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Q2 week 9 day 1

Interactions among living and non-

living things in estuary

Name group of animals living in estuary.

Establishing purpose for the lesson

Identify animals living in estuary

whether living or nonliving.
Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Estuarine Biology
These resources focus on the
different types of estuaries, how
they interact with surrounding
areas, what kinds of producers,
consumers, and decomposers exist
there, and the adaptations
organisms have made to survive in
these areas.
The plant and animal communities that
live in estuaries are unique because their
waters are brackish — a mixture of fresh
water draining from the land and salty
seawater. Many species have developed
adaptations in order to live in estuarine
environments. Estuaries also act like
enormous filters and buffer zones for
surrounding areas.
Estuaries consist of an ecosystem
where fresh water from rivers and
streams meets with ocean saltwater.
The plants and animals that live
in estuaries must adapt to the
different types of water for survival.
Estuaries include mudflats, beaches,
mangroves, submerged vegetation
and marshes.
Non-living things in estuary
1. soil,
7. minerals.
Developing mastery (Leads to formative assessment)

Give each of the 4 groups something to read about.

Answer a chart below by referring to the facts given
to each group.

Group of animals Facts about its adaptation

1. invertebrates

2. Estuarine fish
Invertebrates –Group 1 and 2
The wildlife living in estuary mudflats provide
an abundance of food to much of the other wildlife.
Shelled creatures such as mussels, clams, snails and
amphipods live on the mudflats where they feed on
detritus, disintegrated organic matter from dead
plant material from marsh grasses, mangrove trees
and sea grasses.
It also eat microscopic plants called
phytoplankton. Segmented works and lugworms
also live in the mudflats. Once the mudflats are
covered in water at high tide, bigger fish hunt for
the invertebrates as their food source.
Estuarine Fish- Group 3 an4

Our estuaries are popular fishing spots, but

have you considered how these fish species have
managed to adapt to these harsh conditions and even
All fish living in estuaries are of marine origin. Most
breed out at sea, but a few (like sea horses and some
smaller klipfish species) may also breed in the estuary
if the conditions are right. Some species can live their
whole life-cycle in the estuary, but these were
originally marine species that have adapted over time.
There are some freshwater species (eg salmon and
trout) which migrate through an estuary to the sea,
but they are not typical estuarine species, even
though they have the same physiological adaptations.
Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

What are some of the benefits on

living in the estuary?
What are some of the difficulties?

Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

How do living and non-living

things interact in estuary?
Q2 week 9 day 2
Describing Intertidal Zones
Based from Science Exemplar 5
By Science Writing Team
Batangas Province
Spray zone/supratidal/supralittoral

High intertidal zone/high tide zone

Mid intertidal zone/ mid tide zone

Low intertidal zone/ low tide zone

----more a part of the land than the ocean.
---- It is submerged only during rare, very
high tides or severe storms, but is
repeatedly wetted by splashing waves and
wind-blown spray.

Periwinkle Snails
---is flooded during the peaks of the
once or twice daily high tides, and out of
water for the long stretches in between.

Barnacles Blue-Green Seaweed

Purple Shoreline Crab
---- generally
except for a fairly
Mussel Bed
short period
during the turn
of the low tide.
The intertidal zone
also known as the foreshore and
seashore and sometimes referred to as
the littoral zone, is the area that is
above water at low tide and under
water at high tide (in other words, the
area between tide marks)
What kind of animals live in intertidal
Middle Tide Zone: Also called the Lower Mid-
littoral Zone. This turbulent area is covered
and uncovered twice a day with salt water
from the tides. Organisms in this area
include anemones, barnacles, chitons, crabs,
green algae, isopods, limpets, mussels, sea
lettuce, sea palms, sea stars, snails, sponges,
and whelks.
Why is intertidal zone important?

because most intertidal

animals need to be underwater to
respire and this can be a limiting
factor affecting their distribution
on the shore.
What are the characteristics of
intertidal zone?

1. It is submerged with water during

high tide and exposed to the air during
low tide.
2.The zone can take many forms,
from sandy beaches to rocky cliffs.
How do animals in the intertidal zone
adapt to environment?
Tide pool animals and plants are
well adapted to the intertidal zones.
Some adaptations include: The ochre
sea star can tolerate a longer time
period exposed to air than many other
sea stars. They regularly withstand up
to eight hours of exposure during low
What is intertidal pool system?

Intertidal ecology is the study of

intertidal ecosystems, where
organisms live between the low and
high tide lines. At low tide, the
intertidal is exposed whereas at high
tide, the intertidal is underwater.
What are the abiotic factors of the
intertidal zone?

1. Water 7. Tides
2.Depth 8.Winds
3.Temperature 9. sediments
What are the biotic factors of the
intertidal zone?

1.Human Impact,
2.Density of Algae/Kelp,
3.Population of Plants,
7.Fish, and
Q2 week 9 day 3
Interactions among Living and
Non-Living Things in Intertidal
Based from Science Exemplar 5
By Science Writing Team
Batangas Province

What is interaction?

An interaction between two

organisms of unlike species in which one
of them acts as predator that captures
and feeds on the other organism that
serves as the prey. Animals that live in
the intertidal zone have a variety of
predators that consume them. When the
tide is in, they are preyed upon by sea
animals, like fish.
Green plants are producers. They
use inorganic materials (carbon dioxide
from the air, minerals and water from
the soil) and energy from the sun to
produce complex, organic materials for
their own needs. This process is called
photosynthesis. The organic products of
photosynthesis contain energy that
plants need to survive and reproduce.
When describing interactions
between animals, it is useful to group
the animals in some way
1.according to their habitats. Some live
under the ground; many have habitats
on the ground’s surface; some spend
much of their lives above the ground in
trees, while others live in rivers or seas.
2.animals can be grouped according to
what they eat.
a. herbivores
b. carnivores
Organisms with highly developed
cooperative behaviours are
described as‘social’. Examples of
social organisms include insects such
as bees and ants. Within social
groups, individual animals have a
particular role upon which others
WEEK 9 Day 4
Discuss Interaction of Living and Non-
Living in an Estuary and Intertidal Zone
What types of plants and animals live in an

Fish, shellfish, and migratory

birds are just a few of the animals
that can live in an estuary.
What types of plants and animals live in an
2. submerged aquatic
vegetation where seahorses, blue
crabs, and other fish live.
3. Finally, there is open water
where sea turtles or rays can be

1.Predator-prey- the process by

which an individual of one species,
a predator, hunts, captures, kills,
and consumes an individual of
another species, the prey
2. Herbivory- the interaction in
which an animal feeds on a plant

3.Parasitism- a relationship in
which one organism, the parasite,
depends on another, the host, for
nourishment or some other benefit
4.Resource partitioning - the
species partition, or divide, the
resource they use in common by
specializing in different ways

5. Mutualism- a relationship in
which two or more species benefit
6.Commensalism- a relationship in
which one species benefits and the
other is unaffected.

5. Mutualism- a relationship in
which two or more species benefit
Reasons Why We Need to Protect and
Conserve Estuaries and Intertidal Zones

I am a habitat where salty water and

fresh water meet. What am I?
I am a kind of habitat where four
zones meet. What am I?
Establishing a purpose for the lesson.

Puzzle Building of Pictures of damaged

estuaries and intertidal zone
Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

Group Activity: “The Day After Tomorrow”

I. Problem: What are the reasons why we need to protect and
conserve estuaries and intertidal zones?
II. Materials: Pictures of damaged estuaries and intertidal zones
III. Procedures:
1. Use the picture provided to complete the table below.
2. Infer the reasons why we need to protect and conserve the estuaries
and intertidal zones.
3. Record your answers in the table below.

Ecosystem Causes of Effects

Intertidal zones
Presenting examples/instances of the lesson
Human lives depend to some extent on the
abundant resources of estuaries. Humans,
therefore, need to live in harmony with
every component of an ecosystem like
estuary and intertidal zone. Every individual
has a duty to use wisely and preserve the
resources that we find and enjoy on every
part of our planet. We must realize that we
do not own it.
The time for action to protect and restore
the estuary and intertidal zone is now for
tomorrow might be too late every
individual should take active role in the
implementation of conservation programs
to identify and address water quality,
pollution, and habitat problems within
estuaries. It is the responsibility of the
people to examine their everyday activities
and think about how they might be
contributing to the pollution problem.
Here are some suggestions oh how the
people, including you, can make a
difference in the protection of the habitat
of organisms:
1. Be informed and get involved
2.Take full responsibility for one’s own
3.Practice good housekeeping at all times
Evaluating learning
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if the statement is incorrect.
__1. The wild animals will no longer have
__2. The wild animals will be in extinct.
__3. The ecosystem will be affected.
__4. The reproduction of wild animals will
be affected.
__5. The ecosystem will be the same.

Interview your parents about their

opinion in protecting natural

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