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Human values are applicable everywhere irrespective of one’s religion, location, culture, caste, etc. They
induce the individuals to develop a long-lasting bond with each other and let peace prevail. Human
values develop a feeling of acceptance for others in the society or community. Some of the significant
human values are:

1. Courteousness, mutual-respect, acceptance;

2. Loyalty, fairness, trustworthiness, unity;
3. Transparency, paying attention, recognition, consideration;
4. Amity, affection, love, sympathy, concern.

According to Schwartz and Bilsky, “Human values are the standards the serve as guiding principles in a
person’s life”.

Characteristics of Human Values

To achieve economic prosperity the following characteristics of humanistic values are essentials: -

1) Secular, Democratic and Pluralistic: Humanistic values should be made from the people’s point
of view. Values must not only be dedicated to people but it should also be made for their
welfare. These values must contain some special qualities like, integrity, trustworthiness,
independence, humanity, compassion, justice, accountability, truthfulness, etc. Further, when
people live together in society or community for a long time, they discovered or developed
some standards, and the humanistic values must reflect these general standards. Values that
have been derived should be based on logic, science and art. It should emphasise on justice,
fairness, and mental and physical well-being of humans Which should further aim at providing
freedom to a person without obstructing the freedom of other individuals. In case of issues
prevailing at either international, national, local or personal levels, humanistic values assist in
practicing cooperation and living peacefully by discarding the use of violent means for resolving
these issues.

Humanistic values give consideration to various religious and cultural diversities as well individual
creativity. It disregards those political or religious ideologies which try to suppress others and show their
supremacy. Humanistic values continuously try to surpass social, political and religious discriminations
and try to integrate moral and ethical values which benefit all.

2) Universal or Global: Humanistic values must not restrict itself to the boundaries of a particular nation,
religion, race, creed, or culture and should go above all. Only a global humanistic value system holds the
capacity that can be transferred to the coming generation. By attaining global values that admits the
duties and responsibilities of the people and communities around the world. Realising the vision for
worldwide unity can be made possible. Since, humanistic values are wide-ranging or pluralistic, hence,
having an essence for tolerance is essential need. Here tolerance neither implies neglecting the
behaviour that disrespects the freedom and rights of others nor does it imply neglecting the injustice,
cruelty, and disrespect towards any person.
3) Based on Familial Ethic: As per humanistic values system all human belongs to single family and hence
they must hold such a humanistic value as a family that surpasses the limitations created by nation,
gender, religion. Caste, creed, etc. People are following nationalism and separatism from very long ago
and humanistic values suggest avoiding them because it generates differences among masses and
becomes the reason for conflict.

Humanistic values accept different beliefs, traditions, social agendas, etc., and hence it holds
completeness which goes much beyond conflicts of religion and politics. Further it focuses on what
makes human being united rather than focusing on what divides them. People must concentrate on
adopting good traditional, moral principles which can further be added to the familial humanistic value
system. For the modern humanistic value approach it is very important that unity of human family must
be based on scientific logic. These values should be taught and accepted at all levels-nationwide,
worldwide, religious teachings, schools, families, etc. Additionally, these teachings must be good enough
to answer all illogical and non-scientific myths given traditional non-scientific generations.

4) Supports Brotherhood: One of the characteristics of human values is that it should support
brotherhood. For the global survival it is required that everyone should treat others as the member of
their extended family. This means we should care about welfare of one another. Therefore, only
statements regarding the safety and values of human life are not sufficient but people must commit
towards creating a safe environment which is free from any kind of conflict, violence, tyranny, etc.

At individual or family level, it becomes obligatory responsibility of individual to practice and spread
teachings of humanistic values emphasise on having a peaceful world for all where resolving proble
through consent and support become easy. In this family each member implement his/her entire effort
to provide safety and this could only implemented as a result of care. However, there are chances that
even a such a sense of protection and care, some issues or dispute may arise family but in no case
violence among members serve as a solution.

In order to bring in, movement in the aggressive characteristic like, rising p cases of child abuse, spouse
abuse, child abandonment, etc., within individual family, families must be re-educated and re-directed.
Abuse coule be in any form like physical, verbal, psychological, etc., and no form of abuse could be
neglected and the person found guilty should always be held accountable for the abuse and must be
given punishment.

When a person who usually abuses people, loses his/her secret to public the he/she becomes the sign of
immorality among the public and that person not only loses his/her image but he/she also becomes an
example which people know should never be followed.

Different centers for refuse must be established in order to provide counselling, food, shelter, etc., to
those who have faced any such case of abuse. These centres must be established until all the people
throughout the world become aware of ways other than violence for settling disputes.

5) Humanistic Values can be Taught: Formulating humanistic values is not enough, the next requirement
is to make people aware of these values and think of ways to persuade people to adopt them. One of
the solutions to this problem is education. The word education has been derived from Latin term
educare which means ‘to lead out’. Here, the term leading out means to break the barriers in order to
bring humanistic values based growth. It also takes humanistic values into a zone from where a person
can identify and reach to new ethical horizon. Further, common beliefs which must be dedicated to
standards included by humanistic values and optimism must be appealed by the education.

Trans-Cultural Human Values in Management

Those beliefs through which people around the world are connected voth each other are known as
trans-cultural values. These values are the result of social changes which occurred due to diversified
culture, higher mobility, globalization. Etc. The differences in trans-cultural human values hinder
effective communication process, since individuals involved here come from different multicultural

In modern world business, values and trans-cultural practices much significance. When business culture
and managerial together, they facilitate cross-cultural business practices in perform tasks by employing
effective strategies which help in successful completion of these tasks.



When an organisation operates internationally then cross cultural abilities, skills, knowledge,
experiences and technology deliver better results. An organisation can gain success by creating harmony
between managerial practices and societal values. Higher education institutions serve as a source for
learning multicultural aspects in the global scenario. In the process of trans-cultural competence an
individual seeks multiple ways for observing, accessing, believing and finally overcoming the actual issue
in order to negotiate with cultural diversity prevailing among nations.

The trans-cultural values are universal in nature which means they are same across the world. These
trans-cultural values exist globally and the presence of these values in an individual makes him/her a
good manager. Within an organisation these values deliver multiple benefits.

Below mentioned are some of the important transcultural values which are followed by different
managers: employees and workers,

1) Faithful behavior towards

2) Team-spirit,
3) Clarity in goal,

4) Self-control,

5) Motivational character

6) Unbiased.

7) Responsible attitude towards society

8) Transparency in transactions,
9) Capacity to handle role of interpersonal manager.

Relevance of Transcultural Human Values in Management Referring to above discussion, we can say that
in present day organizations, it is essential for the managers to equip transcultural human values.
Hence, the management should work towards developing transcultural human values among their
managers. To raise the organizational position from societal point of view, values such as cooperation,
discipline, integrity, motivation, etc., plays an essential role.

Following are the points that reflect the significance of transcultural human values in management:

1) Credibility among Stakeholders: Stakeholders (customer, employees, suppliers, shareholders,

government, etc.) are those people who are directly or indirectly affected by the organisation’s
decision. Hence, in order to maintain the credibility among the stakeholders, the management
needs to have transcultural human values.
2) It Corresponds to Basic Human Value: Transcultural human values go hand in hand with the
basic human values. Values like fair practices within the organisation, fairly treating all
employees, giving required consideration to employees’ interests, cooperating with members,
equally distributing the responsibilities and opportunities, etc., are part of basic human values
needed for organization’s progress.
3) Human Values and Environment Stud Helpful in Decision-Making: Transcultural values helps in
better decision making. These decisions are related to the interest of organisation’s goodw
employees and general public. While making decisions, economic, ethic and social aspects are
taken into consideration.
4) Profit Earning: The companies which follow transcultural human value earn good amount of
profit. These companies may incur loss in short run bu in long run they will surely achieve

5) Management Credibility with Employees: Transcultural values act as common link to bring
leadership and employees together. When employees support values, they create an atmosphere
for commos objective, culture and values

6) Clear Objectives: The objectives of the organisation should be clear so that it can be easily
understood by everyone. When the objective is clear and is even understandable by lower-level
management, then it will help them to achieve organisational goal effectively. The clarity of
objective has a positive impact on the performance of employees at lower level management and it
also helps employees in minimizing conflicts and Misconception in organization. Such clarity in
objectives can be attained by Inculcating transcultural values.

7) Self-Discipline: Unless a person is not having self-control he/she cannot control others. At the time of
decision-making a manager should have calm mind and self-discipline. Self-discipline includes proper u
of working hours, being punctual, not to waste other’s time, etc., and a manager should possess all
these human qualities. Thus, before expecting discipline from others a manager should initiate to follow

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