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A PROJECT BY: Two Little Mice

AUTHORS: Riccardo “Rico” Sirignano, Simone Formicola
ART: Daniela Giubellini
TRANSLATION: Caterina Arzani
REVISION: John Marron



Gianluca Alvino, Caterina Arzani, Morena Balocchi,
Marcus Burggraf, Andrea Buzzi, Claudia Cirillo,
Andrea Felicioni, Laura Fornasari, Jeff Grammi,
Grelots Lagriffe, John Marron, Roberto Petrillo,
Claudio Pustorino, Doug Shute, Leonardo Valenti

©2024 Two Little Mice. All rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced
without specific permission.
Welcome Back 4
Genre Book 6
The Outgunned Line 8

Adventurers     13
Adventurer Sheet 14
The Daredevil 16

To Adventure!     24
Rolling Dice 26
Failure 36

Traps & Dangers     39

Dangerous Rolls 40
Fists & Bullets 44
Bang! Bang! Bang! 46
New Mechanics 48

Frozen Legacy     51

Shot introduttiva 56
Adventurers Sheets 68
Welcome Back
It’s been a while.
The world out there is full of unexplored jungles, lost pyramids, and cursed tem-
ples that are just waiting for an unprepared explorer to slip up.
Collapsing floors, creaky bridges, poisoned darts, fire jets, and rolling boulders…
You can expect all that, and even more.

But if I know you, and I’ve seen my fair share of people like you, a few obstacles
and a handful of deadly traps won’t be enough to stop you.
Of course they won’t, you have your eyes set on the treasure.
Wherever this journey may lead you, you will rise to the challenge.

So get up now, on your feet.

Pack your bag and grab your hat.
Gather your maps, and take your pistol too, for good measure.
There’s no turning back now.

Genre Book
og adventure is the first Genre Book in the outgunned Line, and you can
play it either standalone or as an expansion for outgunned.

og adventure is a pulp adventure game inspired by the classics of the genre,

from the immortal Indiana Jones, to The Mummy (1999). In Outgunned Adven-
ture, the Players take on the role of brave Adventurers in search for an invalu-
able treasure.

Director’s Cut
og adventure features a game system called Director’s Cut, a set of mechanics
that uses small pools of six-sided dice to determine the outcome of the Heroes’
actions. When rolling dice, your goal is not to score the highest or lowest possible
number, but to roll two-, three-, and four-of-a-kind.

4 adventure
Everything You Need To Know
Okay, seeing as I have very little time to make a real Adventurer out of you,
we better start with the basics.

Do I need outgunned to play? No. You can play og adventure as a stand-

alone game, without any other rulebook. But if you also have the Outgunned
Corebook, you can enrich the gaming experience with additional mechanics,
Roles, and game options.

Who are we? One of the Players will be the Director of the game, they will be
tasked with setting the scene of the world and interpreting the supporting
char-acters, extras, and enemies. The others will play as Adventurers, people
deter-mined to find their treasure.

Where are we? The game is set somewhere in a cooler version of our World.

When are we? The game is set sometime between 1920 and 1940, when the World
was still wide, different, and unpredictable. Depending on the needs of your story,
you can set a specific date, or settle for a vague “between the two Wars”.

What’s the goal? To find your treasure. Whether it’s cash money or eternal
life, real or metaphorical, the most important thing for you is the treasure, not
the journey!

How many Players do we need?Beside the Director, the game is designed for
a group of 3-4 Adventurers, but can be easily played with two or five
Adventurers without needing any changes.

How many Sessions? The game is designed for short Cinematic Campaigns of
6-8 Sessions and, given its quick and easily accessible nature, is perfect for
one-shots. For longer campaigns, I recommend you string together several
shorter stories to create a Cinematic Saga of sorts. Like Indiana Jones 1, 2, 3,

Welcome Back 5
Genre Book
og adventure is the first Genre Book for the cinematic action roleplaying game
outgunned. This book is a brand-new format, different from both World of
Killers and Action Flicks, and it’s not your typical expansion but an example of
what you can expect from outgunned in the future.

But before looking at the details, let me ask you a question: do you already own the

outgunned corebook??
Yes, I have the outgunned corebook.
You can consider og adventure like a mega-expansion, a rulebook that
changes some of the standard outgunned mechanics and enriches your gam-
ing experience with an unprecedented number of new options, even more than
in World of Killers. Everything you need to bring grandiose pulp adventures to
outgunned is contained in this book, including a rich chapter dedicated to
the supernatural.
But there’s more! og adventure offers simplified rules for combat and chase
scenes, while also adding new concepts such as traps, getaways, and multiple
dangers. You will be able to choose which elements to use for your sessions,
picking either from classic outgunned or the new og adventure. All fully
compatible. Customize your gaming experience!

No, I do not own outgunned.

The good news is that og adventure is completely standalone. You
don’t need any other book to play, not even the outgunned corebook. In
og adventure, you will find everything you need to create Adventurers and set
off on your search for the treasure.
But if you want to make use of the detailed tools to manage adrenaline-paced
action scenes, consider that the outgunned corebook contains all advanced
mechanics to manage chases, enemies, firearms, and ranges. Not to mention
10 unique Roles, such as the Sleuth, the Agent, or the Spy, 18 Tropes, and a slew
of Traits for both Adventurers and their Enemies. All perfectly compatible with
og adventure.

6 adventure
Hero and
In Outgunned
Adventure, the main
characters are
called Adventurers,
while in Outgunned,
they are called
As far as the rules are
concerned, “Heroes”
and “Adventurers” are
interchangeable terms,
so all rules and Traits
that concern Heroes,
work just as well for
and vice versa.

Welcome Back 7
The Outgunned Line

Outgunned Adventure
og adventure is a genre book that contains all
the basic rules needed to play Pulp Adventures with
The good news is that this book is fully standalone. You
don’t need any other book to play!
But if you wish to enrich your gaming experience,
you can find additional mechanics and options in the
outgunned Corebook.

Outgunned (Corebook)
All the basic rules needed to play outgunned in the
classic Cinematic Action style.
In this book you will find everything you need to play as
Heroes ready to save the day. Just like in the movies!
Includes advanced rules to manage ranges, firearms,
enemies, and chases.

World of Killer
World of Killers takes you to a dark world full of ruthless
assassins and hired hitmen. In this John Wick-inspired
expansion you will find the setting for World of Killers,
new rules, new lethal Roles, and an entire campaign
ready to be played.
To play World of Killers you need the
outgunned Corebook.

8 adventure
Action Flicks
Action Flicks is a collection of mini-expansions for
outgunned. It’s a video store of ideas, mechanics, tips,
Roles, and tools to get into the action in ever-changing
and surprising contexts.
Do you want to bring Magic in your sessions? With Action
Flicks, you can. Do you want to bring dangerous Predator
Aliens on the scene, or go Ghost hunting? With Action
Flicks, you can. Do you prefer Superpowers and Multidi-
mensional Travel? You get that too!
To play Action Flicks you need the outgunned
Corebook or og adventure.

Action Flicks Vol. 2

Since you can never have enough Action Flicks, coming
soon: Action Flicks Vol. 2.
New mini-expansions to add even more variety to your
outgunned and og adventure gaming experience!
Follow the og adventure crowd-funding campaign to
learn more about the new Action Flicks.

Mission Dossier
Project Medusa and Fall of Atlantis are both
Mission Dossiers, short introductory campaigns you
can play in 3/4 Sessions.
Each Mission Dossier contains everything you need
to play, like pre-generated Characters, Enemies, and
many useful tips for Directors.

Welcome Back 9
There are many stories going around.

Travelers who return from Africa speaking of immortal warriors

and shamans who can control the raging elements. Drunken sailors
with horror in their voice as they tell stories about a crew of
undead, sailing the sea on a ghost ship to search for a forgot-
ten treasure.
A French lodge of alchemists who allegedly discovered the secret
to eternal life, and rumors about an abominable hairy creature as
tall as two men spreading throughout Nepal. Some claim that an
ancient emperor of China was struck by a curse that turned his
entire army into terracotta statues. Soldiers who were lost among
the dunes in Egypt and brought back a thousand-year-old prophecy
about a mummy.
But what is the truth behind these legends?

In Outgunned Adventure, you will find all the rules needed to

bring supernatural enemies and dangers to your Sessions. It’s up
to you to choose whether magic actually exists in your world, or
if these are all absurd fabrications.

-year -old
Do not aw
The Perfect Enemy
To be worthy of their title, a researcher or an adventurer must
always look at history with an open mind and an open heart, ana-
lyzing the data at their disposal with no prejudice or bias. That
is the only way for them to make great discoveries that change
the course of history.
Unlike the Nazis who, since the very beginning, have tried to
re-write history by manipulating the data at their disposal to
validate truths that align with their agenda.
And it’s exactly their eagerness to exploit history to their
advantage, and their habit of appropriating cultural heritage
from different people, that make Nazis the perfect enemy to stand
against you in Outgunned Adventure.
That, and the fact that they are huge assholes who deserve a lesson.

Allegedly, the Führer is obsessed with the supernatural, and some
claim that he sent agents all over the world to search for leg-
endary weapons, lost technologies, and divine artifacts to help
him conquer the world.

The Ahnenerbe (the association for research and preservation of

ancestral heritage) is a special department of the Nazi SS ded-
icated to historical, scientific, and pseudo-scientific research.
It’s an even more appropriate enemy for the Outgunned Adventure
Cinematic Campaigns with supernatural themes.


Adventurer Sheet
Adventurers are men and women of action who face great risks because they’re
on a quest to find an invaluable treasure. Their lives are always hanging by a
thread, as they face terrible odds.

Some Adventurers are professors in a hat who punch nazis while trying to save
the World. Others are hopeful youngsters in search for their past, or librarians
too curious for their own good. Others still are heirs of wealthy families, ready to
risk it all for a treasure. Some are even tomb robbers and smugglers who end up
involved in something greater than themselves.
But they all have something in common. Their eyes are always on the treasure.

Personal Data
This is everything you know about your Adventurer. Anything else, you’ll have to
live through or learn during the game. We don’t take lengthy backstories here,
only facts, actions, and surprising plot-twists.

♦ Name: Your name.

 Jason O’Connor
♦ Role and Trope: In og adventure there are 5 Roles and 15 Tropes to
choose from. When creating your Adventurer, choose a Role and Trope to
determine your starting Skills.
 Role: Daredevil - Trope: Reluctant Hero
♦ Background: Your background gives you access to information, to con-
tacts, or to specific knowledge.
 Former Soldier
♦ Age: Young, Adult, Old.
♦ Catchphrase: Your tag line, your creed, the words that guide you when it’s
time for action. Basically, your entire identity summed up in a sentence.
 I’ve been through worse!
♦ Flaw: Nobody is perfect. Your flaw is the thing that keeps tripping you up
throughout your adventures.
 I’m afraid of spiders

14 adventure
Your Background can prove useful when you need to gather information or ask
for help. For example, Jason can call on his past as a soldier to contact an old
brother in arms, or to recognize the uniform of an enemy soldier.

Your Catchphrase is a clear indication of how you should interpret your Adven-
turer, and the Director can also use it as a benchmark for when to reward you
with a Spotlight. For example, if Jason manages to emerge victorious when ev-
eryone else was on the point of giving up, he clearly deserves a Spotlight!

Your Flaw, on the other hand, is something you’ll have to deal with or overcome
on your adventure. You can reference your Flaw to guide your interpretation of
Adventurer, and the Director can call your Flaw into play to impose -1 to a rele-
vant roll. For example, Jason is afraid of spiders, and he might hesitate to delve
into a cave full of cobwebs, or lose his cool when a tarantula drops on his head.

In og adventure, you’ll find a list of Roles, and each Role will have suggested
Backgrounds, Catchphrases, and Flaws to guide you as you mold your Adventurer.
















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AWARENESS Adventurers 15

The Daredevil
An adventurer always ready for action, a deserter trying to turn their life around,
or a treasure hunter looking for a thrill.

Daredevils are the archetype of the perfect treasure hunter: strong, daring, and
constantly in harm’s way.
When words are not enough, these Adventurers with a joke and a bullet always
at the ready won’t hesitate to take things into their own hands. And while they
might be reckless, you can always count on their courage and determination
when things get tough.

Former Soldier, Explorer, Tomb Robber

Catchphrase: Flaw:
Leave it to me I act first and think later
Nothing ventured, nothing gained I never refuse a challenge
I only gamble with my life I have a dangerous secret

Characteristics of a Daredevil

Attribute Point: Feats:

Brawn Choose two among:
Skill Points: Get Down!
Endure Gunslinger
Fight Hardened
Stunt That was close!
Cool Thrill Seeker
Survival Gear:
Flirt Pistol or Revolver
Leadership Knife
Stealth Rope

16 adventure
Classic Daredevils
in movies are:

Doctor Henry
“Indiana” Jones Jr.
in the Indiana Jones
saga, Rick O’Connell in
The Mummy, Nathan
Drake in Uncharted,
Lara Croft in Tomb
Raider, Dr. Xander
“Smolder” Bravestone
in Jumanji: Welcome to
the Jungle.

Adventurers 17
Roles and Tropes
In the previous pages, you can see an example of a Role. In og adventure you’ll
find 5 Roles you can choose from when building your Adventurer.

♦ The Daredevil
♦ The Captain
♦ The Star
♦ The Professor
♦ The Smuggler

Each Role grants you 1 Attribute point and 10 different Skill points. Additionally,
Roles allow you to choose two available Feats and suggest possible Backgrounds,
Catchphrases, and Flaws for your Adventurer.

After choosing your Role, you can personalize your Adventurer by choosing one
of 15 available Tropes. Tropes are short labels inspired by classic pulp adven-
ture movies and other media, and they allow you to add a dash of personality to
your Adventurer.
For example, in our list of Tropes you’ll find Wild Heart, Sea Dog and Reluc-
tant Hero.

Each Trope will grant you 1 point in one of two Attributes, 8 Skill points, and 1 Feat
to choose from a list.
After choosing your Role and Trope, you also have 2 additional Skill points to
place as you prefer, and then you’re ready for action!

Reluctant Hero
“Listen, I’m no hero... I’m just me.” Attribute Point: Skill Points:
Brawn or Nerves Endure
When heroism knocks on your door, Fight
you’re pretty sure you shouldn’t open. Feats: Stunt
While you are capable and ready for Choose one from: Drive
action, you don’t feel like the kind Cheerleader Leadership
of person who can save the World Gunslinger Speech
or something like that. That’s what Silver Tongue Detect
makes you exactly that kind of person! That Was Close! Awareness


18 adventure
Weapons & Gear
In og adventure there are two kinds of useful items: Weapons and Gear. We
call all tools that can Help you in specific circumstances Gear. For example, a
Grappling Hook Helps you to climb, while a Lockpick Set helps you open locks.
If you can rely on a Helpful item of Gear, the Director can grant you one of the
following benefits, depending on the circumstances:

♦ GAIN +1 to a roll
♦ GAIN A SUCCESS automatically, without rolling the dice
♦ GAIN THE REQUISITES for a roll that would otherwise be impossible

We will not discuss the Help mechanics in detail in this QuickStart. For now, just
know that anything Helpful grants you +1 to the roll, the rest will be explained in
the complete rulebook.
Weapons are pistols, rifles, and the occasional sharp blade that can help you
keep upwith hardened goons of all kinds. For example:

Hunting Rifle Gain +1 to shoot

You can note down all your Guns and pieces of Gear on the right side of your
Adventurer Sheet. Right underneath that, you’ll find two sections to keep track
of the items in your Bag and Backpack. In the complete rulebook you will also
find a Group Sheet where you can note the items in Storage or in your Rides.

Cash represents the money you can easily access and will be instrumental to
allow you to buy gear or information, and to bribe people.
Each item or service has a cost of 1 to 3 Cash, depending on its value and avail-

Adventurers 19
Attributes & Skills
A plane ticket and a huge load of enthusiasm won’t be enough to power through
the grueling journey that separates you from the treasure. Soon enough, you’ll
realize that the path you have chosen is paved with traps and puzzles.
Luckily, you can rely on 5 Attributes and 20 Skills to help you overcome
any obstacle on your adventure.
Every time you find yourself picking up the dice, you have to choose one At-
tribute and one Skill and add up their scores: that is how many dice you have in
your pool.

BRAWN: Use brawn for all actions that require physical effort.
 Endure: Handle pain, keep going despite exhaustion, hold your liquor.
 Fight: Fight enemies bare handed or in close quarters.
 Force: Hoist, push, pull, or break things.
 Stunt: Jump or run recklessly, dodge bullets.

NERVES: You need nerves of steel for actions that require quick reflexes and
steady hands.
 Cool: Keep your cool, hold still, or show courage.
 Drive: Drive a car or bike, or pilot a plane.
 Shoot: Shoot with pistols and rifles, throw objects with precision.
 Survival: Find your bearings in the wilds, improvise weapons or shelter, hunt
your dinner.

SMOOTH: Show off how smooth you are whenever you have to interact with oth-
er people or want to manipulate them.
 Flirt: Seduce someone or use your charm.
 Leadership: Inspire, give orders, or intimidate people.
 Speech: Persuade or deceive someone, or carry out negotiations.
 Style: Show style and elegance, clean up nice, or prove your artistic talent.

FOCUS: You’ll need focus to concentrate, to notice details, and to recall memo-
ries and knowledge.
 Detect: Find clues and intel, notice details, sniff out lies.
 Heal: Give first aid or comfort someone.
 Fix: Fix a mechanism or vehicle, analyze or disarm a trap.
 Know: Remember information you learned, recall details and other useful

20 adventure
CRIME: Your aptitude for crime will come in handy when acting in secret or to
notice incoming threats.
 Awareness: Keep your eyes and ears open, notice incoming threats.
 Dexterity: Perform sleight of hand, steal something, pick a lock.
 Stealth: Hide, sneak, or move quietly.
 Streetwise: Interact with criminals, know how to navigate through seedy
neighborhoods or deal with organized crime.

You’ll find each Skill under the Attribute it’s paired with most often, but you can
always use any Skill with any Attribute.

When you set off adventuring, you can rely on 3 Feats chosen among the ones
for your Role and Trope. For example, Jason chooses the Feats Gunslinger and
Hardened, among the ones offered by his Role as a Daredevil, and the That Was
Close! Feat from the list tied to his Trope, Reluctant Hero.

Most Feats grant you a Free Re-roll when you act in a specific way. This great-
ly increases your chances of success, but we will talk about that more in the
next chapter.
Other Feats will allow you to take special actions or grant you other advantag-
es, allowing your Adventurer to stand out from the crowd.

In og adventure you’ll find a long list of Feats to personalize your Adventurer

and let them become more powerful over time.

The life of a Adventurer won’t stop at covering you in bruises and riddling you with
bullet holes, it will also leave you permanently changed by many Experiences.
While playing og adventure you have a chance to collect Experiences that will
influence your dice rolls either positively or negatively.

There are 4 types of Experiences: Achievements, Scars, Reputations, and Bonds.

We will not discuss Experiences in this QuickStart, but you’ll find all relevant rules
and some useful tips in the complete rulebook.

Adventurers 21
Grit is what allows you to run through the traps
while everyone else joins the mountain of skele-
tons. It’s only thanks to your Grit that you can stay
inches ahead of a rolling boulder without get-
Luck & Adrenaline ting squashed!
In Outgunned, Heroes
can rely on Adrenaline, Your 12 boxes of Grit are the only things between
while Adventurers in you and death, so hang onto them. We will talk
Outgunned Adventure more about them in the upcoming chapter TRAPS
can rely on Luck. & DANGERS.
But what’s the Once you’re out of Grit, you run the risk of being
difference? Left for Dead, and the only thing that can save
you is a spin of the Death Roulette. It will become
As far as the game harder and harder to bring home your bacon.
is concerned, Luck
and Adrenaline are
interchangeable. Each You Look
Feat that requires you In the You Look section of your Sheet, you can
to spend Adrenaline note down the Conditions you get on your ad-
can also be activated ventures.
by spending Luck, and
vice versa! Conditions impose -1 to specific dice rolls, and
The main difference can be accumulated as consequence of your
between these failures. Each Condition can be obtained and
resources is the way removed in a different way, but we will not go
they are granted and into further details in this QuickStart.
their impact on the

You will find more

details on the topic in
Outgunned Adventure.

22 adventure
When you get a success against all odds, when you make a great sacrifice, when
you evoke a strong emotional response from the group, or when you’re at the cen-
ter of an epic and captivating scene, the Director can reward you with Luck ( ),
up to 6 points.
You can spend your Luck to gain several advantages:

 : Spend 1 Luck gain +1 to an Action or Reaction Roll.

 : Spend 1 Luck to activate the special ability of some Feats.
 : Spend 6 Luck to immediately get a Spotlight.

Luck is an important resource you should use very often. If you get to the end
of a Session without giving or using a handful of Luck, it means you’re being
too stingy.
In og adventure you’ll find everything you need to know about managing,
awarding, and using Luck.

A moment comes in the life of every Adventurer, when they take matters into
their own hands and do something truly epic. That’s what the Spotlight is for!
This extremely precious resource allows you to become the center of atten-
tion and surprise everyone with your action, with no need of rolling dice or taking
chances. You can have up to 3 Spotlights at the same time, and can spend one to:

♦ Get an Extreme Success automatically, instead of rolling the dice.

♦ Save a Friend who has lost at the Death Roulette. When you do this, your
friend adds another Lethal Bullet to their roulette, but at least they won’t
be dead.
♦ Remove a Condition of any kind, including Broken.
♦ Do whatever you want. If you want to do something that you couldn’t,
discuss it with the Director. If you both agree, the Spotlight makes every-
thing possible!

The Director can grant you a Spotlight as a reward for a genius, crazy, or
mind-blowing move. Bonus points if you called into play your Catchphrase or,
even better, your Flaw.

Adventurers 23

To Adventure!
Rolling Dice
Dice are your best friends and your greatest enemies, they can spell the difference
between a fun trip and a one-way journey. And if you want to be an Adventurer, you
better get used to this, because the road to treasure is paved with dice and traps.

When playing og adventure, you shouldn’t roll dice at every turn. Dice rolls are
reserved for situations where there’s something at stake, you catch my drift?
Outrunning a rolling boulder. Sneaking into a museum. Avoiding a volley of ar-
rows. Deceiving your nemesis. Dodging bullets. Landing during a blizzard. These
are the sort of things that require a good old dice roll.

If something can go wrong, roll the dice.

Action & Reaction

There are two types of rolls in this game:
Action Rolls: What you do is up to you. You’re free to choose what Attri-
bute and Skill to call into play, describe your action, and roll the dice.
Jason: The bridge has collapsed, so I guess I will have to jump across. I make an
Action Roll in Brawn+ Stunt.

Reaction Rolls: The Director tells you what is happening and how to react.
The Attribute and Skill you must use to deal with this situation is up to them.
Director: As you’re clinging to the tree branch, a pesky monkey starts walking on
your face. Make a Reaction Roll in Nerves+Endure in order to keep hanging on.

Dice Pool
After choosing an Attribute and a Skill, add up the two scores. The total is the
number of dice you must roll.
Positive or negative circumstances, Luck, Conditions, and Gear can all modify
your chances of success. Add one die for each +1 and remove one for each -1.
All things considered, you can never roll less than 2 or more than 9 dice.

26 adventure
What’s at stake?
When facing a roll there is always something on the
line. Having a clear image of what’s at stake allows the
Director to determine what the consequences of a
success or failure should be.
Broadly speaking, a nice success always means you Adventure Dice
reached your goal. You’ve done it once again! Outgunned Adventure
A failure, on the other hand, means things didn’t is meant to be played
really go as planned. You win some, you lose some. with special 6-sided
dice. Each face on
Attributes and Skills these dice sports
When you’re making a roll, you must always use an original symbol
one Attribute and one Skill. Although Skills are to make it easier to
listed under the Attribute they are most often recognize successes.
paired with, bear in mind that you can always
use any Skill with any Attribute. The Adventure Dice
from are not needed
When shooting, you’ll often roll Nerves+Shoot, and to play, but they make
when throwing punches, you’ll roll Brawn+Fight, for a more tailored
but you can also use your imagination. experience.
Alternatively, you can
To hit a goon after sneaking up behind them, use normal 6-sided dice.
you can roll Crime+Fight. To find a way out while
you’re driving, you can roll Nerves+Awareness.
To make a good impression on someone with
your sophisticated taste, you can roll

To Adventure! 27
Roll Difficulty
The Director is tasked with setting the difficulty for each roll. The higher the dif-
ficulty, the higher success you’ll need to pass the roll.
There are 4 levels of difficulty:

♦ BASIC: A quick and easy action or reaction. Like jumping over an obstacle,
stealing the keys off of a distracted agent, throwing something.
♦ CRITICAL: A full action or reaction. Like bursting through a sturdy door,
jumping out of a window, earning someone’s trust.
♦ EXTREME: A truly demanding action or reaction. Like solving a complex
enigma, shooting a speeding target at night in the pouring rain, persuading
a sworn enemy to cooperate.
♦ IMPOSSIBLE: A desperate action or reaction. A desperate action or reac-
tion. Like accurately hitting a target while you’re plummeting down from
a burning seaplane, dealing with a whole squadron of soldiers barehand-
ed, taking down a fighter jet using nothing but an umbrella and a flock of
seagulls. Thrilling stuff.

Most rolls worthy of an Adventurer are Critical rolls. Usually, that should be the
difficulty of your actions and reactions.
Basic rolls are small fry challenges, while Extreme rolls are what you make in
desperate situations.
Impossible rolls are awfully rare, and you clearly were asking for it!
Double Difficulty
When you’re making an especially complex or dangerous roll, the Director can
choose to set a double difficulty for it.
This means that the roll will have difficulty equal to 2 Basic, 2 Critical, or
2 Extreme (but never 2 Impossible. Jeez!), and you will need 2 successes to pass
the roll.

This rule is more commonly applied to Reaction Rolls to respond to multiple dan-
gers (several people shooting at you from all directions), but can also come into
play for Action Rolls, for example, when you’re trying to make an extremely long
jump, or when you try to swindle someone who is wary of you.
You get a Success for each set of two or more dice that land on the same side.
Two are worth just as much as two and three as much as three .
The symbol makes no difference.

There are 5 levels of success:

♦ BASIC SUCCESS: Pair, 2 of a kind

♦ CRITICAL SUCCESS: Trip, 3 of a kind
♦ EXTREME SUCCESS: Quad, 4 of a kind
♦ IMPOSSIBLE SUCCESS: Quint, 5 of a kind
♦ JACKPOT!: 6 or more of a kind

To pass a Basic roll, you need a Basic Success and to pass an Extreme roll,
you need an Extreme Success. It’s as simple as that.

Director: To make the turn at the very last second, you’ll need
a Critical Action Roll.

Alaska: I roll Nerves+Drive, I have 6 dice. I rolled

Critical Success!

Regista: You don’t even flinch. You swerve around the obstacle
and keep flooring it.

If you score a higher success than needed, the Director can grant you an even
better outcome than you wanted, or give an important advantage. If you score
a lower success, you can try to do something to mitigate (partially!) the conse-
quences of your failure.
If you score more successes than needed, you can use them to take extra

If you score a Jackpot! you become the Director for a turn.

Enjoy a chance to freely describe how your sensational actions take care of
the situation and lead you to success. It’s your turn in the spotlight!

30 adventure
Three = One
One = Three
1 higher success is
worth as much as
3 lower successes, and
3 lower successes are
worth as much as
1 higher success.

This means you can

spend 1 Critical Success
like 3 Basic Successes,
and 1 Extreme Success
like 3 Critical Successes.

Conversely, you can

combine 3 Basic
Successes into 1
Critical Success, and 3
Critical Successes into 1
Extreme Success.

To Adventure! 31
You can’t always get it right on the first try. If, after rolling the dice, you have
scored at least one Basic Success, you can Re-roll.
Re-rolling drastically increases your chances of success, so I suggest you do
it very often!

When Re-rolling, you take all dice that weren’t part of a combination and roll
them again.
If, after a Re-roll, your result is better than the first, congratulations. Other-
wise, you lose one of the previously scored successes. You choose which.
Your new roll is considered better than the first if you roll an additional success
or if you transformed one of your successes into a greater success.


You roll and score You roll and score

You reroll and score You reroll and score

You got a better result! You did not get a better result
and lose your only success.

Free Re-roll
Some Feats allow you to make Free Re-rolls in specific circumstances, or when
you take specific actions. For example, the Gunslinger Feat grants you a Free
Re-roll whenever you’re using, repairing, evaluating, or handling a gun. While the
Thrill Seeker Feat grants you a Free Re-roll whenever you’re trying to avoid traps
or bullets.
A Free Re-roll takes the place of your normal Re-roll, but it’s far better, because:

♦ When you make a Free Re-roll, you never risk losing your initial success. It
doesn’t matter if the Re-roll gets you a better or extra success or not.
♦ You can make a Free Re-roll even if you didn’t score any successes on your
first roll.

Basically, if you can make a Free Re-roll, you should just do it! There’s no reason
for you not to take the chance.

32 adventure
All in
If after making a Re-roll or Free Re-roll you got a better result, you can still
choose to go All In.

Once more, roll all dice that weren’t part of a success, like you would for a normal
If you get a better result, Lady Luck has smiled upon you.
But if you do not get a better result, you lose all previous successes. It’s called
going all in for a reason.

To Adventure! 33
Extra Actions
Whenever you score extra successes, you can spend them to take extra actions
such as:


 Grab or throw an item, reload a weapon, do something quick and easy.


 Break through a door, get behind total cover, find a clue, do something that
requires moderate effort.


 Leap out of the temple before it collapses on you, shoot at a tiny target
while running, block the mechanism of a trap that is flooding the room, do
something thrilling and difficult.

Feats that require quick or full actions can also be activated using extra suc-

If you passed a roll with flying colors and one of your friends has failed, you can
use any of your extra successes to lend them a hand. For example, if you are both
making a Critical roll to jump off of a building and you score 2 Critical Successes,
you can use one to succeed on your roll and the other to grant a success to
your friend.

If a Adventurer doesn’t know how to use their Extra Actions, the Director can
suggest relevant options, but anyway, there is no shame in leaving Extra
Actions unused.

When you can rely on some Gear to Help you or when a friend uses their action to
lend you a hand, you receive +1 to your roll.

34 adventure
What could
go wrong?
If you’re ever in doubt
about which Attribute
or Skill to use for a roll,
ask yourself “What
could go wrong?”.

When you have a

clear idea of the
consequences of your
failure, it will be easier
to think about a way to
avoid them.
You’re driving at top
speed toward a bridge
and see it is rising and
opening up. What can
go wrong here?

You could chicken

out and stomp
on the breaks at the
very last second. This
means you should roll

To Adventure! 35
You rolled your dice, made a Re-roll, and basically did everything you could, but
still didn’t manage to score the success you truly needed.
What’s next? First off, you get up dust yourself off, show the world what kind of
cloth Adventurer are cut from.

No Fail
When you’re playing og adventure failure is never an option.
Failure is simply a pot hole on a long road, a winding unpaved road that you
must travel in order to reach your victorious goal.
The job of a good Director is to exploit failures to create moving, exciting, or
exhilarating scenes, without stopping the flow of the plot or grinding the game
to a halt.

When you fail, it simply means that things didn’t go as planned. You’ll have to
work a bit harder in order to reach your objective, that’s all.
You translate the manuscript quickly and easily, but fail to realize that you got
a word wrong, changing the meaning completely. You leap out of the temple
before it collapses, but fall straight into the rapids. You search for a gun and find
it, unfortunately it’s unloaded and you didn’t think to check before it was too late.
You see? Failing can still be very fun! The only defeat is when the
game stops.

36 adventure
4 Ways to Fail with Style
You’re a Director dealing with a failure? Here are 4 ways to have your Heroes fail
with style:

Roll with the Punches: The Adventurer only gets a temporary or partial
success, or they inadvertently set off unpleasant consequences that can
either be immediately clear or come back to bite them later.
Director: You finally manage to light the torch and find your way through that tun-
nel filled with insects. As you rush out of there, a small tarantula climbs into your
pocket, let’s hope it won’t reemerge at the worst possible time!

Pay the Price:The Adventurer still gets an awkward success, but suffers
a Condition or loses some Cash or Gear in the process.
Director: A huge slab of stone seals the passage, and you barely manage to jump out
in time… unfortunately you left your pistol behind. You’ll have to proceed without it.

Take the Hard Road:The Adventurer doesn’t get the success they wanted,
but their failure allows them to notice a crucial detail, a clue that changes
everything, or a hint at a different way. The new path will be harder and riskier
than the first.
Director: You try to push the wall with all your might, but it’s useless. Exhausted,
you sit on the floor and a drop of ice-cold water falls on your head. You turn your
eyes up and notice an exit right above you… unfortunately you don’t have a ladder.
You’ll have to climb.

Face Danger: The Adventurer ends up in a dramatic situation and is

forced to make a Dangerous Roll. Alternatively, they end up face to face
with a danger or an Enemy.
Director: With a quick sweep, you grab the golden idol and place a rock on the
pedestal. For a moment you feel like you got away with it, then you hear something
menacing. The trap has sprung!

To Adventure! 37

Traps & Dangers

Dangerous Rolls
You’re an Adventurer, to you, danger is an occupational hazard. If you thought
you’d find the treasure on a coffee table in the middle of a blooming garden, I’m
afraid I’ll have to shatter that vision. The treasure is in an impregnable room,
across an impassable hallway, inside a lost temple full of deadly traps, wild ani-
mals, and devilish enigmas. Always the same story.

When you take an action or reaction that puts your life or safety on the line, you
will have to make a Dangerous Roll ( ).
Leaping among fire pillars, running through volleys of poisoned darts, with-
standing a mighty waterfall, and hiding from a team of armed soldiers are all per-
fect examples of Dangerous Rolls.

From now on, we will represent Dangerous Rolls with this symbol . This means
that when you read Action Roll , or Reaction Roll , you are making Danger-
ous Rolls.

40 adventure
Yeah, but what’s the difference?
The difference between a normal roll and a dangerous roll is that if you fail a
dangerous roll, you don’t face the usual consequences for a failure. Instead, you
lose a set amount of Grit depending on the difficulty of the failed roll.

♦ BASIC: You lose 1 Grit

♦ CRITICAL: You lose 3 Grit
♦ EXTREME: You lose 9 Grit
♦ IMPOSSIBLE: You Lose All Grit

When you lose an amount of Grit, you must fill in an equal number of Grit boxes
on your Hero Sheet.
Once all boxes are full, it means you have lost all Grit. Your next mistake could
prove fatal.

Raymond: This is my only option. I look for an opening in the

rocks, and dive there.

Director: To do this, you must make a Dangerous Criti-

cal Roll.

Raymond: I roll the dice and... Crikey! Not even a success.

Director: As you fall, the rocks keep getting closer and clos-
er, and you begin to wonder if this was a big miscalculation.
You hit the water with a majestic belly flop, and lose 3 Grit.
Not your best moment.

Traps & Dangers 41

it Takes Grit!
Grit is what makes you an Adventurer..
When anyone else would run in panic, surrender, or give up hope, you just get
back up and keep fighting to reach the treasure.

Grit is represented by a line of 12 boxes. Whenever you fail a Roll , you fill in a set
number of boxes and stand back up after your failure.
A huge blade swinging from the ceiling? It misses your nose by a few inches.
The temple is crumbling around you? You jumped out at the last second and got
off with a dusty jacket. Are they shooting at you? You just run, with bullets whis-
tling in your ears. Nothing can stop you!

Even if you lose Grit, it doesn’t mean you become more compliant. Quite the op-
posite! Filling in Grit boxes only represents how many times your determination
and dumb blind luck have managed to save your life.

Damage Control
When you make a Roll and fail to score the success you need, you can use any
smaller successes to do Damage Control. You take some small desperate action
to try to avoid losing at least some Grit. It’s better than doing nothing at all.

For every Basic Success you score, you can avoid losing 1 Grit, and for every
Critical Success, you can avoid losing 3 Grit.
But when you make an Impossible Roll , you can’t do Damage Control.

Director: They’re shooting at you! To dodge the bullets, re-

act with Brawn+Stunt. It’s a Dangerous Critical Roll.

Jason: I roll the dice and score a Basic Success. I’ll use it to
keep low while I run away.

Director: You duck your head and hobble through the bul-
lets. You only lose 2 Grit instead of 3!

42 adventure
Special Boxes
Two Grit boxes are different from the others.

♦ BAD BOX: The eighth box is the Bad Box. When you fill in this box, you suffer
a Condition determined by the Director.
♦ HOT BOX: The last box is the Hot Box. When you fill in this box, you immedi-
ately get a rush of 2 Luck. It’s now or never!

Death Roulette
When you lose an amount of Grit equal to or greater than the number of Grit box-
es still open, fill in all boxes. You’ve now lost all Grit.
The really cool thing is that, so long as you have a single open Grit box remain-
ing, you have nothing to fear. It doesn’t matter how great your next failure may
be, the worst that can happen to you is losing all Grit.

When you have lost all Grit, you’re in big trouble. Your next failure in a Roll will
force you to take a spin on the Death Roulette. Scared?
Roll a numeric six-sided die. If the result is greater than the number of Lethal
Bullets in your roulette, you have a narrow escape. Just add a Lethal Bullet to
your roulette and keep on playing.
If the result is equal to the number of Lethal Bullets in your roulette or lower,
I’m afraid to say that you’ll be Left for Dead... unless a friend saves you at the last
second by using one of their Spotlights.

When you get Left for Dead, you bow out. But don’t dwell on this, we’ll discuss it
more in the complete rulebook.

Recovering Grit
You have 3 ways to recover your Grit:

♦ Sleep on it: After a good night of sleep, you’ll feel like new.
♦ Catch a Break: At the end of a breathtaking scene, or after you faced a long
string of dangers, the Director can give the Adventurers a break and allow
them to recover their Grit.
♦ At the end of a Shot: At the end of a gaming Session, the Adventurers can
finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Traps & Dangers 43

Fists & Bullets
You can try to talk with your Enemies, but they will never listen. These goons and
dumb henchmen only understand two words: fists and bullets.
If you want to save the day and prove you are an Adventurer worthy of an action
movie, you better learn how to fight.

In og adventure you’ll find several tools to personalize your gaming experience

and set the stage for thrilling fights and breathtaking chases. For now, I’ll try to
teach you the basics at least.

During combat, regardless of whether it’s a shoot-out or a nice fist-fight, there
are two alternating turns:

Action Turn: Adventurers are free to take any action they want and make
the relative Action Rolls. Additionally, all Adventurers also can take a
Quick Action for free.
Jason: I jump out from cover and open fire on the goons.

Reaction Turn: The Director states the Enemies’ actions and all Heroes
must defend themselves with a Reaction Roll .
Regista: The goons come toward you with guns blazing.
Everyone, roll Brawn+Stunt to duck out of the way.

44 adventure
If the Heroes are the first to attack, combat begins with an Action Turn. If the
Heroes are caught by surprise, combat begins with a Reaction Turn. When in
doubt, the Director can rely on a dice roll.
Action Turns and Reaction Turns keep alternating until the Adventurers manage
to defeat the Enemies, until the opposite happens, or until combat is interrupted.

Action Turn
During an Action Turn every Adventurer can make a Quick Action for free as well
as an Action Roll. An Adventurer can choose whether to use their Quick Action
before or after making their Action Roll.

When taking their Quick Action, an Adventurer can grab or toss an object, reload
a weapon, reach a nearby Enemy, or take another quick and easy action.

When making their Action Roll, on the other hand, an Adventurer can take any
kind of complex action, including attacking the Enemy.

To attack an Enemy, the Hero must make a roll with difficulty equal to the
Enemy Defense. For every success of that level you score, the Enemy loses
1 Grit. Once the Director has filled in the last Grit box, the Enemy is K.O.
If you’re attacking an Enemy with Basic Defense and score 2 Basic Successes,
the Enemy loses 2 Grit. If you score a Critical Success, they lose 3 Grit.

Reaction Turn
During a Reaction Turn, the Director describes the action of the Enemies and
asks all Heroes involved in combat to make a Reaction Roll .
This means that all Reaction Rolls made during combat are Dangerous Rolls.
What else did you expect?

When facing an Enemy, the difficulty of Reaction Rolls is equal to the Enemy Attack.
If you fail, you’ll have to lose some Grit, but you can still spend smaller success-
es to do some Damage Control.
And if you score extra successes equal to the Enemy Defense, you can even
strike back. For every counterattack, the Enemy loses 1 Grit.

Traps & Dangers 45

Bang! Bang! Bang!
You can’t solve all your problems by shooting at them, but when kind words,
stealthy approaches, and good old fists just don’t cut it, the only thing left to do
is to make it rain bullets.
Here you’ll find some tips and general rules about firearms.

In og adventure we don’t keep track of bullets. For every weapon you carry, you
can rely on up to three mags (plus one in the gun).
There are three ways to empty a magazine:

♦ Failure: If you fail a roll to shoot, you lose one mag. You’ll have to reload to
shoot again.
♦ Going Full Auto: When you voluntarily empty a mag against your Enemies
to gain +1 to the roll.
♦ Covering Fire: When you shoot in all directions to force your Enemies to
keep their heads down. Your friends (not you) gain +1 to their next Reac-
tion Roll.

When you’re shooting two guns, you do not get any bonus, but can rely on double
the mags. This means you can lay down covering fire AND shoot, or go full auto
twice in the same round to gain +2 to your roll.
You cannot lay covering fire and go full auto at the same time. Let’s be serious.

If you dive behind cover, you increase your chances of dodging enemy bullets,
but at the same time decrease your chances of hitting the Enemy. It’s up to you.

♦ Partial Cover: +1 to Reaction Rolls, -1 to Action Rolls. You can reach Partial
Cover with a Quick Action.
♦ Total Cover: Automatic Success to Reaction Rolls, -3 to Action Rolls. You
can reach Total Cover by using your entire turn or with an extra Full Action.

46 adventure
Ranges and
advanced weapons
In Outgunned
Adventure, things
are simple enough:
pistols allow you to
shoot, rifles allow you
to shoot with +1.
End of the story!

In the Outgunned
Corebook you find
detailed rules to
manage firearms more
closely, including the
concept of Range.

You’re free to choose

either approach.

Traps & Dangers 47

New Mechanics
og adventure is about people coming together to find something extremely
ancient. Surprisingly enough, even if you’re looking for something more modern,
you’re still in the right place!
In og adventure, you will find new mechanics to make the game experience
more varied and keep things rolling. Here are some example

You open the door and trigger a trap. You pull the lever and trigger a trap. You
grab the treasure and trigger a trap. You get in and trigger a trap. You don’t get
in… and trigger a trap! You don’t need me to tell you that you will find many traps
on your path to adventure. The good news is, that in og adventure you’ll find a
long list of traps ready to use. At least, I think that is good news…

48 adventure
Extended Rolls
Thrilling chases, sport challenges, group stealth, exploring, building, repairing a
ride… the Adventurers’ lives are filled with challenges that can’t just be resolved by
a single roll of the dice. For such cases, you have Extended Rolls!

Contested Rolls
In outgunned, the Director never rolls the dice… unless they choose to do it!
In og adventure, the Director has the option to roll the dice to challenge an
Adventurer who is trying to do something extremely dangerous or crazy.

You scored a lower success than needed and don’t know what to do with it? Thanks
to the new Assist action, you can leave it on the table for the next Adventurer who
is called to roll. More cooperation among Adventurers and less wasted successes.

Danger on Danger
In og adventure you can never have enough dangers, and sometimes they even ad
d up! Thanks to these new mechanics, the Director can put into play a wider
variety of complex dangers, for example Critical + Basic, or Basic + Extreme.
The stakes double.

In og adventure, Time-Out returns with a completely new look, here to allow
you to manage camp scenes where you can find some peace and quiet, even if
you’re in the jungle.

Need to Run!
Here, the electrifying chases from outgunned leave the scene to desperate
getaways as you run from poisonous traps, rolling boulders, and ancient crum-
bling temples that fall apart at a touch.

The world is full of stories about mummies who rise from their eternal slumber,
millennial curses, and snake gods trying to conquer the World. Unfortunately,
many of them are real.
In og adventure you will find an entire chapter dedicated to the Supernatural
and to Supernatural Enemies. All this, accompanied by lists of examples, and
detailed pages like the ones you will find further on.

Traps & Dangers 49


z e n L e g a c y
F r o

Frozen Legacy
Frozen Legacy
Now that I have taught you everything you need to become a great adventur-
er, it’s time to put your skills to the test with some hands-on action. Close this
guide, and get ready to set off on your first adventure!
The upcoming pages go over an introductory Shot and should be read only
by Directors. So, if you’re not one of them, stop reading, you’ll spoil the plot and
fun for yourself.

Shot Summary
In Frozen Legacy, the Adventurers must find a path through the frigid ice of
Greenland to search for the legendary tomb of the Viking explorer Erik the Red.

♦ Scene 1: The Adventurers climb an imposing wall of ice and reach a mausole-
um that looks like it could be the tomb of Erik the Red.

♦ Scene 2: The fake Christian tomb of Erik the Red turns out to be a cunning
trap. The Adventurers need to avoid it or deal with it in order to find a secret
passage through the water.

♦ Scene 3: In an underground cave, the Adventurers must face Odin’s chal-

lenge to prove that they are worthy of the hidden treasure.

♦ Scene 4/5: After making it through the secret passage, the Adventurers
find a huge abyss that plunges into the depths of the earth. Nestled at the
heart of this abyss, suspended in the void, there is a massive Viking ship.
The treasure is in the hull of that ship, but a single misstep could cause ev-
erything to crumble.

♦ Scene 6: Inside the ship, the Adventurers finally find the coveted treasure,
a map to the lost city of Atlantis. But there’s no time to celebrate, as
the ship starts to fall into the abyss, and the Adventurers must rush to get
away before it’s too late.

52 adventure
Erik the Red was possibly the greatest Viking explorer,
and over his eventful life, he witnessed incredible
things and accumulated unimaginable wealth.
At the beginning of the year 1000, he retreated to live
in Greenland, a land he had discovered himself, and
spend his last days like a true Viking, refusing to follow
his son’s example and convert to Christianity. Pro Tips
Each page of this
The Shot opens with the Adventurers climbing a fro- introductory Shot will
zen cliff in Greenland. They are on a mission to find be flanked by a page
the tomb of the legendary explorer, armed with with some Pro Tips
nothing but their thirst for adventure and a mys- for Directors. These
terious amulet, Odin’s Key. are useful tips that will
help you best manage
Days before, the Adventurers were hired by every Scene.
Professor Kasper Wieloch, a wealthy luminary
who entrusted them with Odin’s Key and point- To get the best out of
ed them to a cliff in Greenland, asking them these Pro Tips,
to retrieve a priceless and ancient artifact I recommend you view
that should be located in the lost tomb of Erik this guide as two side-
the Red. by-side pages, so that
Not even Professor Wieloch knows what you can easily keep an
the treasure is, but it’s pretty clear that he is eye on everything you
willing to pay good money to any Adventurer might need.
who succeeds in retrieving it.
No need to thank
To be continued... me. You may be an
Frozen Legacy is the first Shot of a 3-shot Adventurer now, but I
mini-Campaign. still have your back!
You will find the complete adventure i n the
Mission Dossier: the Fall of Atlantis!

Frozen Legacy 53
The Daredevil The Captain
Jason O’Connor Alaska Everhart
Reluctant Hero Dreamer

Jason is always ready for action, and Alaska dreams about traveling the
he never backs down from a chal- World on her trusty seaplane and go-
lenge. Destiny has been trying to ing on great adventures. While she is a
make him a Hero, but he is stubbornly hopeless dreamer, Alaska has proven
dodging the call. time and again that her feet are firmly
on the ground.

54 adventure
The Smuggler The Professor
June (Segong Ye-jun) Raymond Suri
Born Rebel Cowardly Lion

Some treasures are truly priceless. Not all adventurers have muscular
Nevertheless, June will certainly try bodies and loaded pistols. Some wear
to sell them to the highest bidder. To glasses, avoid unnecessary dangers,
her, adventure is just a job, but it is and do their best to not destroy ev-
the best job in the World. erything they touch. Raymond Suri is
one such adventurer!

Frozen Legacy 55
Shot introduttiva
The scene opens with the ADVENTURERS hanging on the steep wall of
a frozen mountain. They can barely glimpse the end of the climb
above them, while beneath, thick white clouds hide a terrifying
precipice. Nobody would survive such a fall.
Their only option is to keep climbing to reach their destination
1 with Odin’s Key.

The ADVENTURERS are tied to each other with a thick rope and must
proceed in single file on the vertical climb as ruthless winds try
to yank them from their hand-holds.
The first in line is responsible for placing large pitons in the
frozen wall that will allow them to secure the rope, creating a
safe holding point for the climbers coming after them. The char-
acter who volunteers to place the pitons must make an Action Roll
2 in Brawn+Survival.

If they score a Critical Success or greater, they manage to firmly

plant the piton in the ice, and the other ADVENTURERS can keep
climbing without much trouble until they reach the mountain summit.
If the ADVENTURER only scores a Basic Success, the piton creates
a small but dangerous crack in the ice which could open wider as
the others put their weight onto it. Every ADVENTURER who uses
that piton on their climb must flip a coin. If the result is Heads,
the crack becomes too wide and the piton suddenly slips out.
Finally, if the ADVENTURER who places the piton scores no Success at
all, the piton gives way as soon as the next person hangs onto it.

If the piton suddenly slips away, the ADVENTURER who was using it
to climb runs the risk of falling down, as does everyone behind
them in the roped party [Basic Reaction Roll in Nerves+Dexterity]
while all the ADVENTURERS who had already climbed over the
piton, including the one who planted it, risk being dragged down
by their allies [Basic Reaction Roll in Brawn+Endure].
After overcoming this possible hiccup, the ADVENTURERS can finally
end their grueling climb and reach the summit.
Once there, they can clearly see an imposing burial structure
that looks like a small mausoleum nestled in the frozen land-
scape. Professor Wieloch was right, the tomb of Erik the Red
exists and they have found it.


Odin’s Key
Odin’s Key is a metal
disk carved with ancient
runes. Set in its center,
there is a sheet of
hard rock so thin that
it allows light to
pass through.
Before proceeding with
the story, ask the
Adventurers who among
them is carrying the
Key and where do they
keep it.

Who goes first?
In order to ascend, the Adventurers used a rope to tie themselves
to each-other, and then proceeded to climb in single file. Before
moving on, ask the Adventurers about their climbing order, just
in case things take a turn for the worst.
This is the perfect chance for you to ask the Adventurers what
they think about their mission and allies, and how do they feel as
they go on this adventure. Are they fascinated at the thought of
an impending discovery or eager to return somewhere safe and warm?
Don’t rush into the next scene, there is nothing wrong with keep-
ing the Adventurers hanging for a while!

Dangerous Rolls
This is when the Adventurers might need to make their first
Dangerous Roll ( ).
The Adventurers who fail the Reaction Roll will lose 1 Grit but
still survive thanks to the help of one of their fellow climbers
or to an unexpected stroke of luck. If you want to brush up on
Dangerous Rolls, go to SECTION 3: TRAPS AND DANGERS.

On top of the mountain, the wind is even harsher than during the
climb, carrying the threatening sound of waves that crash hun-
dreds of feet below. By looking over the edge on one side, the
Adventurers can see the wall they just had to climb, while on
the other side, the sea spreads as far as the eye can see. It’s
appropriate for the tomb of a Viking explorer who ruled the seas
a thousand years ago to be located in such a beautiful and un-
reachable place.
The tomb of Erik the Red is a classic Christian monument dating
back to the year 1000, composed of a large memorial stone stand-
ing out against the sky. The huge gravestone is completely sur-
rounded by ice, wedged deep, and decorated with a Christian cross
and the inscription “sicut vixi ego relinquo” (As I lived, so I
depart). An ADVENTURER can attempt to translate this inscription
with a Basic Action Roll in Focus+Culture, but those who can’t
rely on the Archeology Feat suffer -1 to the roll.
As they step closer, the ADVENTURERS can easily notice a slot in
the tombstone shaped exactly like Odin’s Key, the artifact that
they are carrying.
The tomb of Erik the Red is actually a fake. An ingenious trap
designed by the Viking explorer to ensure that only his most loy-
al followers could reach his treasure.
If the ADVENTURERS insert the Key into the slot, the tomb starts
to shake, provoking an actual earthquake that causes the mountain
summit to crumble, dragging the Adventurers down the cliff and
into the sea [Critical Reaction Roll in Brawn+Stunt].
After the fall, the ADVENTURERS reemerge from the freezing waters
and can spot the entrance to a cave at the bottom of the cliff.
Those who fail to score at least a Basic Success also suffer the
5 Tired Condition.

If the ADVENTURERS wait before inserting the Key, they have sev-
eral ways to notice that the tomb is actually a trap.
They can either take the time to ponder the words carved in the
stone and the fact that the key to the treasure was dedicated to
Odin, or they can make a Critical Action Roll in Focus+Know. Ei-
ther way, the ADVENTURERS can come to the realization that Erik
6 the Red never betrayed his pagan faith, and thus would have never
accepted a Christian burial.
A true Viking such as Erik the Red certainly entrusted his mortal
spoils to the cold waters of the sea. So, if they look toward the
sea at the bottom of the cliff, the clever ADVENTURERS can spot
the entrance to a secret cave.

This feels too easy
Once the climb is over, the Adventurers reach what looks like the
gravestone of Erik the Red, and everything appears to be going
according to plan. Try to extend this moment, giving the Adven-
turers some time to realize that their hunt for the treasure is
going all too well. You don’t need to give away the solution,
just pick your words carefully as you describe this perfectly
carved slot, shaped exactly like Odin’s Key, that the Adventur-
ers have found so easily, requiring no further effort and posing
no challenge.

Everything falls apart
If the Adventurers are reckless and don’t think twice before in-
serting Odin’s Key in the fake tomb, the ground will literally
collapse under their feet. The consequences will be moments of
sheer panic, some Dangerous Rolls, and a rough fall that ends
with a hefty belly-flop in the freezing waters of Greenland. Lo
and behold, this pitfall will bring them right to their target:
such is the life of Adventurers!

Worship of Odin
Erik the Red never abandoned his faith and never accepted to con-
vert to Christianity. If anyone of the Adventurers can remember
this information or deduce it thanks to the clues in the scene,
they have well earned 1 Luck. You should always reward knowledge!
Alternatively, the situation can also be resolved with a good old
dice roll in Focus+Know.

However, even if none of the Adventurers are experts in history

or religion, there are other ways to realize that this is a trap.
For example, they could examine the shape of the Key with an Ac-
tion Roll in Crime+Fix, or lean out over the edge to look for a
passage at the bottom of the cliff.
In any case, your job as a Director is to give the Adventurers all
the tools they need to find a solution, and reward their bright
ideas and intuitions.

After climbing their way down the cliff or plunging straight into
the freezing waters, the ADVENTURERS reach the entrance of a sea
cave. There, they find a path leading deep into the icy mountain.
The cave appears to be of a natural origin, but a Basic Action
Roll can reveal that someone or something caused a collapse a
long time ago and significantly narrowed the entrance.

As they reach the depths of the cave, the temperature rises no-
ticeably and the ADVENTURERS are surrounded by darkness. They
must find a source of light in order to proceed. Lucky for them,
there are the remains of Viking skeletons on the ground, some of
them carry crumbling weapons, others carry rotting torches.
An ADVENTURER can try to light one of the torches with a Critical
Action Roll. Regardless of the roll’s outcome, the torch catches
the flame and sheds light into the darkness. At least for now…

As they proceed on the path, the ADVENTURERS realize that the

ice beneath their feet is slowly turning into a finished stone
floor. Holding the torch high, they see the beginning of a man-
made hallway dating back to the year 1000. They are on the cor-
rect path.
At the end of the hallway, they can make out a stone statue of
Odin, the Norse god, holding a golden spear in one hand.
On the ground, the ADVENTURERS can see square tiles in many fading
colors apparently laid without a regular pattern.

Unfortunately for the ADVENTURERS, the hallway is a lethal trap.

Setting foot on the wrong tile could prove fatal for them.
By trying to examine the statue of Odin from a distance, the
ADVENTURERS can notice it wears a golden eye-patch over its left
eye. And on the patch, there are runes that look similar – actu-
ally, identical – to the ones on the Odin’s Key they carry.

In order to make it past the trap, an ADVENTURER must place

Odin’s Key in front of their eye and look through the stone as
if it were a monocle. Only then can they see the right path to
follow in order to avoid triggering the trap.


Odin’s Route
Erik the Red wanted to ensure that only a true Viking could make it
past his traps, and this is why Odin’s Route hides a clever catch!

If an Adventurer looks through Odin’s Key with their left eye

(the same side covered by the golden eye-patch in the statue)
they will easily spot a path on the tiles… but alas, it will be
the wrong one! It will only take three steps, barely enough to
draw a sigh of relief, before the trap triggers.

Historically, Odin always wears a patch on his right eye. Erik

the Red placed it wrong on the statue in order to mislead future
grave-robbers! The Adventurers can see through this trick thanks
to their own knowledge, or by making a roll in Focus+Know at the
right time. Always reward players for their intuition and cau-
tion, maybe with a nice Spotlight! By looking through Odin’s Key
with their right eye, an Adventurer can finally find the right path
through the hallway.

X = Good
If the ADVENTURERS make it past Odin’s Route, a huge slab of
stone will rise behind the statue, revealing the next stretch of
their path.
8 However, if the ADVENTURER who lit the torch at the beginning of
the Scene failed their Action Roll, the consequences have finally
caught up with them. The badly crafted torch snuffs exactly as
the ADVENTURER reaches the midpoint of the Route, making it im-
possible for them to see the tiles. After that, there is no way
to know where to go to avoid triggering the trap!

When an ADVENTURER sets foot on the wrong tile, Odin’s statue

lowers its spear, and the ADVENTURERS are run over by powerful
waves as the entire hallway gets flooded with freezing sea-water
9 [Critical Reaction Roll in Brawn+Endure].
After withstanding the first impact, the ADVENTURERS must find a
way to get out of the hallway before drowning, and they have
three possible solutions: They can move the patch on Odin’s
statue to the right eye, sabotage the spear mechanism with a Fix
roll, or use the spear as a lever to lift the stone slab behind
the statue with a Force roll


After braving Odin’s Route, the ADVENTURERS can finally glimpse a
light at the end of the passage. Following that light, they will
reach an amazing view.
A huge chasm opens right before them in the glistening ice,
stretching to the dark depths of the Earth. Here, the temperature
is sensibly higher than on the surface, and the ADVENTURERS can
take off their winter coats (especially if they are wet), take a
breath, and Catch a Break, recovering all lost Grit.

By looking up, the ADVENTURERS can easily realize two things.

First of all, the chasm beneath them also expands above them,
cutting through the frozen mountain like the throat of a sleeping
volcano, and ultimately opening in a distant vent that allows the
sunlight to reach the depths.

Secondly, there is a huge VIKING SHIP suspended in the middle of

10 the chasm, with both bow and stern wedged into opposite ice walls.

Damned Torch!
If the Adventurer who lit the torch failed their roll, this is
the perfect time to teach our explorer friends about the con-
sequences of their mistakes! Take your time as you describe the
flame on the torch that starts to waver, slowly grows dim, and
ultimately goes out, plunging them into darkness.

Disarming the Trap
In Outgunned Adventure failure is never an option, so the Adven-
turers will always find a way to disarm the trap and get out of
the thorny situation. But this doesn’t mean that everything will
go their way!
As consequence for a failure when disarming the trap, you can say
that the Adventurers will need to face another Reaction Roll ,
that they are forced to look for a different solution, or that they
will suffer a Condition before making it through. It’s up to you!

The Lost Ship
According to history books, Erik the Red sailed toward the coast
of Greenland with 25 ships, but only 14 of those returned. The
colossal drakkar the Adventurers find suspended in the middle of
this chasm must be one of the “missing” ships. Its massive wooden
hull could hide the lost legacy of the Viking explorer. The prob-
lem is finding a way to get on board…
On one side, the bow of the ship is deeply wedged into the ice.
On the other, the stern is gingerly resting on a rock spur. The
entirety of the body of the Viking drakkar is suspended in the
void, and could fall in the chasm at any moment.
Maybe a thousand years ago this chasm was filled with water.
What’s certain, is that the ADVENTURERS won’t have an easy time
climbing aboard given the current conditions.

This Scene is divided in 4 main phases, but it’s extremely free-

form, and there are several ways to go about it.

1. The ADVENTURERS need to get on the ship. For example, they

could use ropes and grappling hooks, build an improvised
bridge, or climb on one of the ice walls. Depending on their
approach, they will need to make Basic or Critical rolls.
2. Once on the ship, the ADVENTURERS must find a way to get below
deck and reach the inner hold door. In this phase, they must
choose their moves with extreme caution, possibly making Stealth
rolls to avoid compromising the ship’s delicate balance.
3. Below deck, the ADVENTURERS find a heavy trapdoor that can
be forced open with lockpicks or brute strength thanks to a
Critical Action Roll.
4. In the cargo hold of the ship, the ADVENTURERS find nothing by
old crates full of frozen fish and other trivial items. In order
to proceed, they must find the secret passage to the treasure.

11 The problem is that the Viking ship is extremely unstable.

Whenever the ADVENTURERS fail a roll, the ship will roll to one
side as a consequence, possibly even turning upside down, getting
ever-closer to the point when it falls into the chasm.

Whenever the ship shifts, all ADVENTURERS must face a Critical

Reaction Roll and run the risk of losing some Grit.
Additionally, when the ship is on one side or upside-down, the
ADVENTURERS will have a hard time finding their bearings, and
could be forced to climb back to the hold instead of continuing
their descent, as well as having to deal with all problems that
could follow.

Stop the ship, I want to get off!
The massive Viking drakkar suspended on an icy chasm that rolls
over with every misstep is certainly a focal point for this ad-
venture! Have fun describing the dangers and absurdities of this
peculiar Scene. If you’re ever in doubt about the consequences to
dole out, you can roll a die or follow one of these suggestions:

1. The ship slips to its left side.

 Ice spikes fall from the wall above, falling toward the ship.
Roll Nerves+Stealth to dodge.

2. The ship swings to its right side.

 Crates, barrels, and wooden benches come toward you at full
speed. Roll Crime+Awareness to dodge.

3. The ship slips lower and comes to a sudden stop.

 For a moment, everything seems lost. Roll Nerves+Cool. In the
end, you’re all okay!

4. The ship turns upside-down.

 You get hurled upwards and smack straight onto the ceil-
ing. Roll Brawn+Stunt to land safely. Now everything is up-

5. The ship falls several feet and only the bow remains stuck.
After a moment of panic, you find yourselves dangling by the
bow like a pendulum. Roll Brawn+Endure to keep holding on.
Things are even more unstable now.

6. The ship spins on itself and returns right-side up.

 Everything is reeling. Roll Nerves+Dexterity to grab onto
something before it’s too late.

If an Adventurer fills in their Bad Box during this Scene, the

Director should choose whether they suffer the Hurt, Nervous, or
Scared Condition.

The hold of the ship is full of crates and rotting barrels, but
there’s no trace of a treasure or anything valuable left by Erik
the Red. Looking around, it appears as if all their searching led
to a hole in the water, but the Viking ship is obviously hiding
one last secret: a false bottom.

The ADVENTURERS can find the false bottom leading to the treasure
hold by moving some of the planks in the floor, or by making a
successful roll in Focus+Detect. Alternatively, when a failure
causes the ship to roll for the first time, a large crack forms in
the wood, causing old and worn gold coins to scatter through the
hold and revealing the path to the treasure.

After opening a passage to the false bottom of the ship, the

12 ADVENTURERS can see a mountain of gold coins and other precious
items: a real, actual treasure.
But the Adventurers didn’t come here to look for gold, they are
after something far more precious.

Waiting for them at the bottom of the hold, there is the skeleton
of a Viking warrior holding a letter and a cypher with a trident
engraving. This must be the artifact Wieloch is looking for.
There are only two words on the letter the skeleton is clutching
“Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος”, which is Greek for Island of Atlantis.

13 After retrieving the cypher, the ADVENTURERS have no time to

celebrate, as the ship begins to creak and crack, clearly on the
verge of starting its final descent to the bottom of the chasm.
There’s no time to lose.
To make it off the ship before it’s too late, the ADVENTURERS
14 will have to succeed in three different : one to get out of
the hold [Basic], one to get off the ship [Critical], and one to
find and reach a safe place [Critical]. The exact rolls depend on
their approach to the situation.


After retrieving the cypher and making it to safety, the ADVEN-
TURERS can enjoy the show as the massive drakkar of Erik the Red
15 is swallowed by darkness at the bottom of the icy chasm.
That was a close call, but the adventure is only beginning!

Fortune and Glory?
You can’t see a huge treasure and have no reaction at all. If the
Adventurers are in bad shape (for example, if most of them have
already filled in their Bad Box), this could be the perfect chance
to allow them to Catch a Break.
Anyway, not all that glitters is gold, because if the Adventur-
ers try to stuff their pockets with even a small part of the
treasure, they shift the weight of the coins and start a chain
reaction that will plummet the ship into the gorge. They’ll have
to hurry, get the cypher, and run.
Have fun describing how a simple, tiny, innocuous coin can throw
the entire cargo off balance: this is a classic!

Atlantis Found
So this is what Professor Wieloch was looking for, a map to Atlantis?
This unbelievable discovery is the perfect moment for the ship to
collapse and cause a bit of a stir.

Why does everything need to collapse?!
Either due to their own greed or to a twist of Fate, the Adven-
turers ultimately end up falling toward the unfathomable depths
with the ship. This always happens!
Allow the Adventurers to devise their own way out. They could
swing from a rope hanging by the hull of the ship, or climb on
the main mast to reach a frozen wall, or, why not, even improvise
a parachute using the ship’s sails and the warm air that blows
from the deep. The crazier their plan, the more epic will their
getaway be!

The journey begins
LaThis Shot is over, but the adven-
ture continues in Mission Dossier:
The Fall of Atlantis. What myster-
ies are hiding in that sunken city?

Jason O’Connor TREASURE Erik the Red's Treasure


TROPE Reluctant Hero

BACKGROUND Former Soldier AGE Adult

FLAW Afraid of spiders

CATCHPHRASE I’ve been through worse!



grit AT







NERVES feats
Gunslinger: Gain a Free Re-roll whenever you're using,
SHOOT repairing, evaluating, or handling a gun.
REVOLVER: Can be used to shoot.
That was close! : Spend 1 Luck to repeat one Reaction
SMOOTH Roll of any kind. You must keep the new result.

You can download this Sheet at

SPEECH KNIFE: Grants Help to cut things.
Hardened: Gain a Free Re-roll when scaring somebody
STYLE WINTER CLOTHES: Protect from the cold.
or resisting fear.
Adventurers Sheets



Alaska Everhart TREASURE Erik the Red's Treasure


TROPE Dreamer

BACKGROUND Postal Carrier AGE Adult

FLAW Never asks for help

CATCHPHRASE Crying won’t help, get down to work



grit AT







NERVES feats
Pilot: Gain a Free Re-roll when driving, repairing,
SHOOT or evaluating a flying ride.
PISTOL: Can be used to shoot.
Reassure : Save an ally from suffering a Condition when they
SMOOTH reach the Bad Box, or grant them +1 to a roll with 4 dice or fewer.

You can download this Sheet at

SPEECH WINTER CLOTHES: Protect from the cold.
Fix-it: Gain a Free Re-roll to repair rides or disarm
STYLE TORCH LIGHTER: Grants Help to light torches or fires.


Segong Ye-jun a.k.a.June TREASURE Erik the Red's Treasure


TROPE Born Rebel


FLAW Can’t resist an easy score

CATCHPHRASE Either we do it, or someone else will



grit AT







NERVES feats
Hidden Pocket : Spend 1 Luck to retrieve a small object
SHOOT that you lost, or to hide an item while you are being frisked.
PISTOL: Can be used to shoot.
Lockpick: Gain a Free Re-roll when trying to pick any
lock, door, or closed container.

You can download this Sheet at

SPEECH WINTER CLOTHES: Protect from the cold.
Maverick: Gain a Free Re-roll whenever you make an Action
STYLE Roll to do something against the intentions or plan of the group.

KNOW LOCKPICK SET: Grant Help to open
locks without the key.
Raymond Suri TREASURE Erik the Red's Treasure


TROPE Cowardly Lion

BACKGROUND University Professor AGE Adult

FLAW Afraid of heights

CATCHPHRASE There must be another way!



grit AT







NERVES feats
Archeology: Gain a Free Re-roll for all rolls that deal with
SHOOT archeology, dead languages, or ancient civilizations.
Watch and Learn : After an ally pass an Action Roll,
SMOOTH spend 1 Luck to succeed in the same roll.

You can download this Sheet at

SPEECH WINTER CLOTHES: Protect from the cold.
I Meant to Do That! : After failing a Reaction Roll, spend
STYLE 1 Luck to cause a positive turn of events.


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