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2 For GENERAL ABILITY IN THE PAST, COULD is used to say that you could do something you time you wanted to. (Was/Were able to are also possible). Y She couldn't ride that horse. ~My father could - was able to speak ten languages. COULD is NOT used to talk about PARI CULAR ARTLITY (to do something in ONE OCCASION) in the Past. Instead we use TO BE ABLE TO, MANAGE or SUCCEED TN. (But COULDNIT for the negative) Y How many eggs were you able to get? YT managed to get 12% off the price. “After six hours’ climbing, we succeeded in reaching the peak of the mountain. ACCOUNTING FOR MODALS: Obligation: V/ MUST: Sof imposed obiigation 1°" person sing) .g: I must see John today Fite or Present reference ¥’ MUSTN'T: Prohibition: You muctnt smoke here. Permanent MUST: Advice or suggestion. E.g.: You must see that fm ¥/ HAVE 10: External obligation (3° person )€.g: You have to pay the vent each montn Y HAVE GOT TO: Idem, but for a paticuler cceation, Eg: |'ve got to work un Sunday. There's a problem with the compitter HAD TO: Obligation in the past (for must or have to) "SHOULD / OUGHT TO : Moral obligation orto tlk about duties: Ths leecher shouldn't call us by our first names SHOULD: Transterred obligation: The teacher's deek shouldnt be so close to the blackboard. YY’ SHOUL + HAVE + PP: Unfulfiied obligation inthe past She chould have been working ( But she didnt) \beence of ¥ DON'T HAVE TO: You don't need to have a loans to own @ cet Y DIDN'T HAVE TO;,its preferred when the obligation was imposed by someone eise. | didnt have to go to work yesterday s0 | stay'4t home. NEEDN'T: You needn't dnitjust now (| alow you nett doit just ow) . ~ NEEDN'T HAVE + PAST PARTICLE: fulfilment of an ‘ection: You needn't fave brought your her books ( but she did) ¥ DIDN'T NEED TO: The action wasn't necessary, but in this case, It wasn't performed: You didn't need to buy those shoes. : oe TO BE TO: For formal instruvtiuiss. No-one Is 10 leave the room, Lit a conclusion or near certainty; ~~ MUST + SIMPLE INFINITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE You must be hungry oer such walk / i ‘must be getting dark outside. ~ CAN'T: For the negative and questions: That can't be the postman, i's only 7,00 o'clock MUST + PERFECT INFINITIVE (FOR THE PAST TIME) AND PROGRESSIVE. ‘We must have taken the wrong road “CAN'T + PERFECT INFINITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE (For negative and questions): They can't have told us the tah © HAVE TO: Logical necessity, that is necessary the case: There has to be @ strong reason for his action, _% SHOULD: Tentative possbity. Expectation: Brenda should be nome by now 7 PRL: Pradictabity / Assumption! Aimost certain: He wil be in London by now WOULD: Assumption / Inference ( mere tentative than WILL}: She would be about 50 when she died.

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