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��[A Few Words...]�����������������������������������������������������������

� PHOENiX is 2+ years old and has been rocking ever since it started. After
� building a strong foundation of loyal members, we hope to continue our
� success as a couriering group, and as a group of friends.

� We have watched other groups rise and fall because they had to be #1 or
� else. When will they learn that this is a hobby and we do it for fun.
� The thrill of kicking some ass is optional though...

� ���.�..��...���
��[The Clan Members]���������������������������������������������������������

� [CO-ORDiNATOR] Xoen.....

� [SENiORS.....] ChrisMac. Haplo.... hodd..... Imagine.. Xoen.....

� [COURiERS....] Bamos.... BonGriP.. chill.... CGhost... DaZe..... dolt.....
� dragonk.. GoaDee... gNOMe.... GzA...... hodd..... insanity.
� Leba..... machv.... MaXX..... MrMankind Mycroft.. OvaKill..
� Pyro403.. Ryll0.... Shitman.. Sir Spank Slanter.. tenchi...
� titanix.. Xoen.....

� [MEMBERS.....] DieHard.. Fight.... MaSTeRsan Smarty... Spartacus Spawn....

� ���.�..��...���
��[Our Official Sites]�������������������������������������������������������

� [SiTE NAME.......] [..SPEED] [..SiZE] [POSiTiON........................]
� [ExxxExxx........] [.....T3] [...16G] [UNiTED STATES HQ................]
� [Axxxxxxxx Vxxx..] [...10Mb] [...20G] [CANADiAN HQ.....................]
� [Hxxxxx Hxxxxx...] [...10Mb] [...58G] [ARCHiVE HQ......................]
� [Txx Bxxxx Fxxxx.] [..Cable] [...30G] [AFFiLiATE SiTE..................]

� Currently looking for linux based, fast and organized FTP sites with
� decent affiliations.

� *NOTE* After the ATN incident, we were forced to remove some sites.

� ���.�..��...���
��[Latest News]��������������������������������������������������������������

� * We'd like to bid farewell to Buffyeyes, whom we haven't seen for a very
� long time. We hope your ok out there. Wherever you are...
� * Another farewell to our awesome archive site, The Labrynth, after being
� hit by a hurricane.
� * Welcome MrMankind back to the scene and to PHOENiX...
� * Welcoming another member, Sir Spank

� ���.�..��...���
��[Interested in Applying?]��������������������������������������������������

� If you're interested in joining our family, then just contact a member on
� IRC with some information about yourself. Make sure you are what we need.

� * If you're a dedicated and experienced courier who could prove useful to
� our arsenal of members.

� * If you run a linux based, fast and organized FTP site with decent
� affiliations.

� * If you work for an ISP or run your own shellbox service then please don't
� hesitate to contact us and we will make it worth your while.

� * If you work for a Hardware Company or Distributor and can supply our
� group with its hardware needs then contact us as soon as possible.

� *NOTE* If you're not going to be loyal, then please, don't waste our time.

� ���.�..��...���
��[Information & Greets]�����������������������������������������������������

� Here is the information on how to contact us. Please do not abuse it or
� we will be forced to terminate these means.

� E-MAiL..
� WWW.....
� IRC..... EFnet Network

� Greetings and Salutations...


� ���.�..��...���

� PHOENiX HiTMEN (c) 1998 [ Header... dragonk ]
� All Rights are not Lefts. [ Layout... MaXX ]
� [ Updated.. 09/29/98 ]
� "Mmmmmmmmm... Tastes like chicken!" [ By....... Xoen ]


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