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Scientific Report on Mulberry Whelks and

Little Blue Periwinkles within the Long Reef

Beach Reserve
How do the intertidal zones of the long reef rock
platform determine the distribution and abundance of
aquatic animals?
Background information
Intertidal zones
Supralittoral, Littoral, Sublittoral
Ecosystem factors
Supralittoral: Biotic and Abiotic Factors and their influence
Littoral: Biotic and Abiotic Factors and their influence
Sublittoral: Biotic and Abiotic Factors and their influence
Mulberry Whelk
General Information
Animal Characteristics and Adaptations
Adaptations and Ecosystem Survival
General Information
Animal Characteristics and Adaptations
Adaptations and Ecosystem Survival

Ethical considerations
Results of primary and secondary investigations

The conducted report investigates how the intertidal zones affect abundance and distribution of aquatic
organisms within the Long Reef Beach Rock Platform (LRBRP). The two primary species this report has
been written on was the Little Blue Periwinkle (Austrolittorina unifasciata) and the Mulberry Whelk. We
also discovered a wide range of other species and organisms such as barnacles and waratah anemone. To
conduct the research we partnered with Long reef beach reserve. We noticed that everytime we moved
to another intertidal zone we would find a new species. Selection pressure affected where an organism
was found due to adaptation by the animal.


The intertidal zone is the area between high and low tides where the ocean meets the land; they can
exist anywhere from long, sloping sandy beaches, to mudflats and steep rocky edges. The intertidal zone
can be divided into 3 different levels, each with its own ecological differences and characteristics. These
levels are the Supralittoral zone (High intertidal zone), the Littoral zone ( Middle intertidal zone), and the
SubLittoral zone (Low intertidal zone) (Figure 1.1). These zones are characterised by the conditions their
environment brings such as wave exposure, temperature variations, salinity and tidal currents.

The area above the high tide mark, known as the supralittoral zone, is occasionally exposed to air and
subjected to harsh conditions such as drying out and temperature fluctuations. Despite these hurdles, it
is home to a diverse range of creatures, including algae, barnacles, periwinkles, crabs, and insects that
have evolved to live in this peculiar environment. While wave activity has an impact on the zone, it is not
always submerged. Organisms in the supralittoral zone have evolved specific characteristics to retain
water and withstand harsh circumstances. This zone is vital to coastal ecosystems because it provides
habitat and aids in nutrient cycling between land and water.

The middle littoral zone, which is between high and low tide marks, is a continually changing ecosystem
that is home to a diverse range of marine species including algae, mollusks, barnacles, and crabs. This
area is critical for supporting coastal biodiversity because it serves as a transitional zone between
submerged and exposed ecosystems.

The shallow marine zone, also known as the sublittoral zone, is the area of the ocean that extends from
the low tide mark to the edge of the continental shelf, with depths generally reaching 200 metres. It is
always submerged and offers more stable environmental conditions than regions that are exposed
during low tide. The sublittoral zone is home to a wide variety of marine life, including seaweeds, corals,
fish, crabs, and other invertebrates. The amount of light that may enter this zone fluctuates, influencing
where photosynthetic organisms live. Many species rely on this zone for habitat, food, and breeding
grounds, making it critical to marine ecosystems.


The Long Reef Rock Platform is a dynamic intertidal ecosystem which occurs in the region of Collaroy at
the north end of Sydney, incorporates a variety of ecosystems such as rock pools and the Rocky Shore
intertidal zone both are full of marine life organisms and species that could be dominated by plants or
animals. Among them are different types of algae, mollusks, crustaceans and fish that contribute to the
food web within this ecosystem. The abiotic factors include temperature, salinity, water movement and
substrate composition.

Supralittoral Zone (Upper Intertidal):

Biotic Factors: For example periwinkles feed on algae, but compete for resources whereas lichens
struggle for free spaces with nutrients occupying each other’s area;
Abiotic Factors: However these organisms have to cope with extreme temperature fluctuations because
they lose water easily due to evaporation; periwinkles withdraw into their shells during low tide so as
not to become dry while lichens have adopted measures like having thick cuticles so as to survive in
harsh environmental conditions.

Littoral Zone (Middle Intertidal):

Biotic Factors: Barnacles compete for space on rocky surfaces, influencing their distribution patterns.
Mussels make substrate and filter feed, altering nutrient availability and affecting the abundance of
other organisms.
Abiotic Factors: Moderate exposure to air and water, together with wave action and temperature
fluctuations that affect the physiological processes of organisms and their behaviors. Barnacles have
strong adhesive properties which help them to withstand wave action while mussels close tightly their
shells during low tide hence preventing desiccation.

Sublittoral Zone (Lower Intertidal):

Biotic factors: Seaweeds and kelps provide habitat and food for various marine life in order to shape
communities they live in. Grazing organisms such as sea urchins affect algae populations, while predators
like sea stars control prey abundance so that ecosystem balance is maintained.
Abiotic Factors: Steady underwater conditions subjected to waves, currents and temperature variations
alter the metabolic rate of organisms as well as influencing growth and reproduction. Seaweeds are
photosynthetic producers who depend on sun energy but need to withstand wave motion; herbivorous
grazers like sea urchins contribute greatly towards the maintenance of algal diversity within various
habitats. Sea stars are among the key predators that keep a check on prey populations thus avoiding
disproportionate multiplication of some species at all costs.


(Figure 1.2)
The marine gastropod mollusk Tenguella marginalba, also referred to as the Mulberry Whelk, belongs to the
family Muricidae. Because they are prevalent in the sublittoral zone, mulberry whelks are frequently spotted
in Australia's coastal waters. Mulberry whelks, in particular, are abundant in the southern and eastern
Australian beaches, encompassing Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Their native
habitats are shallow coastal seas and intertidal zones, which include rocky shorelines, mudflats, seagrass
beds, and sandy or muddy bottoms. Additionally, if there are enough habitats nearby, they might still be
present. Intertidal habitats are home to mulberry whelks. Their remains are buried in the substrate, giving
them food and shelter. The Mulberry Whelk is a carnivorous molluscs and commonly prey on sessile limpets
and barnacles.


Structural characteristics could include the ‘mulberry’ like appearance of its shell, with a distinct look,
the shell consists of heavy rounded nodules assorted in spiral rows giving it the name mulberry whelk
and they typically tend to grow less than 20mm however they can sometimes get up to 35mm in length.
Similarly many marine snails, mulberry whelks have sensory tentacles located near their head. These
tentacles are equipped with chemoreceptors and tactile sensors, enabling the snail to detect chemical
cues in the water and to sense its environment. The tentacles play a crucial role in locating prey,
detecting predators, and navigating their surroundings. Mulberry whelks possess a muscular foot
adapted for action and burrowing into substrate. This foot enables them to move across various types of
surfaces and to burrow into sand or mud for shelter. Additionally, these snails have an operculum, a
calcareous plate attached to the foot, which can seal the shell opening when the snail retreats inside for
protection.The whelks also have a tongue 8 times longer than its body, so when it drills through the shell
of its prey it is able to get in and scoop it out to eat. (figure 1.3)

(Figure 1.3)
Physiological characteristics
Mulberry whelks breathe through their gills to obtain oxygen from the water. They have a well-designed
mantle chamber where their gills are placed, which allows them to exchange gasses efficiently. The
siphon also aids in the breathing process by directing water flow across the gills.
Mulberry whelks' digestive system is geared to support their survival as carnivorous predators that prey
on bivalves and other mollusks. It contains vital organs such as the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, and
intestine. To ingest their prey, they use a radula, a tongue-like device with microscopic teeth that allows
them to scrape food particles off surfaces before eating.

Behavioural characteristics
Mulberry whelks may engage in cannibalism in response to food scarcity, resource competition, or the
need to remove prospective rivals or dangers. In rare situations, these organisms may prey on smaller
members of their own species or of other species. Although most mulberry whelks remain in one
location, certain groups may migrate annually because to changes in the habitat, food availability, or
reproduction requirements. These motions may include moving along the shore or into deeper waters.

Adaptations and ecosystem survival:

The mulberry whelk's robust shell resembles a fortress, with spiral ridges and a protecting operculum. In
its niche environment It protects the animal against predators and the harsh environment of its coastal
home, where tide fluctuations and high predation are continual hazards. This shell is a lifeline for the
whelk, keeping it secure and hydrated while the tides retreat.

Adaptation: Mulberry whelks are intelligent creatures. They prefer to forage for food at night, when
predators sleep and prey are more active. During the day, they hide in protected areas to avoid predators
and inclement weather, which helps them survive. They also keep other whelks and animals out of their
favourite eating and hiding locations, ensuring they always have adequate food and a safe place to relax.
NICHE: Mulberry whelks have altered their behaviour to suit their job as night predators in coastal
environments. They have devised a foraging method that enables them to hunt prey such as mussels and
other mollusks that are typically found on sandy or muddy beaches. Their territorial characteristics
enable them to obtain ideal hunting areas, enhancing their effectiveness in locating food and their
chances of successfully mating in their environment.

Supporting Survival: Mulberry whelks rely on physiological adaptations such as efficient respiration,
temperature tolerance, and osmoregulation to survive and prosper in their aquatic environment. Their
ability to maintain pH balance and deal with oxidative stress is critical to their health and longevity,
making them more tolerant to environmental changes and human impacts.
NICHE: Mulberry whelks have unique biological alterations that allow them to succeed as
bottom-dwelling predators in coastal marine habitats. Their efficient breathing and ability to regulate
their body's salt levels allow them to remain balanced and thrive in the ever-changing and occasionally
harsh intertidal and subtidal regions. They can tolerate a variety of temperatures, allowing them to live
in a variety of warm and chilly underwater environments, expanding their role in the marine ecology.



The Little Blue Periwinkle, more scientifically know as Austrolittorina unifasciata, are commonly seen in
the sublittoral zone and commonly found in Australia, in Southern QLD, NSW, Victoria, WA and Tasmania.
These snails have a spiral shell that is typically less than an inch long and feed on algae and organic
materials with their specialised radula. They play a vital role in coastal ecosystems, acting as food for
various predators and regulating algal dispersal. Adapted to living in the tidal zone, they use their
powerful feet to clutch rocks and endure the smashing waves during high tide. Little blue periwinkle
snails breed sexually, with females depositing egg capsules in crevices or beneath rocks. Although they
are infrequently caught for eating or as bait, their principal importance resides in their crucial ecological
role in coastal areas.


A Structural characteristic of the Little Blue periwinkle is its shell . The Periwinkle shell is constructed of
calcium carbonate and is created by a tissue known as the mantle. It protects the animal's body from
injury and predation. Shell shape and size vary by species, with some having elongated shells and others
having rounder ones. The shell's surface may show development lines or patterns indicating the
periwinkle's age. Another structural characteristic is the foot. The periwinkle's foot is powerful and
well-developed, allowing it to move about efficiently. The periwinkle's robust muscles allow it to grip
rough surfaces and resist waves in the intertidal zone. This foot is especially useful for grazing on algae
and other foods, as it provides stability on rough surfaces. The whelks also have a tongue 8 times longer
than its body, so when it drills through the shell of its prey it is able to get in and scoop it out to eat.

A Physiological characteristic of the Periwinkle is its excretion. Periwinkles, like other mollusks, excrete
metabolic wastes such as ammonia using specialised excretory structures known as nephridia. These
nephridia remove waste from the hemolymph (mollusks' circulatory fluid) and discharge it into the
environment. Periwinkles also use their gills to expel excess ions and water, which helps them maintain
balance. Another Physiological characteristic in their reproduction. Periwinkles reproduce sexually,
producing separate male and female individuals. Fertilisation normally takes place inside, when men
deliver sperm to females during mating. Females lay egg capsules containing developing embryos that
are attached to surfaces in the intertidal environment. The larvae inside these capsules hatch and go
through a planktonic stage before settling down and developing into young periwinkles.

Behavioural characteristics of the periwinkle are, Periwinkles enjoy intertidal habitats. They prefer to live
on rocky coasts, seeking sanctuary in nooks or beneath boulders when the tide is low to avoid drying out
and predation. In addition to rocky coastlines, several species may live in salt marshes, estuaries, and
other coastal locations with suitable substrate and food sources. Another behavioural characteristic is
Predator Avoidance, Periwinkles have evolved many strategies to avoid being eaten. When threatened
by predators such as crabs, birds, or predatory snails, they can conceal themselves in their shells or seek
refuge in cracks or beneath rocks. Certain varieties of periwinkles can also blend in with their
surroundings using coloration or camouflage to avoid being spotted. Furthermore, periwinkles may emit
chemicals or mucus to defend themselves and prevent predators from devouring them.


Periwinkles use a number of predator avoidance behaviours to lessen the risk of predation, such as
retiring from coral or taking safety in crevices. These adaptations boost the opportunity for survival by
minimising predators and allowing them to avoid predation.
Periwinkles are most vulnerable to predators such as crabs, birds, and predatory butterflies during the
tides. Their predator avoidance behaviour is critical for survival in this competitive habitat, allowing for
minimum predator impact reduction and population maintenance.

How do the intertidal zones of the long reef rock platform determine the distribution and
abundance of aquatic animals?

The intertidal zones on the long reef rock platform determine the distribution of aquatic animal
abundance of Little Blue Periwinkles and Mulberry Whelks through a range of selection
pressures such as exposure to wave action and food availability.

Ethical considerations are a set of principles that guide your research. Without ethical
considerations being taken into thought you run the risk of losing or ruining your results and
information, this could result in invalid or unreliable results. An ethical consideration we have to
take into consideration while conducting our research at the rock platform was not removing or
replacing any organisms as this could mess up the true results that we meant to be taken, we
also weren’t allowed to move the organisms as this could have a negative effect on the animal.

Results of primary and secondary investigations


TEMPERATURE 24 22.75 26 degrees 24 degrees 20 degrees 24 degrees

(CELSIUS) degrees degrees

SALINITY (g/L) 35 38.84 50 47.75

WATER PH 8.2 8.2 8.4 8.225

Results are pretty even and consistent for the temperature and water ph
Salinity experienced an increase in rock pool this could be attributed to rock pools having a smaller area
therefore leaving a higher salt concentration

Location 1: Supralittoral Zone

Little Blue Periwinkle 1

Knobbly Wink 12

Location 2: Littoral Zone


Zebra Topshells 24

Oysters 11

Little Blue Periwinkle 188

Conniwink 6

Location 3: Sublittoral Zone


Barnacles 112

Mulberry Whelk 3

Little Blue Periwinkle 12

Conniwink 3

Overall Data Summary








For the abiotic results we see that the temperature across all three areas are remaining consistent. This
could be because all groups had remained within the same area leading to even results across all areas
and groups. However when we get to salinity the rock pools had higher salinity levels than the ocean,
the could be attributed to the rock pools having a smaller area therefore resulting in a high salt
concentration within the rock pools.

For the biotic results, in location 1 we only found 2 species within the supralittoral zone however these
organisms were found in high abundance and distributed across the quadrat. In location 2 we noticed a
higher range of diversity finding oysters, topshells and conniwinks and in location 3 we had found
barnacles and mulberry whelk with eat the barnacles hence the reason they were there. When we
collected all the data we found that we had a species diversity of 2 in location 1, 4 in location3 and 6 in

Validity: Quadrats are a suitable method for collecting abundance for sessile or slow moving organisms.
Quadrats should be placed randomly within each zone to avoid this.
Accuracy: Correct identification of organisms is essential for accurate results, as is careful counting which
can be difficult with high abundance (such as barnacles at low tide)
Reliability: To make this investigation reliable
Several observations and inferences can be derived from the supplied abiotic and quadrat data from
three different zones of the ocean environment (superlittoral, littoral, and sublittoral). The temperature
fluctuates between 20 and 26 degrees Celsius across the zones, with the highest average temperature in
the air zone and the lowest in the rock pool, while salinity varies greatly. Little Blue Periwinkle appears as
the most numerous species, particularly in the Littoral Zone. Certain species, such as Knobbly Wink and
Zebra Topshells, have preferences for specific zones, showing adaptation to different environmental
conditions. Variations in abiotic conditions are expected to impact species distribution, influencing niche
specialisation and ecological interactions like competition or predation.

Overall, these findings highlight the complex interplay between abiotic variables and marine species
distribution across maritime zones. Further research is required to fully understand ecosystem dynamics
and their responses to environmental changes, which will provide useful insights for conservation and
management initiatives.

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