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Mata Kuliah English for Business

Modul 7:
Job Interview:
Personal and

Mengetahui pertanyaan-pertanyaan hal yang bersifat personal dan

pertanyaan mengenai perusahaan yang akan dilamar.

Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

190001010 Tim Dosen
Job Interview: Personal and Company-related
7 Questions

Job Interview in General

A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and
a representative of the employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant
should be hired. The interview is one of the most popular tools used for employee
selection. In today's context, job interviews can sometimes be held via internet
devices and certain online conferencing software.

Job interviews will usually only be given to applicants who have passed strict
administrative selection. This is done so that applicants are people who have
undergone a screening process (which has been adjusted to all the needs requested by
the company). Job interviews are also frequently conducted to verify all jargon and
information provided by applicants in the CV or resume they prepare. Job interviews
are an effort to cross-check the identity of the applicant.

Job interviews can be conducted directly by the company, and can also be conducted by
other agencies, which are often known as headhunters. This agency will usually select
applicants again before meeting with the end user, namely companies that need the
new employee.

Describing Personal Background

After you have finished your interview preparation, the next step is to complete the job
interview itself. Whether you are offered the job depends heavily on your performance
during the interview, so it is very important to make a good first impression on your
hiring manager.

It is not just what you do, but what you say, and how you say it. Interview errors affect the
degree to which the company assesses your readiness. In this unit session, we will try to
focus on discussing things related to yourself as an individual. Personal questions and
questions that ask you to consciously assess yourself.

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The most important part of interview preparation is practicing how to answer the interview
questions that you will likely get that day. Knowing the most common types of job
interview questions is an advantage - that way, you can structure your answers well in
advance, and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

1) Question: Tell me about yourself.

This is often the first of many interview questions, designed to 'warm up' the candidate.
Many candidates choose to respond with an overview of their work and employment
history. While this is useful - especially if the manager has not read your CV in detail, it
is important that you offer new information, such as anything that sets you apart from
other candidates.

Beyond serving as an icebreaker and transition, Dea says, this introductory question also
helps recruiters and hiring managers accomplish what is often one of their major goals in
the hiring process: getting to know you. If you answer it well, the interviewers will begin
to find out why you’re the best candidate for this job, in terms of hard skills and
experience as well as soft skills. It’s a great opportunity to demonstrate that you can
communicate clearly and effectively, connect with and react to other humans, and present
yourself professionally.

Simple and effective formula for structuring your response: present, past, future.

1) Present: Talk a little bit about what your current role is, the scope of it, and
perhaps a big recent accomplishment.

2) Past: Tell the interviewer how you got there and/or mention previous experience
that is relevant to the job and company you’re applying for.

3) Future: Segue into what you are looking to do next and why you’re interested in
this gig (and a great fit for it, too).

Sample answer:

This is the time to tell some important points about yourself. The answer
should cover your education history and your work or professional
experience (if you have one).

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If you are a fresh graduate
 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. My
name is Mike. I am 23 years old, I originally come from Surabaya, but
I live in Bandung for 4 years to finish my undergraduate program.
Several months ago, I recently graduated from Widyatama University,
I took English Linguistics as my major.

 Thank you for inviting me to the interview. Let me introduce myself. I

am Jonathan. I am 23 years old. I am a fresh graduate from
Widyatama University. During my time in the university, I decided to
choose Industrial Engineering as my major. I also had some
experiences in some laboratories as the laboratory assistant of
Automation System Laboratory, in which I learnt many things that
might help me in your company.

If you are already in a career:

 Thank you for the opportunity. My name is Rhenald. I began my

career in retail management, but a few years ago, I was drawn to the
healthcare space. I have always been skilled at bringing people
together and working towards common goals. My experience
successfully leading teams and managing stores led me to consider
administration, and I have been building a career as a driven health
administrator for the last four years.

 Hi, my name is Lily. I've been in the marketing industry for over five
years, primarily working in account and project management roles. I
most recently worked as a senior PM for a large tech company
managing large marketing campaigns and overseeing other project
managers. And now I'm looking to expand my experience across
different industries, particularly fintech, which is why I'm so
interested in joining an agency like yours.

2) Question: What made you interested in our company?

The above question might be reworded into these following questions, yet it shares the same
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 What is it about our company that you find interesting or

 Is there a specific part of our company where you have

interest in working?

 Are you interested in our company specifically or just in the


 Why do you want to work for us?

This is your chance to show that you have done in-depth research on the company to which
you are applying. Before the interview, read everything you can about the company from
their own website, social media channels and other articles and news forums. Identify
what stands out about the company's mission and values, and how that aligns with your
desired career path and personal values.

This question also relates to your motivation for choosing the job. Give the answer why you
chose that company over all companies in similar industries. Answers that are personal as
well as sincere often give you a great opportunity to be accepted. They are trying to
determine if you would fit in at the company and if you would add value to their existing
team. An engaged employee that is aligned with the company's mission and values will be
more productive and stay at the company longer. The hiring manager is trying to find out
if that person is you.

Sample Answers:

An example of how to best answer this question for entry level


 "I have read about your company’s reputation for building

and growing your leadership talent from within. So, it is
your company’s commitment to not only that first entry
level job, but also the commitment to career development at
each subsequent stage of my career that interests me the
most. I want to work for a company where I do not have to
change employers to advance in my career…"

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 “I firmly believe in taking a collaborative approach to each
project so when I saw a position with your company to join
the production team, I knew I had to apply. I have seen your
work in theatrical production, and your behind-the-scenes
video really inspired me because I saw the teamwork in
action. I love working with a team to achieve a common
goal, and I know my background in production has prepared
me for this role. I look forward to becoming a valued
contributor to this phenomenal team.”

 “I’ve heard of your reputation in the industry, and I would

be proud to work for a company with such an excellent track
record and a strong example of leadership in the industry.
Based on my assessment, I think that I would fit in perfectly
with the team here to make an immediate impact.”

3) Tell me about your strengths.

This must be the easiest question to prepare. Identify two or three of your best attributes and
provide concrete examples of those strengths, explaining how those attributes lead to your
professional success. Make sure to choose attributes that are relevant to the job you
choose. This question is often a question that is answered by many applicants in the
wrong way. They talk about strengths that are not suitable for work and accidentally get
caught up in boasting. This can make the interviewer uncomfortable and ultimately feel
that you are a person who cannot judge yourself well.

During the interview process, it is likely that the hiring manager will ask you to describe
your strengths at some point. Many candidates probably wonder how to answer what are
your strengths without bragging too much or risk appearing narcissistic. You want to craft
your answer with a high degree of self-awareness and professionalism.

As you can see, the ability to tell a story with your response will give you a leg up on
the competition. The better you can articulate your biggest strengths while providing
examples will serve you well in your job search. If you are struggling with how to find
your strengths, ask a close friend or former colleague to help you or draw upon feedback
from previous performance reviews. Once you can clearly identify your strengths, the
stories and examples will fall into place.

Sample Answers:

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An example of how to best answer this question for entry level

“I think that my strengths align with the qualification of the company

because: I am a persistent and driven person. I always manage and
do all my tasks carefully. I also have a good communication skill,
so it will help with the branding of the company.”

“I think my strength align with the qualification from the company

because: I am a problem-solver. I always try to solve the problem
effectively and efficiently without making it worse. I am also an
organized person. I manage the work and the life outside the job
balanced and not overlapping with each other.”

“I believe that my greatest strength is the ability to solve problems

quickly and efficiently. I can see any given situation from multiple
perspectives, which makes me uniquely qualified to complete my
work even under challenging conditions. That problem solving
allows me to be a better communicator. I am just as comfortable
speaking to senior executives as I am junior team members. I think
my ability to see all sides of an issue will make me a great asset to
the team”

“My strongest asset is my work ethic and my willingness to step in

when needed. I’m not afraid to take on a difficult client or do a
project that nobody else wants because those are the clients and
projects that teach me the most. I typically love to work outside of
my job description and do whatever is asked of me. I'm not above
any single task, and I take great pride in my ability to step in and
adapt to any situation to get the best results for the company.”

4) Tell me about your weakness

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What do you say when you are asked to describe your greatest weaknesses? After all, you
will seem arrogant if you say that you don't have any flaws, but if you respond with too
many negative attributes, you may jeopardize your chances of securing a position.

You need to appear humble and willing to learn without scaring off the hiring manager with
a monumental weakness that you can’t overcome. Preparation and having a response
ready are paramount to a successful job interview. When thinking about your weaknesses,
it is essential to choose attributes that you are proactively working on or demonstrate
steps you are taking to turn that weakness into a strength.

Sample Answers:

An example of how to best answer this question for entry level


“One of my weaknesses is that I am a procrastinator, but to

cover/overcome this, I always make sure that I can put the
first priority to be done accordingly without delaying any
other assignment which is important to the company.”

“One of my weaknesses is that I am a forgetful person.

However, I try to overcome this by writing down all
important notes regarding the schedule or event in my
cellphones or my journal, so I can review these notes when
I need them in the future.”

“One of my weaknesses is that I tend to be overly critical of

myself. Whenever I complete a project, I cannot help but
feel that I could have done more even if my work received a
positive response. This often leads me to overwork myself
and leaves me feeling burned out. Over the past few years, I
have tried to take time to look at my achievements
objectively and celebrate those wins. This has not only
improved my work and my confidence, but it has helped me
to appreciate my team and other support systems that are
always behind me in everything I do.”

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“I default to believing that I can solve any problem on my
own. This works well in some situations, but in many cases,
I need the help of others to overcome factors beyond my
control. I did a lot of self-reflection afterward. Since then,
I’ve been training myself to take a step back before diving
into problem-solving mode and identify people or groups
that can be resources to me.”

Describing about Relevant Information

1) Talking about Salary

Some of the toughest questions to answer during a job interview are about compensation.
Salary-related questions become difficult because if you are overpriced, this indicates that
you don't know the average salary for the position you are applying for. Overpricing your
salary also shows that you are a non-conforming person. Meanwhile, if you underprice,
you will also be a person who is unable to respect yourself. It seems like a simple
question, but your answer can knock you out of the contest for the job if you overprice
yourself. If you underprice yourself, you may get shortchanged and a lower offer.

Salary negotiations involve discussing a job offer with a potential employer to settle on a
salary and benefits package that is in line with the market (and hopefully, that meets or
exceeds your needs). The most productive salary negotiations occur between people who
realize that they have a common goal: to get the employee paid appropriately for their
skills and experience.

The following questions are possible:

 What were your starting and final levels of compensation?

 What are your salary expectations?

Sample Answers:

What are your salary expectations?

 I understand that positions similar to this one pay in the range
of 6 to 8 million IDR in our region. With my experience, I
would like to receive something in the range of 7 to 7.5
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 The research I have done indicates that positions like this one
pay $X to $Z and something in that range would be
acceptable to me as a starting salary.

 My salary requirements are flexible, but I do have significant

experience in the field that I believe adds value to my
candidacy. So, I expect to have the salary around 5 to 5.5
million IDR.

2) Talking about Qualification

After you have successfully answered all the questions in the first session, you will start
answering the relevant questions about your job. These things relate to the job
description, your plans in the industry, the salary you expect and what your short- and
long-term plans are. These questions are very closely related to your job, because they are
questions that clearly ask you to give convincing answers. The more you hesitate and
half-heartedly in answering, the more obvious your doubts will be in front of the

The most important thing an interviewer must determine is whether you qualify for the job.
This is what they will ask to find out. When responding, be more specific. These
qualification-related questions will focus on what you will bring into the company. What
experiences and insights would you like to incorporate in your answer? The possible
questions that might be asked for your qualification, the questions are as follows:

 What applicable experience do you have?

Note to follow: Most likely, that will mean being able to talk about your prior experience and
how it is prepared you for the role.

 What can you do better for us than the other candidates for the job?

Note to follow: In most cases, they will want to avoid hiring someone who thinks they are
superior to their colleagues or who tends to be overly critical about the people around
them. The best approach is usually to view these kinds of questions as an opportunity to
highlight your strengths to the potential employer. Just be sure when you do so, you do
not imply that you are better than everyone around you.
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 Which parts of this job are the most challenging for you?

Note to follow: When it comes to questions that require you to mention something negative,
it can be tempting to give a vague response that does not truly reveal any weaknesses.
However, dodging the question is not the way to go. For one thing, your interviewer will
probably notice you are not being forthright. And for another, it can actually be helpful
for your candidacy if you are aware of areas you'll need to work on and are capable of
formulating a plan of action. Whenever possible, mention a fundamental strength you
possess that would help you overcome the challenge. For example, you could say that
you've always been a quick learner.

 What philosophy guides your work?

Note to follow: Interviewers for professional positions will often ask about your work
philosophy, and they will want to hear examples that demonstrate your philosophy in

Sample Answers:

What applicable experience do you have?

 My years of experience have prepared me well for this position.

You mentioned that customer service is a big part of this job; I
spent three years working in a high-volume call center,
answering customer calls, and identifying solutions.

 My years of organization experience in the university has given

me enough knowledge and experience that will be able to
support the company. I was a president in the organization, and
I know how to handle stressful decision-making process and be
successful in the end.

What can you do better for us than the other candidates for the

 Although I am not familiar with the others who you are

interviewing for this position, I'm sure there are a lot of talented

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people applying for the job. However, given my unique
background and experiences, I consider myself to be a strong
candidate for this position.

Which parts of this job are the most challenging for you?

 One of my big challenges will be adjusting to the new workflow

and creating a new type of report to present to clients. My plan
would be to ask a lot of questions when preparing my first
report. I will also ask a colleague to review the report before
sharing it with the client.

3) Talking About the Future

The fact whether you are going to stick around if you are hired is something most employers
want to know. All these questions will gauge your interest in making a commitment.
Employers are eager to recruit candidates who are intent on developing the right skills
and acquiring the right knowledge to excel in their field. A professional development plan
describes your strategy for developing or acquiring the skills and experiences necessary to
support your career goals and your continued improvement. The possible questions that
might be asked for your qualification, the questions are as follows:

 What is your professional development plan? Where do you see yourself five
years from now?

Note to follow: This popular interview question helps interviewers and hiring managers get a
sense of how your career goals align with the company's goals. It also helps them gauge
whether you are likely to have a long tenure at their company or if you’ll probably leave
after just a few months or a year on the job. Responding poorly or being vague in your
response could make interviewers believe that you're not invested in your career, aren't a
good fit for the company, or are covering something up.

 How do you plan to achieve your goals?

Note to follow: It is important to show the interviewer that there's a match between what
you're looking for and what the employer is seeking in an ideal candidate. What separates
a good answer from an exceptional one is a description of the active strategy and steps
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you are taking to achieve those goals, which also speaks to your motivation and call to

Sample Answers:

What is your professional development plan? Where do you see

yourself five years from now?

 Within five years, I would like to be recognized as an expert in

terms of product knowledge, have developed very close
relationships with clients, have significantly expanded the client
base in my region, and perhaps have been assigned some major
national clients.

 My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I

can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and
contribute as much value as possible to the team. I love that
your company emphasizes professional development
opportunities. I would take full advantage of the educational
resources available.

 I see myself as a top-performing employee in a well-established

organization like this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and
continuing my involvement in related professional associations.

How do you plan to achieve your goals?

 I plan on gaining additional skills by taking related classes and

continuing my involvement with a variety of professional
associations. I noticed that your company provides in-house
training for employees, and I would certainly be interested in
taking relevant classes.

 I will continue my professional development by participating in

conferences, attending seminars, and continuing my education,
especially if it fits with your company projection in the future.

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