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Mentoring: Your Way to Change the World

Hard work, persistence and determination are important for success in life. There are hundreds and
thousands of examples where people from underprivileged background did miracles and changed
the course of history. Abraham Lincoln a son of a carpenter, Sylvester Stallone a son of a hair
dresser, Steve Jobs an abondand child, JK Rowling a poor and single mother, Oprah Winfrey a
raped child and a teenage mother are examples of people who made it to the top in spite of facing
the worst kinds of hardships. If you study their lives carefully you will find people who helped
them to find their true selves and perceive a goal.

Abraham Lincoln: an epitome of inspiration

The biggest inspiration of the great Abraham Lincoln was his father. He on several occasions
expressed how much he was proud of his father and his work. He became the president of america
in extremely difficult times but still managed to drag out America from the horrors of civil and put
an end to the anarchy. This is not just an example but a time's proven recipe that for a person to
become successful he/she needs a mentor who guides and supports him when he needs it the most.

What scholars have to say about mentoring!!

The eminent American educator Stephen Covey says that most of the great personalities and
mentors have a perfect goal for people in their mind. They know exactly what type of results they
want from people and what those people are capable of. They have clarity in their mind and are
determined to tranform a person. They know the importance of a task and the reason why
achieving it is important. One of the great things about them is that is they would work towards
the development of people's minds and their ambitions. They help them to dream. They help them
to live their dreams.
In today's blog post we are going to discuss how you as a mentor can transform someone's life. So
don't go anywhere and keep reading.

Who needs mentoring??

Everybody needs mentoring. There can hardly be a human who has not felt low in his life. These
hard times if faced alone can cause irreparable damage to overall personality and well being.
Teens however are more vulnarable to lose hope and stop perceiving their goal because of the
emotional unstablity that is caused by puberty. So, they are more in need of guidance and training
compared to adults.
According to a survey, one-fourth of school going kids in America, give up before completing
their high school. The situation is much worse in students from African and Hispanic origin. The
reasons behind this delimma are many. Lack of motivation, lack of facilities, poverty and most
importantly lack of people who could help them to envisions dreams. The sad part of this whole
thing is that most of these dropouts are extremely talented and have enormous potential. These lost
stars, instead of lifting themselves and their families, the enter the world of crime and drugs. This
not only affects their lives but the whole economy of the country.
Why someone needs mentoring?
Mentoring plays a crucial role in professional growth and pychological development of an
individual. And these things can't just be attributed to the skills and knowledge that a mentor
imparts to his student. A mentor helps his student to socialize well and develop a strategy which
can help him in his professional life. A survey conducted by princeton research associates for the
common wealth in the year 1998 to find the impact of mentoring on youth. This survey showed
that mentoring had a very positive and long-lasting impact on the people who had an access to this
facility. After proper guidance and support, nearly 52% of kids stopped skipping schools, 48% of
them improved their grades, 47-48% stopped getting into troubles both in and out of schools, and
substance abuse in them was decreased by 45%.
It further showed that protégés were much better at handling a situation compared to the
nonprotégés and thus had a more potential to positive role in society.

How you can contribute??

If you look back at your life and recalls all the hardships you have been through, you would
certainly want youngsters not to go through the same. How many times you were feeling low but
there was no one who could tell you that you were doing best. You have managed to come out of
that dark period but not everybody is as strong as you are. There are above 50 million young peeps
living in America and nearly 17 million of them don't have a trusted adult who could help them to
fight the challages that they face on everyday basis. You can be the one who removes the
ambiguity and uncertainties that stop them for accomplishing their targets. You can bring the
positivity and purpose to their lives. Your energy can not only enlighten their path but also kills
the darkness that is devouring their abilities and dreams.

There is a french proverb which says that action speaks louder than words, so a thousand books
and words can't do the same impact as that of great mentor. All the examples and surveys that we
have mentioned prove one thing and that is the importance of guidance and support in life. People
may find it difficult to choose for themselves, or to take that path after choosing. They need people
like you who can help them to find themselves, set their goals and give a meaning to their lives.
So, don't wait. Be the light of someone's life. Pull them out of their insecurities and help them
reach their destiny.
We hope that you would have liked reading this blog post. If you any questions, queries or want to
add something you can write those in the comment section. Stay happy, healthy and blessed.

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