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Together we can slow climate change

Although the populations living around Madagascar’s forest are amongst the poorest people in
the world they are in a position to, and with outside support prepared to, contribute to the well-
being of the planet by taking climate action.

With support, partnership and careful planning they care for the remaining forests by finding
alternative forest-friendly livelihoods and by protecting them from destruction by others, whether
they come from nearby or the other side of the world.

Within our tree planting, whether growing fruit trees or trees for timber and fuel, we plant
indigenous trees to increase permanent forest cover - extending cover, filling in bare patches and
joining up islands of trees.Climate change – What’s happening?

Off the tropical east coast of Africa, Madagascar is right in the path of ever more frequent
cyclones building across the Indian Ocean and from the southern Antarctic waters. Cyclones
bring high winds and floodsand they are becoming more intense. There were five in 2023.
Families died in houses crushed by landslides. Swathes of crops were buried under sand washed
down from the hills. Floods killed and wiped out whole villages and submerged towns.

The seasons are changing and becoming less predictable with erratic droughts, and rains ever
more the norm.

For a farming population, who live in lightly built buildings with no options to adapt, it is a
frequent disaster.

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