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UT HELDI IN = 5 -peispeddives C 1. Rediscouering The contralit,. the. * Ghobal Sei 2 tndia’s G20 _presideocy fas brew meteble fer ie efforts. to revitalize the Abeba _gowermance agencta., bin « werlol wmatked bY geopolitical tensions amd skepticigm tauerds muttilateral institutions, Inclia succeeded un sence’ g The G20 mere dymamic_and-enclusive. Bysplocthg te Global South at Ge forefronl, Indio hightighted Ts evn wole a3 a preackive glebal player ratory” than a passe _ obséamen This Aras ted tnclia To announce imifiakives- Ceke o Global Bisfacl Alliance aid \Commectivity Patlnersh Fbnthetmere; The _G20%8 pout declardin wm Neo Debrier __ emphasized the impeitamce Ly invelving the cevelapeug __wortdl_in audlvessivss various sfobal eballges, such as sustainable deuelopmaut , cbinmncite Chamae , and tech repylatign The wickasion Q The African Une (AU) Ga the G20 Fras amacde Te platfoun romarerepne sentative $y Te emersyurg _Afebal onder, IAhile Global Ppuermance has Saced challenges , : tnolia’s Gro presidency a auns lo _vestove_Canficlenca existing sUruclura __by emphasizing imclusyely awd Collab ariter) f | 2 Summit Setbacks and Some Successes ? : i | The G2o summt bad mixed results. Concerns arise fren Ue growl of BRICS anember slip cund Russiars_ and Biiaers afebal LinGluence_ While a geo statemevit ceveternniig t teri __teviek breaches was signed cynicism persists due & Russia’s actions Diplematicalty, Westar ceuritries faced te Zevner _brcader supper for ecomemi¢ sanctions against fessia s- Om a posite mile, am tntemational mfrasCuctute project _te_cennect tmelia, the Middle East, ar Eugope Provides + am altermabiie te Chimars Belt and Read Imeiative The Ed Cormmettivee Linanciad “eseuicess te slippet hs initiative clemenstvatiing ds ability Te ude _Reemomic Power sev feneian policy geeks - Additimatly, the G2 pledge! to tiple venewables Capacity by 2030 amd Armally cluded the African Union strengthens he plat form's mele in Clemnale_and eawuctable wealth distributi Pbiese seteownes embance The G2025 relevance managing, Slobal tsues and Noth Seal releilien § vicars Rismg_ Voice ¢ _ The G20 summit ur New Debi avel the ees BRICs scat | in South Africa ave syrnbelicatty immpetout fer fIfrica. Seypt and | Ethepior doimed BRICS and the African Union (AU) new Aas _G20+ alenggcle EU This enhances Africas qlobae _ amunbersh wflunce , Mlewing it _& advocate for overman ce reforms and address climate change while challugury deuble stardavols, Africa's expanded representation will also encourage Policy coberence amsng AU members but could cemplic ale Gate Consensus The Glebal Seulkrs voice uw Areweng Sherger, wee future G204 Summits On Brazil avd Sout Africa __Hemrewer, Weslo responses te re farm colls Gave berm vosiglant The future preserits & choice + pursue compre liengore ve fers mow To preseiue The Cuvverit global Syslem ov vcastoect ‘vito Te veo , isofatimism . wel potestial cance faeces 4 Te Gave charging Patel N the eons ‘ - The G20, crecited_m 14% fo tackle global ecemermic crises, has Tee petertial to be a geperchoonge by wniting wealthy aul Incfia wilh The acl actmissn emerging seconomutes, The recent summit ov (nck _gpewth Sastamable Developmevt Goals , olemate i freatth, emevgencies ,olebt Issues, and mmultiCeteval development banle__ diars_presiclene frac 9 pastive rmpact, and Brazil, ‘uA embance the _G20's weforms, {mn cComan wesiclome sme-obowqing_patestTiog., This cas falp neduice Siperpanes Ol ecvochvies The __ threolen toda _porlnarshyps i ~dovelapnnt ened Seeuhily THe New Dehli G20 summit manks the cometosion the Global Nevkrs year-loug efforts to gain suppait ficm_ the Global Scout, staxting fiom The Munich Seounhy __Gowference ‘ew February ancl covitinuing with The GT Summit [ to Hireshima on May While There ies watered - dew I aeference to Russiars adiens im Ukraine The Glébat Sout insisted eu Fecusing Global Govermance eu Cloyeleponcut De announcement iy: ecomomle _Cevvicle/ Senne Ging, tata, the Middle East, ancl Euvape nificant, “Tianing The Misten “unllo, vealiby will vowing pebitical wide amel econrmic Yesources but it caw Prcwmele _econemic_gnew aud | cliversefication on{ the Middle East, bene fithuy The werld incluclug China dud Thur Asian ecnemies , _ f Phe inclusion Q Africas Union (Au) as a permanent | mmembey Q) Me G20 , thougl, Less dramatic Ran adele mow BRICS menbers, addwesses corrcens abeut The G20 _ becomug an _expandod GT Jha” Provents Ge emergenc o mew Cold Was-nra_ strucfure 4 gichal_ governance Ms the G20 completes ‘hs finit_vound y_yetaleing Presiclencj WU twe Summis Te Jo, the focus evi econcmic clevelepment which was The inal missont) Be G20, vemains enfact

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