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We could have been heroes, go for the greater good but i wanted revenge and my eam

wanted power, so we went for it.

Was it stupid to go to Aspen after the Moors left because the bitch queen knew they lived
there? Maybe… did that stopped us from escaping to Aspen and have my mother put me in
the same school Aria went to? Absolutely not.
A school for “gifted children” a excuse to say magic children, but a fairy like myself had no
place there, if humans didn’t know about witches, werewolves, and vampires, those
dumbasses didn’t know about the rest of magical living creatures. So I had to get a discuse,
something they would believe; which happened to be a minor and weak which, almost as
much as this twins, the last remains of the Gemini aquelarre.

I wasn’t what they expected, a king who looked like a simple and common peasant.
Someone replaceable, although technically I was, my place was not secured until my crown
and I were linked to the other five. Before that Eline could find another fairy that was brave
enough to take one of Six Crowns by her side. But no one else was, no one who would
tolerate the blood sheet that we would bring. It was sad, but necessary, the bitch queen
wouldn’t abandon her eternity on the throne without it. And I wouldn't let her get away
without it.

My queen, there she was; and right to her… the bitch queen. The queen mother was dying
soon, much more sooner than expected. I thought I would have at another couple of years to
get ready, but I won’t. I would only it a couple of months, a year if we are lucky before she
dies, before we have to fight for the Six Crowns.

Ethan seems to insist that won’t have the stomach for it, that I won’t be able to do what it
takes to get my crown. But I think will, I just have to let the wolf take over and let it do the
job. My queen says he may be right, but that is not why she chose me to lead the wolves,
she did it because of my heart and kindness, she says we will need that after the war. I
believe her.

Is it fun having to leave your hometown and the one person you seem to truly love under the
claim that your father has got a new job that obligates you all to leave far, far away from said
town and person in the name of saving them and giving yourself some time to get ready for
an imminent war that you decided to participate when you were only a child because you
wanted to make the girl you loved an actual queen? No. It is motherfucking not fun.

But yet here I am, moving away so I can become queen of witches; fighting for my crown
besides a so-called monster whom I have chosen as my queen of crowns.
Love and famuly honor (leonor)

The legend of the High Six. Right after the creation of magic by the Hearts the one that was
to be self crowned choose a representative from each of her creations and put herself to rule
the whole world with them but soon she realized that it was much

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