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Chapter 10—Informal Reports


1. Which of the following statements about reports is accurate?

a. Business professionals rarely write reports.
b. Writers develop reports for internal audiences only.
c. Informal reports of eight or fewer pages are the most common report in the workplace.
d. Business writers deliver reports only through hard copies.
2. Reports convey information, answer questions, and
a. present your opinions.
b. solve problems.
c. comply with government regulations.
d. demonstrate your proficiency as a technical writer.
3. Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are
a. informational reports.
b. analytical reports.
c. cost-benefit analysis reports.
d. justification reports.
4. Which of the following is most likely to be written as an informative report?
a. A recommendation from the Information Technology Department that your company
install a wireless network
b. A feasibility study addressing tuition reimbursement to all employees
c. A comparison of five handheld communication devices that your company might purchase
d. A summary of information presented at a recent conference for technical writers
5. Reports that provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions are
a. informational reports.
b. analytical reports.
c. summaries.
d. progress reports.
6. Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report?
a. A report summarizing the details of a recent seminar you attended
b. A report recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit
c. A report outlining the new company procedure for reporting workplace injuries
d. A report showing state budget allocations for education
7. The direct pattern of organization is appropriate for a business report when readers
a. need to be educated.
b. must be persuaded.
c. are informed.
d. may be disappointed or hostile.
8. When you organize a report directly, what is the correct order of ideas to follow?
a. Introduction, facts, and summary
b. Introduction, summary, and facts
c. Summary, introduction, and facts
d. The direct pattern presents ideas in any order for maximum effectiveness.
9. The indirect pattern of organization is appropriate for a business report when readers
a. are supportive of the topic.
b. must be persuaded.
c. are familiar with the topic.
d. want to know the results immediately.
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10. When you organize a report indirectly, in which order should you present your ideas?
a. Description of the problem, conclusions, facts, and recommendations
b. Conclusion, recommendations, description of the problem, and facts
c. Description of the problem, facts, conclusions, and recommendations
d. The indirect pattern does not follow a set order of ideas.
11. Which is the most accurate statement about business report organizational patterns?
a. The primary difference between direct and indirect organizational patterns is the location
of the findings.
b. Many business executives place most importance on the analysis of the problem in a
c. When using the indirect organizational pattern, place the conclusions and
recommendations at the beginning of the report.
d. The indirect pattern seems more logical to many readers because it mirrors the way we
solve problems.
12. Paul has studied the effect of on-site daycare on employee work attendance. He must present his
findings to his supervisor, who is opposed to this service. How should Paul present his information?
a. Use persuasive strategies and an indirect organizational pattern.
b. Arrange the report using the direct organizational pattern.
c. Omit background data as this might bore his supervisor.
d. Give up; his boss will never go for this idea anyway.
13. The format of a report depends primarily on
a. its topic, recommendations, and organizational pattern.
b. your knowledge of the writing process.
c. its length, topic, audience, and purpose.
d. your printer quality and paper type.
14. You are writing a short, informal report that will stay inside your organization. Which format would be
most appropriate?
a. Letter format
b. Memo or e-mail format
c. Manuscript format
d. Full-block format
15. You are writing a short, informal report that you will send to one of your customers. Which format
would be most appropriate?
a. Letter format
b. Memo or e-mail format
c. Manuscript format
d. Printed form
16. You work for a development firm and must explain to a customer the results of a year-long study of
potential sites for new stores. In what format should you develop this report?
a. Memo or e-mail format
b. Printed form
c. Letter format
d. Manuscript format
17. You are an inventory specialist for a retail store. Your boss has asked you to compile a year-end report
listing the merchandise sold each month through the company's Web site. In what format should you
present this data?
a. Memo or e-mail format
b. Preprinted form
c. Letter format
d. Manuscript format
18. Which statement regarding digital report formats and delivery is accurate?
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a. Although digital media allows writers to produce and distribute reports electronically,
good writers follow up such electronic reports with hard copies.
b. Only certain kinds of reports can be attached to an e-mail.
c. New technology allows users to hyperlink multimedia content within a document or with
associated text or files.
d. When attaching a report to an e-mail message, you do not need to introduce the report or
reference the attachment in the e-mail message.
19. When you receive an assignment to write a report, you should begin the report-writing process by
a. analyzing your audience.
b. determining your purpose.
c. beginning your research.
d. looking for someone else to write the report.
20. Many business writers begin their report research by
a. conducting interviews.
b. observing others.
c. constructing questionnaires and inventories.
d. visiting company records.
21. What type of research source provides the richest and most accurate first-hand information?
a. Surveys
b. Interviews
c. Company records
d. Observations
22. Typical sources for factual information in an informal report include
a. company records, observation, and electronic resources.
b. observation, personal opinion, and print sources.
c. printed materials, the writer's educated guesses, and electronic resources.
d. personal experience, personal observation, and personal opinion.
23. Which of the following statements is accurate?
a. Primary data result from reading what others have experienced or observed.
b. Secondary data come from firsthand experience and observation.
c. Secondary data are easier and cheaper to gather than primary data.
d. Secondary data are always gathered after the collection of primary data.
24. A report that monitors the headway of a nonroutine or unusual activity is called
a. the minutes of a meeting.
b. an information report.
c. a progress report.
d. a summary.
25. A report that attempts to solve problems by presenting data, drawing conclusions, and offering
solutions is called a(n)
a. justification/recommendation report.
b. information report.
c. progress report.
d. summary.
26. Reports that describe routine activities without analysis are called
a. justification/recommendation reports.
b. information reports.
c. progress reports.
d. summaries.
27. A record of the proceedings of a meeting is called
a. a progress report.
b. an information report.
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c. a summary.
d. the minutes.
28. What kind of report condenses the primary ideas, conclusions, and recommendations of a longer report
or publication?
a. Progress report
b. Information report
c. Summary
d. Analytical report
29. As chairperson of a customer service task force, you must update management on your team's
progress. What kind of report will you write?
a. Justification/recommendation report
b. Information report
c. Progress report
d. Feasibility report
30. Your department needs a new copier, and your job is to research the options. Based on your research,
you have selected an all-in-one machine that you believe will be cost effective and will perform well.
What kind of report would you write to present your findings?
a. Summary report
b. Justification/recommendation report
c. Information report
d. Progress report
31. As a human resources (HR) assistant, you must write a monthly report to the HR director summarizing
the number of job applicants, the number of interviews conducted, and the number of active
employees. What kind of report would you prepare?
a. Information report
b. Justification/recommendation report
c. Progress report
d. Feasibility report
32. Your current assignment is to condense a 200-page government policy report on oil drilling in Alaska
into a shorter report for Sierra Club members to read. What kind of report would you most likely
a. Information report
b. Summary report
c. Justification/recommendation report
d. Progress report
33. Your company currently processes its payroll internally but is considering the use of an external
accounting firm. You are in charge of determining whether your company should proceed with this
plan. What kind of report would you most likely write?
a. Feasibility report
b. Progress report
c. Information report
d. Summary report
34. Which of the following is most likely to be written as an informational report?
a. A report recommending the installation of retina scanner to improve security
b. A report telling management about the current status of a long-term project
c. A government regulatory report to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
d. A report comparing three locations and identifying the best for a new franchise outlet
35. You have organized the findings section of your information report by answering who, what, when,
where, why, and how. This pattern is called
a. chronological.
b. journalism style.
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c. geographical.
d. alphabetical.
36. Which of the following situations might require a progress report?
a. The work of a committee preparing for an open house when a new wing of a hospital is
b. The reporting of monthly sales figures for all divisions
c. A study of whether a company should provide on-site childcare
d. A one-page summary of a long article in The Wall Street Journal
37. In what order should you organize your ideas when you believe your audience will be agreeable to the
suggestions in your justification/recommendation report?
a. Announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation, identify the problem or
need, and provide necessary action.
b. Provide necessary action, identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation,
and explain the recommendation.
c. Identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation,
and provide necessary action.
d. Identify the problem or need, provide necessary action, announce the recommendation,
and explain the recommendation.
38. Which of the following is not needed in a feasibility report?
a. The background and problem necessitating the proposal
b. Problems that may result from implementation
c. Costs of implementing the proposal
d. Persuasive techniques
39. Thomas is in charge of taking formal minutes during an Institute of Internal Auditors chapter meeting.
Which of the following is the best advice?
a. Record only new business because old business will appear in previous minutes.
b. Avoid using the exact wording of motions because that would be too time consuming.
c. Record voting results and actions taken.
d. Omit his name and signature as the person recording the minutes because he is acting on
behalf of the organization.
40. Which of the following is the best advice to follow when writing a summary?
a. Include specific examples from the report, article, or book you are summarizing.
b. Copy passages word for word to ensure that you cover the main ideas.
c. Avoid headings or lists to prevent reader distraction.
d. Condense the original ideas.
41. An informal writing style includes
a. contractions (for example, wouldn't, don't, they're).
b. second-person pronouns (for example, you and your).
c. mainly passive-voice verbs.
d. longer sentences.
42. Which of the following constructions uses the best writing style for an informal report?
a. James, Deloitte, and Wilts, Inc., after extensive review of references and credentials of
contractors, has elected to contract with Peck Builders for the new office complex.
b. We're pleased to announce the selection of Peck Builders as general contractor for our
new office complex.
c. After conducting an exhaustive search of building design elements and cost-efficiency
data, the company has verified the qualifications of Peck Builders.

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d. The findings demonstrate the imperative of selecting a fully qualified and bonded
contractor for the new building project of James, Deloitte, and Wilts, Inc.; that contractor
is Peck Builders.
43. Which of the following sentences demonstrates active-voice verbs?
a. Superior writing skills are required by many employers.
b. Employee use of e-mail was monitored by management.
c. Research indicates a correlation between strong writing skills and promotions.
d. The proposals were carefully reviewed by the screening committee.
44. Mei Yit wants to make sure that she sounds credible in her business report. What should she do to
build her credibility?
a. Discuss only the position that she favors so that her readers don't get confused.
b. Write her personal opinions so that they sound like facts.
c. Tell her readers the source of her information.
d. Mei Yit should do all of these to build credibility.
45. Which of the following represents the best use of language?
a. Most people agree...
b. Some people agree...
c. Seventy-five percent of people agree...
d. All answer choices reflect appropriate language choice.
46. Headings that show the outline of a report are called
a. talking headings.
b. topic headings.
c. functional headings.
d. descriptive headings.
47. Headings that describe the content of a report section are called
a. talking headings.
b. topic headings.
c. functional headings.
d. descriptive headings.
48. Which of the following statements about functional headings is accurate?
a. Functional headings are useful for complex reports.
b. Functional headings provide more information than talking headings.
c. Functional headings are not appropriate for sensitive or controversial topics.
d. Background is an example of a functional heading.
49. Which of the following is a talking heading?
a. IT Outsourcing
b. Savings
c. Cost Savings
d. Projected Cost Savings for IT Outsourcing
50. Melissa is writing a report that will include headings. What should she do to make sure that her
headings are effective?
a. Enclose the headings in quotation marks to make them stand out on the page.
b. Vary same-level headings in terms of physical position and appearance to help the reader
maintain interest in the report.
c. Use headings as antecedents for pronouns to make her report more concise.
d. Include at least one heading per report page.
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1. Business reports are always presented in writing or orally, but they are not presented digitally.

2. The most common type of report in the workplace is the formal report.
3. You will write reports for only one reason: to convey information.

4. Based on their function, business reports typically fall into one of two categories: instructional or
5. An informative report presents data without analysis and recommendations.

6. The direct organization strategy presents the purpose for writing near the beginning of a report.

7. The direct strategy is appropriate when your readers are informed or supportive of your topic.

8. Use the indirect strategy for all analytic reports.

9. The format for an informal report relies solely on the intended audience.

10. Preprinted forms are useful for reporting repetitive data.

11. If you are preparing a report in manuscript format for an outside organization, print the report on your
company letterhead.

12. The memo or e-mail format is appropriate for short informal reports that stay within organizations.

13. All reports are printed on either paper or preprinted forms.

14. You can attach reports in any format to an e-mail message.

15. The first step in preparing a report is to sit down and begin writing immediately; this technique allows
you to capture your best ideas quickly.
16. Identifying your primary and secondary audiences can help you determine your writing style.

17. Primary data result from reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.
18. Many report writers begin with an analysis of company records and files.

19. Surveys provide the richest, most accurate first-hand information.

20. Business researchers often use such electronic resources such as mailing lists, discussion boards, social
networking sites, and blogs to conduct research for business reports.

21. Informal business reports generally fall into one of six categories. However, in many instances the
category boundaries overlap and distinctions are not always clear-cut.
22. Informational reports may be personalized or standardized.

23. You should organize all informational reports topically.

24. Progress reports are written for only internal readers.

25. Feasibility reports analyze a problem, discuss options, and present a recommendation, solution, or
action to be taken.

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26. When your reader may oppose your recommendation, you should begin the report by announcing the
recommendation directly.

27. Feasibility reports answer such questions as Will this plan or proposal work?

28. Feasibility reports are typically written for internal audiences.

29. Formal meeting minutes provide a record of old business, new business, announcements, and reports,
as well as the precise wording of motions.

30. Informal minutes tend to be longer and less well organized than formal minutes, making the informal
minutes more difficult to read.

31. Summary reports are typical in academic settings but rarely used in business settings.

32. The primary purpose of an executive summary is to concentrate on what management needs to know
from a longer report.

33. A formal writing style includes first-person pronouns, contractions, active-voice verbs, shorter
sentences, and familiar words.

34. The audience, purpose, and setting of a message usually determine the use of a formal or informal
writing style, but only a formal writing style will enhance the authority and credibility of a report.

35. Reports are convincing only when the facts are believable and the writer is credible.

36. Although citing sources in a formal report is essential, you do not need to cite sources in an informal

37. Discussion of Findings is an example of a functional heading.

38. Functional headings should be used instead of talking headings in a report when the report discusses a
sensitive or controversial topic.

39. Headings are advantageous only to the reader of the report, not to the writer.

40. You should include at least one heading per report page.


1. Business ____________________ are systematic attempts to convey information, answer questions,

and solve problems.
2. In a report using the ____________________ organizational pattern, the problem, discussion, and
findings are presented before the conclusions and recommendations.
3. Use ____________________ format for short (usually eight or fewer pages) informal reports
addressed outside an organization.
4. Use Empowered Team Decision-Making Without Losing Control is an example of a(n)
____________________ heading.
5. A distinct type of information report is the ____________________ report. In this type of report,
business travelers identify the event they attended or the company they visited; summarize three to five
main points objectively; and, if requested, itemize their expenses on a separate sheet.

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6. The purpose of a(n)____________________ report is used to tell management whether a nonroutine
project is on schedule.
7. ____________________ or recommendation reports attempt to solve problems by evaluating options
and offering recommendations.
8. A(n) ____________________ condenses the primary ideas, conclusions, and recommendations of a
longer report or publication.
9. When a company must decide whether to proceed with a plan of action, it may require a(n)
____________________ report.

10. ____________________ are a record of the proceedings of a meeting.

Guffey, Du-Babcock, and Loewy | Essentials of Business Communication, 3rd Asia Edition
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