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1. A factory worker voluntarily underwent HIV testing. The result shows that the worker is
positive with the infection. He/She reported about it to the administration. He/She is now
hearing discriminatory remarks from the co-workers. Apparently, the administrator spread
thew news of his condition to the workers

- Philippines AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998

How does the law affect the character?

- In many countries, it is illegal to discriminate against individuals based on their HIV

status. This includes discrimination in the workplace. If the factory worker is facing
discriminatory remarks or treatment as a result of his HIV positive status, he may have
legal recourse under anti-discrimination laws. It is also illegal for the administrator to
disclose the worker's HIV status without their consent. The worker may have grounds to
file a complaint against the administrator for violating their privacy rights.

2. A couple is getting married in a few months. They are required to attend seminars on
family planning.

Health Policy:

- Family Planning
How does the law affect the character?

- The law affects the couple in that they are required to attend the seminars in order to
comply with the regulations. Failure to attend the seminars may result in penalties or
consequences under the law.
What advice would you give the couple?

- My advice for the couple would be to attend the seminars and to take the information
provided seriously. Family planning is an important aspect of building a strong and
healthy family, and the seminars can provide valuable information and resources for the
couple to consider as they start their married life together.
3. Upon scouting the area, neighbor A identifies a certain plant as a source of an addictive
substance. The area is owned by a rich businessman in the city

Health Policy:
-Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act

How does it affect both characters?

- If neighbor A is concerned about the presence of the addictive substance, they may
choose to report their concerns to the appropriate authorities, such as local law
enforcement or a government agency responsible for controlling the production and
distribution of controlled substances. It is important for neighbor A to consider their
safety and the potential consequences of reporting the substance, as well as their
responsibilities as a citizen to help prevent illegal activity and protect the health and well-
being of the community.

If you are Neighbor A, from whom will you ask help about your concern?

- If I were neighbor A, I would consider contacting a local community organization or

advocacy group that deals with issues related to addiction and substance abuse, or
reaching out to a healthcare provider or public health department for advice and
resources. I would as well consider speaking to a lawyer or seeking legal advice to better
understand my rights and responsibilities in reporting the issue.

4. An old person consults a doctor and is advised to undergo alternative health care. The old
person is apprehensive and doubtful of the health care option.

Health Policy:
- 1997 Act on Conventional and Alternative Medicine

How does it affect the character?

- In some cases, people may think lowly of alternative and complementary healthcare
modalities because they are not widely recognized or accepted by the traditional medical
community. There may also be a lack of scientific evidence or peer-reviewed research to
support the efficacy of these treatments. However, this is changing as more people seek
alternative and complementary therapies and as there is growing recognition of their
potential benefits.

Why do people think lowly about alternative and complementary healthcare modalities?

- Medication is meant to fix health issues for everyone, including the elderly, without
changing habits. People often expect medication to cure sickness, but holistic medicine
believes changing attitudes and beliefs leads to better recovery..

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