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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración

Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales

1.1 Reporte sobre el desarrollo de productos y servicios.

UA: Mercadotecnia Internacional

Grupo: 2LI

Castro García Yosseline Grisel 2106572
Gámez Alejo Gabrielle Juliette 2111421
Hernández Vera Paulina 2115379
Loera Garza Dainna Sayuri 2089364
Matamoros Sifuentes Eliot Axel 2026988
Ruelas Moreno Erinn Dennise 2099957



 Name……………………………………………………………………...3
 Slogan…………………………………………………………………….3
 Characteristics …………………………………………………………..3
 Packaging………………………………………………………………...4

Marketing environment……………………………………………………………5
Target Market…………………………………………………………………………6
Marketing research…………………………………………………………..……..7

 Defining the problem……………………………………………………..7

 Analyzing the situation…………………………………………………...7
 Getting problem-specific data……………………………………………8
o Segmentation……………………………………………………...8
o Surveys…………………………………………………………….9
 Interpreting the data………………………………………………………11
 Solving the problem………………………………………………………11

Annexes. …………………..…………………………………………………………13
Bibliography. ………………………………………………………………….…….19

In this project, we will be introducing a clothing store for men, where they can find
types of clothing for any urban style event. Our clothing store is dedicated to
meeting the needs of Houston's urban community through our mix of fashion
trends and individuality. Our clothing will be a perfect option for those who seek to
express themselves through their clothing in an authentic way and with personality.

Despite the various fashions that exist in Houston, there is one space in the
fashion industry that is minimally recognized: the need for an urban-style clothing
store. The current offering of clothing stores in Houston does not always reflect the
urban culture of its population. This is where the need arises for a store that truly
represents the authenticity and dynamism of Houston's urban culture. Our store is
not only a commercial space, but a meeting point where fashion becomes a form of
expression and empowerment for everyone.

Product: Graphic T-shirts

 Name: Tees-tyle
 Slogan: Your style, our tees: Tee style.

Our brand offers graphic t-shirts with already established designs, but we also
have a customization service according to the tastes of each client from collar
styles, accessories, and designs.
Our core belief is the transformative impact of positivity, achieved through
exceptional products. Our high-quality offerings, crafted and manufactured in the
Philippines, embody unique stories and personalities. We are born from a desire to
share core values and our ultimate mission with you: to encourage you to embrace
your style!

 Characteristics:

Fashion and the T-shirt industry are intrinsically linked. T-shirts are fashionable
items that reflect the personality and style of young adults in Houston. Fashion
trends are influencing the t-shirt industry, with the demand for sustainable,
functional innovative, and technological design options.
We offer high-quality t-shirts made of cotton with laser printing, and sizes range
from XS to XXL to reach a wide range of audiences and maintain the quality of our
Our price ranges range from 50 dollars to 70 dollars depending on the needs of our
clients (making them accessible to our type of audience).
We would have t-shirts with already established designs, as well as personalized
designs if the client wishes to be able to reach a larger audience with different
types of fashion.

Our product aims to attract mainly extroverted clients, people who have an
extravagant lifestyle,

 Packaging:

With our packaging we try to demonstrate that our brand is quality, giving us
prestige and making our buyers a complete experience.

For purchases that are national shipments, the product would be packed in boxes.
While for direct purchases at our store, the product would be packaged in bags.

Marketing environment.
Houston is the largest city in the state and the fourth largest in the country, so
perhaps it is its size that influences the dynamism and attracts large companies

and tourism. Besides Houston, it is one of the best and best-known destinations for
clothing shopping.
 Cultural: Houston has a multicultural population with a large and growing
international community where certain types of style predominate, such as
the so-called opossums, fake cowboys, Hispanic, African American,
American people, etc.

Among them, is a group of people who like to get together and hold car
shows where young people between 15 and 30 years of age exhibit their
cars and this environment has great characteristics for young people to
express their style and seek to stand out. We considered using this
widespread massive event in downtown Houston to our advantage.

 Social: Houston has an active visual and performing arts scene in the
District Theater and is one of the few American cities that offers resident
companies in all major performing arts, this would be beneficial for our
product as it would allow us, we focus on conveying personality through
their outfits and how they can best express themselves.

Another one of the strong points of our type of business is that people
mainly see Houston as a destination where they can buy quality clothing like
the ones we sell.

 Legal: Houston enjoys low-tax shopping. Also, we try to avoid controversies

by avoiding designs that incite hatred towards the nation or ethnic groups.

 Technology: In Houston, most teenagers use social networks, so we will use

social networks in our favor to publicize our services and unique styles.

 Economic: The economy perceived in Houston is strong. People who decide

to start a business in this town usually have excellent results. And since our
product is focused on young people with an average income, this gives our
product a great opportunity to prosper.

 Competence: We identified these brands as our possible competencies

o Wisdumb
o Sirah

o Petty cash
o Lavish Saint
o Sporty & Rich
o Zara

Three of them are local brands.

Target Market
Our target market is centered in the city of Houston Texas, our target audience is
men with approximately aged between 15 to 25 years, the characteristics that we
mainly highlight in our buyers is the taste for casual fashion such as the style of
graphic t-shirts. that have an average economic income accessible to almost most
young people.

Location Age Gender Characteristics

Houston TX 15 - 25 Male Casual fashion.
For young men.
socioeconomic level.
Men interested in urban
Men who like graphic
designs on T-shirts.

Marketing research:
 Defining the problem:

Our product is mainly aimed at young men between 15 and 25 years old with an
income accessible to most of the young people, culturally speaking some events
benefit us such as car shows.

In Houston, there has been an increase in these types of festivals, and the people
who usually attend these events lack appropriate clothing to wear due to the lack of
stores or venues that sell appropriate clothing for this type of situation.

A large part of the consumers we target tend to make purchases online very
regularly, and within the city of Houston, there are not many stores that offer this
type of service.

 Analyzing the situation:

Car shows are events where people take their cars and show the best features that
their car has, either external or internal parts of the car. The type of clothing at
these events is urban style, garments with graphic designs, prints, and vibrant and
flashy colors. Men who wear these types of garments are looking for something
comfortable but at the same time authentic, garments with which they can show
their personality through what they wear.

By consulting Men's Shopping magazine, we can see that most of the men's
clothing stores in Houston are casual/elegant style and formal wear stores. In
these types of stores, there is little or no variety of clothing that men who attend
street events such as car shows are looking for, and that is why Houston needs
stores that are appropriate for urban-style people.

People interested in buying clothes lack online shopping options for this type of
styles and it is often very difficult to make purchases online with distributors that do
not have a website.

In Houston, they are used to the heat, but they are also interested in maintaining a
good style when dressing. Many men choose to wear outfits that show their tastes
but without being hot, so within these needs, they seek to maintain a fresh and
unique style in their daily lives.

We can also see large concentrations of people who in their daily lives notice that
this type of style is a boom, going so far as to generalize a certain group of people
for this style.
 Getting problem-specific data:

Much of our Twitter-based research shows signs that people in Houston are
looking to express their ideas through what they wear, or some people are looking
to dress in a way that doesn't make them look ridiculous, which people believe is
becoming embarrassing.

Some people are looking for quality graphic t-shirts at a price that is affordable for
their type of income, since generally, this type of service that we offer is usually
expensive to purchase in large quantities.

o Segmentation:

According to surveys carried out in 2015, 40% of the men surveyed have an
interest in fashion, around 5 years there was an increase of 10% in men's
interest in fashion.

Data from 2021 show that online sales accounted for 14% of men's clothing
sales, and also show an accelerated increase in Houston's population.

According to Euromonitor magazine (2015), most men's clothing sales, 15%

of the garments sold, are casual t-shirts, with an increase of 26%.

Data shown by Lifestyle Monitor magazine in 2015, a large part of young

consumers between 20 and 30 years old prefer to opt for designs from
contemporary emerging brands. Also, what consumers look for most is
quality and comfort in garments.

o Surveys:

Within the surveys carried out we found that...

Wath kind of shirts do you wear?

Basic t-shirts Graphic t-shirts

How often do you buy new t-shirts

Every month Two times per month

Every six months

Do you like wearing graphic t-shirts?

Yes No

How much do you spend on your t-

15 - 25 26 - 40 41 - 90

Would you wear t-shirts made with

recycable materials?

Yes No

In Houston, Where do you buy your t-


Mall Other

 Interpreting the data:

Survey results reveal interesting trends in t-shirt preferences and purchasing habits
in Houston. Most respondents show an inclination towards graphic t-shirts. In
addition, the purchasing frequency is varied, with a considerable proportion.
Regarding the taste for graphic t-shirts, the results indicate that the majority enjoy
this clothing choice, this preference could influence the local market demand for t-
About spending, a diverse distribution of votes is observed. This suggests that
there is a willingness among respondents to invest in quality t-shirts, perhaps
reflecting the importance placed on fashion and material quality.
Regarding sustainability, the results show a growing environmental awareness
among t-shirt consumers in Houston.

 Solving the problem:

Based on our results, we concluded that the main problem that our product would
have would be the materials and prices since we saw that there were people who
would not use t-shirts made of cotton and that there were people who would not be
willing to pay the prices we had in mind, We would solve these problems in the
future by making t-shirts from different materials and adjusting our prices
depending on the response that customers have with our product.


In summary, our project introduces a clothing store focused on offering urban
clothing options for men, specifically designed to meet the needs of Houston’s
urban community. Our brand, Tees-tyle, specializes in high-quality graphic tees,
with custom design options, spanning a wide range of sizes and affordable prices.
In analyzing the marketing environment, we identified key opportunities, such as
participation in mass events in downtown Houston and the city’s rich cultural and
arts scene. In addition, the strong economic backdrop and lack of direct
competition in the urban fashion segment provide us with a solid foundation for
Through extensive market research, we have identified our target audience,
understanding their preferences, needs, and buying behaviors. In addition, we
have developed strategies to address potential challenges, such as material
variety and competitive pricing.
Ultimately, our goal is to provide the young men of Houston with an authentic and
satisfying shopping experience, where they can express their style and feel
empowered through our brand. With a combination of quality, variety, and
customization, Tees-tyle is poised to thrive in Houston’s dynamic urban fashion

o (Surveys):

o o (Analyzing the situation):

o (Segmentation & Getting problem specific data):

o (Segmentation):

Según una encuesta de la asociación Cotton Incorporated, casi el 40% de los hombres
estadounidenses asegura que le encanta ir de compras o que disfruta con ello, frente
a solo el 30% de decía lo mismo hace 5 años. Los hábitos de compra de los hombres,
pues, están cambiando rápidamente. Entre los millenials el porcentaje de hombres
que considera placentero ir de compras es mayor. Este segmento de la población, que
ya comprende un 30% de la población estadounidense, está creando un nuevo perfil
de consumidor con un nuevo hábito de consumo.
- (

el factor digital ha sido uno de los principales impulsores del mercado de la moda
masculina. El e-commerce permite a los hombres tener que invertir menos tiempo en ir
a comprar ropa y hacerlo con más comodidad. Las ventas online de confección
masculina representan tan solo un 14% del mercado de la moda, pero crecen a un
ritmo mayor que el resto del sector. (un 17% en frente a una media general del 2%).
- (Viva! The Woodlands Magazine)

En la actualidad, de hecho, la venta

de trajes en el mercado
estadounidense solo representa el
3% de la facturación del sector y
esta categoría ha caído un 0,2% en
el último lustro, mientras que la
ropa más casual, como los
suéteres o los tops (incluidos polos
y camisetas) ha tenido un
crecimiento notable, con aumentos
del 26 y 18% respectivamente.
- (Euromonitor)

Aunque el diseño no figura entre las cualidades más buscadas en los productos de moda
masculina, los profesionales del sector coinciden en que cada vez se trata de un factor
más decisivo y demandado. El mayor interés por la moda masculina se sitúa entre los
hombres con mayor poder adquisitivo. Estos consumidores, más exigentes, demandan
prendas únicas de diseñadores de renombre. Por su parte, los fashionistas más jóvenes
se decantan por marcas emergentes del segmento contemporary, caracterizado por
responder a la estética y gustos de los consumidores de entre 20 y 30 años con un poder
adquisitivo alto.
- (Cotton Incorporated – Lifestyle Monitor Survey 2015)

 Moda para Ellos | Men’s Shopping. (n.d.). Visita Houston.
 agray. (2019, January 30). Las mejores ciudades para ir de compras en
Estados Unidos. Expedia MX Stories.
 ntertex. (2018). Literatures a Color.
 Fashion United, Fashion Technology Forecast 2018 Fashion Technology
Forecast 2018
 Bureau of Labor Stadistics:

 Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, Fichas País:
spx  Tax Foundation:
 McKinsey&Company: The State of Fashion (2018). Recuperado de:
 U.S. Congress, Joint Economic Committee: The New Economy of Fasion
(2016). Recuperado de: 4715-a894-


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