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Nilai moral


In a small town located on the banks of a river, there lived a child named
Maya. Maya has a habit of reading every night before going to bed. He
believes that reading is a window to the world that opens his mind to new
adventures and knowledge.

Every time Maya reads, she feels as if she is traveling to faraway places
and meeting various interesting characters. He found that reading gave
him inspiration and new ideas to make his dreams come true.

Not only that, the habit of reading also makes Maya have a better
understanding of the world around her. He learns about culture, history,
and various other topics through the books he reads.

Maya also realized that reading helped her improve her language skills
and understanding of various concepts. He believes that by reading, he
can become a better version of himself.

1. Who is the main character in the reading?

2. Why does Maya have the habit of reading every night before going to

Nama:Bayu Sndrian Syah 9C/7

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