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Course Code: PROF EDU 3


Course Year/Section: BSED 2

Name: ____________________ Date: ______
Course: ___________ Code: ______
Q1-3: WEEK


 In the attempt to improvement the educational system, school have sought ways
to influence the curricula or instructions.
 To improve the way students to learn.
 They should be knowledgeable to know whether or not reforms would work
because they are immerse in the classroom, and they know certain
 Consideration to be considered:
a. Class size
b. Nature of the students
c. Resources available
d. Capacity of teachers in implementing reforms

 Three leadership practices in order to promote student learning:

1. Setting Directions
2. Developing people
3. Redesigning the Organization
Setting Directions
Direction give teachers a sense of purpose
- Articulation the directions of the school provide teachers with a shared mission.
- Teachers who are able to guide others in understanding the direction, it will
make the work easier
- When the direction is clear, teachers can work hand in hand to make sure that
students will benefit much from learning
Developing people
It entails capacity building.
Teacher leaders see the need to develop colleagues as a way of fulfilling the goals of
the school
TL make sure that they the capacity to work toward the vision of the school and provide
avenues for others to do the same
Continuously work hard to develop themselves and others to make it sure students will
learn in the process
Redesigning the Organization
Since teachers understand the context of the organization, they are in best position to
determine the structure that would best benefit the students.
TL are keen in determining which structures would work best in promoting a culture of
collaboration among teachers.
Through this, T and administrations will be able to work well in order to design the
curriculum, in a way that students will maximize students’ learning and adopt
appropriate pedagogical approach to make learning meaningful
 schools are pushing innovative reforms in the classroom, thus, any form of
innovation that will benefit students should be welcomed by teachers.
 Teacher leaders know that for innovative practices to be accepted, it has to be
practiced first before it has to be shared with other teachers
 For innovations to be practiced, teacher leaders take the initiative to learn more
about them, practice these in the classroom and then share practical experiences
with others
 When teachers share their practices, they need all the support they can get from
colleagues, administrators and students (Butkevika and Zobena, 2017).
 In inculcating innovation, teacher leaders first and foremost show an openness
to learn, willingness to take risks and eagerness to try out the new reforms being
introduced in the classroom
 The study of Butkevika and Zobena in 2017 has proven that teacher leaders
demonstrate the propensity to learn something new and the readiness to
implement it in the classroom
 They are willing to experience the benefits of trying out the new approach or
methodology being introduced and at the same time share these experiences
with others.
 Sharing these practical experiences with others is essential as they can
specifically state the approaches they took, the challenges they experienced and
the successes they encountered.
 As such, it gives others the opportunity to learn from the experience and at the
same time, a motivation to try the innovations themselves.
Butkevika and Zobena (2017) further suggest that teacher leaders also
provide other teachers a safe space to experiment and try innovative
They do not only Provide professional guidance but also emotional support.

Challenges of Teacher Leaders

 teachers have been in field for four to ten years are at the point in their careers
when they have already gained enough experience and expertise which could be
used to help other teachers.
 teachers have already mustered enough confidence to share expertise with
 teachers are ready to embark on a role is because it is a way for them to reach
out to other teachers

In a study conducted by Johnson and Donaldson (2007),

teachers are confronted with issues that revolve around the
norms of school culture.
 Among the issues identified are AUTONOMY, EGALITARIANISM, and DEFERENCE

 teacher leaders find it difficult to work with others.
 Teachers are so used being in-charge of their own class
 that some are not so eager to welcome other teachers who
are willing to help, let alone observe them.
 This then, defeats the purpose of teachers working together to
improve the teaching process.

identified as a challenge to teacher leaders.
- The added responsibility requires teacher leaders to be in constant
communication with school administrators and this presents an issue to most
- Teacher leaders are perceived by other teachers as being given special treatment
when the truth is, the only reason that they are constantly with administrators or
supervisors is because they need to coordinate plans with the higher
In the Philippines, there are various reasons why teachers are deterred
from assuming leadership roles.
 the educational system is so entrenched on the "principal-oriented" nature of
leadership. (attributed to formal roles)
 Principals are often seen as loaded with work and responsibilities and as such, do
not have time to teach students.
 There is also a lack of leadership training existing in the country which prevents
teachers from assuming leadership roles.
 There is no formal and deliberate attempt to train teachers to assume leadership
roles and as such, there is no opportunity for teachers to see other possibilities
related to leadership
 Teacher classification hinders teachers from becoming leaders.
 Classifications would revolve around teaching positions which is based on
qualifications rather than functions. (Alegado, 2018).
 there are other challenges that prevent teachers from assuming leadership roles.
Filipinos value relationships above all.
 Teachers are afraid that if they assume a leadership role, their relationship with
colleagues will be affected.
 Most teachers do not want to be labelled as "pro-admin" or a favorite of the

Promoting Teacher Leadership

Several factors that pave way for teachers to become leaders
1. Teacher's background and previous experience on leadership
2. Competence of the principal - either completed their doctoral studies or in the
process of completing their doctoral degree
3. the practice of distributed leadership - dissemination of information or matters
that involve decision making
4. collaboration and consultation - should be done in order to get the perspective
and viewpoints of various stakeholders
5. principals defined their role as an influencer paved way for others to follow the
examples of their leaders
a. Acting as role models, teachers are able to go into the direction that their leaders
want to achieve
b. They set good standards and values that serve as good benchmark for teachers
to follow.
c. They serve as an inspiration because they know how to transform lives and this
is done by example
6. the principals are good motivators
- principals were able to encourage their teachers to develop themselves,
professionally and personally
a. to pursue further studies,
b. join competitions and
c. take on responsibilities that are challenging.
7. the principals were focused on instruction.
- They acted as curriculum heads and they have the students' best interest when
they perform their function as leaders

New Developments in Education

There are three exciting developments happening in the field of education that will
pave way for the need to promote teacher leaders.
According to the founder and CEO of the Center of Teaching Quality, Barnett Berry,
the following shifts in education will promote the need to develop teacher leaders:
1. New forms of assessments are becoming more accepted and used by
 Performance-based assessments are being used more than standardized based
 The shift from a traditional paper and pencil form of assessment leads to a new
form of evaluating students.
 Expertise of teachers who have been in the field and for quite some time
combined with new researches will allow new teacher leaders to emerge.
2. Organizational structures are becoming leaner and flatter
 making it possible for teachers to collaborate closely as they are provided more
autonomy and freedom to engage in decision making.
 Teachers can now work closely together and can share practices that work with
the students.
 The fact that they are no longer bound by restrictive Policies will enable new
teacher leaders to make decisions based on what they deem is appropriate for
their students.
3. Teachers have more opportunities to network with other teachers
making it possible to benchmark and share best practices (Shwartz,
 Technological advancements and more opportunities given to teachers allow for
more collaboration.
 By providing teachers platforms to discuss their experiences and share best

Things to be considered to develop teacher leaders

1. An idea and plan for teacher leadership there should be a clear direction of
the tasks to be done and should involve the teachers in the formulation of the goals.
2. A helpful administration should be able to empower teachers by providing them
with opportunities to make decisions and at the same time establish leadership
programs that will further hone the leadership skills of teachers.
3. There should be appropriate resources - there should be available support
given to the development of teachers in order for them to grow professionally.
4. Work structures should allow authentic collaboration - a more innovative
approach to embedding professional development is necessary for teachers to be
able to engage in more authentic collaboration.
The aim is for teachers to be given time to work together in order to share what
they know, and improve teaching through sharing of best practices
5. Work structures should allow authentic collaboration - a more innovative
approach to embedding professional development is necessary for teachers to be
able to engage in more authentic collaboration.
The aim is for teachers to be given time to work together in order to share what
they know, and improve teaching through sharing of best practices
6. There should be indistinct lines that delineate teaching and leading empowering
teachers does not mean there will be a shift of roles between the administrators and
the teachers, however, it would require that both need to work together in order to
7. The whole school system must be willing to take risks and should pursue an inquiry
approach in assessing the teaching-learning process.

- schools and teachers should be willing to take risks, to try to innovate and learn
from the process. Schools should assess how they promote the development of
teachers and see how these will ultimately impact on student learning (Berry, 2016).

Transitioning into Teacher Leaders

The provision of structures and deliberate programs for teacher leadership gives
teachers an opportunity to assume leadership roles.
Although these support mechanisms are important, it is also essential to determine
the path that teachers go through before assuming leadership roles.
Activity 1
Teacher Leaders as an Agents of Innovations
I. Pointers to Ponder:
1. How can teacher best adopt innovative practices in teaching?
2. Does the current educational system provide enough support to
encourage innovative practices to take place? Why? Why not?

II. Ask a fellow student in education the following questions:

1. What can you say about the reforms that are happening in education
2. As a future teacher, what are the steps that you are going to take to
ensure that you will contribute much to the development of your

Pointers to Ponder

1. Do you think that the challenges mentioned in the study of

Johnson and Donaldson in 2007, and Oracion in 2015 are still
usual in schools? Why? Why not?

2. Can you think of other challenges that teacher leaders face?

3. How can schools better address the challenges?

Activity 2
New Developments in Education
I. Pointers to Ponder
1. How do you think schools should support teachers to become
2. Do you think that the present educational system support the
development of teacher leaders? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Activity 3
Transitioning into Teacher Leaders

I. Pointers to ponder
1. As a future teacher, do you think that you will be able to accept
leadership responsibilities? Why? Why not?
II. Interview a teacher leader. Ask them about their journey toward
teacher leadership. What phase or stage are they at this point in
time. Explain your answer.

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