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Department of Education

Region IX-Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga City
Sta. Maria District
San Roque, Zamboanga City


Grade Level V Date: March 10, 2021

Quarter Second Quarter

Content Demonstrate understanding of the interactions for survival among living and non-living
Standard things that take place in estuaries and intertidal zone.

Performance Create a hypothetical community to show how organisms interact and reproduce to
Standard survive.

Learning Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in estuaries and
Competency intertidal zone (S5LT-IIh-8)

I. Learning 1. Identify the living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zone
2. Explain the interactions among living things and non-living things in estuaries and
intertidal zone

II. Subject Interactions among Living Things and non-living things in an Intertidal zone and estuarine

A. Concept The Philippines is rich in coastal areas which are affected by the rising and receding
tides. These areas called intertidal zones, which are the home to many kinds of marine
animals and birds.

On the other hand, areas where seawater meets the freshwater from the rivers is also
a home to various kinds of animals are called estuaries. These areas are said to have
brackish waters, which means they have a moisture of seawater and freshwater. It is also
called “nurseries of the seas” because of its very unique characteristics. They filter
sediments and pollutants from the freshwater and salt from the seas and oceans. It is also
a big help during storm and flooding for they serve as exit points for floods.

Both intertidal zones and estuaries provide habitats for many organisms. These
habitats have a lot of abiotic factor that affect the organisms thriving in them. These
factors are water in the form of waves, salinity, temperature, amount of sunlight and
type of soil.

Biotic factors in an ecosystem such as an intertidal zone and estuary are composed
of all plants, animals and microorganisms living in it. These organisms live in different
habitats such as coral reefs, salt marshes, mud flats, rocky shores and mangroves

The living things in an ecosystem consists of the producers, consumers and

decomposers. Energy and nutrients are transferred from the producers to decomposer
through their feeding relationships.

Food chain is a series of organisms in which each organism feeds on another

organism and so on. It always begins with a producer.
Food web is an interlinked food chain. It consists of two or more food chains and
contains more organisms compared to a single food chain.

B. Materials Powerpoint, video, laptop, television, cartolina, manila paper, strips of cartolina

C. Reference References

swim-animalanimal-world-wild Aquila, L. (2008). Dead fish on the surface of Lake Scanno [Image].
Retrieved from Britannica. Peneus setiferus, an edible shrimp [Image]. Retrieved
from Clker. (2017). Commensalism Sample Image [Image]. Retrieved from Game and Fish. (2019). Whisker Fury: Florida Catfish Best Bets 2019 [Image].
Retrieved from Gunther, T. Mangrove-illo-spanish [Image]. Retrieved from Happy dogs. b2ap3_thumbnail_predation-blog-mid-toy [Image]. Retrieved from Harrison, J.
(2009). File: Mosquito Tasmania. jpg [Image]. Retrieved from

Capslet Quarter 2 Week 6, MELC

III. Learning

A. Engage 1. Preparation ( The teacher make the pupils feel comfortable and settled inside the room
and reminding them of the behavioral chart on the board)

2. Review

Good morning children! How are you today? Are you all excited for fun learning this
morning? Great! Who can tell to the class what was the previous lesson you have
learned? ( Our lesson yesterday was about Different Modes of Reproduction in Flowering
and Non-Flowering Plants) Very Good! Have you eaten your breakfast? Are you
energetic? Why is it important to have your breakfast before coming to school? Very
Good! Let’s check if you really understand your lesson. I will group you into 4 each group
will have a white board marker and a tag board. I will flash the statement and you write
True on your tag board if the statement is correct and False if not.

______1. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gametes.

______2. Some plants can reproduce sexually through their stems

______3. Ferns, mosses, liverworts are reproduced through spores.

______4. Self-pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of
the other flower.

______5. Plant reproduction is the production of new offspring in plants.

B. Explore 1. Viewing of video clip

I will show you a video presentation that will give you new knowledge of our lesson this
afternoon. Are you all ready? But before we are going to proceed to our video viewing I
have here some words that you should be familiar. You will know the meaning of the
words by arranging the scrambled words.

(SALINITY) NIALSIYT - amount of salt in water

(SOIL) LOSI- source of nutrients of living organisms like plants

(ESTUARY) SETAURY- place where the freshwater from the river mixes with the salt-
water from the sea

(TEMPERATURE) PUREMEATTER - hotness or coldness of water

(INTERTIDAL ZONES) NIRETDITAL ZENOS - areas which are constantly exposed t the
changing tides

A. Setting of Standards

Children what are the things we should always remember during video viewing?

B. Guide Questions

After the video this are the guide questions that you should answer.

1. What are examples of living and non-living things in an ecosystem?

2. What is the interaction between living and non-living thing in ecosystem like
estuaries and intertidal zone?

3. What is the importance of interactions among living things in estuary and intertidal

4. Is food important to living things? Why?

5. What will you do to protect our estuary and intertidal zone?

2. Activity Proper: Differentiated Instruction

A. Setting of Standards for group activity

B. Conduct of activity proper

Activity Sheet

Materials: envelope, cartolina, manila paper, strips of papers, glue, scissors, makers

Procedure: You will work to your team. You will be given an envelope and inside is your
assigned activity. Group 1: What’s New

List down at least 5 living and non living things found in estuaries and intertidal zone.

Living Thing Non-living thing

Group 2: Find Me
Group 3: Fill In

Group 4: Connecting Words

C. Explain A. Presentation of group output

Assigned pupils will post their output on the board and let the reporter do the
Reporting Time in front. The teacher and the other group will make the assessment and
giving point after the reporting.

B. Answering the guide questions.

1. What are examples of living and non-living things in an ecosystem?

-Living things- plants, animals, organism

-non-living things-weather, landscape

2. What is the interaction between living and non-living thing in ecosystem like
estuaries and intertidal zone?

-for adaptation and survival

3. What is the importance of interactions among living things in estuary and intertidal

-It is the only way for them to live, specially if that living thing just depends on its
environment. That is why food web exist, that interlocked pattern of food chains that
consist of producers and consumers.

4. Is food important to living things? Why?

-Yes, it gives then energy to perform life activities.

5. What will you do to protect our estuary and intertidal zone?

- Conserving and protecting our estuary and intertidal zone from garbage and from bad
human activities.
D. Elaborati Teacher-Pupil interaction
Concept Formation

1. What are examples of living and non-living things in an ecosystem?

-Living things- plants, animals, organism

-non-living things-weather, landscape

2. What is the interaction between living and non-living thing in ecosystem like estuaries
and intertidal zone?

-for adaptation and survival

3. What is the importance of interactions among living things in estuary and intertidal

-It is the only way for them to live, specially if that living thing just depends on its
environment. That is why food web exist, that interlocked pattern of food chains that
consist of producers and consumers.

4. Is food important to living things? Why?

-Yes, it gives then energy to perform life activities.

5. What will you do to protect our estuary and intertidal zone?

- Conserving and protecting our estuary and intertidal zone from garbage and from bad
human activities.

C. Enrichment/Application- Think, pair and share/Differentiated Instruction

Each group will have an envelop and inside is the instruction and the activity.

Group 1: Match the Pair

Group 2: Feeding Time

Group 3: Learning is Fun

Group 4: Knowing Right

Presentation of Group Output

Assigned pupils will post their output on the board and let the reporter do the
Reporting Time infront. The teacher and the other group will make the assessment and
giving point after the reporting.

E. Evaluation


Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in estuaries and
intertidal zone.

IV. Assignment Draw a beautiful poster showing of living and non-living things interacting in estuaries and
intertidal zone.

Prepared by: Checked and Processed by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

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