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EDUCATING OUR MOBILE CHILDREN (Thay đổi địa điểm giáo dục )

One of the greatest concerns parents have when facing an international move is
“What schooling will be available to my child? Will my child be disadvantaged
academically as a result of this move?” Although this fear is certainly strongest in
families moving overseas for the first time, even those who may be more
experienced often have concerns about their children’s education.
Dr. Ernest Mannino, Director of the State Department’s Office of Overseas
Schools, and Dr. Keith Miller, Deputy Director of the office, spoke candidly about
some of the common concerns parents have regarding the education of their
children. Dr. Mannino and Dr. Miller caution parents against making assumptions
about their children’s education. To make an educated choice, parents need to think
through schooling issues and to search post school as far in advance of a move as
Children who are internationally mobile have many choices of schools to attend. In
most major cities, there are schools based on the U.S., French, German, and British
systems. Some parents also choose to become their children’s teachers through
home education. Which school is appropriate for your child is an individual
decision based on many factors.
One of the primary factors that should be considered is what type of college or
university your children will attend after high school. Some parents want an
international education instead of an education within an American system school
and fortunately, they have the opportunity to go to these types of schools. But what
parents must keep in mind whether this school will best prepare your child for
education beyond high school.
Parents may be tempted to alternate their children’s school system in order to
enhance cross-cultural understanding, but many experts suggest just the opposite.
Mannino and Miller warn that differences in the sequencing of curriculum (khác
nhau về những sự sắp xếp trong chương trình giảng dạy) exist in the high school
grades; moving your child from one academic system to another during this time
can handicap a child academically . At the very least, the parents should learn what
the differences in curriculum are and try to keep the child in one system (although
this may be in more than one location) for all of the high school years. It is clear
that whatever continuity you can provide these children is very important. The nice
thing about the American school system or the French, German or whichever, is
that it is the same school system throughout their lives.
Many parents are hoping their children will enter a college or university in their
home country. Especially in the high school years, it is important to select the
school system that will best prepare your child for the college of choice and stick
with that system throughout the high school years. (nguyên nhân này là liên quan
đến trường học sau cấp ba, như cao đẳng đại học)
Other factors that affect school choice include your child’s grade, language skills
and personality (nguyên nhân khác: lớp học cho trẻ, kỉ năng ngôn ngữ, tính cách).
Despite some parents’ desires to have their children learn other languages through
their schooling option, most children will want to go to school that has other
children from their passport culture.
The international school systems offer considerable benefits to the mobile child.
Unlike some students in domestic schools, students in international schools have a
stronger sense of empathy for new kids since almost everyone has been new at one
time or another. Many of the international schools also have excellent academic
standards. The Office of Overseas Schools reports that graduates of the
approximately 190 schools it assists achieve SAT scores well above the national
average. These children often make it into excellent universities in part because of
their international schooling.
Question 1: Write a summary of 100-150 words about the above article.
Question 2: What do you think about educating mobile children in the article
BÁO)? In no more than 250 words, write an essay to describe your opinion.

CHILDREN in International

Advantages and

Main idea 1: Moving Main idea 2: Children will be

children to another place able to get some benefits
can bring them some when study in international
disadvantages education system
Supporting idea 1:
Children will
encounter a great
deal of difficulties in a
Supporting idea 2:
new, different place 1) Moving children Supporting Idea 1:
from one system to Studying in another
(EX 1: new
another when they countries help
environment and
are in a high school children to improve
people effect
year will handicap the interpersonal skill.
Another language academically.
and culture impact
the study of children.

Ex: The differences of

curriculum within grades in Ex 1: Moving to another
high school can affect school requires children
Ex 1: Children, who are children. When changing one to be communicative
move another place, are schooling system to another, because they need to Ex 2: In addition, a child
less likely to be children are less likely to look for new friends. As can be better in solving
successfully build the adopt the new methods the mentioned above, the problems if he
new friendships. school gives them, they need student will face up to frequently faces them.
to take time to be familiar varieties of difficulties For example, language
Ex2: When a child can when he can not confusing is always a
with. In 1991, a researcher of
not be familiar with the connect with the world. most gigantic issues that
the American Medical
new environment, they In contrast, when he try any child had to
Association showed that the
tend to be shy and to open his mouth and confront,
students, who move
feeling afraid; it can lead communicate, his self-
frequently are 35 % more
children to some confident skill will be
likely to fail a grade.
psychological problems enhanced.
such as stress, …

Ex3: Moover , sadness

can make children
getting sick. According
to researchers, when a
child get a mental
health, he tend to skip
meals, and he then lose

Several families may move to other countries due to several reasons. That
make parents worried about the best schooling system for their children in a
foreign country that they are going to come. Some researchers believed that it
will be better, if the parents think of the schooling issues before making an
education choice. From my knowledge and experience, moving to other
countries can give a child some disadvantages.
Children’s academics can suffer if they move from one education system to
another. Children, who study in other countries, are less likely to be build the
new friendships. Some children can not communicate because their language
skill is too small; besides, shy is one of the large issues that limit them to
communicate. In addition, when a child is shy, they tend to be afraid or
fearful, it leads them to some psychological problem such as stress, depression.
Children may face up to with a lot of problems when studying in another
Moving children from one schooling system to another when they are in high
school years will be handicap children academically. The differences of
curriculum within grades in high school can affect children. When changing
one schooling system to another, children are less likely to adapt the new
methods the school gives them, children need to take time to be familiar with
them. In 1991, a researcher of the American Medical Association showed that
the students, who move frequently are 35 % more likely to fail a grade.
Academic is another factor, which children can be confronting when they
learn in different international education system.
In short, moving another place to study can give children a lot of
disadvantages, children will struggle with looking for new relationships, and
they can come down with some mental problem such as stress, depression.
Furthermore, changing other school can make child hardly adapt, especially,
when they have to learn other methods, which a school gives to them.
Most of us know how good standard the international schooling is. However, some
parents are worried if their children will be better when learning in an international
education system. Some experts warn that parents must carefully look for the
schooling issues before registering for their child to study. From my knowledge and
experience, it is great for children to be educated in the international school
because there are numerous benefits which lead kids to success in the future.
The educated measures are always better for children. In the international school,
there are few students in a class, the number of children is about ten to fifteen.
Therefore, a teacher can easily teach and take care all of them, he will immediately
navigate children when they face with the hard lessons. Moreover, children there
are always trained by the well-qualified foreign teachers, pupils tend to happier and
more excited; therefore, they can focus on tasks more well. Thanks to the well-
qualified educated methods, children can study effectively.
Extracurricular activities provide children with several advantages when they study
at international school. Besides learning in class, they have opportunities to hang
out with their classmates, for example: going camping is the special occasion so
that children can open their mind and get more knowledge about real life. In
addition, those activities help children to improve their social skill such as
communication, problem-solving, team works. Besides, children can engage in
some clubs at school like music, dancing, sport which are so useful because they
can make new friendships as well. Having more relationships make a child more
active, more open and even more ambitious. An extra activity is important for
children because it helps them to improve their social skill and to make more
In short, children at international schools are educated better thanks to the
schooling there. Children are likely to study more effectively when they join in
some activities outside to expand real knowledge. Moreover; the good measures of
the school help pupils to deal with their academic issues too.

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