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First edition

Jan 16, 2024

collection of
of people
and Reverting
to Islam

"Allah guides those who seek His pleasure

to the ways of peace, brings them out of
darkness and into light by His Will, and
guides them to the Straight Path."
{Quran | Surah Ma’idah | 5:16}
11.. Preface Pg 1
22.. 10 Reasons Why You Must Leave
Mahdaviyat [Overview] Pg 2
33.. Ten Reasons Why You Should Leave
Mahdaviyat [Detailed] Pg 3
44.. 6 challenges when quitting Mahdaviyat Pg 4
55.. Challenges when quitting Mahdaviyat &
their solution [Detailed] Pg 5
66.. Mohammed Khundmeer Siddiq’s Testimony Pg 8
77.. Syed Moin Munawwar’s Testimony Pg 11
88.. Syed Moosa Kalim Al-Falahi’s Testimony Pg 14
99.. Syed Shahid Mehdi’s Testimony Pg 17
10. Raafey Mohamed Khan’s Testimony Pg 20
11. Rizwan Qureshi’s Testimony Pg 23
12. Saim Khan Salik’s Testimony Pg 27
13 Amer Akber’s Testimony Pg 31
14. Syed Ali Akbar’s Testimony Pg 35
15. Dr. Zaibunnisa’s Testimony Pg 38
C l i c k b16.
elo.w t o 16. Our Major Works - Pg 40 C l i c ok ubre pl or wi v at toe j o i n
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‫ِب ْس ِم االلِهِه االَّر ْح ٰم ِن االَّر ِح ْي ِم‬
Dear Seekers of Truth,

As we journey through life, we often encounter moments of profound revelation – moments

that compel us to question the beliefs we once held dear. Just as the noble Prophet Ibrahim
(AS) distanced himself from his people and their misguided ways upon discovering the
truth, so too can we find inspiration in his unwavering resolve to embrace the path of

In the Quran, Allah recounts the story of Ibrahim (AS) and those who stood by him,
"Indeed, we are
declaring their separation from the falsehoods that surrounded them: "Indeed,
disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allāh." (Quran 60:4)
This declaration was not one of arrogance or disdain, but a testament to the courage and
conviction that emanates from recognizing the truth.

For those who have quietly stepped away from the confines of Mahdaviyat, or who find
themselves silently questioning its doctrines, the example of Ibrahim (AS) shines as a
beacon of strength. Just as Ibrahim (AS) distanced himself from the false gods and
beliefs of his time, we too have the opportunity to free ourselves from the shackles of
misconceptions and embrace the pure teachings of Islam.

To dissociate from a belief system that deviates from the pristine teachings of the Quran
and Sunnah is an act of courage and integrity. It is a declaration that we are devoted to
seeking the truth above all else, even if it means standing apart from those we once shared
beliefs with. Like Ibrahim (AS), who was steadfast in his commitment to Allah's
guidance, we too can draw strength from our reliance on the Almighty.

The journey towards vocalizing one's departure from Mahdaviyat is a journey towards
personal liberation and spiritual clarity. Just as Ibrahim (AS) proclaimed, "Our Lord,
upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination,"
(Quran 60:4) we too can find solace in entrusting our path to Allah and seeking His

As you reflect on the story of Ibrahim (AS), consider the courage he displayed in
dissociating from falsehood and embracing the truth. Let this powerful example resonate
within your heart, inspiring you to be vocal about your journey towards Islam. Your voice
has the potential to guide others who may also be seeking the light of truth.

Let us follow in the footsteps of Ibrahim (AS), standing firm in our convictions and
declaring our allegiance to Allah and His true teachings. May our actions be a reflection
of the unwavering faith and courage displayed by the father of Prophets. For it is in
vocalizing our beliefs that we pave the way for a more enlightened and harmonious future.
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10 reasons why you
must leave Mahdaviyat
1. Duniya and Akhirat in grave danger

2. Mahdaviyat is a new Religion - Failed attempt to corrupt Islam

33.. More importance given to Jaunpuri over Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

44.. Mahdavi Quran [Noor-e-Eemaan] created by changing meanings of

Allah’s book

55.. Jaunpuri’s view is used to explain deen over Sahabas & 4 Imams

66.. Many strange practices unknown to Islam - Kufriya, Shirkiya,

Biddahs, Baatil rituals and beliefs

77.. Ijmaa (consensus) of Ummah is irrelevant

88.. Isolated from Ummah & takfir (kaafir fatwa) of all non-Mahdavis

99.. Community is controlled for benefit of Murshads

10. Mazhab Ma Kitaabullah is used as an instrument to fool people

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Fundamental Incompatibility: The core teachings of Mahdaviyat are fundamentally incompatible
with the authentic teachings of Islam, making it impossible to reconcile the two belief systems.

Fabrications and Misinterpretations: The Mahdavi narrative rests on shaky interpretations of hadith
and fabricated accounts. These distortions not only weaken the foundation of faith but also sow
seeds of doubt and confusion. Can we base our eternal salvation on shifting sands of speculation?

Exaggerated Claims and Demigod Worship: Claiming Syed Jaunpuri as the Rasool of the last era or
Hamsar, as in equating him to Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is a huge blunder. To elevate Syed Jaunpuri
beyond the realm of human fallibility is to commit shirk, claiming that the zaath of Allah came as
Mahdi is the gravest sin in Islam. We are all fallible, dust motes in the divine presence. Can we
worship any being besides the One who breathed life into us?

A Detour from the Straight Path: The path of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah is clear and well-trodden.
Mahdaviyat is a detour, leading you away from the scholars, the masajid, the mainstream of Islamic
practice. Can we abandon the well-lit highway for a treacherous side road, shrouded in uncertainty?

Consensus of Scholars: The unanimous consensus among scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah
is that individuals who adhere to the core teachings of Mahdaviyat cannot be considered
Muslims according to Islamic principles. All the fatwas are available on our website.

Isolation and Control: Mahdaviyat thrives on isolation, discouraging open dialogue and critical
thinking. This creates an environment ripe for manipulation and control, stifling the very spirit of
Islamic inquiry. Can we flourish in a garden choked by fear and blind obedience?

Dividing the Ummah: True Islam unites. Mahdaviyat, by asserting Syed Jaunpuri's claim to
Mahdihood, fragments the Muslim community, eroding the very essence of brotherhood. Can we
truly stand before Allah divided, when His mercy encompasses all who believe?

And whoever desires a religion other than

Quranic Guidance: Allah explicitly states in the Quran, ""And
losers"" (Quran
Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers
3:85). This verse emphasizes that deviating from Islam is unacceptable in the sight of Allah.

Following the Prophetic Example: The act of publicly renouncing Mahdaviyat aligns with the
footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his companions. They declared their disassociation from
the false beliefs of their people and their worship of other than Allah. This firm stance against
falsehood serves as an exemplary model for Muslims.

Preventing Continuation of Deviation: By actively leaving Mahdaviyat, individuals contribute to

curbing the persistence and influence of this deviant sect. Staying silent or indifferent can
unintentionally allow the sect to linger, posing potential harm to the broader Muslim community.
Taking a firm stand against Mahdaviyat helps safeguard the integrity and unity of the Muslim
Ummah. I can guarantee you that by formally resigning, and not hiding the fact, you'll encourage a
half dozen other people around you to think about their own doubts. Some will even vocalize it to
their families, previously scared to do so.

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6 challenges to quitting
11.. Lack of Desire and Limited Knowledge of religion

22.. Indoctrination and Blind Belief

33.. Emotional Attachments

44.. Ego and Pride

55.. Social Repercussions

66.. Lack of Supportive Network

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Lack of Initiative: Overcoming Complacency and Ignorance - Leaving Mahdaviyat may require individuals to
overcome a lack of initiative, laziness, or disinterest in religion. By nurturing a genuine desire to seek the truth and a
willingness to engage with Islam on a deeper level, individuals can overcome apathy and embark on a transformative
journey. Embracing the responsibility to actively seek knowledge and critically examine beliefs leads to personal
growth and a greater understanding of authentic Islamic teachings.
Fear of Doubt : Embracing Uncertainties with Courage - Individuals often grapple with the fear of doubt, uncertain
about where questioning their beliefs may lead. The high stakes and the prospect of being wrong can be intimidating.
The implications of questioning entrenched beliefs are huge; for example, one could end up in Hell if they get it wrong.
But what if you are already wrong and the only path to salvation is to leave your current path? Staying on the current
path, despite uncertainties, might be the greater risk. The journey toward authentic faith requires the courage to
confront doubts and seek a path grounded in truth.
Intellectual Confusion: Seeking Knowledge and Enlightenment - Intellectual confusion may arise when individuals
encounter inconsistencies or contradictions within Mahdaviyat teachings. To overcome this roadblock, a sincere
pursuit of knowledge is essential. Engaging with reliable sources of Islamic scholarship, studying the Quran, and
exploring the vast treasure of Islamic literature can provide clarity and enlightenment. It is through critical thinking
and comprehensive understanding that individuals can discern the truth and confidently move away from misguided
Emotional Attachments: Overcoming Deep-Seated Bonds - Breaking free from Mahdaviyat requires individuals to
confront emotional attachments rooted in family ties, personal relationships, and a sense of belonging. The powerful
influence of family and community bonds can make it challenging to question or distance oneself from the sect's
teachings. The journey to leaving Mahdaviyat involves navigating these emotional complexities and forging a new path
based on intellectual clarity and spiritual growth.
Fear of Social Repercussions: Courageously Embracing Truth - Leaving Mahdaviyat often comes with the fear of
social repercussions, including criticism, boycott, and strained relationships within the sect's community. This is
further strengthened by the fear of lack of a burial place (grave plot). However, true courage lies in embracing the
truth and staying steadfast in one's convictions. Facing potential isolation or backlash requires strength and resilience,
as individuals prioritize their faith and personal growth over the fear of social consequences.
Overcoming Sunk Cost Fallacy : Break Free from Past Investments - Oftentimes Mahdavis consider that too many
years, too much time, energy, money, relationships, etc. have been invested in the sect to walk away from it all. In
many cases, people tend to make decisions based upon the amount of emotional investment accumulated; the higher
the level of investment in something (whether real or perceived), the harder it is to abandon it - This is the sunk cost
fallacy. However, recognizing that past investments should not dictate spiritual growth is crucial. Break free from the
fallacy, understanding that the pursuit of genuine faith is more valuable than clinging to beliefs proven wrong.
Ego Challenge : Overcoming Pride on the Path to Truth - It is very difficult to admit to ourselves, and others also,
that we might have been either wrong, or misinformed by others into following our belief and investing large
segments of our life into pursuing it. Along with the high levels of attachment, mahdavis may defend their religion
fanatically, even though they may harbor serious doubts of their own about certain aspects of it. The ego can be a
significant barrier when questioning Mahdaviyat. Overcoming pride and acknowledging the potential for error is
crucial for personal and spiritual growth. A humble journey awaits those who can set aside ego, paving the way for a
deeper connection with authentic Islamic teachings.
Indoctrination and Conditioning: Breaking Free from the Shackles - The indoctrination and conditioning
experienced within the Mahdaviyat community can create mental barriers to leaving. Breaking free from these
ingrained patterns of thinking necessitates a conscious effort to challenge and question deeply held beliefs.
Recognizing that personal growth and spiritual fulfillment lie beyond the confines of indoctrination empowers
individuals to embark on a journey of intellectual independence and self-discovery.
Identity Reconstruction : Rediscover Yourself Beyond Mahdaviyat - Religious beliefs deeply influence personal
identity, making it challenging to walk away from Mahdaviyat and embark on a journey to form a new identity. While
this process is daunting, it presents an opportunity for personal reinvention. Embrace the chance to redefine yourself
beyond the confines of Mahdaviyat, discovering a more authentic connection with Islam.
Lack of Supportive Network: Finding Strength in Community - Leaving Mahdaviyat can be a daunting endeavor
without a supportive network. However, seeking out like-minded individuals who have already traversed a similar path
or connecting with supportive communities can provide encouragement, guidance, and emotional support. This is
where Towards Islam comes, we are building a network of individuals who share a commitment to authentic Islamic
teachings empowers individuals to navigate the challenges and uncertainties that arise when leaving Mahdaviyat.

Mohammed Khundmeer Siddiq

“I desperately prayed for guidance during the last 10
nights of Ramadhan and then Towards-Islam’s video
serendipitously appeared in my YouTube feed.”

Syed Moin Munawwar

“I realized that more importance was given to Jaunpuri
sahab and his Naqaliyat than the book of Allah (Quran)
and sayings of Prophet (Ahadith).”

Syed Moosa Kalim Al-Falahi

‫“اللہ نے ہر انسان کو عقل سلیم عطا کی ھے ۔ صحیح اور غلط کی‬
‫پھچان کیلیے ۔ اندھی تقلید یا دوسروں کی خاطر مین اپنی‬
”‫ہمیشہ ہمیشہ کی زندگی کو داو پر نہیں لگا سکتا ۔ ۔‬

Syed Shahid Mehdi

“I realized how false is the claim of Muhammad Jaunpuri
and all his deviant rules and regulations. On that very
night, I left Mahdaviyat and became Muslim.”

Raafey Mohamed Khan

“I, Raafey Mohammed Khan Gadezai from Towards Islam
declare that my whole family including father, mother
and siblings have left Firq-e-Mahdaviyat.”

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Rizwan Qureshi
“I started comparing Mahdavis with Kuffar of Mecca. I pondered
deeply upon why they stop us from going to other masjids?
Kuffar of Mecca also tried to prevent people from going to
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and the rest of the muslims.”

Saim Khan Salik

“I did not leave because I did not understand
Mahdaviyat, I left because I understood Mahdaviyat.”

Amer Akber
“On December 19, 2021 everything changed, I saw
RasoolAllah ‫ ﷺ‬in my dream. He ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Apne logon
ko guide karo.”

Syed Ali Akbar

“Now I am too old, passing through the last stage of life. I deemed
it necessary that I explain to all openly that I am one of a Muslim
according the to the beliefs of Ahle sunnah Muslim Community.”

Dr. Zaibunnisa
‫“سید محمد جونپوری کو ہمسر رسول بناکر نہ ماننے والوں کو کافر‬
‫قرار دیا ۔ اسطرح سے ایک نئے فرقہ اور مذھب کی بنیاد ڈالدی جو‬
”‫قرآن کی تعلیمات وعتصموا بحبل اللہ کے بالکل خالف ھے ۔‬

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Testimonial #1

City: Delhi

Native: Chanchalguda

Former Murshad:
Abul Hadi Syed Qasim

Mohammed Khundmeer

I desperately prayed for

guidance during the last 10
nights of Ramadhan and
then Towards-Islam’s video
serendipitously appeared in
my YouTube feed.
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I am 22 years old, originally from Chanchalguda, Hyderabad, but Alhamdulillah when I
was 6 years old, we shifted to Delhi (staying there since the last 16 years) due to my
papa’s job. There are no Mahdavis in Delhi - only a handful I assume.

There came a time in my life when Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬gave me hidayah and I “understood” what
Islam is. At this point I had to decide - is Mahdaviyat part of Islam? Because by now, I
had realised that the beliefs in Mahdaviyat were way too different from what I had heard
in general and from my Muslim friends.

In Ramadan 2023, I prayed to Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬in tahajjud to guide me to Siraat-ul-Mustaqeem

as I really wanted to know if Mahdaviyat is correct.

Started researching Mahdaviyat in depth from all the online sources possible - YouTube
being the primary one. I came across several videos - both FOR and AGAINST

The turning point came when I found the Towards Islam channel. I remember, it was on
( was properly
27th Ramadan. The channel and website (
dedicated to refuting Mahdaviyat by exposing its deviations. I went through all the
videos and material one by one. After every video, I cross-questioned myself - are the
exposed deviations of Mahdaviyat part of Islam or not?

At first I was a little hesitant to actually accept that Mahdaviyat is wrong. I researched
the topic more and more. The 3 videos that I liked the most were Aqeedah Tauheed Ke
Khilaaf, Aqeede Khatam E Nabuwat ke Khilaaf and Panel Interview refuting Jaunpuri’s
Mahdaviyat. .

But the most powerful line that I personally found was Amer Akber Bhai saying - “Aap
khud socho mai ye sab kyu karra hounga?”. That line got stuck in my head. I also asked
myself, why would a man put his full energy towards one mission going against everyone.

Alhamdulillah after getting answers and with full support of my family, I was firm on my
stand that Mahdaviyat is a deviant sect and did Tauba from it and openly left
Now I consider myself to be from Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat.

The key points that helped me leave Mahdaviyat were:

Independent Research in an open and neutral manner without any pressure.

Watching both FOR and AGAINST notions and evidences.
Discussing with Muslims friends and Mahdavis about each doubt/ beliefs.
Realising that just like other deviant sects, Mahdaviyat handles objections twisting
and misinterpreting hadiths and cherry picking the content which suits them.
Realising that Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told us to be “Muslims” and be ONE ummah,
whereas Mahdaviyat is focused on dividing the Ummah.
Calling everyone else KAAFIR was simply unacceptable for me. Since childhood, our
family used to watch Dr.Zakir Naik & we used to ponder how this man can be a
IF Mahdaviyat is the truth, why don’t Mahdavis ever propagate their deen?
Why am I not allowed to pray in Masjid Al-Haram or in Delhi behind a Muslim

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(Due to this bizarre belief, our family is very guilty of not going to a single masjid in Delhi
from the Age of 6. We only prayed at home. We did not even pray the Eid or Jumma namaz.
I felt isolated, grim and depressed when everyone used to ask me in Delhi, “Eid ki namaz
kahan padhi aap ne”? Internally I was very upset at this. )

Why, if Jaunpuri was the true Mahdi, this dawat did not grow among other races.
Why all (100%) of Ulemas rejected him.
Upon reading Refuting Mahdaviyat by AbdurRahman (from Towards Islam), I found
that barring 1 or 2, why most of the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬about the
Mahdi did not fit on Jaunpuri.
How can I accept many of the disgusting beliefs that none of my family ever believes
like - Humsar, Allah spoke directly to Jaunpuri, Qur’an was revealed to Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in words, only Jaunpuri knows its true explanation, Jaunpuri is
Masoom anil khata etc.
Real Imam Mahdi will never claim to be Mahdi, he will be forced. But Jaunpuri made
this claim himself, that too 3 times.

To conclude, merely by using basic logic and research, one can find what is right.
Knowledge is key and exposure to Islamic scholars leads to enlightenment. Stop being a
bowli ka maindak (frog).

My message to the youth is if you research the topic neutrally, without any preconceived
notions, you will inevitably find the truth and the courage. Please save your akhirah,
make tauba from deviant beliefs.

I thank Allah for his infinite mercy on me and my siblings and parents and would
specially like to thank papa for building courage in me, supporting me and allowing me
to think independently. My duty is to give you dawah, hidayat comes from Allāh ‫ﷻ‬.

May Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬guide my extended family & all Mahdavis to Islam.

Aameen ya rabbul aalameen

Assalamu ‘alaykum

d m e e r S i d d i q
Khundmeer Siddiq

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Testimonial #2

City:Jeddah /


Former Murshad:
Valiullah Miajan
Mohammed Alkailvi

Syed Moin

I realized that more

importance was given to
Jaunpuri sahab and his
Naqaliyat than the book of
Allah (Quran) and sayings
of Prophet ‫( ﷺ‬Ahadith)
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I was born and brought up in a traditional staunch Mahdavi family in Chanchalguda. My
great grandfather Murshed Salamullah sahab hails from Channapatna and was a
prominent figure in Mahdavia community there. His great grandson is the current
Murshed of Syed Salamullah Roohi Masjid in Channapatna.

I had a very tough time during my childhood and early adulthood as I was instructed not
to pray behind a non Mehdavi. As a result, I had to miss many prayers including Jumuah
khutbah and salah when all my friends, classmates mostly non Mahdavis used to pray in
Masjid. I was given to understand that if I pray Dugana on 27 night of Ramadan all my
missed prayers and sins will be forgiven. I used to be very keen as not to miss this
Dugana prayer once a year behind our Murshed thinking that this will take me to
Jannah. I used to participate and join all the Urs, Bahreyam and Jashne Milad-e-Mahdi
Maud of Jaunpuri sahab.

With my little knowledge I used to question the wisdom behind all these rituals but never
got a satisfactory response from Mursheds or from my elders. I was never encouraged to
read Quran with translation lest I will go astray. Those who don’t believe Jaunpuri sahab
are all kafirs and we were forbidden by our Mursheds to enter any non Mahdavi masjid.
I was leading a life of recluse totally cut off from Ummah and this put me under a lot of

When I migrated to Saudi Arabia in 1991 I started learning about our Deen. I studied
Islam under qualified guidance with scholars from Madinah University.

During such time I came across many Ayaat of Quran like

‫ُق ْل ِإ ن ُك نُت ْم ُت ِح ُّب وَن ٱل َّل َه َف ٱ َّت ِب ُع وِنى ُي ْح ِب ْب ُك ُم ٱل َّل ُه َو َي ْغ ِف ْر َل ُك ْم ُذ ُن و َب ُك ْم ۗ َو ٱل َّل ُه َغ ُف و ٌۭر َّر ِح يٌۭم‬

“Say, [O Muḥammad], "If you should love Allāh, then follow me, [so] Allāh will love you
and forgive you your sins. And Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful.”
{Qur’an | Surah al-Imran | 3:32}

Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬says, "O you who believe, obey Allah and His Messenger ... " [Al-Qur'an 8:20]
"Say: obey Allah and obey the Messenger ... " [Al-Qur'an 24:54] He says, "Obey Allah
and the Messenger and perhaps you will be shown mercy." [Al-Qur'an 3:132] "If you obey
him, you will be guided ... " [Al-Qur'an 24:54] "Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed
Allah ... " [Al-Qur'an 4:79] "That what the Messenger brings you and leave what he
forbids you ... " [Al-Qur'an 59:7] "Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger is with those
whom Allah has blessed." [Al-Qur'an 4:68] "We did not send any Messenger but for him
to be obeyed by the permission of Allah." [Al-Qur'an 4:63].

He made obeying His Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬tantamount to obeying Himself, and He placed

obedience to Himself alongside obedience to His Messenger ‫ﷺ‬. Allah promises that
doing this will result in an abundant reward and threatens a severe punishment for
opposing it. He made it obligatory to obey the things that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬commanded
and to avoid those he prohibited.

Obedience to other than the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬will not be condoned by Allah.

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I was following Jaunpuri who has not been a Prophet of Allah so staunchly, one who has
brought many innovations in our Deen. Also he bears no resemblance to the Promised
Mahdi. I left Mahdaviat and their innovations. I realized that more importance was
given to Jaunpuri sahab and his tenets of Mahdaviat than the book of Allah and sayings
of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. This is deviation and I decided to disassociate myself and my family from
such a deviant sect. My father Munawar Syed Wali who was from Panagudi gave up
Mahdaviat in 2001 and followed the Aqidah of Ahle Sunnah wal Jamah. He repented and
sought forgiveness from Allah ‫ ﷻ‬before passing away from this world in 2015.

Now me and my entire family is following the Deen of Islam and have delinked ourselves
totally from Mahdaviat in order to save our Aqirah.

I very humbly ask my community members, old and young, male and female, to sincerely
investigate this matter and build courage and leave Mahdaviyat. Fear only Allah.

Assalamu ‘alaykum

n M u n a w w a r
Syed Moin Munawwar

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‫‪Testimonial #3‬‬



‫‪Family Murshad:None‬‬

‫‪Syed Moosa Kalim‬‬


‫اللہ نے ہر انسان کو عقل سلیم عطا‬

‫کی ھے ۔ صحیح اور غلط کی پھچان‬
‫کیلیے ۔ اندھی تقلید یا دوسروں کی‬
‫خاطر مین اپنی ہمیشہ ہمیشہ کی‬
‫زندگی کو داو پر نہیں لگا سکتا ۔‬

‫‪Page - 14‬‬
‫ل االله‬
‫والسالمم على ررسول‬
‫والصالةة وا‬
‫االحمد للہ وا‬
‫ا‬ ‫مرحوم (غفرهما االله) کو‬
‫م‬ ‫چچاجان‬
‫ن‬ ‫مرحوم اور‬
‫م‬ ‫والد‬
‫وکرم ھے کہ اس نے میرے وا‬
‫یہ االلہ تعالی کا فضل و م‬
‫ر‬ ‫ں سے االحمدللہ‬ ‫وکاوشوں‬
‫ںو و‬‫ت ددالئی اور ان کی کوششوں‬ ‫مہدویہ سے نجات‬
‫و‬ ‫کی عمر مین ہی اس باطل فرقہ‬
‫صرف االلہ کا کرمم ھے ۔ ووہ‬
‫ف‬ ‫صرف اور‬
‫ف‬ ‫نجات ملی ۔ یہ‬
‫ت‬ ‫لوگوں کو اس باطل فرقہ سے‬‫ں‬ ‫اقرباء مین کافی‬
‫ء‬ ‫خاندان و ا‬
‫جسے چاھتا ھے عطا کرتا ھے ۔‬

‫ادیان و‬
‫اء ھی سے مجھے ہر ووقت مختلف اد ن‬ ‫گھرانے مین آآنکھیں کھولیں لیکن اابتداء‬
‫ا‬ ‫ااگرچیکہ مبن نے اایک مذہبی‬
‫ادیان ووعقائد کو لیکر ذذھن مین کافی‬
‫ابتداء ہی سے مختلف اد ن‬
‫عقائد کے مطالعہ مین کافی ددلچسپی ررھی ۔ ا اء‬
‫جوابات پانے کبلیے ذذھن بیچین ھوجاتا تھا ۔ چنانچہ ووقتا فوقتا ااپنے‬
‫ا ت‬ ‫سواالت کے‬
‫ا ت‬ ‫سواالت ااٹھتے ررھے اور ان‬
‫ا ت‬
‫وازم‪ ،‬سکھ ازم‪،‬‬
‫جوابات جاننے کی کوشش کرتا تھا ۔ ہندوازم‪،‬‬
‫ا ت‬ ‫سواالت کے‬
‫ا ت‬ ‫لوگوں سے ان‬
‫ں‬ ‫والدین اور بڑے‬‫وا‬
‫بنیادی عقائد کو جاننے اور سمجھنے کی کافی ددلچسپی ررہی ۔‬ ‫دی‬ ‫مذاہب کے‬
‫یہودیت ووغیرہ مختلف ا‬
‫د‬ ‫کریسچیانیٹی‪،‬‬
‫مذاہب کو مانتے ھیں ان کے‬ ‫گ جو ان مختلف ا‬ ‫خاص کر اس لیے کہ مین سمجھنا چاھتا تھا کہ یہ بیشمارر لوگ‬ ‫ص‬
‫مذاہب اور ااسالمم کو االگ‬
‫دی عقائد ھین جو ان تمامم ا‬ ‫فرق ھے ۔ ووہ کیا بنیادی‬
‫اسالم مین ااصال کیا ق‬
‫عقائد اور ددین ا م‬
‫کرتے ھیں ۔‬
‫ش ہمیشہ‬ ‫ش صحیح عقیدہ کی تالش‬ ‫‪ )blind‬نہیں بننا چاھتا تھا ۔ حق کی تالش‬
‫مین ایک اندھا پیروکار (‪blind follower‬‬
‫سے دل مین رھی ۔ چنانچہ ان تمام عقائد ونظریات کا گہرائی سے مطالعہ کرنے اور ساتھ ھی ساتھ قرآن کریم‬
‫کا مطالعہ کرنے کے بعد یہ الجھنین رفع ھوتی رھی ۔ ذھن مین اٹھنے والے مختلف سواالت کے جوابات بھی ملتے‬
‫گئے ۔ خدا کا صحیح تصور ۔ رسالت کا تصور ۔ انسان کا اس دنیا سے تعلق اور اس کے بعد کی زندگی کی‬
‫حقیقت ۔‬
‫اسی جستجو مین مختلف لٹریچر اور عنوانات کو پڑھنے اور سمجھنے کی طلب بڑھتی گئی ۔ مین نے دیکھا کہ‬
‫قرآن کریم نے ان تمام نظریات وعقائد کو بہترین دالئل اور مثالوں کے ذریعہ ایڈریس کیا ھے اور بہت ھی‬
‫بہترین انداز سے توحید ۔ رسالت وآخرت کو سمجھایا ۔‬

‫چونکہ میرا تعلق مہدوی خاندان سے ھے جہاں اہل سنت کے عقائد سے ہٹ کر بالکل مختلف عقائد ونظریات‬
‫پائے جاتے ھیں ۔ لہذا بچپن ھی سے ان مہدوی عقائد کو جاننے اور سمجھنے کیلیے بیچینی اور اضطراب کی‬
‫کیفیت تھی ۔ چونکہ میرا تعلق خود ایک مرشدی خاندان سے ھے اور میرے گھر مرشدین وفقراء کا آنا جانا‬
‫بھی رھتا تھا لہذا وقتا فوقتا ان لوگوں سے مہدویہ عقائد کو جاننے کی کوشش کرتا ۔ اکثر ان حضرات سے‬
‫کوئی تشفی بخش جواب نہ ملتا خاص کر بنیادی عقائد کے تعلق سے جو دین اسالم کے بالکل منافی ھیں مثال‬
‫سید جونپوری صاحب کا اللہ تعالی سے بالواسطہ تعلیمات لینا ۔ ہمسر رسول ۔ سید جونپوری تمام انبیاء اور‬
‫خلفاء راشدین سے افضل ھیں ۔ اور بیان قرآن اس معنی مین کہ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا کام صرف‬
‫قرآن کریم کی تالوت اور قرآن کو لوگوں تک پھونچانا تھا اور اس کو بیان کرنے کیلیے سید جونپوری کو‬
‫بھیجا گیا ۔ اسی طرح شریعت مین ایک زائد نماز یعنی دوگانہ شب قدر کا فرض ھونا ۔ یہ اتنے خطرناک‬
‫عقائد ھین جو کسی بھی شخص کو دین اسالم سے خارج کردیتے ھیں ۔ اسی جستجو مین مہدویہ عقائد کے‬
‫بنادی لیٹریچر کا مطالعہ کرنے کے بعد اور مختلف مرشدین کی تقاریر و بیانات سننے کے بعد اندازہ ھوا کہ‬
‫یہ ایک انتہائی باطل فرقہ ھے اور بدقسمتی سے میرے بہت سے قریبی رشتہ دار اور دوست واحباب اس فتنہ کا‬
‫شکار ھین ۔ اسی جستجو مین سید جونپوری صاحب کی زندگی کو تاریخ کے جھرونکوں مین دیکھنے اور‬
‫پڑھنے کی کوشش کی تو یہ بات صد فیصد یقینی ھوگئی کہ ان کا دعوی بالکل بے بنیاد اور ایک جھوٹا دعوی‬
‫تھا جس کی کوئی اساس ھی نہیں ھے ۔ جیسے جیسے تاریخی کتب کا مطالعہ کرین اور جتنی تحقیق کرتے‬
‫جائیں تو ان کا باطل دعوی اور زیادہ واضح ھوتا چال جاتا ھے ۔ جتنے لوگ اس فرقہ سے جڑے ھوئے ھیں وہ‬
‫بیچارے یا تو اس کی حقیقت سے العلم ھین یا اپنے آباء واجداد اور فیملی پریشر کی وجہ سے اس فرقہ کو‬
‫اپنائے ھوئے ھیں ۔ ایک کثیر تعداد ایسے لوگوں کی بھی ھے جنہیں اس فرقہ کے بنیادی عقائد کا بالکل علم ھی‬
‫نہیں ھے یہاں تک کہ یہ لوگ ان کی کتابوں کے ناموں سے بھی واقف نہیں ھیں ۔ چونکہ اس فرقہ مین پیدا‬
‫ھوے اور بچپن سے ماں باپ اور رشتہ داروں کو اسی طریقہ پر پایا لہذا اسی پر جمے رھے ۔ بہت سے ایسے‬
‫لوگ بھی ھیں جنہوں نے ان عقائد کا اور دین اسالم کا گہرائی سے مطالعہ کیا اور اس باطل فرقہ کو خیر آباد‬
‫کہ دیا ۔‬ ‫‪Page - 15‬‬
‫گ ھوتے ھیں ۔‬
‫ح کے لوگ‬
‫ں مین تین طرح‬
‫دراصل اانسانوں‬
‫ودماغ کا‬
‫۔ ایک وہ ھوتے ھیں جو پیروکار ھوتے ھیں یعنی ‪ controlled by others‬۔ جو کبھی ااپنے ذذھن ود غ‬
‫استعمال نہیں کرتے اور دوسرے انسانوں کی اندھی تقلید کرتے ھیں ۔‬
‫۔ دوسرے وہ ھوتے ھیں جو ذھن ودماغ کا استعمال کرتے ھیں اور صحیح وغلط کو پھچاننے کی کوشش کرتے‬
‫ھیں ۔ ایسے لوگ کسی کے اندھے مقلد یا ‪ followers‬نہیں ھوتے ۔ حقیقت اور صحیح راستہ تک پھونچنے کی‬
‫جد وجھد کرتے ھیں ۔‬
‫۔ تیسرے وہ ھوتے ھیں جو عام لوگوں کو ‪ control‬کرتے ھیں ۔ ان لوگوں کا خاصہ یہ ھوتا ھے کہ یہ لوگ کم‬
‫ذھن اور کم علم لوگوں پر حاوی ھو جاتے ھیں اور اپنے منصوبوں کے تحت ان لوگوں کو ‪ control‬کرتے ھیں ۔‬

‫چونکہ ھر شخص اپنے اعمال و افعال کا جوابدہ ھے ۔ اور اللہ تعالی نے ھر شخص کو عقل سلیم عطا کی ھے‬
‫لہذا اسی عقل کی بنیاد پر اللہ تعالی ھر شخص سے انفرادی طور پر سوال کرے گا ۔‬

‫یہی وہ وجوھات ھیں جس نے میرے اندر یہ جبلت پیدا کی کہ مین حق کو تالش کروں اور اپنی آنے والی‬
‫ہمیشہ ہمیشہ کی زندگی کو کسی غلط راستہ پر لگا کر برباد نہ کروں ۔ خواہ میرے ماں باپ ھوں رشتہ دار‬
‫ھوں یا مرشدین ھو یا کوئی مہدی کا دعویدار ھو ۔ کل کوئی مجھے بچانے نہیں آئے گا ۔ ۔ ۔‬

‫سید موسی کلیم الفالحی‬

‫‪Assalamu ‘alaykum‬‬

‫‪Syed Moosa Kalim‬‬
‫‪Page - 16‬‬
Testimonial #4

City: Wilmington,


Former Murshad:
Atan shahab

Syed Shahid Mehdi

I realized how false is the

claim of Muhammad Jaunpuri
and all his deviant rules and
regulations. On that very
night, I left Mahdaviyat and
became Muslim.
Page - 17
Born and brought up in mahdavia family, being a strict adherent to mahdavia rituals,
we use to stay away from non- mahdavi mosque and living in closed group of
mahdavia friends and familiy.

During our school and college days, though there were many points highlighted by our
Sunni friends, me and my friends never cared and never gave it any thought.

One of my school friend one day saw me doing qadambosi to murshad which he
pointed as not a good act. This was the beginning were I started to realize Mahdavi
aqeedah and rituals and began to cross check and verify with sources.

Outside world- Later during our work life while going to Sunni Masjids, I saw one
Mahdavi youth debating with sunni scholar on Mahdavia aqeeda and Jaunpuri’s claim
of Mahdaviyat. Regardless of what the Sunni scholar answered, he was not willing to
listen or understand the point or logic. At this point, I said to my self, “What is the
point of debating when you don’t want to listen to the opposite view”.

After the Mahdavi youth left, I asked scholar what the discussion was on to which the
scholar explained, though the concept of Imam Mahdi is correct but his Jaunpuri’s
claim of Mahdi is false based on Sahih Hadith. This stuck to my mind.

Research: Later I started asking questions to many Murshids, and instead of getting
good response they stopped us from coming to their Mosque. Qadambosi was
becoming a good debate. In one facebook post I wrote about Qadambosi and that
turned into a heated argument within relatives to such an extent that they started
abusing and calling us a student of a famous Moulana of old city. This made me even
curious and I went to meet Moulana.

Change: Alhamdullilah, after getting an opportunity to meet Moulana, he gave me a

book by name, Mutalaya Mahdaviyat, which is available in urdu and English on

After reading his book, I saw one video on YouTube, on Imam Mahdi. The book and
the video kept me up the whole night when I realized that I am following a False
Mahdi Jaunpuri. It took somewhere around 2 to 3 weeks to understand how false is
the claim of Muhammad Jaunpuri and all his deviant rules and regulations. On that
very night, I left Mahdaviyat and became Muslim.

Correction Time: Now the job is to save our near and dear ones, bring awareness
among our own family and relatives. So I started collecting all the points by meeting
and asking my realtives and friends so that a complete list of deviations and issues can
be compiled and published for public awareness.

Youtube Video: In 2013, I was ready with all the content, approached Moulana to
publicly give speech in jalsa about false claims of Mohd Jaunpuri but Moulana
declined as it would create fitnah. Another Moulana also declined on the same lines.
Finally with the help of Imtiyaz bhai, we organized an event and recorded the video
and later in 2014 made video available to public on youtube.

Page - 18
Response: All Mahdavis become enemies, everyone spitting their venom, attacking my
home, threating me in their public speeches etc. This was my toughest time and
Alhamdullilah, with a strong emaan, I was able to easily overcome all the issues.

Success: Alhamdulillah, after watching my video that was released 8 years ago, I was
finally able to see its fruits in the form of all close relatives, younger cousins and
friends leaving Mahdaviat and embracing Islam.

But Allah gave the biggest victory to the mission when Towards Islam started and
Amer bhai and Abdullah bhai recorded their video (Tauheed ke Khilaaf & Khatam E
Nabuwat Ke Khilaf) where in they exposed all the deviations from Mahdaviyat by
screen-sharing the books. This fast paced our effort and now it become a global effort
operating in 23 countries, with hundreds of members, to make Mahdavis aware about
their false claims.

Alhamdullilah, the law are order situation has also improved a lot, and everyone has
come to realize that choosing and practicing a religion is guaranteed under the
Constituition of India and no one can be harmed in this process.

May Allah forgive our sins and help us in this struggle and help Mahdavis realize that
Muhammad Jaunpuri is not the Mahdi, Grant us success in this world and hereafter.
There is no Prophet after Rasool ‫ ﷺ‬and none can be equal to him and we have to
defend our last and final prophet, Prophet Muhammad Arabi ‫ ﷺ‬from all the false

It is my dua that Allah give Taufeeq to our people.

Assalamu ‘alaykum

S h a h i d M e h d i
Syed Shahid Mehdi

Page - 19
Testimonial #5

City: Devon Ave,



Former Murshad:
Zakir Munawwari

Raafey Mohamed

I, Raafey Mohammed Khan

Gadezai from Towards Islam
declare that my whole
family including father,
mother and siblings have
left firq-e-mAhdaviyat.
Page - 20
As salamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

I, Raafey Mohammed Khan Gadezai from Towards Islam declare that my whole family
including father, mother and siblings have left firq-e-mehdaviat a long time ago.
Alhamdulillah my father Rafeeq Ali Khan Gadezai, after thoroughly researching
Mahdaviyat came to a conclusion that most of their beliefs are deviant, blasphemous,
and invalid in the light of Quran and Sahih Hadees and far from consensus beliefs of
Ahle Sunnat ul Jamaat. As a result, he left Mahdaviat in 1993 even before I was born.

In order for me to build a rock-solid Emaan, I researched Mahdaviyat on my own,

comparing Mahdaviyat based on their own books and teachings and compared it with
authentic teachings of Quran & Sunnah.

Alhamdulillah, as result of this research, I was able to revalidate the decision my father
made. This deep research of Islam and Mahdaviyat was done to build my knowledge and
to prove to many of our close relations in Mahdaviyat that my family’s decision was
evidence based. The research also helps me immensely in the mission.

In order for you to understand why we left Mahdaviyat, here are some evidences that are
widely believed and preached to Mahdavis, mostly blasphemous and false.
1. Jaunpuri says, “Ana Rabbul Aalameen” ( I am God) – May Allah protect us. Ref:
Panj Fazail, pg.No.95
2. Jaunpuri says, there is a man who believed yourself as a God. He replied He believes or
sees me as a God. He said he believed and saw you as a God. He replied believing is Iman
and telling someone is Kufr.”
Nauzbubillah Min Zalik May Allah protect us from this.
Ref: Naqliyat Bandagi Miya Page 114.
3. Jaunpuri claiming to receive Wahi without any angel (Kufr) – “he (Jaunpuri) receives
fresh teachings from Allah without any interventions”
Ref: Hashia Insaf Nama by Miyan Vali bin Yusuf , page 5

The above are a few of the beliefs and teachings of Mahdaviat which are based on
blasphemy, deviations and falsehood. To know more details of deviant believes you all
can go to towardsIslam youtube channelwhere most of falsehood are discussed in Part 1
of 2 Aqeeda Tauheed ke khilaf Mehdavi Firqa Hz Syed MohammedJaunpuri ka
TowardsIslam and Part 2 of 2-Aqeeda khatam E Nabuwat ke khilaf Hz Syed Mohammed
Jaunpuri Mehdavi Firqa Towards Islam. (Please click the above links, it will direct you to
the videos discussing it).

Allahumdulliah, Allah have saved us all from this Fitna and now is our primary duty to
convey this to our relatives who are still in this fitna.

As mentioned in Quran in Surah Tahrim ayat 6 as

“O believers! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and
stones, overseen by formidable and severe angels, who never disobey whatever Allah
orders—always doing as commanded.”

Make effort to show the falsehood and deviations of this firqa. There are some people
who left Mahdaviat a long time ago but are not conveying the message to their families
and friends. They have many reasons, some of them say they won’t listen to us. But our
job is to only convey not to convince. And some of them are fearful that they might be
asked to leave the clan, they will have been left alone, no one will ask them or care about
them anymore, their business might be impacted etc. Please be sure that we need to fear
Allah more than anyone else.
Page - 21
Allah says in the Quran, Surah Imran Verse 175:

“That ˹warning˺ was only ˹from˺ Satan, trying to prompt you to fear his followers.
So do not fear them; fear Me(Allah)if you are ˹true˺ believers.”

And there are some who don’t fear anyone but they are not coming forward to contribute
their role Towards Islam as shaitan has preoccupied them with their ownself. They are
saying that they have not been informed about any task. Brothers you all need to
understand this work isdone to please Allah and you need to come forward and
contribute in this mission as per your ability and convenience.

Lastly, may Allah open the Hearts of all our relatives and friends who are still in
mahdaviat towards the truth and absolute oneness in Allah. For those who left the
Mahdaviat, may Allah grant them strength to work towards the mission and grant
forgiveness and huge rewards to those who are being working on this mission from a very
long time despite difficulties and hardships.

The above statements are true and best to my knowledge, There was no pressure of any
kind or from anyone.

Assalamu ‘alaykum

Raafey Mohamed Khan

Page - 22
Testimonial #6

City: Bangalore

Native: Channapatna

Family Family

Rizwan Qureshi

I started comparing Mahdavis

with Kuffar of Mecca. I pondered
deeply upon why they stop us
from going to other masjids?
Kuffar of Mecca also tried to
prevent people from going to
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and muslims.
Page - 23
Assalamu Alaikum. I feel extremely privileged to provide a testimonial to Towards Islam
that describes my journey as to how I came out of Mahdaviyat.

Before starting, all praise belongs to Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬and Durood and Salaam on the Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

What I was as Mahdavi: Since childhood, I was brought up by my parents in a protective
and secluded environment, was a devout Mahdavi strictly adhering to Mahdavi creed,
never praying behind Muslims as Mahdavis consider them Kaafir. Also I used to
punctually attend the Dugana, attend Behr E Aam and all the Urs with my father. Also I
was such an ardent follower of my Murshad, that I used to defend Mahdaviyat and my
Murshad passionately.
The only true Islamic learning was through my mother who taught me the Qur’an. Such
was my isolation away from Islam.

During college days, despite having Muslim friends and a Mosque within the college
campus, I never used to pray with Muslims and used to hang out with friends from the
other sects who also did not join Muslim in Masjids, all this while pleasing Shaytan and
not praying Salah. Nauzubillah. May Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬forgive us.

The Change: I started my realisation during the early days of work as everybody used to
go to pray. I used to see them all go for Dhuhr, Asr and for Maghrib. For some reason, I
started to feel the urge that I HAD to pray with them as well cause I am primarily a
Muslim, Mahdavi later.

Engaging in Salah (prayer) with fellow Muslims became a catalyst for strengthening my
faith. While I maintained my Mahdavi identity privately, I found comfort and joy in
actively participating in Islamic discussions with my Muslim colleagues at work.

There was no compulsion to disclose my affiliation with the Mahdavia community,

sparing myself the need to explain our beliefs. The transformation allowed me to
seamlessly integrate into the broader Muslim community, fostering a sense of unity and
spiritual growth.

Subsequently, I initiated praying salah and attending Jummah prayers in various

Muslim Masajids across Bangalore. However, upon returning home, I reverted to
behaving as a devoted (Pakka) Mahdavai. The increased frequency of my prayers in
Muslim mosques, coupled with attentive listening to bayaans, illuminated the
significance of Quranic teachings, Hadiths, and more. This newfound realization and
exposure to Islam fueled my curiosity, prompting a deeper exploration into its teachings.

Believe me, WALLAHI, nobody asked me to leave Mahdaviyat, not a single person
invited me. It was not even needed. Everything seemed so obvious. First question - why
do we pray Dugana Farz when I attended a sermon in a Muslim mosque, I heard only 5
FARZ prayers a were given to Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬being the most significant and
Final Messenger who completed Deen-E-Islam.
How come we invented a 6th Farz in the form of Dugana Fard? This way my trigger

After this, It was like a domino effect, one by one questions popping up?
Why do we do urs?
Why 2 rakah fardh?
Why do we have jamat khanas and our own masjids?
Why should we not pray outside?
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Started asking these questions and find answers from Sermons or books, I started to
realise that most of the things that we do are not according to the Sunnah.

Even after exploring these, I still reluctantly used to accept them and used to go to the
jamat khanas. I used to forcefully give reasons to myself like - they themselves have
ikhtelaf in them, maybe its a sunnah, etc.

Then slowly I started reducing my frequency of going to the jamat khanas (reverse
brainwashing effect) and started praying in the local mosque. Then slowly after reading
more and more deviant beliefs like Takfir and the status of Jaunpuri (equal to Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬nauzubillah) , I started to become stricter against Mahdaviyat.

I started comparing Mahdavis with Kuffar of Mecca. I pondered deeply upon why they
stop us from going to other masjids? Kuffar of Mecca also tried to prevent people from
going to Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬thinking that they will also accept islam if they listen to him ‫ﷺ‬.

In order for me to be sure of what I was doing, I still used to go to the lectures in
Mahdavi Jamat Khana to give them a chance. They always stressed on the point that we
have to be with mahdavis and NOT “good muslims” in general.
They always used to say Mahdviyat is the best, Mahdaviyat is great but never talked
about important points related to the deen.

The mursids had lavish homes, better than 90% of their mureeds. So all these points
started to boil me from inside, not because I was anyway jealous but because of their
double standards to their Tark-E-Dunya tenet.

Before I went to Hajj, I stopped going to jamat khanas. I was listening to more Ahle
Sunnat wal Jamat sermons. They were really insightful and focussed on things which
were actually important. Additional, my Hajj was a very beautiful experience,

After Hajj, I became stricter and stricter against Mahdaviyat. I used to sit with my
father and talk with him on this subject.
I told him that this is basically a cult, 7 tenants are fine but the aqeedahs were very
My father told me, okay then why do you read behind the murshids and called me a
“Munafiq”. This was a bomb on me. I could not even complete my dinner after that
incident. After that incident, I stopped praying behind mahdavi murshads just so my
father does not call me Munafiq.

That was a very hard decision for me, but luckily I found Towards Islam, which opened
all of their books and beliefs. Those two videos further strengthened me to believe that I
was correct and my doubts turned into proofs.

I re-verified these books that have been around for so many decades, watched their
senseless and baseless refutation (Amer Akber ka Jawaab). None of it made sense,
actually it made me laugh.

Thereafter, I completely stopped going to jamat khanas. Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬through Towards Islam
videos and material made me confident and clear. It cleared decades of brainwashing in
moments, it was then I completely left Mahdaviyat. I thank Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬and Towards Islam
for this very much. Alhamdulillah, summa Alhamdulillah.

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The first to notice this change was my ex-Murshad. Since my Murshad was my neighbor,
I sent my hissa from Bakri Eid. He refused saying you are kaafir, yet he accepts hissab
from other Muslim - nothing short of hypocrisy. If you want to stick to this belief, no
Mahdavi should eat biryani is hotels or in Nikah or Valima beacuse all of them are cut
from Sunnah Zibah and not Mahdavi zibah.

My uncle does not talk to me, my neighbour don’t respond back to my salams, yet I try
to keep the relationships. Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said to the effect anyone who breaks
ties of relations, will not enter Jannah.

My message: If you think leaving mahdaviyat will be difficult, TRUST Allāh ‫ﷻ‬. Allāh ‫ﷻ‬
gives us life and death. Everything is under the control of Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬If you TRULY believe
this, don't care about the consequences and leave it with Allah who will take care of it.

Even if your family members boycott you, things will eventually be fine. It is Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬who
changes the hearts of the people.

I have told my wife to not bury me in Mahdavi graveyards if I die. Take me to any Sunni
graveyard. The grave will be instructed to treat you according to your actions in this life.
So don’t worry about the consequences, trust Allah. If you have any doubts, there is
abundant stuff available, read it. Pray to Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬to guide you.
Shaytan will make you think it’s tough but it is not.

Dawah and Dua go hand in hand. So give Dawah and make Dua to Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬No one is
going to harm you unless Allah wills.

This was my journey Towards Islam from Mahdaviyat. Here we have a growing
community of ex-Mahdavis from all around the world. Alhamdulliah. Thank you to
Towards Islam for giving me the opportunity to share my journey.

I pray to Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬to keep us steadfast and make us follow the deen as Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has
taught and as Sahabas understood. I pray to Allāh ‫ﷻ‬
to accept our efforts. I hope Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬is pleased with me and pray that He provides
hidayah to my fellow mahdavi brothers and sisters.

‫ل َّل ُه َّم َأِر ِني ا ْل َح َّق َح ًّق ا َو َو ِّف ْق ِن ي اِل ِّت َب اِع ِه َو َأِر ِني ا ْل َب اِط َل َب اِط اًل َو َو ِّف ْق ِن ي اِل ْج ِت َن ا ِب ِه‬
O Allah, show me the truth as truth and guide me to follow it.
Show me the false as false and guide me to avoid it.
‫َر َّب َن ا اَل ُت ِزْغ ُق ُل و َب َن ا َبْع َد ِإ ْذ َه َد ْي َت َن ا َو َه ْب َل َن ا ِم ن َّل ُد ن َك َرْح َم ًة ۚ ِإ َّن َك نَت ٱ ْل َو َّه ا ُب‬
“Our Lord! Do not let our hearts deviate after you have guided us.
Grant us Your mercy. You are indeed the Giver ˹of all bounties˺.

Jazakallahu Kharian

Assalamu ‘alaykum
i z w a n Q u r e s h i
Rizwan Qureshi

Page - 26
Testimonial #7

City: Bangalore

Native: Channapatna

Family Family

Mureed: Never

Saim Khan Salik

I did not leave because I

did not understand
Mahdaviyat, I left because
I understood Mahdaviyat
Page - 27
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu. Being born in a Mahdavi family and
being stationed in Bangalore had prevented me from going to the regular masjids for
Salah. My father at times used to take me to secluded jamat khanas (Mahdavi place of
worship) in Bangalore for friday prayers and for all "dugana" and Eid prayers we used to
always go to Channapatna. I remember once when Tabligh Jamaat members visited our
home, my father and granduncle firmly declared our allegiance to Mahdaviyat, and told
them straight outright “that we are Mahdavis, that we won't pray behind non-Mahdavis
and our prayer behind you all won't be accepted.”

As my teenage years unfolded, my connection to Islam weakened. Worldly matters took

precedence, and my prayers became sporadic, often mechanical. During a trip to Mysore
with cousins, discussions about religion sparked a curiosity in me. Despite my initial
reluctance, a desire for truth, grounded in logic and evidence, was ignited.

Engaging with various sources, such as reading and watching videos, I distanced myself
from heretical beliefs, while still identifying as Mahdavi. My increased religiosity and
piety compelled my cousins to ask me the million dollar question - “Is Mahdaviyat true?
Was Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri the promised Mahdi?”. My response was simple – “Give
me five years, and I'll research thoroughly, listening and reading to both sides of
argument and let you know.”

My uncles, residing in the UAE, found themselves unable to attend the Jumma prayers
due to the absence of a Mahdavi Jamat Khana. In their place, they opted to perform
Dhur prayers at home. Recognizing the significance of the hadith stating, “Whoever
leaves out Jumma three times without a valid necessity, then a seal is placed on his heart,”
I felt a genuine concern for my family members and their aakhirah.

Motivated by the desire to uphold the importance of congregational prayers, especially

Jummahs, I crafted an audio clip at the age of 19. This clip not only emphasised the
mandatory nature of Jummah prayers but also highlighted the obligation for men to
perform all obligatory prayers in the masjid. The impact of this audio clip was profound,
leading to my social boycott.

As a consequence, a list from UAE was compiled of approximately 30 individuals, myself

included, faced expulsion from the Mahdaviyat sect. It's noteworthy that, during this
period, I still identified as a Mahdavi, despite that they decreed I would be denied a
burial plot in the Mahdavi graveyard.

Continuing my journey, as I delved deeper into connecting with the Muslim world, I
began unraveling the flaws in Syed Jaunprui's assertion of being the Mahdi. Through a
careful examination of authentic hadiths, it became evident that his claim did not align
with the established Islamic consensus. The defenses put forth by Mahdavi Murshads
appeared baseless, relying on age-old arguments that crumbled in the face of truth.

In my quest for understanding, I posed numerous questions to the many Murshads, both
Hamsar and non-Hamsar, seeking convincing answers. However, their responses proved
inadequate, all their responses were based on flimsy interpretations and relied heavily on
weak ahadhith, thereby revealing that the claim of Mahdaviyat lacked substantial
grounding. Mind you that was just the claim of Mahdi in question.

Not to mention the innovations and beliefs of the self claimed pure Mahdavis. These
deviations include a spectrum of errors, ranging from seemingly minor innovations like
"Allah Diya" to more complex ones such as "Bahr-e-Aam" and "Fard Dugana."

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However, the most concerning aspects were the corroupted Aqeedhas - Mandatory
Deedar-e-Khuda (Vision of Allah in this world), beliefs in Hamsar (equality or duality of
the Prophet), Hulul (reincarnation of God). What is unsettling is that these impurities
were not confined to the pages of their literature but openly articulated in their Jalsas.

Leaving Mahdaviyat wasn't just rejecting a belief or denouncing a sect; it was shedding a
cocoon, transforming from a blindfolded caterpillar into a butterfly with wings painted with
truth. It was a lonely path, paved with doubts and whispers of betrayal. But with each step,
the chains loosened, and the warm light of true Islam guided me out of the shadows. It is
my sincere hope that my detailed journey may inspire others to embark on their paths of
questioning, reasoning, and seeking the pure teachings of Islam.

Let me give you few more reasons which compelled me to leave Mahdaviyat-

Rift in Mahdaviyat:

Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬has told us in the Qur’an:

“O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.
Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you
˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution.”
{Qur’an | Surah an-Nisa | 4:59}
Mahdaviya theology just doesn't make sense - it is confusing, contradictory and unstable
- depending on who you ask.
On one side, Mahdaviyat says it's a revival of traditional Islam, claiming to bring back
what was lost due to weakening faith over time. But when you look closely, you find a
mix of Sufi and Shia beliefs, combined with cultural practices from Indo-Pak region.
Take the Hamsar and non-Hamsar divide, for example. One group whispers about
Jaunpuri's "Equality of Mahdi and Prophet ‫ﷺ‬," while the other vehemently denies it.
Same Mahdaviyat, two entirely different stories. How can you trust a path where truth
depends on which corner you happen to turn?

State of our Murshads:

Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“There is something I fear for my Ummah more than the Dajjal.
Misguided and astray scholars.”
Source: Musnad Ahmad (5/145) #20335, 21334, 21335.
The catalyst for my departure from Mahdaviyat lies in the inadequacies of the Murshads
—their approach to answering questions, lack of knowledge, and evident corruption.
The Murshads put up barriers that stopped us, the younger Mahdavis, from asking
questions or being curious. Their usual response was, "It's all Marifat," or "It's a
message from God; just follow, even if you don't know why." They didn't justify even the
simplest doubts we had.
Murshads lacked qualities of goodness and virtue, they were nothing more than con-
artists pretending to be religious leaders, to gain money, power and resources.
Think about this: how many Murshads, these supposed guides to God, haven't even
bothered to memorize the Quran, the very book they are supposed to preach from?
Despite having multiple Murshads, how many of them are Hafiz?
Adding a feather to the cap is the hereditary nature of leadership, where the majority of
Murshads are direct descendants of Murshads. The leadership is often passed down from
father to son, even if the son is not knowledgeable or worthy of being a guide.
Not to forget their hypocrisy, they talk about promoting "tark-e-dunya" (worldly
detachment), but at the same time, they keep constructing huge buildings or investing in
commercial plots.
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Knowing the Otherside:

Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬has told us in the Qur’an:

“Say, Produce your proof, if you should be truthful.”
{Qur’an | Surah al-Hujurat | 49:6}
“O believers, if an evildoer brings you any news, verify ˹it˺ so you do not harm
people unknowingly, becoming regretful for what you have done.”
{Qur’an | Surah al-Baqarah | 2:111}
Mahdaviyat thrives on instilling fear, attempting to control its followers by manipulating
their apprehensions about the “outside” world. However, this facade crumbles when one
discovers that this fear is merely a smokescreen concealing the logical and evidential
strength found in non-Mahdavi perspectives.
Reading non-Mahdavi material was a game-changer for me. It gave me a glimpse into
how the "other side" thinks, and it wasn't what I expected. Contrary to my belief that
non-Mahdavis had no evidence and were misguided, I was proven wrong. It was eye-
opening. There were errors in our naqaliyat (narratives) that nobody had ever told me
about, and I can't help but wonder why! There was so much I had been taught that was
not there at all!
It felt like I had been living as a frog in a well of Mahdaviyat (bowdi ka mainduk),
sheltered from the broader reality. Discovering the truth transformed me to realize true
Islam, unveiling a stark difference in perception. This realization played a crucial role in
my decision to break free from the constraints of Mahdaviyat.

Lack of Barakah:

Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬has told us in the Qur’an:

“Say: Those who fabricate lies against Allah shall not prosper.”
{Qur’an | Surah Yunus | 10:69} similar verse in Quran 16:116.
As a result, Mahdaviyat is on the decline. About 99% of Mahdavis are of
Indian/Pakistani origins, mainly concentrated in regions like Karnataka, Telangana, or
Gujrat in India.
Throughout my life, I've witnessed people leaving Mahdaviyat, but no one converting to it.
In contrast, thousands of non-Muslims are embracing Islam worldwide. The Mahdaviyat
of Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri appears to be a footnote in Islamic history, with 99% of
Muslims globally unaware of his name or claim. The sect's growth relies mainly on
procreation, but even this is changing as many rich, poor, male, female, young, old
Mahdavis are leaving due to evidence-based reasons, raising concerns about the future of
Mahdaviyat and showing signs that the end of this deviant sect is near in’sha’Allah.

So to conclude - I did not leave because I did not understand Mahdaviyat, I left because
I understood the reality of Mahdaviyat. I rejected Mahdaviyat after meticulous scrutiny
of Syed Jaunpuri's claims, discovering them lacking substantiation and conflicting with
established authentic ahadith. The rejection extends to Mahdaviyat practices, as a close
examination reveals them to be baseless innovations. I dissociate myself from
Mahdaviyat because of the beliefs which the traditionalist or pure Mahdavis preach,
which is found in Mahdaviya books, which, upon scrutiny, I find in direct confrontation
with the Qur’an and authentic ahadith.

Assalamu ‘alaykum

Sa i m S a l i k
Saim Khan Salik

Page - 30
Testimonial #8

City: Hyderabad &

Houston, Texas
Native: Chanchalguda
Murshad’s visited:
Atan Shahab, Zakir
Munnawwari, Masood
Mureed : Never

Amer Akber

On December 19, 2021

everything changed, I saw
RasoolAllah ‫ ﷺ‬in my dream.
He ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Apne logon ko
guide karo."
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I will explain Why I left Mahdaviyat and started this Mission of Towards Islam

As Salaam Alaikum, Islam is total and complete submission to the will of Allah and
following the commandments of Allah’s final messenger and most perfect worshiper,
Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.

This message has always been clear in my mind from a very early age, thanks to Allah
and to my parents and the upbringing. However, in addition to being Muslim, I always
had to carry another tag of being Mahdavi. From a very early age, we recognized that we
are from the family of Hz Jaunpuri who claimed to be the Promised Mahdi, but were
misled into thinking that he did not bring about any new religion or practices.
However as I grew, I was fortunate to witness my father, Syed Ali Akber and my mother
Dr.Zaibunnisa and my uncles and aunts, continuously battle against the evils in
Mahdaviyat and educate the community of them.

Yet I remained Mahdavi.

All this was set to change, when I started to ponder, around 1990s, how come only
Chanchalguda and Musheerabad recognized Jaunpuri as Mahdi while the rest of the
Muslim world had rejected him.
How is it possible for the entire Muslim world, for the last 500 years, from Austrialia to
America not be able to identify Jaunpuri as Mahdi.
This very doubt kept growing and led me to another very popular hadith of Isa AS and
Mahdi coming together towards the end of time. This hadees finally turned my doubts to
confirmation and the notion drifted from Jaunpuri as Mahdi E Maood to just a Mahdi –
a reformer.

Yet I remained a Mahdavi.

1996 was truly a turning point, when for the first time I told my father, I am not going
for Dugana. Enough of our two-faced approach. On side, we are against anything and
everything that is against Islam and on the other side, we sing Mahdavi tunes. I am not
coming for Dugana. Alhamdulillah, even my father removed his sherwani and from that
day, we stopped praying in Mahdavi Jamaat Khanas altogether.

Yet I remained a Mahdavi.

And had not rejected Jaunpuri as a Mahdi – the guide totally.

From year 2006 – 2012, my father used to write small books, under Talaash E Haq
mission, to help Mahdavis atleast rid the kufriya aqeeda from the community. The
biggest deviation that irked, angered, irritated and disgusted us was the HAMSAR
Aqeeda. How can Jaunpuri claim to be equal to Allah’s Messenger ‫ – ﷺ‬impossible.

This series continued until our house was attacked and furniture broken, books thrown
around and the book series stopped, and the flame stopped to burn.

In 2012 I underwent a surgery, and as a result, had to be confined to a bed for week.
During this time, I started listening to MP3 and Youtube episodes on Islam. Later I got
hooked to Seerah Series by a popular Sheikh, the most detailed and one of the best
episodes on seerah (I highly recommend it, PM me). Midway in this series, I realized how
this Sheikh will continue to be rewarded from Allah many years after he leaves this earth
and how lucky he was. At that instance I made a dua to Allah,

“O Allah, give me an opportunity to serve you in this deen, so that even hundreds of years
after my bones have turned to dust, I should continue to earn your reward.”

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Thereafter, after listening to so much of seerah and reading multiple books(Sealed
Nectar), Umar Series, The Message, Lives of the Prophet, bayaans etc…, it had become
my passion to see Rasool ‫ ﷺ‬in my dream.

Yet I remained Mahdavi – not fully rejecting it.

So I asked Allah, “O Allah, I was not fortunate to see Rasool Allah ‫ ﷺ‬in real life and
become a Sahaba, atleast I want to see him ‫ ﷺ‬in my dream. And not just see him, but to
get a mission from him. For this I prayed and read Nafl for many nights. This was
around 2015. I moved to US in 2020.

Yet I remained Mahdavi.

December 19, 2021 changed everything for me when I saw Rasool ‫ ﷺ‬in my dream.
Among many things in the dream, RasoolAllah ‫ﷺ‬, said, “Apne logon ko guide karo”

Yet I remained Mahdavi.

A week or so later, on the other side of the globe, in Hyderabad, Muftis of Hyderabad
and Masood Mujtahidi (Mahdavi Murshad of Musheerabad) had gathered in Telangana
Secratariat for ground breaking ceremony of a Masjid.

During that ceremony, Mufti saab led the Zuhr salah and all including Murshad read
namaz in Jamaat. Someone took a picture of the Murshad praying behind Mufti saab and
made it viral.

Breaking news – Murshad praying behind Mufti

How can a Mahdavi Murshad pray behind a Mufti who is believed to be a Kaafir as per
Mahdavi creed.
At this I thought, the Murshad, fully exposed, will either apologize that he prayed
behind Mufti or make a statement that all Mahdavis can also pray behind Muslims. He
said neither and hid in the house for many days.

I could not digest this hypocrisy at the silence of the Murshad and told my family,
enough is enough of pretending to be Mahdavi. “I cannot tolerate this and I surely do not
believe in Mahdaviyat, so why should I remain Mahdavi”, and after 7 days, made a video
and pulled the plug leaving this Fitna of Mahdaviyat.

With all the blessings of Allah ‫ﷻ‬, money, power, prestige, recognition and a safe haven
(USA), how could I not have rejected this Fitna of Mahdaviyat. What would I say to
Allah on day of judgement.

Alhamdulillah, on January 21,2021, I became a Muslim, completely and openly rejecting


As you all know, that video became viral so fast, people from around the world reached
out and welcomed me into Islam.

Yet Towards Islam and the order of Rasool ‫ ﷺ‬had not taken effect.

Few days later, someone from Chicago created a video and started to threaten me and
issued death threats for what I had done.

This is when the Mission started because I realized it is NOT me he was warning. He was
sending a stern warning to the Mahdavia community that similar expose of the
community will be dealt firmly with violence. I would not allow these Murshads to scare
the people in exercising their religious right of choosing Islam and rejecting Mahdaviyat.
My love for my people just could not allow our people to get bogged down.
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A day or so later, my sister called me and reminded me of the dream and said,
“This is your mission- to guide Mahdavis to Islam”.

Alhamdulillah, since that day, with the help of Allah, Ulemas, my parents,
family and Towards Islam family and supporters, we have exposed Mahdaviyat
from their own books, presented Hadees and refuted the baatil aqeedas by
showing what books of Mahdaviyat themselves say.

Many people confronted me by saying, you bring disrepute to your forefathers

by leaving their faith. My answer is, My love for Allah and his Rasool SAW is
greater than my forefathers and this world.

Today, Alhamdulillah, this personal mission has now become the mission of
hundreds and thousands of Ex-Mahdavis, Muslim Ulema, Muslims to help guide
Mahdavis Towards Islam.

Regardless of how long we live on this earth, this mission has been engineered to
continue, to grow, to spread - in simple words we will not stop in’sha’Allah - until the
message of Islam spreads and erases Baatil (Mahdaviyat). Our videos, books, articles,
materials, Fatwas from around the world will remain a click away for any one that
desires it.

After appearing in Mufti Yasir Nadeem’s live stream, all Mahdavi people started to
realize how wrong Mahdaviyat is and started to leave. Some people called Mufti saab
and invited him to debate Murshads, but you all know very well, they all are Faraar.

Mufti Saab is ever ready to debate Mahdaviyat and thru this letter, I invite any
Murshad to come forward on a recorded line for a debate.

Religious freedom is our primary religious duty and fundamental constitutional right
and no body can stop us. I invite people from around the world to come together and
strengthn this MISSION, join us in this journey and earn the reward from Allah.

My father always taught me, “Agar tum sahi ho to kisi ke baap se nahi darna,
darna to sirf Allah se” so please don’t try to intimidate me or anyone from Towards
Islam family. It does not work.

Refuting Mahdaviyat is a great book soon to be available in Urdu, Gujrati (already

available in English). Also plz see Ilmi Defeat of Mahdaviyat by Mufti Yasir Nadeem
and see our two videos, Tauheed Ke Khilaaf and Khatam E Nabuwat ke khilaaf.

Indeed, Islam is the only religion preferred by Allah

Mahdaviyat is not Islam
Jaunpuri is not Mahdi.
Assalamu ‘alaykum

Am e r A k b e r
Amer Akber
Page - 34
Testimonial #9

City: Hyderabad
Native: Chanchalguda
Murshads Visited:
Atan Shahab, Zakir
Munnawwari, Masood
Mureed: Never

Syed Ali Akbar

Now I am too old, passing through

the last stage of life. I deemed it
necessary that I explain to all
openly that I am one of a Muslim
according the to the beliefs of Ahle
sunnaH Muslim Community.
Page - 35
In the name of almighty Allah the most benevolent and most merciful.

I, Syed Ali Akber, s/o Syed Noor Mohammed, aged 85 years, in state of sound sense of
mind, without any coercion, compulsion, with voice of my heart and with my knowledge,
wisdom, am hereby writing and executing the facts as under.

I was born and brought up in the Mahdavia community and heard and observed its
views and faiths since the beginning. After reaching the age of maturity and completing
my education, when I used to visit the Murshadeen E Qaum to hear their sermons and
read the books of the community, many of their views and sermons were beyond my
understanding and hence it was difficult for me to accept them. I had put up these doubts
before the Murshadeen but could not get any sensible and fair reply from them.

I had accepted Syed Mohammed Jonpuri as Mahdi E Maood but never accepted him as
Hamsar and equal to Rasool ‫ﷺ‬. I never accepted the Mahdavi belief around Friday
prayers(non-Juma aqeeda), Dugana Shab E Qadr (Farz) and the need of Mahdi-E-Maood
for the interpretations of the meanings of the Quran.

Contrarily I used to refute the Murshids against the wrong beliefs orally and through my
writings wherein I published my views without any fear and concerns of others in my
magazine called Talash-E-Haq, but no Murshid was able to refute my refutation.

That’s why, in 1985, when my father expired, instead of approaching any Mahdavi masjid
or murshad for funeral, Namaaz E Janaza was led by my relatives in my home.

Despite continuously refuting the murshids openly in order to reform the community,
people of the community validated my efforts, trusted my leadership and elected me to
serve as President of Anjuman E Mahdavia three consecutive times.

My intention of serving as President of Anjuman E Mahdavia was not to support and

propagate Mahdavia beliefs but for social and welfare services of the community.

My father was also frustrated with the beliefs and sermons of the community murshids
and made the holy Qur’an his holy guide. On instructions of my father, I also studied the
holy Qur’an and chose it as my main guide.

The light of the holy Qur’an kept me away from the evil thought of the community and
thus always considered myself as member of Ahle-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat.

I taught my children Islamic values and married them into Muslim homes. Farz prayers
specially Jumua, I used to perform in the Masjid of the Muslims. After 1996 I stopped
Dugana altogether. Our Imam Hz Jaunpuri had repeatedly and clearly expressed that he
did not bring a new religion and stated our religion is book of Allah, Qur’an and
obedience of Rasool ‫ﷺ‬, Mazhab Ma Kitabullah and Itteba e RasoolAllah ‫ﷺ‬.

I firmly stand on what our Imam stated and cannot accept any matter which is against
the book of Allah, Qur’an and Sunnah of RasoolAllah ‫ ﷺ‬and hence it is clear that I did
not accept the meaningless teachings of the murshids. I felt that the people have
attributed so many issues as the Imam’s expression which is hard to be trusted.

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Till now I have kept myself connected with the Mahdavi community and maintained
mutual relations for the sole purpose of trying to spread awareness and for reforming the
community from within on issues which are against the basic tenets of Islam and invite
them to the right path. Throughout my life I reformed as much as I could.

Whatever my son Amer Akber is going thru his mission of Towards Islam while I do not
agree with his choice of words none the less confirm his work and words to be haq.

Now I have become too old passing thru the last stage of life I deem it necessary that I
explain to all openly that I consider myself as a Muslim according to the beliefs of the
Ahle-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat community and have distanced myself from the beliefs of the
Mahdavia community, including rejecting Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri as Mahdi.

I have spent my life upon the beliefs and faith of Ahle-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat and pray to
Allah SWT that I die on this faith. I accept Allah ‫ ﷻ‬as my lord without any partner and
believe in his last and dearest Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬who is Rahmat-ul- lil-Alameen and

No ummati or Sahabi or Mahdi, forget being equal to Rasool ‫ ﷺ‬cannot even stand in
any comparison with the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him.

The salvation in this world and the hereafter lies only and only in following Rasool ‫ﷺ‬
and I do not admit anyone as his partner and believe everyone as his ummati and I stand
firm on this faith and I sincerely invite my friends and the whole community to accept
this. Accepting or not is the option for every person. “Wama Alaina illal balagh, Our
obligation is no more than to convey the message clearly.” (Qur’an 36:17)

“Our lord, let not our hearts deviate after you have guided us and grant us mercy from
yourself. Indeed, you are the bestower” (Qur’an 3:8)

Assalamu ‘alaykum

k b a r
Syed Ali Akbar

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‫‪Testimonial #10‬‬



‫‪Family Murshad:None‬‬

‫‪Mureed: Never‬‬

‫‪Dr. Zaibunnisa‬‬

‫سید محمد جونپوری کو ہمسر‬

‫رسول بناکر نہ ماننے والوں کو کافر‬
‫قرار دیا ۔ اسطرح سے ایک نئے فرقہ‬
‫اور مذھب کی بنیاد ڈالدی جو قرآن‬
‫کی تعلیمات وعتصموا بحبل اللہ‬
‫کے بالکل خالف ھے ۔‬
‫‪Page - 38‬‬
‫۔‬ ‫ورحمۃ االلہ و‬
‫السالم علیکم ور‬
‫م‬ ‫ا‬

‫اری‪ ،‬حق‬
‫تدریس میں گزاری‪،‬‬ ‫پوری ززندگی درس و ر‬ ‫جنہوں نے ااپنی ری‬
‫ں‬ ‫ابراہیم صاحب‬ ‫النساء ددختر سید ا ا‬
‫ء‬ ‫ڈاکٹر ززیب ا‬
‫میں ڈا‬
‫مہدویت سے‬
‫و‬ ‫اسالف کا تعلق‬
‫مثال کم ہی ملتی ہے ‪ ،‬ااگرچہ میرے ا ف‬
‫ل‬ ‫باپ دادا کی‬
‫ہمارے پ‬‫ر‬ ‫گوئی اور حق پرستی میں‬
‫انہوں نے ددین‬
‫امام کوئی نیا مذہب یا شریعت لے کر نہیں آآئے بلکہ ا ں‬
‫بات پر ررہا کہ ا م‬
‫اعتقاد اس ت‬
‫د‬ ‫ررہا مگر ان کا ا‬
‫گوئی‪ ،‬اامر‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫ں حق‬‫ماحول میں ہم نے تربیت پائی ووہاں‬
‫ل‬ ‫ہے‪ ،‬چنانچہ جس‬‫کام کیا ‪،‬‬
‫اسالم کی تبلیغ اور تجدید کا م‬
‫ا م‬
‫والد‪،‬بڑے اابا‪ ،،‬میں اور میرے شوہر کبھی کسی کے مرید‬ ‫بالمعروف اور نہی عن االمنکر معنی ررکھتا تھا‪ ،،‬میرے وا ‪،‬‬
‫رہا‪ ،‬اور بہت‬
‫اختالف ر ‪،‬‬
‫ف‬ ‫ں سے ہمیشہ ا‬‫عبادتوں‬
‫د‬ ‫قدر میں خودد ساختہ‬
‫اءت اور شب ر‬ ‫نہیں ہوئے‪ ،،‬ااسی ووجہ سے شب براءت‬
‫دوگانہ پڑھنے سے پرہیز ر ۔‬
‫عرصے سے دو‬

‫ا‬ ‫لہذا ااپنے تجربہ اور مطالعے کی بنیادد پر مذہب کے‬
‫ا‬ ‫ہیں‪،‬‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫بہاریں ددیکھ لی‬
‫اب ہم نے بھی زندگی کی ‪ 80‬ر‬
‫سے جو میرا اعتقاد ہے‪ ،‬وہ آپ کے سامنے رکھتی ہوں۔ میری ناواقفیت کی وجہ سے مجھے مہدویت کے اندر پائے‬
‫جانے والے عقیدے ہمسر کا صحیح مطلب معلوم نہ تھا‪ ،‬جب میرے دیور کا انتقال ہوا تو ہمارے بہت قریبی‬
‫رشتہ داروں نے جنازے کی مراسم میں شرکت نہیں کی اور وجہ یہ بتائی کہ چونکہ وہ ہمسر کا عقیدہ نہیں‬
‫رکھتے تھے اس لیے ہم ان کے جنازہ میں شرکت نہیں کرتے‪،‬‬

‫جب مجھے معلوم ہوا کہ اس عقیدہ کا مطلب ہے کہ امامنارسول کے برابر ہے۔ (نعوذ باللہ) تو مجھے تجس ہوا‬
‫کہ یہ کیسا عقیدہ ہے یہ تو اسالمی تعلیمات کے خالف ہے‪ ،‬اسالم تو کامل و مکمل دین ہے‪ ،‬جس میں کمی بیشی‬
‫کی گنجائش نہیں۔ جب میں نے مہدوی الئبریری سے کتابوں کا مطالعہ کیا تو چونکا دینے والی باتیں سامنے آئی‬
‫جس سے معلوم ہوا کہ اسالم اور مہدویت الگ الگ ہے‪ ،‬مہدویت کے غلط عقائد کا اسالم سے کوئی تعلق نہیں۔‬

‫مہدویت کی ابتداء کوئی نئے مذہب سے نہیں ہوئی تھی بلکہ امامنا کے قول کے مطابق مذہب ما کتاب اللہ‬
‫واتباع رسول اللہ سے ہوئی لیکن بعد میں اس کو نیا مذہب بنالیا گیا‪ ،‬اور امام کو رسول کا درجہ دیا (نعوذ‬
‫باللہ) جس کی بنیاد پر شریعت کے اندر من چاہی اضافہ کیا اور نہ مانے والوں کو کافر قرار دیا اور اس طرح‬
‫سے اللہ تعالی کے فرمان " واعتصموا بحبل اللہ جمیعا وال تفرقوا " ( اللہ کی رسی کو مظبوطی سے تھام کے‬
‫رکو اور فرقو میں مت بٹو) سے روگردانی کرتے ہوئے ایک الگ فرقہ اور الگ مذہب بنالیا‪ ،‬اور اپنے مذہب کے‬
‫اندر ان باتوں کا اضافہ کیا جن کا اسالم کے ساتھ کوئی تعلق نہیں۔‬

‫چنانچہ قرآن و سنت کی تعلیمات سے صاف ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ سید محمد جو پوری صاحب مہدی موعود نہیں‬
‫ہے اور جو مہدویت کا دعوی انہوں نے کیا تھا‪ ،‬جس سے بعد میں خود دست بردار ہوئے تھے‪ ،‬وہ غلط تھا‪ ،‬امام‬
‫مہدی جن کے آنے کا وعدہ احادیث مبارکہ میں موجود ہے ان کا آنا باقی ہے‪ ،‬اور وہ قیامت کے قریب تشریف‬
‫الئیں گے‪ ،‬جس کی تفصیل مبارک حدیثوں میں موجود ہے۔‬

‫مہدویوں نے جو نیا دین بنا لیا ہے میں ان کے غلط عقائد سے براءت کرتی ہوں اور عام مسلمانوں کی طرح اہل‬
‫سنت و الجماعت کے صحیح عقائد کو مانتی ہوں جو کہ قرآن و حدیث سے ثابت ہے۔ اور اپنے قوم کے بھائی‬
‫بہنوں اور بچے بچیوں سے بھی یہی نصیحت کرتی ہوں‪ ،‬کہ دنیا کی اس دو دن کی زندگی میں اسالمی تعلیمات‬
‫پر عمل پیرا ہوں‪ ،‬اور جو باتیں قرآن وحدیث کے خالف ہے ان کو رد کر دیں‪ ،‬مخلوق سے ڈرنے کی مطلق‬
‫ضرورت نہیں‪ ،‬اللہ تعالی کے سامنے کھڑا ہونا ہے‪ ،‬جس دن اللہ کے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی شفاعت ہی‬
‫کام آئے گی‪ ،‬کوئی پیر یا مرشد ہمیں بچا نہیں سکتا۔ لہذا قرآن اورحدیث کا مطالعہ کریں اور اس پر عمل‬
‫‪Assalamu ‘alaykum‬‬

‫‪a‬‬ ‫‪i‬‬ ‫‪b‬‬ ‫‪u‬‬ ‫‪n‬‬ ‫‪n‬‬

‫‪Z Zaibunnisa‬‬ ‫‪i‬‬ ‫‪s‬‬ ‫‪a‬‬
‫‪Page - 39‬‬
ehdavi Fi mer
khilaf M A
q ee d a T auheed ke Towards Islam
2A ri ka
Part 1 of hammed Jaunpu
Hz Syed
Hz Syed t 2 of 2-Aqeeda
med Jau khatam E Nabu
npuri M w
ehdavi Fi at ke khilaf
rqa Tow
ards Islam

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Page - 40
To educate the people of the Mahdavi Community about the
true beliefs and practices of Islam based on the Qur’an and
Sunnah as understood by the Sahaba and to safeguard them
from their deviant beliefs.

We are building a Global Team of Ex-Mahdavi people to
support each other, collaborate and build strategies that will
help our Mahdavi friends and families come towards Islam,

We are bound by the common factor which is the Book of
Allah : the Qur’an, the teachings of Prophet Muhammad –
the Hadiths and the traditions of the rightly guided

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