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Georgia's Embattled Leader Agrees to Talk with Opposition Over

Election Flaws
Bill Gasperini
09 Nov 2003, 15:39 UTC

The president of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, has agreed to talks
with key opposition leaders who have accused his government of rigging the parliamentary election
a week ago.

Mr. Shevardnadze agreed to the talks after thousands of protesters in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi,
demonstrated their anger over results of the election and called for the president to resign.

Protests have been held in different parts of Georgia since the election,
which opposition leaders say was rigged by the government.

The 75-year-old Georgian president took the unprecedented step of walking

out into the crowd of protesters near the parliament building to talk with
AP people about the election.
Slogan of Kmara
youth organization Surrounded by bodyguards, Mr. Shevardnadze held some animated
reads 'Stop falsifying conversations with the protesters. He rejected their calls for his resignation,
election' saying he was legally elected by the Georgian people and would not step

Mr. Shevardnadze's term of office lasts for two more years, and the vote a week ago was to decide
the composition of a new parliament.

Officially, the pro-government group known as For a New Georgia had a slight lead over two
opposition organizations. Each of the three groups won about 20 percent of the vote.

But opposition leaders say the government did so well only because election officials falsified the
vote count. International observers also said the vote was seriously flawed.

By late Saturday, when about 80 percent of ballots had been counted, the central election
commission announced it would release no more results until complaints of irregularities had been
handled in court.

The focus of discontent has now shifted to the issue of Mr. Shevardnadze's rule, with at least one
key opposition leader saying he would settle for nothing less than the president's resignation. This
provoked a sharp rebuke from one of Mr. Shevardnadze's key supporters, Irina Sarishvili of the For
a New Georgia bloc, who accused opposition leaders of pursuing their own ambitions at the
country's expense.

Mr. Shevardnadze is well known outside Georgia for his role in helping end the Cold War while he
served as foreign minister of the Soviet Union in the 1980s. He returned to his native Georgia a
decade ago and was then credited with helping restore stability as the country was wracked by civil

But in recent years Mr. Shevardnadze has been widely criticized for failing to crack down on
corruption and for not halting Georgia's economic decline.

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