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Debate Topic: Should Uniforms Be Allowed in Schools?

Proposing Group: Ruth, Mutale, Samantha, Faith Opposing Group: Siphiwe, Dalisto, Morrison, Joel

Rules of Debate:

Opening Statements: Each group will have 2 minutes to present their opening statements.

Rebuttals: Each group will have 1 minute to rebut the opposing group’s statements.

Questions: Each group can ask 2 questions to the opposing group, with 30 seconds to respond.

Closing Statements: Each group will have 1 minute to present their closing statements.

Respect: Participants must respect each other and avoid personal attacks.

Timekeeping: A moderator will keep time to ensure fairness.

Opening Statement by Proposing Group (Ruth, Mutale, Samantha, Faith): “We believe that school
uniforms should be mandatory. Uniforms promote equality, reduce distractions, and enhance school
pride. They eliminate the pressure on students to dress according to the latest fashion trends, thus
fostering a more inclusive environment.”

Opening Statement by Opposing Group (Siphiwe, Dalisto, Morrison, Joel): “We oppose the mandatory
use of school uniforms. Uniforms suppress individuality and freedom of expression. They can also be a
financial burden on families, especially those with multiple school-going children. Students should have
the right to choose their attire.”

Rebuttals and Questions: Proposing Group Rebuttal: “Uniforms being a financial burden is a
misconception. In fact, they are cost-effective over time and prevent the need for parents to purchase
various outfits.”

Opposing Group Rebuttal: “Even if uniforms are cost-effective, they do not account for the psychological
impact of suppressing a student’s personal identity, which is crucial during school years.”

Question by Proposing Group: “How do you propose schools handle the issue of peer pressure and
bullying over clothing choices without uniforms?”
Question by Opposing Group: “Can you provide evidence that uniforms actually improve academic
performance or reduce bullying?”

Closing Statement by Proposing Group: “In conclusion, the benefits of school uniforms in creating a
focused, united, and professional learning environment outweigh the negatives. They are a key
component in preparing students for the future.”

Closing Statement by Opposing Group: “To sum up, the right to personal expression is fundamental.
Schools should encourage individuality and teach students to respect diversity, rather than enforce

This format ensures a fair and structured debate, allowing both sides to present and defend their views

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