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The film industry is becoming aware that significant changes are inevitable due to
integration of artificial intelligence (AI). Attitudes range from passionate declarations and
ambitions of revolution in the making of movies, to intense opposition and dire
predictions about the death of movies as an art form. Famous AI-composed videos have
previously been shown to the public, and it now becomes. It seems evident that more AI
integration into filmmaking is unavoidable.

To an extended period of time, the Filipino film industry has struggled to represent many
cultures in an authentic manner while aiming for recognition globally. The objective of
this research proposal is to conduct a thorough investigation into the ways in which
technology, specifically data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI), can be essential
instruments for Filipino filmmakers in producing authentically Filipino content that
appeals to a global audience. This study also aims to investigate the necessity of
promoting diversity in decision-making positions and Filipino cinema production in order
to improve cultural representation and deepen storytelling authenticity.

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