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Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld

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Stop vision loss in its tracks with
these 6 “super herbs”
By Glenn S. Rothfeld, M.D.

magine living out your golden years never watch- specifically. That’s because, while these biological
ing the sunset... never seeing a grandchild step up processes can unleash damage on your retina, cornea,
to the plate in the Little League game... and never and other structures of your eye, they’re equally de-
reading your favorite book one more time? structive for your kidneys, peripheral nerves, joints,
Believe it or not, that’s what an estimated 35 mil- heart, and other organs.
lion Americans are facing right now.1 Because they all In fact, aging is largely a process in which oxida-
have eye diseases that can lead to permanent blind- tive stress leads to ROS and inflammation and, even-
ness, like macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic reti- tually, to cell death.
nopathy (DR), cataracts, and glaucoma.
And that’s what’s particularly exciting about the
For years these people have been let down by the six “super herbs” that can help prevent conditions
mainstream. Most doctors have almost nothing to say like AMD, cataracts, DR, and glaucoma. Because they
about preventing eye diseases, and lots of times will work by stopping inflammation and cell death that
let serious conditions (like cataracts) progress until can harm your eyes, they can also protect other or-
they’re bad enough to require surgery. gans and parts of your body as well.
When it comes to something as precious as your
eyesight, you deserve better. And the good news is # 1: Curcumin
that if your vision is getting worse year after year, You may be familiar with curcumin, the active
there are six safe, natural “super herbs” that may help component of the common kitchen spice turmeric.
you stop the problem once and for all.
One of the reasons that curcumin works so well is
Body chemistry gone haywire that it’s stable in stomach acid. That means it doesn’t
can steal your eyesight break down as it moves through the digestive tract.
The first thing to realize is that all of these vision-re- Curcumin helps control some of the enzymes that
lated illnesses involve some biochemical process that’s cause inflammation, and it interferes with the produc-
gone awry. And one of the biggest is what we call oxi- tion of something called TNF alpha. That’s a messenger
dative stress. Stresses of all sorts (chemicals, environ- in your body that promotes cell death and inflammation.
mental stressors like cigarette smoke and radiation, In rat studies, curcumin has been found to protect
hormonal stressors including high insulin levels, and against radiation and hydrogen peroxide damage to
even emotional stresses) create supercharged mole- the retina.2 Other studies have shown that curcumin
cules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can prevent against damage of diabetic retinopathy.3
murder our cells through a process called apoptosis. Still other animal research demonstrated the protec-
Now, a certain amount of cell death is normal— tive effect of curcumin against cataract formation,
our bodies are constantly regenerating, with old cells both the diabetic and nondiabetic forms.4
being replaced by new ones. But, in this process, it’s a The authors of one review study concluded that
veritable killing spree. curcumin’s anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory
And while these ROS are attacking our cells, they’re properties make it “a compound of choice” in the
also stimulating something called the “JNK signaling treatment and prevention of multiple eye illnesses, in-
pathway.” Think of that like a phone line that carries cluding AMD, DR, and cataracts.5
messages calling for your body to kill more of its own
cells and to release inflammation. # 2: Saffron
Another kitchen spice that has remarkable effects on
6 herbs protect your eyes from the prevention and treatment of eye diseases is saffron.
inflammation and cell death Its active ingredients, crosin and crocetin, protect your
Notice that, when I’m talking about cell death and cells against ROS—and that means they can stop (or
inflammation, I haven’t yet mentioned eye diseases even reverse) oxidation, cell death, and inflammation.
Saffron actually blocks the action of Caspase-3, the cabinet) that’s been shown to improve heart health and
enzyme that leads to cell death, and increases your slow diabetes. But it also helps prevent the development
levels of glutathione, one of the most powerful anti- of ROS. Several studies have demonstrated its ability to
oxidants around. reduce diabetic complications, including retinopathy.14
Test tube trials have shown that saffron protects In animal studies, resveratrol has been shown to
retinal cells against oxidative stress,6 and animal tri- increase glutathione and decrease oxidative stress of
als have shown the protective effect of saffron on the the lens of the eye, suggesting its potential use in pre-
formation of cataracts, seemingly by shielding the lens
venting cataract formation.15
cells against oxidative damage.7
And human studies have shown that it can prevent
But here’s the good news, since your eyeballs aren’t
in a test tube or the body of a rat: human trials have damage to optic nerve cells in patients suffering from
shown benefits of saffron supplements in improving glaucoma.16
early macular degeneration (AMD).8 # 6: Danshen
# 3: Lutein and Zeaxanthin Now, you probably don’t have any of the Chinese
Any discussion of plant-based antioxidants for the herb Danshen in your spice rack because it comes
eye must include the carotenoids lutein and zeaxan- from the root of a flowering plant that’s native to
thin. These pigments are commonly found in many China and Japan. Also called Salvia or Asian red
yellow-colored fruits (peaches, papaya, squash) and sage, it contains antioxidants as well as anti-inflam-
green leafy vegetables, and they’ve been shown to matory micronutrients that can significantly improve
lower your risk of AMD.9 eye health.
A recent clinical study demonstrated that supple- Due to its inhibition of TNF alpha, Danshen has
menting with lutein and zeaxanthin slowed down the been shown to protect your retinal cells.17 In fact,
development of AMD and improved vision.10 Danshen prevented the loss of vision in mice whose
Researchers think that these pigments absorb retinal tissue had been injected with it, in a study
blue and UV light, which you’re exposed to through looking at diabetic retinopathy. And its intravenous
sunlight and computer screens. Too much blue light form has shown benefit in treating glaucoma.
reaching the retina has been implicated in the devel-
opment of AMD. Preclinical studies suggest that Danshen can also
help prevent AMD, but human clinical trials are
#4: Quercetin needed before we can say for sure.
In the past, I’ve told readers about quercetin’s use
in prostate cancer prevention and treatment, but it has
Start protecting your
also been studied for its usefulness in vision disorders. eyes before the damage
Found in vegetables, berries, and tea, this remark- has been done
able flavonoid is another botanical substance that acts There are supplements available that have been
as an antioxidant and inhibits the formation of ROS. designed specifically for vision support (sometimes
In fact, quercetin beat other antioxidants in a 2011 called “ocular” support). They usually include at
study on preventing cataracts.11 least a couple of these great herbal ingredients in a
Quercetin has also been shown to slow down angio- custom blend—which is a good thing if you’d rather
genesis. That’s the overgrowth of small blood vessels not eat curry for three meals a day or guzzle down
in the retina, and it can lead to AMD.12 Other studies carafe after carafe of red wine. (You shouldn’t do that
have shown a role for quercetin in the prevention of anyway—it would take more bottles than you could
diabetic complications, including retinopathy.13 drink to get enough resveratrol to benefit your eye-
# 5: Resveratrol sight in any significant way).
Resveratrol is a micronutrient found in red wine
(among other delicious items in your fridge or kitchen Citations on page 527

Cure this weird digestive disorder and
watch years of brain fog vanish
By Glenn S. Rothfeld, M.D.

ou have brain fog that seems to follow you children, and driving (as scary as that is) as “functional
around all day. You can’t seem to think alcoholics.” They’re just used to having this high level
straight or concentrate—you’re even slurring of alcohol in their blood, and they’ve adapted to it to
your words. the point that they can be over four times the legal
If someone didn’t know any better, they’d swear limit and still appear at least somewhat normal.
you were drunk. They certainly don’t seem blackout drunk—they
Well, believe it or not, thanks to an increasingly just come across as brain fogged, or maybe ditsy, con-
common digestive disorder, you may be. fused, or even depressed.
Even if you haven’t had a drop to drink. This overgrowth of yeast can cause a host of other
The booze that brews very common symptoms, but the two main areas that
in your gut are affected are the brain and the gut.
A couple years ago, a woman in New York was The mental and neurological symptoms, as I
pulled over with a blood alcohol level that was five noted, can range from brain fog to depression, anxi-
times the legal limit. Exactly the kind of person we ety, fatigue, and headaches. Excessive yeast and their
should be throwing the book at, right? byproducts of fermentation can also cost a host of
Well, not so fast. She hadn’t been drinking. gastrointestinal complaints, which include gas, bloat-
Believe it or not, this woman had her case thrown ing, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.
out when her lawyers found out she has a condition When yeast goes wild
known as auto brewery syndrome.
There have been some well-documented and
If you often suffer from brain fog or a feeling of
mental you would if you were drunk... proven cases of auto brewery syndrome in scientific
you could have auto brewery syndrome, too. literature—including a 2013 case study of a 61-year-
Yes, that’s a real, known medical condition! old male out of Texas and a 1984 study out of Japan,
which was able to replicate the phenomenon in the
If you’ve got it, so much yeast builds up in your
laboratory in two different individuals.
intestines that if you consume any sugar, your body
will brew an alcoholic cocktail so strong that it could There also have been a few studies done with chil-
make you fail a Breathalyzer. dren that undoubtedly get “drunk” when they eat too
Think about it: How do you make alcohol? You much sugar and carbohydrates—but in their case, it’s
feed sugar to yeast and then wait. And then before because of a gut disorder called short bowel (or gut)
you know’ve got alcohol. syndrome.
The same thing happens right inside our bodies. But, the important lesson from these fascinating
In the case of the New York woman, a medical team cases is that this condition—also known as “gut fer-
monitored her blood alcohol level all day. The more mentation syndrome”—is not as uncommon as you
she ate, the more it went up—and by 6 p.m. she was would think.
a whopping four times the legal limit—without touch-
Brain fog itself is a very common complaint in my
ing a drop of alcohol!
office, and many times the patient’s “fog” isn’t coming
Auto brewery syndrome can affect from “old age” or that dreaded diagnosis of demen-
anyone—including you tia—but, rather, from an overgrowth of yeast!
The most interesting part of the case is that this Some of my patients will claim that they feel
woman—and other people afflicted with the same “drunk,” and you know what? They’re right; they are
issue—are almost always walking, working, raising basically inebriated.
Of course, I’m not routinely doing Breathalyzer “good” yeast. But when antibiotics kill off a fair
testing or blood alcohol levels in my office, but I AM amount of the good bacteria (and you fail to take
testing patients’ stool samples for yeast. I find an over- probiotics while on the antibiotic), these yeast species
growth of it on a routine basis. And what’s really cool will start to grow like wildfire in place of the bacteria.
is when I treat the yeast in their intestines...and poof! The analogy that I use in the office is that you want
The brain fog goes away. a lot of grass and a few mushrooms on your lawn, but
In most of the severe cases, the patients have usu- after you take antibiotics, the mushrooms will take
ally figured out by trial and error that their worst over—and that’s when problems ensue.
enemy is sugar. Within minutes of eating sugar or a When you are on an antibiotic, you should not
sugar-laden meal, they feel downright poorly and be- swallow the probiotic at the same exact time as the
come brain-fogged, tired, and lightheaded. antibiotic, because the antibiotic will kill the probi-
Most of them have figured out that they can’t tol- otic. I have my patients wait two hours after taking
erate large amounts of carbohydrates, as well. the antibiotic to take the probiotic. To make it easy,
you could take the probiotic at bedtime, since you
Some patients even come back to be treated again must take most antibiotics with meals.
because the symptoms returned after excessive sugar
intake...or a round of antibiotics. Put your body’s microbrewery
out of business
Killing off your
Really, anything that disrupts the bowel flora and
good gut flora paves the
allows the good bacteria to diminish and the bad
way for fermentation “bugs” to flourish can contribute to the alcohol brew-
Aside from carb and sugar addiction, one of the ing in your body. This includes consuming too much
main causes of auto brewery syndrome is taking too sugar, carbs, and/or alcohol—but also NSAIDs (like
many antibiotics, and too often. It’s an accumulation ibuprofen and naproxen), coffee, chemotherapy, and
of damage from antibiotics over the course of your even stress—all of which can be avoided or reduced.
lifetime...since you were a little kid. The good news is that there are proactive strate-
Antibiotics kill the good, healthy bacteria in your gies that you can take to start tackling potential auto
gut right along with the bad. And when that happens, brewery syndrome or yeast overgrowth. The first step
it’s very easy for yeast to grow in the place of the good is to eliminate as much as sugar and carbohydrates
bacteria...especially in a damp and moist environment from your diet as you can. This will at least stop feed-
such as the intestines. ing the yeast their fodder! I always recommend the
Paleo Diet, which also happens to masquerade as an
There’s always supposed to be SOME yeast in the
anti-fungal, anti-yeast diet with very few sugars and
mix in your intestines, and most of it is considered
Then, you can replenish and repopulate the good
The secret source of your bacteria in your gut by going on a high quality probiotic.
uncontrollable cravings You also can consider killing some of the excessive
yeast with natural germicidal remedies like garlic, oil
Auto brewery syndrome is also one of the root causes
of oregano, or grapefruit seed extract—but a word of
of cravings for sugar and carbs. Once your alcohol levels
caution: If you start killing the yeast too quickly, you
come down, you’re basically hung over—and when you’re
could feel worse before you feel better.
hung over from a night of drinking, what is the one thing
that makes you feel better? So, if you have undiagnosed mental, neurological,
and perhaps gastrointestinal complaints...or if you
“Hair of the dog”—that is, to drink MORE alcohol. suspect that you might have this malady of yeast over-
But these auto brewery patients can remedy the hang- should seek out a holistic doctor. This
over by just eating more sugar and carbs, which generate condition is so prevalent that almost all holistic doc-
more of their own home brew. They’re in a vicious cycle of tors are trained and versed in diagnosing and treating
low-level alcoholism and food addiction. the condition.
As a holistic physician, it is such a rewarding experience
to help patients break this vicious cycle by understanding Citations on page 527s
the root cause, treating the yeast, and ending their cravings.

How to Live Longer... and Better...
With the Incredible Cancer-Fighting
Power of Ascorbate Therapy
By Dr. Mark Stengler, Health Revelations

ignificant advances rarely came from within are given antineoplastons, peptides and amino acids
orthodox medicine... most were made by taken from the human body that activate cancer-fight-
mavericks.”1 This statement—spoken by ing genes. Even though Dr. Burzynki had great success
a true pioneer in the use of ascorbate therapy, also with this treatment as demonstrated in clinical trials
known as intravenous vitamin C, for people with can- and confirmed patient cases (including patients who
cer...Hugh Riordan MD—is as true today as when it had terminal or difficult-to-treat cancers) he was at-
was first uttered. And there’s no area of medicine that tacked by the medical establishment for over a decade
conventional medicine, and the pharmaceutical com- because his treatments were not FDA approved.
panies, have more of a stranglehold on accepted stan- The good news is that an increasing number of
dards of medical therapy than the disease of cancer.
doctors, including oncologists, are opening up to the
Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are the stan- idea of Integrative Oncology Therapy. It not only
dard treatments when it comes to cancer. Sometimes makes rational sense to support the body’s immune
they’re even beneficial. But they often come with bru- system and help the body to detoxify from conven-
tal side effects, a poor track record for long-term sur- tional treatments, but also to use natural therapies
vival, and a quality of life you wouldn’t wish on your shown to have direct anti-cancer effects.
own worst enemy.
Recently I attended a three-day conference with
Now, after decades of disappointing results and leading integrative doctors including oncologists.
horrendous side effects, the American public has Most of the presentations focused on the use of in-
started to realize that there are alternatives, and more travenous therapies (substances given directly into
and more people are seeking Integrative Cancer Care. the vein of a patient to bypass their digestive tract so
Doctors like me are incorporating a variety of nutri- higher, therapeutic doses can be used). The research
tional and holistic therapies to improve patient out-
provided was nothing short of astounding.
comes and provide better quality of life for people
with cancer. Intravenous vitamin C is proving to be For years holistic doctors have noted the positive
one of the best all around Integrative Therapies. effects of nutritional intravenous therapies such as
vitamin C on their patients. I myself have personally
The conventional medicine viewpoint has always
witnessed patients having better outcomes in terms of
been that cancer can’t be treated with holistic thera-
length and quality of life. However, little published data
pies. Tell that to the Chinese, Japanese, German and
has existed to present to the medical world. Studies,
Swiss doctors who have been taking an integrative ap-
especially good ones, require a lot of money to fund.
proach to cancer for decades now. By combining the
But pharmaceutical companies, which by far have the
best of conventional and natural healing methods—or
deepest pockets when it comes to funding research,
in some cases natural therapies alone—they’re achiev-
ing better results with significantly less side effects don’t have an interest in paying for such studies since
than standard conventional care alone. Yet here in natural substances can’t be patented and will not
America, in the not-so-distant past, doctors have lost generate huge stacks of cash.
their licenses or have even been prosecuted by the U.S. But things are looking up and the tide is turning.
government for choosing to use humane integrative Some high-quality studies have been completed, and
treatments with their own patients. many more are on their way. Much of the research
presented at this three-day conference was on the ex-
Holistic therapies save lives! citing field of Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) and I want
Case in point, Stanislaw R. Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D to share some of it with you here. But first, let’s take
developed a breakthrough treatment in which patients a quick look at the history of IVC.
Tens of thousands have already without sacrificing the performance of chemother-
been helped with IV vitamin C apy.”4 In fact, the team has found that not only is IVC
effective, it’s safe as well. Similar to my experiences
The most famous proponent of vitamin C was
with IVC, they state, “There have been no serious
Linus Pauling (1901-1994), a molecular biologist
complications. The most common adverse events
and the only person to ever win two unshared Nobel
reported were nausea, edema, and dry mouth or skin;
Prizes. Most agree he was one of the two most influ-
and these were generally minor.”5 You can read about
ential scientists of the 20th century.
their research at
Pauling published over 1000 books and articles,
most on scientific subjects. He coined the term “ortho- Kick your immune response into
molecular” which means the “right molecules in the high gear with IVC
right concentration.” Orthomolecular medicine focuses When you administer vitamin C intravenously,
on using natural substances such as nutrients like vita- blood levels of the vitamin can reach levels 70 to 100
min C to restore the optimum environment of the body times higher than oral vitamin C. This is important
by correcting imbalances or deficiencies. In orthomo- because oral vitamin C generally can’t reach high
lecular medicine we often use doses much higher than enough blood levels to effectively kill cancer cells. Re-
what’s currently recommended by the conventional es- search by the Riordan Clinic has found that tumor
tablishment. cells become susceptible to high dose IVC at plasma
Pauling, along with Dr. Ewan Cameron, former levels of 350 to 400 mg/dL.6
Chief of Surgery at Vale of Leven Hospital in Scotland, Your immune system naturally produces some hydro-
published research in the 1970s demonstrating that gen peroxide in response to infections and cancer. High
IVC at a dose of usually 10 grams daily for 10 days, doses of IVC kick this natural process into high gear.
followed by daily doses of 10 grams orally in terminal Hydrogen peroxide acts as an oxidant, helping to de-
cancer patients, led to an astounding 4-fold increase stroy cancer and other foreign invaders. IVC augments
in life expectancy.2 Of course 10 grams of IVC is a what your immune system is already doing, making the
fraction of the 50 to 100 grams that’s typically used process much more effective.
for people with cancer today. Normal healthy cells are able to neutralize the ef-
In 1979 Cameron and Pauling published their book, fects of hydrogen peroxide with an enzyme known as
Cancer and Vitamin C, which described their clinical catalase. Since cancer cells lack this enzyme it leads to
experience with vitamin C and cancer. What happened cell death. A study in the Proceedings of the National
next was devastating. Researchers at Mayo Clinic con- Academy of Science of the United States of America
ducted two studies using 10 grams daily of oral vitamin showed that IVC selectively kills cancer cells by deliv-
C in late-stage cancer patients. They never received In- ering hydrogen peroxide to tissues.7
travenous Vitamin C as the research by Cameron and High dose IVC also acts as an antioxidant, but
Pauling indicated was needed. Their conclusion was this action appears to be a bit less powerful than its
that vitamin C had no statistical benefit.3 Linus Pauling oxidant effect. As an antioxidant, however, vitamin
diligently wrote rebuttal letters pointing out that the C helps to control the inflammation that stokes the
Mayo studies did not replicate his and Cameron’s re- fires of cancer cell replication. While many conven-
search. Unfortunately, the medical community took the tional doctors are concerned about the antioxidant
Mayo studies as conclusive evidence against the bene- effect of vitamin C for patients undergoing chemo-
fits of IVC and it has been shunned by conventional therapy and radiation (which produce a lot of oxi-
medicine until this day. dants), this concern seems largely unfounded in light
I mentioned Dr. Hugh Riordan earlier. He’s no lon- of recent research. In addition, Naturopathic Doctor
ger alive, but his work continues on through the Ri- Paul Anderson has done extensive research on pub-
ordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas, which has used IVC lished interactions between vitamin C and common
to help tens of thousands of cancer patients. The re- chemotherapy medications and other common cancer
search arm of the clinic has been conducting and pub- drugs. His research finds little in the way of negative
lishing research on vitamin C for the past 15 years. interactions.8
Dr. Riordan’s RECNAC (cancer spelled back- As Dr. Hunninghake from the Riordan Clinic has
wards) research team has published 20 papers on vita- pointed out, conventional therapies such as certain
min C and cancer. According to the clinic, “RECNAC chemotherapies and radiation work by increasing
data has shown that vitamin C is toxic to tumor cells oxidation and inducing cancer cell death (apoptosis).
New Study Confirms the Natural
Cancer-Killing Power of Vitamin C

V itamin C has been underrated by

conventional medicine for treating
cancer patients for decades.
of vitamin C in the journal Science
Translational Medicine.
between oral and intravenous is some-
thing you can actually see—some-
thing you almost certainly have seen if
Amazing, right? Not really, actually,
Well, the cat’s out of the bag now because this isn’t exactly new. We’ve you’ve ever taken a vitamin C supple-
as a major new study of the benefits known about the cancer-fighting pow- ment and noticed your pee turn bright
of vitamin C confirms that a powerful ers of vitamin C for decades. yellow afterward.
therapy used for decades in natural What’s really amazing is how effective That happens because oral C passes
medicine can kill cancer cells without Big Pharma and its government pals have through you very quickly. While your
doing a drop of damage to normal cells. been at hiding this from the public—and body can still use some of it as it flows
It’s plain old vitamin C. they’ve been doing it in one of the most through, it can never build up in the
In high enough levels, vitamin C underhanded ways imaginable. high levels needed to create the hydro-
causes the production of hydrogen per- Back in the 1970s, a major mainstream gen peroxide I mentioned earlier.
oxide in the blood, and hydrogen per- study supposedly proved that vitamin C Intravenous C can, as the new study
oxide is like kryptonite to cancer cells. does nothing to fight cancer. But the study shows quite clearly.
As a result, the C was able to wipe out was designed to fail, testing only oral sup- In this case, it was delivered along-
both human and animal ovarian cancer plements instead of the high intravenous side chemo. But in reality, I’ve found it
cells when delivered alongside chemo doses we know are so effective. can actually be used in place of chemo
in the new study. Ever since that little bait-and-switch, in many cases.
That’s a lab-dish experiment. But the they’ve claimed research “proves” that Whether or not you need chemo
study didn’t stop there. C doesn’t work against cancer, using is a decision I’ll leave up to you and
In a follow-up experiment on 27 human the study to persecute (and even prose- your doctor. Either way, make sure the
patients with stage III and IV ovarian cute) any doctor heroic enough to offer benefits of vitamin C are part of your
cancer, vitamin C was shown to boost the this life-saving treatment. treatment—and don’t stop there.
cancer-fighting powers of chemo while The new study turns the tables, Other nutrients that can help make
limiting its toxic side effects. because this one finally used intrave- cancer treatments more effective and
In fact, the patients given vitamin C nous C instead of oral supplements— less toxic when delivered intravenously
suffered almost no side effects at all, and the results speak for themselves. include B vitamins, amino acids, gluta-
according to the study of the benefits The reason for the big difference thione and zinc.

However, they also damage the control mechanisms (CRP). In one study of over 274,000 people, about
for cell death including the p53 gene which suppresses one third of deaths in a community were due to can-
tumor formation. This allows therapy-resistant cells to cer. Those with an increased CRP had a higher risk of
thrive, while leaving your other cells with less control dying from cancer than from any other cause includ-
over cancer formation at the same time. He notes that ing cardiovascular disease.10
IVC acts as an oxidative treatment helping to destroy
Research also shows that your level of CRP is a good
cancer cells, while the gentle antioxidant effects of the
predictor of cancer survival.11 Research at the Riordan
vitamin protect and repair the cells so they have control
Clinic has found that a series of IVC sessions can lower
over cell replication such as the p53 gene.9
CRP by approximately 75%. They concluded that this
Douse inflammation and lower reduction in CRP correlated with a drop in tumor
your CRP levels markers including the PSA in prostate cancer.12
Inflammation plays an important role in cancer High dose IVC also aids in detoxification and
formation and promotes the replication of cancer improving cell energy function. More specifically it
cells, their survival, and their migration throughout improves oxygenation of the cells. Cancer cells don’t
the body. One of the traditional blood tests for moni- do well in an oxygenated environment and IVC shifts
toring inflammation in the body is C reactive protein cells to an aerobic (utilizing oxygen) environment
instead of the anaerobic (without oxygen) state that • T welve consecutive patients with stage IV lung
leads to the creation of more cells. cancer—After being treated at BIORC, 64%
According to Hunninghake, his research team has were still alive at three years. The Seattle Cancer
documented seven ways that IVC fights cancer. Hun- Care reports a 15% survival rate at three years
ninghake’s Seven Hallmarks of Cancer that IVC deals and SEER (National Statistics) show just a 3%
with are:13 survival rate.
1. Self-sufficiency of growth signals • Eleven consecutive stage III ovarian cancer pa-
2. Insensitivity to antigrowth signals tients—At three years, 83% of them are still
alive. The SEER national data reports a 49%
3. Evasion of apoptosis (cell death)
survival rate at three years.
4. Unlimited proliferation potential
• Forty six stage IV breast cancer patients—The
5. Enhanced angiogenesis (blood-vessel eighteen of the 46 that received IVC therapy had
supply to the tumor) a 31.1% survival rate at five years compared to
6. Tissue invasion and metastasis just 22.2% for those who had not received IV
7. Inflammatory microenvironment therapy.
IVC can also be used at lower doses to enhance
IVC therapy is extending lives...
the quality of life for people with cancer (and other
yours could be next diseases). Two published studies have demonstrated
One of the leading research institutions for study- this benefit. One found that IV vitamin C significantly
ing the effects of IVC in people with cancer is the Ba- reduced side effects caused by the cancer, chemother-
styr University Integrative Oncology Research Center apy, or radiation including nausea, loss of appetite,
(BIORC), in Seattle. The Center opened in 2009, after fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, dizziness and
receiving a grant from a man whose wife had died bleeding. No side effects were documented.16
from breast cancer who wanted research to be done to Another very recent study involved a clinical trial
find out if there was a better way to treat the disease.
of 25 women with ovarian cancer. Thirteen of the
Since then, 521 cancer patients have been enrolled in
women received chemotherapy and vitamin C by IV.
a study series involving all stages of the disease. Orig-
Researchers found that those volunteers who received
inally patients were only from the Seattle area, but as
IVC were less likely to report side effects from the
word spread cancer patients from all over the country
chemotherapy than those who received chemotherapy
have come to the clinic to participate in the research.
alone. The same researchers also found that IVC pro-
The most common types of cancers seen at BIORC moted cell death in ovarian cells grown in culture.17
are breast, lung, colon, pancreatic, and brain cancers, Another study found patients reported significantly
as well as Merkel cell carcinoma (a type of skin can- less fatigue, nausea/vomiting, pain, and appetite loss
cer). Approximately 30% of the patients seen at the after receiving IVC.18
clinic have been in stage IV or the end stage of the
disease where the cancer has spread. They are treated Getting down to details on IVC therapy
with nutritional therapies and Intravenous Vitamin C
A dosage of IVC usually ranges between 25 to
and other holistic intravenous therapies.
75 grams. This is because the desired oxidative
Leanna Standish, PhD, ND, Lac, from the School
of Public Health at the University of Washington and effect typically takes place at around 25 grams
BIORC has been the lead investigator in analyzing the or higher. But, depending on the person, the op-
data coming from the center. She’s been comparing the timal oxidative dosage may vary. A patient will
data to The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, a world re- normally be given a lower amount, such as 20
nowned conventional cancer treatment center in the grams, to start and with subsequent IV’s the level
same area. While the research is ongoing, the data the is increased.
clinic has gathered so far has been spectacular.14,15
For example:
IVC formulas normally only contain minerals
to balance blood electrolytes such as magnesium,
• Eight patients with stage IV colon cancer—Three
years after their care at the clinic began, 80% were calcium and potassium. Sodium bicarbonate is
still alive; only 15% of Seattle Cancer Care pa- also added to neutralize the acidity of the solution
tients in a similar group were alive at three years. to prevent any possible vein irritation.
Research by Dr. Anderson has found that it during your treatments. If you have decreased
takes a minimum of 12 to 15 treatments to assess kidney filtration or liver disease you will need to
whether or not the therapy will work for some- be monitored more closely, although problems
one. Patients usually get one to three treatments from IVC for those with these conditions are
per week, and each treatment takes about an hour still rare. You should also have a marker known
and a half to two hours. as G6PD tested before starting high dose IVC.
I’ve found that side effects are uncommon. This is an inherited condition known as Glucose
However, it’s important for the patient to eat a 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase. If you have the
well-balanced meal before the treatment and to marker your cells can’t tolerate high dose vitamin
drink plenty water before, during, and after the C. It is more common in people of African, Asian,
treatment. IVC can lower blood sugar levels and Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean descent.
be mildly dehydrating. There’s the possibility that If you know of someone who has cancer then be
blood calcium and potassium levels can be lowered sure to let them know about the benefit of IVC. We
with the treatment. This is prevented by includ- administer a lot of high dose IVC at my clinic to
ing them in the IVC solution. Vein irritation and people with a variety of cancers and have seen a lot
pain can occasionally occur, but this is normally of success. Good resources for finding a doctor close
prevented or resolved by increasing the amount of to you include American College for Advancement
sodium bicarbonate in the IVC solution and slow- in Medicine (ACAM) at, Bastyr In-
ing the drip rate. If you have a port (a medical tegrative Oncology Research Center (BIORC) at
appliance that’s surgically placed under the skin, Anderson Medical Specialty As-
to give access to a vein) then vein irritation is rare. sociates (in the Seattle area), and
Your doctor should analyze your lab work, the Riordan Clinic at
including blood and urine testing, before start-
ing IVC and should run tests again periodically Citations on page 527

Powerful protein extract fights
chronic GI disorders
By Glenn S. Rothfeld, M.D.

’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Your health In fact, Albert Sabin made his first oral polio vac-
begins and ends in your gut. cine using colostrum from cows because it had polio
You might not put much thought into it, but your immunoglobulins in it. In the 1950’s, colostrum was
gut is the powerhouse of your body—not only when also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
it comes to digestion, but also mood, weight manage- Despite these historical references…and its an-
ment, blood sugar control, and even cancer prevention. ecdotal uses which vary from immune support, gut
And every month that goes by, the medical com- support, and weight loss, to allergies and even auto-
munity learns more and more about the gut lining… immune support… the regular medical establishment
how it houses at least 80 percent of your immune sys- still isn’t convinced.
tem… and how crucial its balance of flora is to almost In the 1980s, when studies showed that colos-
every disease. trum doesn’t pass through the gut lining of adults,1
One of the most powerful investments you can the mainstream medical community immediately dis-
make in your health is EnteraGam, a medical food missed it. They argued that if colostrum just stays in
that’s got the power to repair damage to your gut your intestines, taking it would be a waste of time.
AND fight off infections. Well, in my opinion, that’s a GREAT thing! The
more “liquid gold” that stays in the gut lining, the bet-
Fighting off infections ter—because THAT’S where the healing occurs. And
from moment one when the gut lining is healed, the reverberations to the
As most of my readers know, I’m a big fan of med- rest of your health are easily ten times the power of
ical foods. They’re the perfect bridge between the absorbing some of it into in your bloodstream!
holistic medical world and the conventional medical
world. Instead of “band-aiding” them, medical foods
What’s leaking into your
actually HEAL diseases—without drugs or dangerous bloodstream?
chemicals that merely mask symptoms. The specific diseases that medical studies have
And, yes, they’re “food,” but their healing powers shown EnteraGam to help include HIV-associated en-
can take hold in very powerful and potent versions—so teropathy, pediatric malnutrition, Irritable Bowel Syn-
much so that they require a prescription from a doctor. drome with diarrhea (which affects close to 10 percent
EnteraGam is basically a very powerful and con- of the population), and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
centrated version of something called “colostrum,” (which includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease).2
which is a special form of milk that comes from IBD is actually one of the most vicious forms of a
mammals’ mammary glands in the first few days after conditions that’s been coined “leaky gut syndrome,”
giving birth. It can be found in the form of human or, more officially, “increased intestinal permeability.”
breastmilk as well as the milk of farm animals like Even that name doesn’t tell the whole story…be-
horses, sheep, pigs, and cows. cause in addition to small “holes” in the gut lining, this
Colostrum is often referred to as “liquid gold” be- condition is also associated with a disrupted gut flora—
cause of its yellowish color… and its amazing healing both of which can be caused by a host of issues, most
properties. It’s high in antibodies, which helps protect commonly: NSAID’s (like ibuprofen), stress, coffee, al-
newborns from disease before their own immune sys- cohol, sugar, poor diet, antibiotics, and chemotherapy.
tem develops. Not surprisingly, these are also the factors that
Colostrum has a long history of use in the holis- can throw your ratio of good-to-bad bacteria out of
tic medical world, having been used for thousands of whack—and that imbalance is what causes the excess
years in India to treat a varied array of medical issues. permeability of the gut lining.3
Colostrum was one of the only ways we had to kill Those “holes” in the gut allow unwanted patho-
infections before antibiotics! gens to enter the bloodstream… which is why evidence
supporting the infectious component of IBD and IBS-D It’s literally one of the best and most powerful gut
continues to mount,4 and why colostrum can be such a products that I have ever used.
powerful healing agent for these conditions.5 EnteraGam comes in the form of a powder that
And if your gut lining has taken on the appearance you can take with or without food. Most patients find
of cheesecloth, you can bet that you won’t be able to it easiest to stir it into a glass of water.
absorb nutrients from the foods you eat and even the The process that extracts the immunoglobu-
supplements you take. lins from the colostrum eliminates all of the actual
The cumulative negative effects of the disrupted “dairy,” which makes it a game-changer for anyone
flora and poor absorption can wreak havoc through- who can’t tolerate “dairy” colostrum because of the
out the entire body. casein, whey, or lactose.
The gap in your health may It’s also gluten-free, but since it’s been formulated
be a hole in your gut from proteins extracted from the colostrum of cows,
it’s technically an animal product and wouldn’t be
EnteraGam contains two types of immunoglobu- suitable for anyone with a beef allergy.
lins—one that addresses each of these issues. The first
If you’d like to learn more about this breakthrough
(type A) can “seal” an adult’s damaged and inflamed
medical food, visit and ask
gut lining, especially one that is “leaky,” just like it
your doc about it. The FDA has recognized it as ef­
helps seal the intestines of a newborn baby. The sec-
fective and safe, so he should be willing to prescribe
ond (type G) binds and neutralizes the “bad” gut bugs
it for you if you’ve been diagnosed with enteropathy
to ward off infections.
(ba­sically any disease that involves the intestines, es-
This medical food version of colostrum is an amaz- pecially the small intestine).
ing advancement because it finally gives me the power
that I have been looking for to “plug the holes” in my If all else fails, you can get an over-the-counter ver-
patients’ guts as well as improve their immune systems. sion of colostrum in powder, capsule, and even chew-
able forms at your local health food store. Although
As a holistic doctor of many years, I know that fix- these products won’t have as much muscle as the pre-
ing a “leaky gut” can aid in the healing of almost any
scription-strength medical food version, they’re still
disease. I think that almost every patient who comes
well worth the investment.
to my office with a chronic health condition has some
form of enteropathy… and I’m pleased to say that I’ve
been seeing really exciting results with EnteraGam. Citations on page 528

Red yeast rice drops LDL cholesterol 35 points
By Glenn S. Rothfeld, M.D.

ust as the mainstream is pushing statins for even yeast rice or placebo 2 times a day for 26 weeks. Both
healthy people, good news comes from an un- groups also made lifestyle changes, incorporating diet
likely source. Red yeast rice continues to show its and exercise plans, yoga, and massage. (Sounds pretty
power, and it’s getting harder to ignore. nice to me!)
Sometimes, good news comes from surprising You can tell she doesn’t want to admit it. In fact, she
places. This time, it’s a small beam of support for al- offers a slew of caveats you just don’t see when the media
ternative medicine from a very mainstream source. fawns over the latest Big Pharma poison–but she has to.
In a video from Medscape (a very conventional The red yeast rice worked, bringing on a 35-point
online news source for doctors), Dr. Sandra Fryhofer drop in LDL cholesterol. The group on placebo (but
pays the mildest of lip service to the dangers of statins who still made lifestyle changes) saw a 15-point drop.
before giving a reluctant report of an alternative. The doctor is critical, calling the study small and
She calls it statin-associated myalgia, or SAM, be- saying red yeast rice “seemed to help.” She even spec-
cause what mainstream news outlet wants to come ulates that, because red yeast rice has the same basic
right out and admit to the debilitating muscle pain action as statins, maybe the dose of red yeast rice is
and weakness that statins can cause? just too small to cause unwanted side effects.
The report also becomes a test in how many times No unwanted side effects, and it still works? Sold!
one person can say the phrase “some patients.” This news couldn’t come at a better time, with the
“Some patients” are “bothered” by statin side ef- FDA showing its support for statin use to prevent
fects. “Some patients” experience statin-associated heart attacks in healthy people. That’s right—the very
myalgias. “Some patients” are seeking an alternative. thing we at Nutrition & Healing have been caution-
Say it enough, and “some patients” starts to sound ing against is coming true: Statins for everyone!
like some foreign group, completely outside all of the One doctor called the FDA advisory panel’s recom-
normal, statin-loving people. mendation for Crestor use in healthy people “coura-
But we know better than that. geous.” I call it something else…but I can’t write that
word here.
The study–published in the Annals of Internal
Medicine– had 62 patients who’d quit taking statins
because of terrible pain on 3 600 mg capsules of red Citations on page 528

Soothe your pain on contact
By Michele Cagan, Health Sciences Institute

ackache… sore muscles… aching joints… can relate to occasional flare ups from past injuries, or
sprains… strains. As we get older, it seems as if subsequent pulled muscles or aching backs that come
pain becomes a constant companion. Just get- from trying to compensate for the original injury.
ting out of a chair can become challenging, let alone
enjoying simple pleasures like gardening and stroll- Putting a stop to the pain cycle
ing through the park. Taking aspirin helps, but it can Finding a way to stop the pain cycle has been a
eventually tear up your stomach. And prescription goal of Jon Barron health researcher and panelist of
drugs have side effects that only compound the un- the Health Sciences Institute. Several years ago, he
derlying problem. About 50 percent of the population teamed up with Ron Manwarren of Royal Botanicals
is suffering from occasional aches and pains.1 in the development of a unique topical pain reliever
Most medical schools don’t that is safe and completely free of the side effects of
teach pain relief dangerous pharmaceutical pain killers. While Bar-
ron was refining a revolutionary all-natural transport
Mainstream medicine is finally becoming aware system that would send the power of herbal extracts
of the need to relieve pain. Hospitals now have deep into aching muscles and joints, Manwarren was
pain-management teams. Palliative care—a relatively working on a deep tissue oil based on a time-tested
new medical specialty—was developed to address traditional formula. When Manwarren brought his
pain relief. Pain centers are also opening across the formula to Barron, he suggested combining their ef-
country as more and more people look for relief. But forts in a revolutionary new formula, available in a
they all concentrate on mainstream “cures”—drugs product called Soothanol X2.
and surgery, which are rife with uncomfortable and
While over-the-counter topical products commonly
even life-threatening side effects.
contain one, two, or three pain-relieving substances,
Unfortunately, doctors aren’t receiving much train- such as methyl salicylate, menthol, and camphor,
ing in medical school about pain intervention. Accord- Soothanol X2 is a proprietary blend of 12 ingredients
ing to a survey of oncology surgeons, 90 percent of that work together to fight pain on contact.
respondents said they received 10 hours or less of med-
Because Soothanol X2 is an easy-spreading and
ical-school education on palliative care.2
potent liquid, only a few drops are needed. Soothing
Healed injuries can continue pain relief is delivered on contact.
to flare up over time The scented ingredients in Soothanol X2 are mild—
Effective pain management is a complex issue, contrary to the overpowering smells of most over-
because your body responds with all its defenses to the-counter products. Although cayenne can deliver
protect and heal an injury. When you injure yourself, a warming or hot sensation, much of that sensation
your body sends protective fluids, such as histamine, depends on the type of injury you’re treating and your
bradykinin, prostaglandin, and substance P, to sur- sensitivity to cayenne.
round and heal the area. But they can also irritate the Because a little goes a long way, the cost per appli-
injury over time. cation is extremely economical. See the listing below for
Another problem associated with pain is referred ordering information.
to as the “snowball effect.” This is the result of pain
caused by injury and inflammation, which in turn Citations on page 528
causes distress and, as a result, continued pain and
inflammation. This cyclic pattern snowballs and re-
sults in discomfort even after the original injury has Soothanol X2, NorthStar Nutritionals. P.O. Box 970 Frederick, MD
been healed. 21705. Tel: (800)913-2592, A 1
While you may have done everything possible to oz bottle is US$49.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling ($14.95
heal an injury for good, that doesn’t mean the hurt outside the USA. Cannot fulfill orders to Australia, Germany,
will leave once your injury has healed. Most people Austria or New Zealand).
Don’t TOUCH that next dose
of aspirin until you’ve had
this important test
By Glenn S. Rothfeld, M.D.

f I had a dime for every time a patient asked me able way is…you guessed it, aspirin. That’s the reason
whether they should be taking a daily aspirin for so many doctors have been pushing it for years.
their heart, I’d be sipping margaritas on a tropical
island by now. Get an answer that’s as simple
as “yes” or “no”
And I don’t blame them (or you) for being con-
fused. Because when it comes to aspirin guidelines, So to determine whether you need to (or even should)
most doctors have been flying blind for years! take aspirin, there’s a test called “AspirinWorks.”
Say what you will about the dangerous cholesterol It actually measures the chemical biomarker of
and blood pressure medications on the market today thromboxane (specifically, 11-Dehydro Thrombox-
(and I have plenty to say about them). But at least ane B2), the chemical that makes your blood platelets
doctors will actually test you before prescribing them. sticky and therefore more likely to form a clot.1
So, elevated thromboxane levels in the urine—and
But aspirin may be the one drug that docs will tell
the indication that your blood may be too “sticky”—
you to take without performing any diagnostics—and
can reveal a higher risk of stroke and heart attack.
without barely giving you a once-over.
In fact, one large study showed that an elevated uri-
And that’s a serious mistake. Because there actu- nary thromboxane level in an AspirinWorks test result
ally is a test that doctors like me have been using for could increase your risk of one of these life-threaten-
years to make smart aspirin recommendations to our ing cardiovascular events four times over.2
patients. And you know how aspirin thins your blood? By
It could keep you from starting an aspirin regimen reducing your levels of thromboxane.
you don’t need—and prevent you from taking a dose Therefore, if the AspirinWorks test detects that you
that could be downright dangerous. have elevated urinary thromboxane levels, then it’s
Your blood may be thicker relatively conclusive that your blood could use some
thinning, and taking aspirin as a preventative measure
than it should be
may be the way to go. That’s a pretty reliable recom-
First, it’s helpful to understand why some doctors mendation based on your own body chemistry.
recommend aspirin for preventing a heart attack or
stroke (especially if you’ve already had one). And the feds just keep
You see, a heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary em- muddying things up
bolism will occur due to the formation of a blood clot I’m excited to tell you about this test because with-
(a thrombosis). While not all blood clots are fatal, out it, your conventional primary care doctor and car-
anytime one of these events does take a life, you can diologist are about to get even more befuddled than
blame the blood clot. Blood clots can stop your heart, before.
brain, and lungs dead in their tracks. That’s because the new draft recommendations re-
I’m a big believer in keeping your blood relatively leased by the US Preventive Services Task Force3 re-
thin to prevent those clots from forming. The thin- garding daily aspirin use are so elaborate, it’s hard to
ner your blood is, the less likely you are to develop figure out whether or not you fit the profile they’re
a life-threatening clot. I like to say that your blood describing!
should flow more like wine than ketchup. The USPSTF recommends taking low-dose aspirin
And while there are many natural and non-natural daily to prevent cardiovascular disease if you…
ways to thin your blood, the cheapest and most reli- • are an adult, 50 to 59 years old AND
• have a 10-year risk of developing cardiovascular So now what?
disease that’s 10 percent or higher AND If you do decide to start taking aspirin, there is yet
• are not at increased risk for bleeding AND another debate you should be aware of: coated ver-
• have a life expectancy of at least 10 years AND sus uncoated. The “safety” coating has been added
• are willing to take low-dose aspirin daily to some versions to make them easier to swallow, but
for at least 10 years. it doesn’t really make them any safer once they’re in
your system (especially as it relates to stomach bleed-
So…should you take aspirin to prevent a heart at-
ing), and the coating may actually inhibit aspirin’s
tack or stroke? Without the AspirinWorks test, the
ability to prevent blood clotting.
best answer you could probably get is a big ol’ shrug.
Typically, the consensus is to start with “baby” as-
Get the download on your ideal dose pirin, which you can chew, crush, or swallow whole.
Since introducing it into my practice, I have found You should take it with food keep your stomach from
the AspirinWorks test to be reliable, easy, and incred- getting irritated.
ibly informative. I feel so relieved to have the confi- Of course, you don’t have to take aspirin to thin
dence to help patients make this important decision. your blood. While there aren’t many supplements that
It’s also been eye-opening to see that a good num- naturally lower thromboxane levels, aspirin’s natural
ber of my patients actually do have elevated urinary alternative, white willow bark, is available.
thromboxane levels. This supplement isn’t as powerful as taking an as-
This test is also incredibly useful because it can pirin (which, if you’re sensitive to aspirin, can be a
even direct HOW MUCH aspirin you should take so good thing), but it can still do the trick. White willow
that you can stay at the lowest possible dose. bark, which has been dubbed “Mother Nature’s rival
to aspirin,” is available in both capsule form and as
This is such an important aspect of the test because
an extract at your local health food store. Talk to your
the side effects of ANY drug—prescription or over-
doctor about any interactions with other medications
the-counter—accrue and become compounded as the
you may be taking, and what dosage may be right for
dosage increases. In the case of aspirin, you run the
you as an alternative to a daily aspirin.
risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal system and
brain when you take it—so it’s best if you take as But first: start with the AspirinWorks test. You’ll
little as possible of it, if you take it at all. be happy to know that this very useful, potentially
life-saving test is widely available and offered by large
On the other side of the coin, the test also can tell
laboratories such as Labcorp and Quest. Your doctor
you if you’re one of the 25 percent of Americans who
should be willing to order one for you.
are resistant to the effects of aspirin—which may
mean you’ll need a higher dosage than normal, or you
shouldn’t bother taking it at all. Citations on page 528

Get ready for the sexiest,
most satisfying sex of your life
By Michele Cagan, Health Sciences Institute

adies and gentlemen, if your sex life has taken a of sexual dysfunction for women and men, including
down turn, things are about to change. erectile dysfunction (ED).
Whether you’re 40...60...80 years old, even The mainstream answers for men—drugs like
older, your libido will ignite and your sex life will ex- Viagra and Cialis—work along the same lines, mak-
plode with passion. ing sure your NO doesn’t break down too quickly.
No longer chained to a pill bottle, you’ll be able to The trouble is, you need to produce enough NO in
enjoy hot spontaneous sex whenever (and wherever!) the first place for these drugs to work. (If you’re not
the mood strikes. producing enough NO already, these drugs can’t work
And the best part is—it works for both of you. So properly.) And then, of course, you’ve got potentially
your arousal will match your partner’s, taking both of permanent damaging side effects to contend with.
you to new heights of pleasure. And for women—well, there’s really not much out
there that really works to get our juices flowing again.
Women and men take pleasure Which is where NO comes in. You simply can not
in the best sex ever have a satisfying sex life without it. Nitric oxide drives
This stimulating supplement wasn’t designed to circulation, blood flow. Without NO-rich blood flow,
ramp up your sex life, but that’s exactly what’s been well, there are no strong sexual sensations. But add
happening. it back with Neo40, and your bedroom won’t be for
“More than half of the feedback from customers sleeping anymore.
and physicians are that ED [erectile dysfunction] is-
How does one little molecule do all this?
sues are resolved...for both men and women,” Dr.
Nathan Bryan (one of the product creators) told me. Nitric oxide plays a very important role in your
What’s most exciting is the effect in women is as body, maybe as important as oxygen itself. You see,
powerful as the effect in men. They’re enjoying hotter, NO sends crucial signals between all the cells in your
juicier sex and intensified orgasms—better sex than body... and its most important work is in your circula-
they’ve had in years. tory system, which flows all the way down.
With men, well, you really can’t miss the change. Men The NO sinks through your blood vessels to enter the
are reporting bigger, harder, more powerful erections. smooth muscles of your arteries, signaling those muscles
to relax (in medical speak, vasodilation). That lets your
That makes a lot of sense, because the core tech-
blood flow increase to healthy levels, so every part of
nology at the heart of sex and ED issues is blood flow.
your body gets its full supply of oxygen and nutrients.
Fix that, and nothing will stand in the way of a
And speaking of blood flow, men, you can’t get
very satisfying love life. And that’s exactly what
an erection without it—no way, no how. And ladies,
Neo40 fixes. without a rush of blood to your nether regions, your
One amazing molecule turns body can’t experience the many pleasures of must-
have sex, not to mention explosive orgasms.
everything around
And speaking of must-have, Neo40’s effects start
It’s no wonder they call it the “miracle molecule.” right away.
Because this molecule, nitric oxide, can literally
pull your sex life back from the brink of premature The impact is immediate...and lasting
death. And that’s just what Neo40 does: gives you As soon as you put a Neo40 lozenge in your mouth,
back all the NO you need to say Yes! Yes! Yes! the NO production starts immediately. From there,
You see, when you’re young and healthy, your body your saliva sets off a NO cascade, where it’s absorbed
naturally produces plenty of nitric oxide (NO). But into your system right away, circulating through your
levels drop as we get older, and that can be the start entire body and landing right where you need it most.
And while not everyone experiences the effect right horrible health problems, maybe even reversing exist-
away, many people feel generally better almost as ing damage. That’s because nitric oxide can:
soon as they take it. And that overall sense of wellness • Stop artery-clogging blood clots from forming
lingers while NO levels remain optimal. • Reverse arterial plaque build-up
As for impact, ladies, nitric oxide affects your sexu- • Reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke...
ality in four very vital ways: two of the top three killers of Americans
• Improved desire phase1 • Prevent high blood pressure
• Increased lubrication • Reduce your risk of devastating diabetes com-
• Heightened sensitivity2 plications, including kidney disease, blindness,
• Intensified orgasms and amputations
Men will experience similar effects... but not in All that combined with mind-blowing sex... you
an obvious way. That’s because Neo40 doesn’t work really can’t lose!
quite like Viagra, where you take it and your body
responds, like it or not. Instead, Neo40 offers up the
Stimulate your sex life with Neo40
potential for a thundering erection whenever your The moment you take Neo40, your body will start
brain and heart decide it’s the right time. Of course, producing nitric oxide, and sending it through your
you may find yourself responding to things in ways whole body. And when your body wakes up—watch
you haven’t since junior high! out! You’ll be on the way toward mind-blowing sex
And along with harder erections, you’ll enjoy more and rip-roaring orgasms (and protecting your heart
sexual stamina, more powerful orgasms, and more in the process).
sexual energy than you’ve felt in a very long time. The manufacturer suggests that adults 40 and over
So if you have been having some difficulties in the take 1 lozenge, once or twice daily. Place 1 lozenge on
sex department, taking Neo40 to improve your NO your tongue and let it dissolve. Don’t chew or swal-
levels will invigorate your love life... and maybe even low the lozenge, just move it around with your tongue
save your life. while it dissolves.
The secret to heart health One little thing: the lozenges can make you burp
(usually right after they’re dissolved). That’s totally
is in your pants
normal, and to be expected. After all, nitric oxide is a
Most doctors have it wrong, believing a sexual gas, so that’s one way you can see it’s really working.
problem like ED is the end-game. Really, it’s often
See the listing at the bottom of this page for order-
the very first sign of NO deficiency, and if that’s not
ing information.
corrected it can lead to disastrous problems.
In fact, erectile dysfunction (and sexual dysfunc-
tion in women) can be an early warning sign for im- Citations on page 528
pending heart attack or stroke, so don’t write it off as
a simple sign of aging. It could be letting you know
that you desperately need to restore your NO levels.
And when you do increase those NO levels with Neo40 daily, Human Power of N, Co., (855)636-4040;
Neo40, you’re on the way to preventing some pretty Neo40 costs $59.95 per box of 30 lozenges.

Turn back the hands of time with testosterone
By Glenn S. Rothfeld, M.D.

ne of the most effective treatments I offer in bloodthirsty sharks, striking fear into patients, their
my practice is bioidentical hormone replace- spouses, and their children. The calls started to pour
ment—for both men and women. in to my office. Worried patients wanted to know if
It’s remarkable to see how these treatments reju- they should stop their testosterone therapy.
venate my patients’ brains, muscles, bones, and sex This was shocking information to me, because at
lives—and they start noticing the difference quickly. that point I’d already treated many men with testos-
And there practically no hormone out there that terone without ever seeing anything to make me cau-
produces better or faster results than testosterone. tious about giving it to them.
I ask my male patients to remember what it was But, trying to be a responsible physician, I delved
like when they were in their late teens and early 20s, into the two nefarious studies—and what I found was
and they always get a big smile on their faces. Their shocking. I instantly noted that there were gaping
hormones were raging, they felt like Superman, and holes and problems with both studies—especially the
they never worried about getting sick. most damning one, published in the heralded JAMA
It’s not a stretch to think that their health was so
amazing because of their high testosterone levels… I was outraged at the poor science being used in
and as their testosterone levels dipped, their health these studies—and, fortunately, I wasn’t the only one.
started to dwindle as well. In response to the shoddy studies, an organiza-
There’s lots of scientific data that support this link tion called The Androgen Study Group immediately
between testosterone levels and good health. And keep- formed to make sure that the public and the medical
ing a male’s testosterone level in the normal-to-optimal community could be properly educated…with real
range is the goal of almost all integrative doctors. facts…that would be accurately reported.
ASG organized 25 major medical societies3 as well
But unfortunately, this therapy took a “hit” in the
as over 160 distinguished medical experts from around
beginning of 2014 when the FDA placed an official
the world to petition the FDA to reconsider issuing a
warning on it.
black box warning on testosterone therapy.4 While
So I’d like to take this opportunity to explain what the FDA didn’t accept the petition, they did eventually
happened…why the FDA responded as they did…and soften their stance on testosterone replacement.5
how they got it wrong.
The medical experts of the ASG were so passion-
No matter what you may have read or heard else- ate and confident in the mistakes that had been made
where, testosterone is safe and effective. And the lat- that they did something else, too—something that had
est research—a study you can trust, from a reliable never been done before. They petitioned JAMA to re-
source with real results—confirms it. move the study and print a full retraction from their
But first: a little background. prestigious and influential magazine, stating that “the
quality and magnitude of these errors indicate gross
Two bad apples spoiled data mismanagement and contamination, to a degree
sthe bunch that the reported results are no longer reliable.”6
In 2013 and 2014, testosterone replacement was JAMA was forced to issue two retractions to the
at an all-time high. The pharmaceutical industry had erroneous and misleading study to boot.7,8
poured a decent chunk of money in to advertising and Of course, by then, the damage had already been
educating the public about “Low T”…which was the done.
one time those TV ads ever did more good than harm.
The Androgen Study Group Chairman Dr. Abra-
But testosterone therapy hit a big roadblock when ham Morgentaler perhaps put it best when he was
two different published studies implicated testosterone quoted as saying, “JAMA has violated the public
therapy in an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. trust…and JAMA’s continued support of this discred-
The FDA subsequently issued a black box warn- ited study, defying the worldwide community of ex-
ing1—and, within weeks, lawyers started to circle like perts, represents medical literature malpractice.”9
Bad science can spread like a virus The study followed 750 men between 58 and 78
years old—all with severe coronary artery disease—
But something good did come out of this debacle.
for three years. They gave some of the patients very
The outrage caused hundreds of doctors to do what
high-dose testosterone therapy via injection, but the
I did, and dig down into the studies. Like me, they
study showed no increased risk in cardiovascular
found some serious flaws.
events (stroke, heart attack, or death).
The craziest mistake was that the researchers be-
Not only that, but it actually showed a reduced
hind the study published in JAMA mistakenly in-
risk. The researchers compared their results to an aged-
cluded WOMEN in their data!10 They didn’t even
matched group of cohorts and found that the patients
realize it until the ASG brought it to their attention.11
who didn’t receive testosterone had a whopping 80
And then, shockingly, the authors of the JAMA study percent greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death.
didn’t disclose their egregious errors for two whole
What a difference from thinking that testosterone
months12,13—just enough time for the press to take this
is the cause of heart disease!
bombshell study and run with it, plastering their pages
with headlines that testosterone therapy was harmful. The unrefuted research speaks for itself
The cat was let out of the bag. One of the silver linings from the attacks on tes-
Now, the only reason that this study was picked tosterone is that they prompted the Androgen Study
apart was because it was about a therapy that peo- Group to amass ALL of the data about testosterone
ple are passionate about: hormones. Most people and therapy over the last 70 years, which you can read all
doctors are not passionate about their diabetes or hy- about on their website
pertension drugs! And one of the major takeaways is that this new study
So, if the researchers made such embarrassing er- is just the tip of the iceberg of amazingly positive stud-
rors—and JAMA editors missed them—that begs the ies supporting the benefits of testosterone therapy.
question: What other studies have been loaded with Even more studies show that raising your low T
errors and falsehoods? levels can reduce your cardiovascular risk factors such
And how have these flaws shaped the way that we as obesity, fat mass, waist circumference, blood pres-
practice medicine, because of a resulting firestorm of sure, and glycemic control.
negative press? Based on the literature, however, there is clear, ab-
I wonder what other beneficial therapies have been solute risk of having a LOW level of testosterone. The
wounded by the same calamity—and which danger- data shows that low testosterone levels are associated
ous therapies have managed to squeak by unnoticed. with atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular risk
factors, and even early death.
A study that was designed to fail (but didn’t) Between the abundance of studies that have shown
But now, there’s a new study that’s good enough a positive outcome…as well as the scarcity of data
to start to shift the public perception of this amazing that show that this therapy is dangerous…I really
therapy that’s been dragged through the mud. wonder how in the world the FDA issued a black box
Earlier this year, a new study out of the Intermoun- warning on this therapy in the first place.
tain Medical Center Heart Institute in Utah directly Are you ready to get back in the saddle?
addressed and REFUTED the FDA warning, showing
Gentlemen, there are some “side effects” of testos-
that testosterone therapy is not only safe in elderly
terone therapy that you’ll want to watch out for…and
men…but actually protects their hearts!14
warn your wives of: better sex drive, energy, memory,
Of course, this data about testosterone prolonging the and stronger erections. Taking testosterone can help
lives of men with heart problems isn’t really revolution- you feel younger, stronger, and more vital—both in
ary—there have already been studies that have shown and out of the bedroom.
that testosterone replacement can add years to your life.15
It can help you turn back the hands of time!
But the great part of this study is that these re-
If your current doctor doesn’t want to go down
searchers didn’t take the easy way out and rig the sys-
this path with you, please find an integrated doctor to
tem to make sure that the results ended up in their
work with who will.
favor. Instead, they had the guts to up the stakes and
enroll patients who had the highest risk of having a
stroke or a heart attack. Citations on page 529


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