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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option. 3 Match words from box A and box B to make
0 Tony likes painting oils / landscapes / brushes names of creative jobs. Then complete the
because he loves spending time outdoors in sentences with the correct phrases.
1 Shakespeare wrote 37 plays / theatres / lines A fashion lighting sound camera stage
and 154 poems in his rather short lifetime. stunt
2 I’ve got my first acting job! I’m playing a large
part / performance / portrait with some really B technician engineer performer model
interesting dialogue. operator manager
3 Please try not to make any noise on the stage
0 My uncle is a stunt performer and does
until the curtains / tripods / stars open.
dangerous things for the actors in action films.
4 The 2017 film The Dark Tower is based in / at /
1 The person who records the actors’ voices for
on a trilogy by Stephen King.
a film is called the _________________.
5 This new TV series takes place at / in / on
2 Robert Pattinson is a well-known actor but he
England during the 19th century. It’s very
actually started his career as a
interesting and historically correct.
_________________ at the age of twelve. You
___ / 5
can find some quite funny photographs of him
2 Complete the sentences with the missing
3 The work of a _________________ is to help
words. The first letters are given.
the director make a film look good on the screen.
0 Steven Spielberg is probably the most famous
4 A _________________ makes sure the images
director in the world.
in a film are not too dark or too light – so it’s
1 Bob Dylan is such a good s___________ that
actually a very important job.
he won the Noble Prize for literature.
5 Please ask the _________________ to prepare
2 A p___________ usually only writes for the
the theatre for the first performance.
theatre, not for film or TV.
___ / 5
3 Beethoven is my favourite c___________
of classical music.
TOTAL ___ / 15
4 The c___________ of an orchestra helps the
musicians stay in time with each other.
5 The show was so good that the a___________
in the theatre stood up and clapped for over ten
___ / 5

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