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Final Exam in Foundation of Education

I. Answer the following question comprehensively.

A. Anthropological Foundation:
1. How does culture affect the learning process of every individual?
- It greatly affects differently on every individual on what they are
aiming for. The eagerness from learning and just trying to be
finished is what differs on every individual in studying. For some it
is just a necessary thing for them to finish their education because
of where they came from, and some are aiming to get their
education finished so that they can survive to live and get better
life after.

2. In the contemporary Philippine educational system, which language (between Filipino

and English) is more effective and efficient to the learner as means of instruction in the
transfer of learning?
- A mixed of both. Not every student is expected to be good in
talking in English and also not all Filipino words can be translated
into English. By mixing both language so that all students can
comprehend on what they are supposed to understand will have
greater results for their studies. Being good in the English has
been a misconception to being a great learner for a long time,
considering from the 1st user of English language itself not all
Americans/Britons are that bright. Right? hahaha

B. Psychological Foundation:

1. What are the common hindrances that students encounter in attaining the higher level
of intelligence?
- Support, Money and Limited Sources?
- Not having proper support from their home and in school can
limit a student on attaining a higher level of intelligence. Teachers
who shames and correct a student in a bad manner only breaks
their will to pursue more in studying which causes to a hindrance
to attaining higher intelligence. Same goes for a family who
doesn’t support their child in their interests hindering them from
learning new things and challenging their selves to be better.
Money and limited sources are the main hindrance for a student
to attain higher level of intelligence. For not having enough
money limits the sources of a student who’s trying to study and
pursue something that he/she really wants or dreaming of, thus,
limiting the higher level of intelligence.

2. What are the main interests of today’s learner as far as high technology or “digital
world” is concerned?
- Getting well informed. Being knowledgeable in new things that
help students in working their study to be more efficient is the
best way to use today’s technology. Just like the Microsoft Word
for essay and other paper works, Excel for computations,
PowerPoint for presentations and many more. Efficiency in
studying lessens stress in students which gives them better results
in their performance in school.

C. Sociological Foundation:
1. What are the common problems of the school in educating the young learners?
- Teachers, Student’s life outside school, and Unequal Opportunity.
- In every school, teachers have their own way of teaching their
students. There are lenient, strict, friendly, and some makes their
students feel like their class hall is still their home. This becomes
the basis of students on how they approach their studies and
ability of learning, which can become a problem if they adopt the
certain attitude of a teacher which will differ from another
- Student’s life outside the school affects directly its learning ability.
Either coming from a troubled family, getting involved to
drugs&shits, getting bullied, or even struggling to get an
education. These can be factor to one’s life be out of focus or
even stop a student from studying and the school has no control
with it.
- Unequal Opportunity is most common problem that every schools
have. Private schools and Public schools have different thresholds
in terms of quality of teaching their students. It has always been a
division of difference in life status. A higher life status gets you a
higher opportunity to study wherever you like and have the
means to have all the resources needed in studying. And unlike
with a lower life status which books are from donations, cramped
schools and quality of teaching is also limited.
2. How do the home, church, and school influence the behavior of the students in the
- Your Family has always been considered to be your first set of
teachers that you will have in life. Discipline, Values and Manners
will come from the family and it can be mirrored on how well can
a student behave in the society.
- The church teachings then enhance those values and focuses on
being more considerate to other people to have good relationship
with them.
- The school is where a student finds his/her own self as he/she
learns more about in life that the family can’t teach. The circle of
friends in the school could also affect on how a student behave in
the society because it will reflect on how a student wants to build
his/her own self

D. Historical Foundation
1. What is the significance of ancient educational system in the transfer of learning?
- The passing of Traditions and cultural values to the next
generation is what I think would be the most significant in ancient
educational system for transferring its learnings. Traditions and
Cultural values are infused to the minds of the student which
defines who they are and where they come from.

2. How do the ancient methods of instruction affect the present educational system?
- Traits and attitudes in studying and learning that came from the
previous traditions and cultural values past unto us affected on
how the way things are being teach at schools in the present date.
- For a strict Teacher, he may come from a room that his/her
teacher was also a strict and stern in teaching the class.
Perfectionism, Leniency, friendly and other more traits that gets
adopt by the students and get passed on the next is how we are
still affected by the ancient educational system.

E. Philosophical Foundation
1. Among the four philosophies (Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Existentialism), what do
you prefer? Support your answer.
- Pragmatism. In today’s education it is Pragmatism is the most
common practice in all of the philosophies mentioned, that
education is about life and growth. Putting your education into
practice and learning more experience from it is what happening
in the real world after your studies. That’s why this philosophy is
more realistic for me than the others mentioned aboved.
II. Give the outstanding contributions of the following to civilization and education?
1. Egyptians – Art of Writing: To express the thinking of their
mind, the Egyptians invented art of writing. Although from the
very beginning they were not acquainted with the alphabets,
still then they were able to express their idea through different
& Calendar: The ancient Egyptians were very good
astronomers of their time. Looking at the cloudless clear
blue sky, they could predict about the solar and lunar
eclipse, flood in the river Nile, time of sowing seeds etc.

2. Early China - ancient” Chinese education was based on the

master-pupil relationship. The master was all-powerful and
usually could not be questioned, while punishment was often
used for motivation
3. Jews -
4. Greeks
5. Romans
6. Muslims
7. Humanism
8. Realisms
9. Rationalism
10. Naturalism
11. Communistic Education
12. Democratic Education

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