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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option. 3 Match words from box A and box B to make
0 Tony likes painting oils / landscapes / brushes names of creative jobs. Then complete the
because he loves spending time outdoors in sentences with the correct phrases.
1 Harold could never be an actor because he can A lighting sound camera stage stunt
never remember his plays / parts / lines. fashion
2 Let me put my camera on the light / tripod /
curtain then I can come and join you in the B engineer model technician performer
group photograph. operator manager
3 Have you seen the remake / CD / movie of
0 My uncle is stunt performer and does
Planet of the Apes? The first one was made in
dangerous things for the actors in action films.
1968 and is much better than the Mark
1 A _________________ is responsible for
Wahlberg film from 2001 in my opinion.
recording voices for film, TV and radio.
4 I don’t play any concerts / live performances /
2 An important job in the film industry is the
instruments but I’ve always wanted to learn the
_________________ – they have to make sure
the images on screen are not too dark or too
5 The film is set in / set on / set at 2045 after a
light and have the correct dramatic effect.
nuclear war kills most of the people on Earth.
3 Who’s the _________________ in this theatre?
___ / 5
I need more chairs for my actors and a window
over here.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing
4 Anja Rubik is Poland’s most successful
words. The first letters are given.
_________________. She often appears in
0 Steven Spielberg is probably the most famous
famous women’s magazines wearing the most
director in the world.
glamorous clothes.
1 Over 20,000 e___________ were needed to film
5 A film’s _________________ must work closely
some of the battle scenes in Lord of the Rings.
with the director in order to make the images
2 I know Shakespeare was a p___________ but I
look how he or she wants them to appear on the
can’t name any modern writers of plays. Can
big screen.
you think of any?
___ / 5
3 Moniuszko was a famous Polish c___________
of operas. The Haunted Manor is possibly his
TOTAL ___ / 15
best piece of work.
4 Who is that man in front of the orchestra waving
the stick in his hand? Is he the c___________ ?
5 A s___________ is someone who writes
dialogues and other useful information for actors
for film or TV. They also write for computer
game companies nowadays, too.
___ / 5

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