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Here are 20 English exercises that involve filling in the blanks with appropriate

Please ________ your shoes before entering the house. Removed

I have a ___________ appointment with the dentist tomorrow. Medical

The students were asked to ___________ a short story for their homework. Write

The cat sat on the windowsill and ___________ outside. Ran

My grandmother is an excellent ___________ and makes delicious cookies. Cook

The car broke down, and we had to call a ___________ for help. Ton car

She carefully ___________ the instructions before assembling the furniture. Read

The teacher asked the students to ___________ the missing words in the paragraph. Fill in

Can you ___________ me a favor and pick up some groceries on your way home? Help

The children were excited to ___________ their new toys on Christmas morning. Won

The detective carefully examined the ___________ at the crime scene. Upstairs

After a long day at work, I like to ___________ on the couch and watch TV. Sat

We decided to ___________ our vacation plans due to bad weather. Travel

The chef asked the apprentice to ___________ the vegetables for the soup. Washed

The weather forecast predicts ___________ rain this weekend. Many

She couldn't find her keys and had to ___________ her bag to locate them. Looking for in

The musician played a beautiful melody on the ___________. Culture’s event

The children were excited to ___________ their Halloween costumes. Played

The company decided to ___________ a new policy to improve employee satisfaction.


The hikers had to ___________ a steep hill to reach the mountain peak. Climb

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