

A cable closure is a device used in telecommunications and networking to protect and

organize the cables that are connected to a junction or termination point. It provides a secure
enclosure for the cables, protecting them from environmental factors such as moisture, dust,
and physical damage. Cable closures are typically made of durable materials such as plastic
or metal and are designed to be weatherproof and resistant to corrosion. They often have
multiple ports or entry points where cables can be inserted and secured, and they may
include features such as cable management trays or brackets to organize and route the cables
effectively. Overall, cable closures play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and
longevity of cable connections in various applications, including telecommunications
networks, data centers, and outdoor installations.

TASK 1 : Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write ONLY the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. What is the other name for cable tie?

a. Zip tie

b. Zip lock

c. Zip lace

d. Tie lock

2. What is the first step in splicing/jointing of cable pairs?

a. Secure bunch end of cable by bindering as per identified cable

binders, cable pairs.

b. Measure at least 2 inches from the opening. Ensure that the binders to
be Installed can be identified as per assignment.

c. Using the straight method, hence no taps and direct distribution has
now been the practice in PLDT network, cut the measured cable pair and
insert the UY connector then crimp using the crimping tool, ensure that no
opens shall be detected during crimping

d. Repeat/re-do cutting, crimping till to finish 10 pairs as one bunch, the

secure the bunch by color bindering for identification.

3. What is C during pre-installation of CAT Preparation?

a. Clear

b. Clean

c. Cut

d. Crimp

4. What is S in post installation?

a. See

b. Saw

c. Sit


5. Will you perform flush testing again after leak detection?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

d. It depends upon the situation


Below are the 5 examples of problems encountered in installing cable closure, explain and
give the solutions. Minimum of 3 sentences, 3 points each.

1. Moisture Infiltration

2. Cable damage

3. Cable bends

4. Cable strain

5. Cable slack


What are the problems encountered in installing cable closure?

Fiber optic splice closures are essential components in any fiber optic network. These
closures are used to protect and connect fiber optic cables for use in harsh environments.
Despite their importance, fiber optic splice closure can experience a range of issues that can

cause problems with network performance. In this article, we will explore some of the most
common issues with fiber optic splice closures and how to fix them.

1. Cable Damage
One of the most common issues with fiber optic splice closures is damage to the fiber optic
cable. This can occur due to a number of factors, including excessive bending, crushing, or
twisting of the cable. Damage to the cable can cause signal loss, poor performance, or even
complete failure of the network.

To fix this issue, it is important to carefully inspect the cable and splice closure for any signs
of damage. If damage is detected, the cable should be repaired or replaced as soon as
possible to avoid any further problems.

2. Moisture Infiltration

Moisture Infiltration means that water and moisture can seep into the splice box, causing
damage to cables and other components. Moisture can also cause corrosion, which can
further damage closures and affect network performance.

To fix this issue, it is important to ensure that the fiber optic splice closure is properly sealed
and protected from moisture. This can be achieved by using high-quality seals and gaskets,
as well as by regularly inspecting the closure for any signs of moisture infiltration. Some of
fiber splicer closure can meet waterproof IP68 standard.

3. Cable Bends

Another issue that can affect fiber optic splice closures is cable bends or kinks. These can
cause stress on the fibers, which can lead to poor performance of network.

To fix this issue, the cable should be carefully inspected for kinks or bends. If there is a
problem, it should be straightened slightly to relieve the stress on the fiber. In severe cases, it
may be necessary to replace the affected cable.

4. Fiber Misalignment

Fiber misalignment can occur during installation or due to thermal expansion and
contraction. This can cause attenuation or signal loss.

To fix this issue, the fiber optic splice closure should be opened, and the fibers should be
carefully inspected for any misalignment. If any are found, the fibers should be repositioned
and spliced together again.

5. Poor connection Quality

Poor connection quality can also be a common issue with fiber optic splice closures. This can
occur due to a range of factors, including dirty or damaged connectors, or poor quality
splicing tools.

To fix this issue, it is important to carefully inspect the splice closure and fiber optic cables
for any defects. This may require re-splicing the cables using high-quality tools and
connectors, or replacing damaged or worn components.

6. Cable Strain

Cable strain can occur when cables are pulled too tightly or when the splice closure is
improperly installed or secured.

To fix this issue, it is important to ensure that the cables are properly secured and supported
to prevent any unnecessary strain or tension.

7. Cable Slack

Excessive cable slack can cause the fibers to move around, which can lead to fiber breaks or

To fix this issue, the cable slack should be reduced by adjusting the cable tie-downs or using
cable clamps to secure the fibers in place.

8. Compatibility Issues

Finally, compatibility issues can also be a common issue with fiber optic splice closures. This
can occur when the closure or components are not compatible with the fiber optic cables
being used in the network.

To fix this issue, it is important to carefully check the compatibility of all components and
cables before installation. This may require using compatible components or adapting the
network to ensure compatibility.


Flush testing is the procedure to confirm that the closure has been properly assembled and
sealed before you live the fiber closer inside the hole.

Tools materials needed:

Soap spray
Pressure gauge
Nitrogen gas

Procedures in Flush Testing

1. Make sure to seal all possible leak locations.

2. Put silicon on to the fiber cable out port which is a common sources of air

3. Put a super glue on to the sides of the straight through port sealed with cable
heat shrink.

4. To flash tests simply inject pressurized air into their air valve closure until 5
to 15 psi is achieved.

5. Confirm the amount of pressure using the pressure gauge.

6. Use a soap water solution and sponge, apply the solution into the sealed
surface of the dome closure.

7. Visually inspect if there are bubble present (this indicate that the closure is
not sealed properly) if there are no bubbles, the fiber closure has been successfully

Cable Support Installation

Messenger wire- a wire that is run along with or integral with a cable or conductor to
provide mechanical support for the cable or conductor.

Cable rack- Is used to hold cabling above a central office. It May be installed vertical or
horizontal depending on application, providing an organized resting place for coper line
and cabling to installers specs.

Figure 1. Standard Cable Support and Measurements (source: Splicing/Jointing Cable

Terminal to Main Aerial and/or Underground Copper Cable module, page 31)



• To prepare the required tools, materials and equipment prior to installation.

• To splice and join straight and branch cable pairs of aerial copper cable


• To splice and join straight and branch cable pairs for underground cable works.

• To install cable closure for aerial and underground.


1. Arrange tools, materials and equipment needed.

2. Extend ladder to pole as per manufactures specifications and techniques.

3. Wear safety gadgets to prevent accident.

4. Ascend and descend on pole with care.

5. Splicing of copper cable, aerial and underground.

6. Arrangement and segregation of completed splices.

7. Enclosure of completed splice.

8. Flash testing of closure to prevent water entry.

In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the development of cable closures
that are easy to install, maintain, and upgrade. The latest advancements in cable
closure technology include modular designs that allow for quick and efficient
installation and future expansion. These modular closures often feature tool-less
entry systems, allowing technicians to access cables and connectors without the need
for special tools.

Furthermore, there is an increasing emphasis on cable closures that are

environmentally friendly. Manufacturers are utilizing materials that are recyclable
and reducing the use of hazardous substances in their construction. This aligns with
the broader trend of sustainable practices in construction and infrastructure.

Overall, cable closures play a critical role in ensuring the longevity and reliability of
cables in construction and infrastructure projects. With ongoing advancements in
technology and a focus on sustainability, cable closures continue to evolve to meet
the ever-changing needs of the industry.


Direction: Draw the Standard Cable Support and Management diagram on a legal-size
bond paper.

Performing Basic Troubleshooting and Correction of
Cable Fault and Error (BTC)


At the end of the session, students should be able to:
1. Identify the Materials tools and equipment needed for cable fault an error
2. Appreciate the importance of the corrective actions and testing for cable faults and

1.Various types of cables (Ethernet, coaxial, HDMI, etc.)
3.Cable tester
4.Insulation displacement connector (IDC) tool
5.Wire strippers
6.Cable ties
7.Safety goggles
9.Troubleshooting manual or guidebook

"Cable Jointing and Termination Techniques" by E. W. Warland and A. C. Palmer.

Published by Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2012. ISBN: 978-

1849195157.Hanna, K. T. (2021, July 13). customer premises equipment (CPE).


"Handbook of Cable Jointing: Techniques and Applications" edited by Raymond J.

Forsyth. Published by Marcel Dekker, 1995. ISBN: 978-0824793860.

"Electrician's Tools and Equipment: A Comprehensive Guide" by Malcolm Goodwin.

Published by Routledge, 2019. ISBN: 978-1138606054.

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the reliability of
communication networks is paramount. However, these networks are susceptible to
disruptions caused by cable faults and errors. In this module, we will embark on a
comprehensive journey into the heart of cable systems, where you'll gain the expertise
needed to diagnose and rectify these issues efficiently. Whether you're a seasoned technician
seeking to sharpen your skills or a newcomer eager to learn, this module will equip you
with the knowledge and practical techniques required to tackle cable faults head-on.

Analyze the symptoms of the network outage and brainstorm possible causes.
Consider factors such as recent changes to the network configuration, environmental factors,
and equipment failures.

1.How would you use a multimeter to troubleshoot a cable fault?
2.What safety precautions should be taken when handling cable repairs?
3.Why is it important to document the troubleshooting and correction process when dealing
with cable faults?


Prepare Materials, Tools and equipment needed for cable fault error

- Most of the cases the network requires troubleshooting and maintenance, which may require
some hardware as well as little manual work. In case most hardware tools are very efficient
and it won't require more muscle to work. Mainly most of the hardware tools include both
the hardware and software components. The hardware tools include cable tester, cable
certifier, crimper, butt set, toner probe, punch down tool, protocol analyzer, loop back plug,
TDR, OTDR, multimeter and external monitor. Below section will make you understand the
hardware tools to troubleshoot the connectivity issues.

Cable tester
The cable tester is also known as media tester. It is defined as a range of tools which is
proposed to test whether the cable works properly or not. Any tool which facilitates the testing
of the cable can be considered as a cable tester. Anyway, the specific tool called the media
tester which enables administrator to test a part of the cable, improperly attached connectors,
cable faults or looking for shorts. Most of the media testers will confirm whether a cable works
correctly and also where the issue on the cable exists.

Cable Certifier

The cable certifier is one among the type of tester which makes to certify cabling by
checking it for performance and speed to check that this implementation can live up to a
rating. Most tests and stress the system depend upon the error and noise testing. It is required
to know whether the Gigabit cable which is running is providing necessary speed to the
network. There are many different varieties of certifiers available and which is for fiber,
copper and for wireless networks too. Some of the devices can combine few aspects of all 3
types of networks.

The wire crimper is the tool which helps to attach the media connectors to end of the
cables. It is possible to use any 1 type of wire crimper to attach with the RJ-45 connectors on
UTP- unshielded twisted pair cable at the instance. Additionally, different type of the wire
crimper is suitable to attach to the British naval connectors to the coaxial cabling. To attach
the RJ-45 type connector to end of the cable, for that it is necessary to strip nearly 1 inch of the
outer insulation cable without cutting insulation on the 8 wires which are inside the cable.
Then press hard down on the right side of the RJ-45 to close connectors around cable and hold
the wire trapped wires into place so the cable sheath end is safely packed inside along the

Butt set

The butt set is associated with the telephony, it can also used for few data networks
also. It enables the technician or administrator to butt a communication line as well as to use
it. For phone line, the technicians can also use the line generally which are answer a call, make

a call and listen into a call. This butt set for the telephony looks like a regular phone with
handset with attached wires. The wires come from the handset will connect to the wire of the
phone. Then the technician can access or test the phone line. The butt set also used to check
the network telephony and has a limited.

Toner probe

The toner probe is the device which has 2 parts such as toner or tone generator and the
probe or tone locator. The toner will send the tone at the cable end and the probe is the one
which receives the toner signal. This is the tool which makes the process very easy to identify
the end and the beginning of the cable. The tone locator and tone generator are referred to as
hound and fox. The main purpose of the toner probe is to produce the signal which is
transmitted on a wire while attempting to find. Then press the probe against single wires.
While it maintains contact with a wire which has a signal, the locator will emit an audible tone
or signal.

Punch down tool

The punch down tool is also known as krone tool. It is a small hand type tool used by
the network and telecommunication technicians. This tool is used for inserting the wire into
the insulation displacement connector on the patch panels, punch down blocks, surface mount

boxes and keystone modules. This tool also used to attach the twisted pair type network cable
to the connectors within the patch panel. Most of the punch down tools are consisting of the
handle, impact type, the removable slotted blade and also an internal spring mechanism. The
wire has to pre positioned on a slotted post to use the krone tool and then the tool is pressed
down onto the top of a wire, over a post.

B.Common cable faults and errors

- The cable faults can be summarized into three categories: grounding, short circuit and
disconnection. The fault types are mainly as follows:

1. Flashover fault. The cable is in a good insulation state at low voltage, and there is no fault.
As long as the voltage value rises to a certain range, or a certain voltage continues to rise
after a period of time, the insulator will be broken down instantly, causing flashover fault.

2. One phase core wire is broken or multi-phase wire is broken. In the continuous test of
cable conductor, the insulation resistance of each conductor of the cable is consistent with
the relevant provisions, but one or more phases cannot be continuous in the inspection,
which means that one phase core wire is broken or more phases are broken.

3. One or two cores of three core cable are grounded. Discontinuities in one or two cores of
the three core cable shall be measured with an insulation megger, and then the insulation
resistance of one or two cores to the ground shall be telemetered. If the insulation resistance
between cores is much lower than the normal value, it is called high resistance grounding
fault if the insulation resistance is higher than 1000 Ω; On the contrary, it is a low resistance
grounding fault. These two faults are called disconnection and grounding fault.

4. The three-phase core wire is short circuited. The size of grounding resistance during short
circuit is the basis for judging the short circuit fault of three-phase core wires of cables. There
are two kinds of short circuit faults: low resistance short circuit fault and high resistance
short circuit fault. When the three-phase core wire is short circuited, the grounding
resistance below 1000 Ω is a low resistance short circuit fault, on the contrary, it is a high
resistance short circuit fault.
Cause Analysis of Common Cable Faults

1. External force damage. External force damage is the most common cause of cable failure.
After the cable is damaged by external force, a large area of power failure will occur. For
example, in the process of underground pipeline construction, the cable is pulled off due to
the large traction force of construction machinery; The cable insulation layer and shielding
layer are damaged due to excessive bending of the cable; Excessive cutting and too deep
knife mark during cable stripping. These direct external factors will cause certain damage to
the cable.

2. The insulation is damped. The poor cable manufacturing and production process will lead
to the rupture of the protective layer of the cable; Insufficient sealing of cable terminal joints;
The cable protective sleeve is punctured or corroded by objects during cable use. These are
the main reasons why the cable insulation is affected with moisture. At this time, the
insulation resistance decreases and the current increases, causing power failure problems.

3. Chemical corrosion. Long term current action will make cable insulation generate a lot of
heat. If the cable insulation work is in a bad chemical environment for a long time, its
physical properties will be changed, and the cable insulation will age or even lose its effect,
which will lead to power failure.

4. Long term overload operation. If the power cable is in the high current operation
environment for a long time, if there are impurities or aging in the line insulation layer, plus
the impact of external factors such as lightning on the over-voltage, the overload operation
will generate a lot of heat, which will easily lead to power cable failure.

5. Quality of cables and cable accessories. Cables and related accessories are two important
cable materials, and their quality problems have a direct impact on the safe operation of
power cables. The production of cable and its accessories and three ends of cable is easy to
cause quality problems, for example, the cable will be affected by moisture due to loose
sealing during transportation and storage; The insulation pipe is rough, uneven in thickness,
and there are bubbles in the pipe; The three ends of prefabricated cable cannot be peeled
accurately; The designer and producer did not manufacture the cable joint according to the
requirements. In addition, improper material selection and poor waterproof property in
cable product design will also cause cable quality problems.

C.Testing of cable faults and errors

Cabling is an expensive business and must be treated carefully. The expenditure of
substitution once the routes are all concealed is bigger. The fault is not always visible like
crushing, bending or kinking. Make sure that your cabling installer have made provision to
protect installed cabling from other worker’s actions. This is substantially less costly than
changing cabling in the future. If cable routes are guarded with no way of opening them
between termination and installation, it is ideal to terminate the cables for the time being, so
they can be tested before the routes are protected.

Why is Cable Testing Needed?

Cable testing is made to drop down testing times. This is done to check the:

• Cable conformity
• Cabling quality
• Cable functionality

Many times, a fault in a cable can be seen well before it becomes an actual problem. A
visual inspection of all the cables in your facility is a great way to find trouble before it
causes you a downtime. We look for corrosion on the copper, cracks in the insulation,
moisture on the cables and many other indicators of damage to the cables.
Cable faults cost money and create disruption, so there is an enormous demand for cable
test techniques to ensure cables and joints are in good condition, and to allow cable faults to
be located rapidly.

Cable testing to both predict and then deal with faults is a vital concern for all those
involved with the distribution of electricity. A wide range of test techniques and test
equipment are available to allow this concern to be effectively addressed, but cable testing
can, nevertheless, be a challenging task.
For this reason, a resource that’s as important as the test equipment itself is access to
expertise that will help with selecting the best equipment for the job, and using it in such a
way that it delivers the best results

D. Corrective actions for cable faults and error

1. Isolate and identify
Where there are multiple cables, determining the defective one immediately is
crucial to protecting workers and decreasing disruption. In most cases, the cable fault will be
permanent, meaning protection devices at either – or both – ends of the cable will have been
triggered. Safety is of paramount importance, so once the faulty cable has been detected,
ensuring it is isolated and earthed is the main priority.

2. Diagnose
Once the correct cable has been identified, tracing the circuit route and working out the
phase where the fault has occurred – and whether this is of high or low resistance – is the
next step. This test will determine what technique and equipment is needed to diagnose and
locate the fault. If below 100 Ohms, a low voltage pulse from a TDR (time domain
reflectometer) can usually be employed, whilst faults above 100 Ohms require bridge
technology or shock discharge from an impulse generator.
3. Pre-locate
Efficiency is key to the pre-location phase, as this enables the fault position to be determined
to a small percentage of the overall cable length and significantly reduces pinpointing time.
For low resistance faults, pre-location might be all that’s needed to find the precise position
of the defect, whilst high resistance ones require additional testing methods such as arc
4. Pinpoint
Pre-location allows engineers to find the fault position with a 5% margin of error, but greater
accuracy is essential for the safe and swift rectification of cable defects. Following this initial
locating phase with acoustic methods – alongside a shock discharge generator – therefore
enables the fault site to be identified within a 0.1% distance.
5. Repair and re-energise
Once the exact fault location has been pinpointed, excavation can take place, to enable the
necessary repairs and safety testing to be conducted. After the fault has been fixed and
signed off by the contractor, the cable can then be re-energised and the power supply

Diagnose and correct cable faults within simulated network outages.


At the end of the lesson students should be able to;
1. Identify and describe the various components involved in a POTS (Plain Old Telephone
Service) Subscriber Line installation, including the demarcation point, distribution box, and
subscriber premises equipment.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of safety protocols and procedures relevant to working with
telecommunications equipment, including proper grounding techniques, handling of tools, and
adherence to industry-standard safety guidelines.

1. Wire cutters
2. Screwdrivers
3. Ethernet Cables
4. new POTS replacement device

1. “Structured Wiring Design Manual by Robert N. Bucceri, published by McGraw-
Hill Education - While it covers a broader range of wiring topics, it includes sections
on traditional telephone wiring methods, which can be useful for POTS installation”.

2. “Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM), 13th Edition by

Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) - This manual is widely
recognized as a comprehensive resource for telecommunications distribution design
and installation, including POTS lines”.

3. “Local Exchange Carriers Handbook by Michael T. Adams, published by CRC Press -

This handbook may provide insights into the practices and regulations governing the
installation of POTS lines by local exchange carriers”


Installing Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) on subscriber lines is a

fundamental aspect of telecommunications infrastructure. POTS remains a critical
service for providing basic voice communication over traditional copper wires. This
guide aims to provide an introductory overview of the process involved in installing
POTS on subscriber lines.


1. Match the column A with column B


1. Have long slender jaws that are flat on the inside used A. long nose
from such purposes as gripping small particles reaching pliers
places not accessible by hand. B. Diagonal
side cutters
C. bridle ring
D. extension
2. protect workers from falling object or debris
E. hard hat

3. Reduces potential wire abrasion, minimizes magnetic

interference to communication signals and easier to install

4. Are equipped with cutting jaws that are cut at an angle

of about 15 degrees used for wire cutting and in general work
of this type

5. Most important cable splicers equipment made of fiber

glass on a strap a attached on a messenger wire on a aerial
operations and place on a pole when testing on terminals.


POTS installation involves several key steps. Initially, thorough planning and
preparation are imperative, encompassing the determination of telephone outlet
locations and compliance with local regulations. Subsequently, the physical
installation unfolds, with twisted pair copper cables routed from a central
demarcation point to designated outlet locations. Termination of these cables onto
telephone jacks follows, adhering to standard wiring conventions and ensuring
signal integrity.
Testing constitutes a critical phase, where connectivity and signal integrity are
scrutinized using multimeters or continuity testers. Documentation of the
installation, including diagrams and testing results, facilitates troubleshooting and
future maintenance. Compliance with relevant regulations and safety standards is
paramount throughout the installation process.

Drop wires – wire suitable for extending and open wire or cable pair from a pole or
cable terminal to a cabling.
Ground Rod – can be made with steel with a copper clad surface. These are driven
vertically into the ground and bonded together with bare copper wire.

Line wires – two copper wires (Tip and Ring) for each telephone line run from a home
or other small building to a local telephone exchange.
Non-Metallic Construction – Minimizes potential wire abrasion and reduces the possibility
of magnetic interference with communication sign.
OSP (Outside Plant) – refers to all physical cabling and supporting physical infrastructure (
such as (conduits, cabinets, tower and poles).
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – refers to protective clothing, helmets, googles, and
other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearers body from injury.

List of tools and materials

1. Long nose pliers Have long slender jaws that are flat on the inside used from such
purposes as gripping small particles reaching places not accessible by hand.

2. Diagonal Side Cutter – Are equipped with cutting jaws that are cut at an angle of about
15 degrees used for wire cutting and in general work of this type.
3. Bridle Ring – Reduces potential wire abrasion, minimizes magnetic interference to
communication signals and easier to install.
4. Extension ladder – Most important cable splicers equipment made of fiber glass on a
strap a attached on a messenger wire on a aerial operations and place on a pole when testing on
5. Hard Hat – protect workers from falling object or debris
6. Safety Belt and Strap – used to support workman while working ladders or any
location when it affects safely to the wearer and at the same time it allows freedom of the arms,
hand and feet in the performance of the required task.

Distribution Point or Cable Terminals

Conventional Binding-Post Type Cable Terminals

Marconi Communications WP (formerly Reliable and Reltec)

• Marconi terminals can be identified with it lights green color metal housing.

A. Screw Type-Cable Terminals

• Schiederwerk terminals can be identified with its off white color housing.

B. Ericsson Terminal Box
• Ericsson terminal can be identified with its black color dome type housing.

C. Sealed IDC (Insulation Displacement Connection) Cable Terminals

• Raychem DTerminator 1 terminals can be identified with its light gray color
housing for 10-pair type and anodized aluminum housing for the 25-pare type.

D. Raychem DTerminator 2 – terminals can be identified with its light gray color housing
for the 10-pair type and anodized aluminum housing for the 25-pair type.

E. Marconi Insealator - terminals can be identified with its light green color metal

Rules for Hand Tools

1. Use your Personal Protective Equipment
2. Choose the right tool for the job.
3. Make sure the tools you select for the job are in first-dass condition.
4. Use tools properly.

Pole Clamp with Hook Nuts on Wooden Poles

Power utilities may not allow the use of drive hooks on their wooden poles. Pole clamp with
hook nuts can be used as shown in Figure A. Pole clamp with hook nut installations on concrete
pole with drop wires on pole-to-pole and pole-to-building runs is shown in Figure B.

Placing Additional Pole Clamp with Hook Nuts on Concrete Poles
Additional pole clamps with hook nuts can be installed to accommodate additional Drop wires.

Placing Pole Clamp with Hook Nuts on Concrete Poles without Existing Attachments (i.e.,
messenger wire and pole clamp)

Capacity of Drive Hooks (“J” Hooks) or Hook Nuts
The maximum number of P-clamps, dropwires, or spans that may be attached to one drive
hook or hook nut is five (5), regardless of direction of spans.


Dropwire Clamps
There are two types of dropwire clamps used in PLDT SIM plant. These are:
1. Stainless Steel Dropwire Clamp - The clamp consists of a stainless-steel shell, wedge, wire
bail (or tail wire), and a plastic (polyethylene) shim.

2. Plastic Dropwire Clamp- The clamp consists of a stainless-steel wire bail integrally molded
within a plastic wedge clamp.

Do’s and Don’ts after Installation
1) Be always neat about your appearance and work.
2) Make your work permanent.
3) Be sure all tools are all accounted and excess materials are removed Within the customer s
4) Do test telephone instrument after the installation for correct dial speed, transmission,
reception and low level noise.
5) Always leave the new customer with the thought that you have done your work properly.
6) Don’t leave customer’s premises unless customer is familiar with the operation of the
particular telephone set.
7) Don’t drop a hint to the customer that you are hungry or thirsty.
8) Do not tell customers or people who question you about additional lines, etc. that lots of
facilities are available you could be wrong.
9) Don’t tell customer or people who question you about facilities to call executive of PLDT.
As PLDT you represent PLDT. Make note and give it to your supervisor


Familiarize the proper use of tools in installing POTS


At the end of the session, students should be able to:

1. establish a stable and reliable connection between the user's premises and the
internet service provider's network using DSL technology.
2. Ensure that the user's equipment, such as DSL modems, routers, and computers, is
compatible with the DSL service and configured properly to establish a connection.
3. Ensure that the DSL connection provides sufficient speed to meet the user's needs,
whether it's for basic web browsing, streaming media, online gaming, or other

• DSL modem
• DSL router
• Rj11
• DSL splitter
• Network face controller
Hashim, D. F., Seman, F. C., Jumaat, S. A., Nor, A. F. M., & Jamil, A. (2023, May). Power consumption
in the DSL access network system. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2795, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
Khara, P. (2021). Implementation of Physical layer of a network via practical analysis.
Bhoedjang, R. A., Ruhl, T., & Bal, H. E. (1998). User-level network interface
protocols. Computer, 31(11), 53-60.
Cioffi, J., Silverman, P., & Starr, T. (1999). Digital subscriber lines. Computer networks, 31(4), 283-311.

Match the column A with column B


1. is a standardized physical network interface both jack A. DSL modem

construction and wiring pattern for connecting B. DSL router
telecommunications C. Rj11
2. is an analog low-pass filter installed between analog devices D. DSL splitter
(such as telephones or analog modems) and a plain old E. Network
telephone service (POTS) telephone line face controller
3. is a device used to connect a computer or router to a
telephone circuit that has Digital Subscriber Line service
4. is a computer hardware component that connects a
computer to a computer network.
5. is a device used to connect a computer or router to a
telephone line which provides the digital subscriber line
(DSL) service for connection to the Internet

1. What does DSL stand for?
2. What is a DSL installation?
3. How to set up DSL?

Digital subscriber line, abbreviated as DSL, is a family of technologies that allows for digital
data transmission over the wires of a local telephone network. DSL can be used at the same
time and on the same telephone line as normal telephone calls since DSL operates at high-
frequency bands while the telephone call uses low frequencies. The most common form of
DSL technology is ADSL, or Asymmetric digital subscriber line, where the band with used
in either direction is different.

• A digital subscriber line (DSL) modem is a device used to connect a computer or
router to a telephone line which provides the digital subscriber line (DSL) service
for connection to the Internet, which is often called DSL broadband. The modem
connects to a single computer or router, through an Ethernet port, USB port, or is
installed in a computer PCI slot.
• The more common DSL router is a standalone device that combines the function
of a DSL modem and a router, and can connect multiple computers through
multiple Ethernet ports or an integral wireless access point. Also called a
residential gateway, a DSL router usually manages the connection and sharing of
the DSL service in a home or small office network.


A Registered Jack (RJ 11) is a standardized physical network interface both jack construction
and wiring pattern for connecting telecommunications or data equipment to a service
provided by a local exchange carrier or long distance carrier.


Network Interface Controller (also known as a network interface card, network adapter,
LAN adapter and by similar terms) is a computer hardware component that connects a
computer to a computer network.


A DSL Splitter/Micro Filter is an analog low-pass filter installed between analog devices
(such as telephones or analog modems) and a plain old telephone service (POTS) telephone
line, in order to prevent interference between such devices and a digital subscriber line
(DSL) service operating on the same line


Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Modem is a device used to connect a computer or router to a
telephone circuit that has Digital Subscriber Line service configured.



Splitter Voice Data

Generally used when running another UTP cable · Must be used in pairs Generally
used when running another UTP cable, Must be used in pairs, Dongle version and
RJ45 plug to 2x RJ45 sockets. One RJ45 outlet is in an office, which goes back to a
patch panel. Install a splitter at each end, patch LAN and voice over the single four
pair cable, using the redundant pairs. Generally used when running another UTP
cable in your shop, office or home is not an option, or for temporary installations.


1. Start by disconnecting the device that is currently connected to your cable or DSL
modem. If you don’t already have a network, this is likely a PC. If you’re upgrading
a network, this is likely the old router.
2. Power off your cable or DSL modem.
3. Run an Ethernet cable from the cable or DSL modem to the router’s WAN (widearea
network) port. Note that it’s best to locate a wireless router in the middle of a home
or office, if possible, so that the signal will reach all of your devices. To move the
router, you may need to move the cable or DSL modem, or locate a stretch of
Ethernet cable that’s long enough to reach the spot where you want to place the
wireless router.
4. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the LAN port on the router and connect the
other end to a PC with a wired Ethernet connection, because you’ll need a wired
connection to access and configure the wireless router.
5. Attach the power adapter to the router, and plug the power adapter into a wall
outlet. In some cases, you may also need to switch the router on. Also, you can now
power on your cable or DSL modem. Wait a minute or two until both the router and
modem have booted up.
6. Turn on the computer that’s connected to the router and open your Web browser.
Reference the router’s user’s manual to find the address you need to enter to make
changes to the router’s configuration. Typically, the Web address will be something
similar to Once you open the configuration utility, you’ll need to
enter a username and password, the defaults for which are generally “admin.”
7. You should now have access to the router’s configuration utility. Start by setting up
your Internet connection with the information that was provided by your ISP. Many
routers offer a setup wizard area; from here you can click through the most common

options to quickly configure your router. After you’ve entered the data, you’ll likely
need to reboot the router for the settings to take effect.
8. Most routers begin broadcasting a Wi-Fi signal by default, but you’ll want to alter
the settings with a network name and password that’s known only to employees and
guests. To protect your network, it’s wise to encrypt it. Typically, these settings
should be listed under a Wi-Fi or wireless settings area where you’ll change the
network name. To change the network name, look for the SSID Service Set Identifier)
field. Enter the name of the network you prefer, such as your business’s name or
something that will help employees easily figure out what network they should join.
9. Next, configure the network’s encryption protocol. There are three common
encryption standards: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), WPA (Wi-Fi Protected
Access), or WPA2. WPA2 is generally considered the strongest encryption method,
and WPAPSK (pre-shared key) allows you to use a memorable password, rather than
a long, random string of numbers and letters. To set up Wi-Fi encryption, choose the
standard you want to use and enter the password into the available fields. Whatever
you choose, come up with a good way to remember the network name and key or
write it down (keep it in a secure location if you do so) to make it easy to give it to
employees and important clients who need Wi-Fi access.
10. Now, you should be able to see and access the network on your office computers. If
service still seems to be spotty or slow, check with your employees about what Web
applications they are using during the workday. For example, video conferencing or
social networking tools occasionally take up extra bandwidth, although they can be
useful for meeting and interacting with clients and customers remotely


1. Make sure that there is dial tone by lifting the handset or by pushing the hands-
free button of the telephone.
2. Connect the splitter to the connecting block.
3. Connect the modem and telephone to the designated ports on the splitter by
separate line cords with RJ 11.
4. Check the telephone if there is dial tone by lifting the handset or thru hands free
button of the phone.
5. Plug the power supply of the modem to the subs electrical sockets with 220 V
6. Power on the modem and look at the green light on the power LED indicator.
7. After 15 seconds check the modem if there is a steady green light on the DSL LED
8. Connect the modem and the LAN card of PC/Laptop using data cable or UTP
cable with RJ 45.
9. Check if there's a flashing light on the modems Ethernet LED indicator 10. Go to
the browser of the PC/Laptop and browse the internet.

familiarize students with the process of installing DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) for internet


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