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iOS and Android devices can differ in their cost.

iOS has a massive number of devices to

choose from, such as laptops, smartphone tablets, and many more. Plus, it has fewer problems
than other brands and less hate. Another reason is the brand. If you don’t live under a rock you
will know that iOS is held by the brand Apple which was created by Steve Jobs. In addition, it
has better technology compared to others. It can be proven by having literal Artificial
Intelligence which is easy to use. On the other hand, Android has a rarity common, it said you
can commonly see people using Android. Pulse has advanced technology which is not bad
compared to other Chinese rip-offs. It has a limited number of devices to choose from, unlike
Another important thing to consider is the convenience factor, such as the availability of
certain apps. To compare iOS, have an unlimited number of apps to choose from and apps
support the device. It also has a very nice storage unit where you can download apps you like.
iOS also has the latest technology available on earth. On the other hand, Android has limited
apps and can’t download apps that do not support the device. It has a medium amount of
storage which is not that bad and has better customization than iOS.
Finally, there is the subject of style. When it comes to style Android stood its ground. It
has brighter colors and has the setting to customize your device however you like. For design, it
has a non-non-repeated design and makes the buyers like the design. On the other hand, iOS
has darker colors to customize and have limited customization. Unlike Android, it has a
repeated design.

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