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Mixed Practice 107

22 Gabriella says: ‘If two straight lines do not intersect, then they are parallel’. Give a counterexample to
disprove her statement.
23 Prove by induction that

r=n n
r = 2 − 1 ( n + 2), n ∈ .

r =1
2r 2
24 Using the principle of mathematical induction, show that 2n ! 11n for all integers n " 7.
25 a Show that
1 = n + 1 − n where n " 0, n ∈ .
n + n+1
b Hence show that 2 − 1 # 1 .
2 r=n
1 ! n for n " 2,
c Prove, by mathematical induction, that ∑
r =1
n ∈ .
Mathematics HL May 2015 Paper 1 TZ2 Q13

26 Use mathematical induction to prove that (2 n)! " 2n ( n!)2, n ∈ + .

Mathematics HL November 2014 Paper 1 Q8

27 a Use induction to prove De Moivre’s theorem for all positive integers:

(cos θ + isin θ )n = cos nθ + isin nθ
b Use induction to prove De Moivre’s theorem for all negative integers.
28 Use induction to show that the sum of the squares of the first n odd numbers can be written as
n ( an2 − 1), where a is an integer to be found.
29 Prove by induction that, for any positive integer n,
(2 n)!
2 × 4 × 6…(4 n − 2) =
30 Prove, using induction, that for positive integer n,
sin(2n x )
cos x × cos 2 x × cos 4 x × … × cos(2n x ) =
2n sin x
31 a Prove, using induction, that
sin θ + sin 3θ + … + sin(2 n − 1)θ = sin nθ , n ∈ +
sin θ
b Hence find the exact value of sin π + sin 3π … + sin 13π .
7 7 7

32 Prove that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 … + n = ( n + 1)! − 1.

2! 3! 4! 5! ( n + 1)! ( n + 1)!
33 a By using the formula for n Cr show that n Cr = n −1 C
r −1
+ n −1 C
for 1 $ r $ n − 1.

b Prove by induction that n C1 + n C2 + … n Cn −1 = 2n − 2.

34 a Prove by induction that for all positive integers n5 − n is divisible by five.
b By factorizing prove that n5 − n is also divisible by six.
c Is n5 − n always divisible by 60? Either prove that it is, or give a counter example to disprove it.
35 There are n lines in a plane such that no two are parallel and no three pass through the same point.
n( n − 1)
Use induction to show that the number of intersection points created by these lines is .
n( n + 1) 2
Prove also that the number regions formed is + 1.

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