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1. As a student, how do you view the concept of equal opportunity in education? Express
your answer.
As a student, equality of opportunity in education whether public or private, is where every
single person deserves and is entitled to an equal chance to obtain a good education, grow and
make positive progress throughout their time in school, and be successful in reaching their full
potential later in life.
2. Base on the U.S Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection, how do gender
and race affect education today?
Race and gender imbalance in schools is so senseless and has come to the point where some
students are revolting, and want their admissions being looked at as genderless, just so they’ll
have a better chance of being accepted.
3. During this time of the pandemic, how do the school and home environment affect
your learning today as a student? Explain your answer.
At school, previously unknown information is deliberately presented to students so they can
use it both to pass tests and move on to other studies. The home environment provides the
foundation for learning and is an element of the student's life that can affect grades.

1. In your comprehension, describe and explain the following terms and give examples
A. Folkways are a category of norm that is roughly translated to a social or cultural custom.
Examples of folkways include covering your mouth when you cough or wearing covered
shoes to a restaurant. Folkways are norms of etiquette that are not very serious if
broken. They are mostly customary and polite.
B. Mores can apply to questions of tradition, expectations and routine that aren't
questions of right and wrong. However, morals can be mores and vice versa. For
example, the moral principle that children have a right to play.
C. Laws is a body of unwritten laws based on legal precedents established by the courts.
Example, the concept of common-law marriage, which acknowledges similar rights as
those that have a marriage license to couples that are not officially married if several
conditions are met.

2. As a student, how is your socioeconomic status affects your learning? Explain your
Socio-economic factors affect the performance and learnings of students. Another result affirms
that with better grades come from better socioeconomic levels, receive more support from the
parents, and outside factors can affect what goes on inside a classroom. And every student
comes to his or her education with an individual set of circumstances, a family structure, living
situation and socioeconomic status can be assets or disadvantages to performance.
3. As a future educator, how are you going to address students’ diversity inside your
classroom? Explain.
Spread the love. When you’re a culturally responsive teacher, one of your major goals is to help
all students become respectful of all the cultures and people that they’ll interact with once they
leave class.
4. Leading to your goal as a promising teacher soon, what distinct strategy do you think
is best to use inside the classroom? Elucidate your answer.
The best distinct strategy to use inside the classroom is the Behavior management.
Implementing an effective behavior management strategy is crucial to gain your students
respect and ensure students have an equal chance of reaching their full potential.

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