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Embedded Computer Systems

Practicals - Software Requirements
▪ The following software platforms are to be used during the study of
Instrumentation and Embedded Control Systems:
▪ Micro C for PIC Microcontrollers

▪ Proteus Circuit Simulation Software

▪ HyperTerminal/ Terminal Software

▪ Serial Port Emulator Software (VSPE)

EEE413 Practicals – Hardware & Programming
▪ The course practicals shall be carried out through the development of
applications for the PIC Microcontroller

▪ In some cases simulation of data and variables shall be conducted in

MATLAB and results depicted accordingly.
What is an Embedded System?

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What is an Embedded System
▪ System:

▪ A set of interacting or interdependent component parts forming a complex/

intricate whole.

▪ Consists :
▪ Surrounding environment

▪ Described by its structure

▪ Has a specific purpose

▪ Expressed in its functioning

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What is an Embedded System
▪ System with at least a processor or microcontroller implanted into it.

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What is an Embedded System
▪ Definition:

▪ It is a system incorporating electronic software and hardware and

comprising at least a single microprocessor/ microcontroller with the

overall system meant to preform some specific dedicated task.

▪ Usually the user is unaware that they are using a microcomputer based


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Embedded System vs GPP
▪ Embedded System-Special type of computer designed for one or a few dedicated
▪ Embedded Systems Account for >99% of new microprocessors
• Consumer electronics
• Vehicle control systems
• Medical equipment
• Sensor networks

▪ Desktop processors (Intel Core, AMD Athlon, PowerPC, etc.) combined is only
Embedded System vs GPP
▪ Embedded Systems- Computing systems embedded within electronic
▪ Nearly any computing system other than a desktop computer
▪ Designed to perform a specific function
▪ Billions of units produced yearly, versus millions of desktop units
▪ Take advantage of application characteristics to optimize the design
▪ As electrical or electronics engineers, you may be required to design an
embedded system But you BUY (not design) a general purpose computer
Embedded System vs GPP
General Purpose Embedded System

• Intended to run a fully general set of applications • Runs a few applications often known at design time

• End-user programmable • Not end-user programmable

• Faster is always better • Operates in fixed run-time constraints, additional
performance may not be useful/valuable

• Differentiating features: • Differentiating features:

• Speed (need not be fully predictable) • Power
• Software compatibility • Cost
• Cost
• Size

• Speed (must be predictable)

Embedded System History

• Embedded Systems were in existence

even before IT revolution.

• 1st recognizable modern ES is the

Apollo Guidance Computer developed
by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory
for the Lunar expedition.
Embedded System History
• The AGC was a digital computer produced for the
Apollo program that was installed on board each
Apollo Command Module (CM) and Lunar Module

• The AGC provided computation and electronic

interfaces for guidance, navigation, and control of the
Classification of Embedded Systems
▪ Embedded systems can be classified based on several criteria such as;

Embedded Systems
Classification of Embedded Systems
Stand Alone Embedded Systems

▪ Stand alone embedded systems do not require a host system like a computer, it
works by itself.

▪ It takes the input from the input ports either analog or digital and processes,
calculates and converts the data and gives the resulting data through the connected
device-Which either controls, drives and displays the connected devices.

▪ Examples of stand alone embedded systems are mp3 players, digital cameras,
video game consoles, microwave ovens and temperature measurement systems.
Classification of Embedded Systems
Real Time Embedded Systems

▪ A real time embedded system is defined as, a system which gives a

required o/p in a particular time.

▪ These types of embedded systems follow the time deadlines for

completion of a task.

▪ Real time embedded systems are classified into two types such as soft
and hard real time systems.
Classification of Embedded Systems
Networked Embedded Systems

▪ These types of embedded systems are related to a network to access the resources.

▪ The connected network can be LAN, WAN or the internet.

▪ The connection can be any wired or wireless.

▪ This type of embedded system is the fastest growing area in embedded system

▪ The embedded web server is a type of system where in all embedded devices are
connected to a web server and accessed and controlled by a web browser.

▪ Example for the LAN networked embedded system is a home security system wherein all
sensors are connected and run on the protocol TCP/IP
Classification of Embedded Systems
Mobile Embedded Systems

▪ Mobile embedded systems are used in portable embedded devices like

cell phones, mobiles, digital cameras, mp3 players and personal digital
assistants, etc.

▪ The basic limitation of these devices is the other resources and

limitation of memory.
Classification of Embedded Systems
Small Scale Embedded Systems

▪ These types of embedded systems are designed with a single 8 or 16-

bit microcontroller, that may even be powered by a battery.

▪ For developing embedded software for small scale embedded systems,

the main programming tools are an editor, assembler, cross assembler
and integrated development environment (IDE).
Classification of Embedded Systems
Medium Scale Embedded Systems

▪ These types of embedded systems design with a single or 16 or 32 bit

microcontroller, RISCs or DSPs.

▪ These types of embedded systems have both hardware and software


▪ For developing embedded software for medium scale embedded systems,

the main programming tools are C, C++, JAVA, Visual C++, RTOS,
debugger, source code engineering tool, simulator and IDE.
Classification of Embedded Systems
Sophisticated Embedded Systems

▪ These types of embedded systems have enormous hardware and

software complexities, that may need ASIPs, IPs, PLAs, scalable or
configurable processors.

▪ They are used for cutting-edge applications that need hardware and
software Co-design and components which have to assemble in the
final system.
Embedded System Characteristics
An Embedded System has limitations in terms of:

▪ Memory

▪ Power Consumption

▪ Processing Power

▪ Space

▪ Cost
Applications of Embedded Systems
▪ Embedded Systems find application in countless environments.

i. Home gadgets – Washing Machines, Microwave, Top set box, remote control systems

ii. Telecommunication Systems and equipment – Router, Hubs, Base Station, Cell Phones

iii. Agriculture – Automated Agricultural System

iv. Hospital Equipment – CT Scanner, ECG, EEG, MRI, BP Monitor, Glucose Monitor

v. Avionics – Navigation Systems, Automatic Landing Systems, Flight attitude controller

vi. Robotics – Line following robots, humanoid robotics, Unmanned Air Vehicles

vii. Military – Missile Guidance, unmanned sub marines

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Applications of Embedded Systems
vii. Office Automation – Fax, Copy machine, smart phone system, modems, scanner, printer

viii. Security – Face, Finger ,Eye recognition, security systems, alarm systems

ix. Academia – Smart Board, Smart room, Noticeboards, Bill boards

x. Instrumentation – Signal Generator, Signal Processor, Power supplies, Process Instrum

xi. Automobile – Fuel Injection Controller, ABS, Lock Systems, Air Bag sys, GPS, Cruise

xii. Industrial Automation – Assembly Line, Data Collection, Parameter Monitoring

xiii. Banking and Finance – ATM, Smart Vendor Machine, Cash Register, Access Systems, Displays.

xiv. Personal Gadgets – PDA, iphone, Palm top,

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Agricultural Applications

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Medical, Health and Fitness Applications

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Transport Avionics

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Transport Avionics

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Transport Railway

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Transport Motor Vehicles

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Displays Applications

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Robotic Applications

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Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems
▪ Are the non functional requirements that need to be documented properly in
any system design

▪ Broadly classified into:

▪ Operational Quality Attributes

▪ Non-Operational Quality Attributes

Operational Quality Attributes
Represent the relevant quality attributes when system is operational/ online mode

i. Response

ii. Throughput

iii. Reliability

iv. Maintainability

v. Security

vi. Safety
Operational Quality Attributes

▪ Measure of quickness of the system

▪ Gives an idea on how fast system tracks changes in input variables

▪ Most embedded systems require fast response which should almost be real time


▪ Deals with the efficiency of the system

▪ Can be defined as the rate of production or operation of a defined process over a stated time period

▪ Eg in a reader this can relate to how many transactions the reader can perform per time unit

▪ Usually some benchmark is used to measure performance,.

Operational Quality Attributes

▪ A measure of how much % you can rely upon the proper functioning of the system or % susceptibility of the system to failures

▪ Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) are some of the terms used in defining system reliability


▪ Deals with support and maintenance to the end user or client in case of technical issues and product failures or on the basis of routine system

▪ Reliability and maintainability are two complementary disciplines

▪ A more reliable system means a system with less corrective maintainability requirements

▪ Maintainability can be classified into

▪ SCHEDULED/ Periodic maintenance

▪ Corrective maintenance
Operational Quality Attributes

▪ Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are the three major measures of security.

▪ Confidentiality: protection of data and application from unauthorized disclosure.

▪ Integrity: protection of data and application from unauthorized modification.

▪ Availability: Protection of data and application from unauthorized users.


▪ Safety and security seem to be confusing as they seam to highlight a single attribute

▪ However they represent two unique aspects in quality attributes

▪ Safety deals with the possible damages that can happen to the operators, public and environment during the
operation/ functionality of the embedded system
Non-Operational Quality Attributes
Quality attributes that need to be addressed for the product not on the basis of
operational aspects.

i. Testability and Debug ability

ii. Evolvability

iii. Portability

iv. Time to prototype and market

v. Per unit and total cost

Operational Quality Attributes
Testability & Debug ability

▪ Deals with how easily one can test a design/ application and by which means it can
be tested.

▪ Testability is applicable both in HW an SW

▪ Debug ability is a means of debugging product for figuring out the probable
sources for unexpected behavior in the system

EvolvabilityRefers to the ease with which the embedded product can be modified to
take advantage of new firmware or hardware technologies.
Operational Quality Attributes
Research on the remaining non operational quality attributes:

▪ Portability

▪ Time to prototype and market

▪ Per unit and total cost

Communication Interface
• Communication Essential for communicating with various subsystems and with external world.

• Can be classified into:

• Onboard communication interfaces

• Communication channels for interconnecting various ICs and other peripherals within embedded system.
• I2C. SPI, UART, 1-Wire, Parallel bus etc

• External Communication interface.

• Communication channels used in communicating with external world
• Wireless: Bluetooth, Infrared, WiFi, RF, GPRS, Zigbee, LiFi etc.
• Wired: RS232/RS422/RS485, Usb, Ethernet, Parallel Port etc.
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
1) IoT Platforms
The Internet of Things is an expansive term that covers any number of web-
connected technologies. While many available platforms can be modified
through accessories to make it a connected device, we are seeing a plethora of
devices enter the market with built-in networking capabilities. In the DIY/Maker
market, microcontroller platforms like the Photon and single board computers
(SBCs) like the Edison come pre-packed with onboard WiFi radios.
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
2) IoT Command and Control Software
• As Internet-connectable hardware continues to become more affordable ($5
Raspberry Pi’s!?) and more powerful (ESP32’s!), the software tools we use to
interface with them will be a big part of what sets them apart.
• Software, apps, and browser-based dashboards that serve as a command,
control, and monitoring base for your connected device(s) will continue to
innovate alongside all of the exciting new hardware that launches in 2016.
These tools can add versatility to programming, controlling, and/or observing
your project, by providing access from anywhere on the globe. As long as they
can remain reasonably secure, I think they’ll find their way into many projects
this year.
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
3) IoT Security
• People have a funny way of thinking about IoT security. If you tell someone
that hackers can access their smart lightbulbs from across the globe, their
response is often, “So what? Some hackers in Russia are gonna turn my
lights on?” – but the reality of the situation is a little darker. (pardon the pun)
• It’s important to remember that the Internet of Things is an internet and,
tautologically, is interconnected. If your smart-bulb is sitting on an open port,
and I can get to it, it’s not just a vulnerable lightbulb, it’s an attack vector. I
could run a remote code execution exploit on your lightbulb (which is on your
local network) and make it attack your PC… or your home security system…
That’s right, we’re entering an age where hackers can backdoor your home
computer through your lightbulbs (or toasters, or egg cartons).
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
4) Smart Machines
• A lot of big players have been making investments in smart machines. A few
examples include Intel, GM, Toyota, and Google.
• In 2016 we will see advancements in systems and algorithms that allow machines
and robots to understand and learn from their environment and act autonomously.
Examples include autonomous vehicles and driverless cars, virtual personal
assistants (like Google Now, Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri), drone-based
delivery, and onsite monitoring.
• The most notable instance among smart machines is the obvious autonomous cars.
A convergence of artificial intelligence, more powerful processors, and affordable
sensor systems are making smart machines more and more feasible. There will be
plenty of autonomous vehicles shown off in different aspects this year, but expect
similar trends in industrial and in some new home products as well.
• One of the coolest aspects of this will be the partnerships being created among car
makers and high-performance processor companies such as Nvidia.
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
• 5) Software Capabilities for SBC

Interesting stuff is on the horizon for high-end developers. It’s possible that
embedded ecosystems will start to become easier to program at the architecture
level in 2016. See this thread on software eco-systems for single board
computersfrom Hacker News.
• With embedded electronics systems, developers have to figure out a lot of code on
their own because of the custom, low-cost, low-power hardware comes with limited
processing and limited code libraries. Open platforms with community support may
help make devices more programmable by everyone.
• Dart is a C like language, for small microcontrollers, that is looking promising to
extend source code compiler and de-bugging capabilites to development boards.
• Additionally, Intel recently announced it will use Altera’s FPGA (field-programmable
gate array) technology in its x86 processors to support data center and IoT
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
6) Home Automation
• Smart home innovations (hobbyist and commercial) will continue to evolve in 2016.
The home is not only a convenient place to start projects, it also provides motivation
to know you can hack your way to real savings and impress your kids at the same
time. Additionally, more and more of these types of products are seeing commercial
success – perhaps the most well-known example is Alphabet’s Nest (programmable
• I took a look at SparkFun project submissions in the recent year, and the third most
common type of project was in the category of home automation (behind board
designs and hobby-related projects). Examples of home automation projects
include: a chicken coop heater, outdoor decorative solar lights, BBQ thermometer
system, Arduino air conditioner override controller, and an IoT garage door
• On the commercial front, the U.S. market for home automation systems and devices
was valued at $6.9B in 2014 and it’s estimated to top $10B in 2019 (8% annual
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
7) VR Headsets - like Oculus
• increase in ways to interface with the headsets beyond gaming and simple
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
8) IoT Data Tools
• Sensors and other hardware devices are becoming more accessible and
widely used, and connectivity between devices and the cloud is becoming a
way to push advances in industries with large resources like wearables, self-
driving cars, medical applications, agriculture, and industrial machining.
Software development, applications and services that make it possible for
hobbyists and innovators to put device connectivity to good use will be a hot
ticket in the years ahead. And as important as the data tools for accessibility
and aggregation are, they will be eclipsed by the importance of tools and
services that will make the data more useful.
• This NY Times article gives an interesting glimpse at what the future of IoT
might look like (including “data singlularity”), “Think of it as one, enormous
process in which machines gather information, learn and change based on
what they learn.”
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
• 9) Technology in Education
• Jeff Branson
• This year our education department is looking at the latest flock of remotely programmable devices
and the offerings around The Internet of Things for the classroom.
• We are closely working with the Particle Photon and the apps available with it to bring this new level
of technology to educators. The ability of the Photon to be programmed, no matter where it is, by a
web browser is very compelling and it mitigates some of the IT administration issues that come with
education settings. The Photon also seamlessly syncs with the Particle and Blynk apps that make it
usable from tablets and other mobile devices. Both these apps also work with the ESP8266 Thing,
which we are tracking as a great, inexpensive IoT device. Out of the box the ESP8266 is
programmable with the Arduino environment and has example code that posts
to and sockets directly to Blynk. As well, the ESP8266 is great at severing a
wireless webpage that will allow control of the pins from the webpage it’s serving. We are excited to
see how students use this new, very friendly tech.
• In the area of software and hardware we are huge fans of the Node.js platform. Node allows most
embedded hardware on the market to interface with the web and do a wide range of web-based
tasks. Our favorite implementation is the johnny-five package, an amazing product of the Bocoup
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
1. Embedded Vision And Speech

“It won’t be long before it’s in everything,” says Maxfield.

• Maxfield demonstrated the potential of embedded vision and speech by
painting a future scenario revolving around a smart toaster. Imagine
waking up from bed and walking into the kitchen, ready to enjoy a delicious
breakfast. You decide to try something new and toast some rye bread to
start your morning.
• As you approach the toaster, the smart device asks what kind of bread
you’re holding, since it’s the first time it has encountered that specific type.
After you answer, it then asks how you’d like it prepared (lightly toasted, a
bit dark, etc.). The next time you take out the rye bread, whether it be the
next day or next month, the toaster won’t have to ask any of its previous
questions. The device learns, remembers, and evolves.
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
2. Augmented Reality Enhanced With Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• One of the current trends involving embedded systems is objection detection and
recognition in real time.
• Maxfield noted how a future of people walking around with enhanced goggles, like the
Oculus Rift, is very near. With forward-facing cameras, humans will see the world
around them with extra thought bubbles of information. Imagine walking around the
office, and next to each person is relevant data, notes, and stats.
• A future with people walking around with AR headgear sounds farfetched. However, if
one person is wearing the device, it looks silly, says Maxfield, but if 50 people around
you are donning the goggles, then you start to wonder, “What are they seeing that I’m
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
3. Gaming Tech Gets VR, Haptics Upgrade
• In order to illustrate just how immersive gaming systems may be in the future, Maxfield
described potential upgrades for the popular board game Clue. As someone who’s always up
for a good mystery to solve, Clue already ranks high on the fun scale in my book, but
Maxfield’s vision for the future does up the ante on the classic game.
• His prediction involves a headset device that transports you to a photo-realistic environment.
Instead of moving pieces around a flat board, you’re actually standing inside the renowned
mansion. Characters will walk about, with the capability of dynamic interactions. Not only
that, but users will also be able to interact with objects, looking everywhere for the case-
breaking clue. Haptics may even play a part in the overall experience, adding realistic, tactile
• As users attempt to solve the mystery at hand, they can approach characters and engage in
realistic conversations. The characters will have the ability to lie and forget, which will require
players to use real detective work to uncover the truth.
• “Some may go into that and might not come out for a week,” Maxfield comments.
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
4. Auto-Focus Smart Glasses
• Earlier this year, researchers from the University of Utah created “smart glasses” that
can automatically focus on what the user is seeing, whether it’s right in front of their
face or far off into the distance.
• Created with liquid-based lenses, each lens membrane is connected to three
mechanical actuators responsible for moving the membranes back and forth, which
change the lens’ curvature. As the curvature changes, the focal length between the
lens and the eye changes as well.
• Before someone tries on a pair for the first time, all they have to do is input their
eyeglasses prescription into a companion smartphone app. The device then
automatically calibrates to the proper level via Bluetooth.
Embedded Systems: Current Trends
• 5. MyScript Memo
• For those who suffer from handwriting legibility, MyScript Memo offers a helpful
solution. The device uses a proprietary algorithm that’ll take your handwritten words
on an iPad or iPhone screen and convert it into neatly typed digital text.
• Even those who have, shall we say, unique handwriting abilities have found accurate
script recognition while using the free app. Maxfield explains a friend’s comical
experience, noting how the device “can recognize things that he can’t even read

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