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Esly Andrea Lozada Benítez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación – ECEDU

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en inglés – LiLEI


Jessica del Socorro García Cardona

Due date (04, 03, 2024)


Web conference Launch

Independent work

Category Details
- William Wordsworth: English poet known for "Lyrical Ballads," marking
the beginning of Romanticism in English poetry alongside Samuel Taylor
Coleridge. - Lord Byron: British poet, noted for "Don Juan," an epic poem
blending humor and satire with romantic themes. - Mary Shelley: British
Notable Authors writer, famous for "Frankenstein," a gothic novel exploring human
creativity and scientific responsibility. - Edgar Allan Poe: American writer,
recognized for his tales of terror like "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The
Raven." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: German author, whose work
"Faust" is a classic of Romantic literature exploring philosophical themes.

- "Lyrical Ballads" by Wordsworth and Coleridge: Initiated Romanticism in

English poetry, focusing on emotional connection with nature and everyday
life. - "Don Juan" by Lord Byron: Satirical epic poem blending romantic
narrative, humor, and social critique. - "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley:
Important Works
Gothic novel exploring ethics and morals of science. - "Poe's Tales":
Collection of tales of terror and mystery, noted for their dark atmosphere
and compelling narrative. - "Faust" by Goethe: Tragic work exploring the
pursuit of knowledge and pact with the devil.

- Individualism and Emotion: Emphasis on intense emotions and individual

experience. - Nature and Sublime: Nature as a source of sublime and
powerful inspiration. - Supernatural and Macabre: Inclusion of
Literary supernatural and macabre elements in literature. - Social and Political
Characteristics Critique: Questioning of society and quest for change. - Emphasis on
Imagination and Creativity: Valuing imagination as a creative tool. -
Subjective and Descriptive Style: Intense and detailed narrative to convey

The group chart with the analysis of similarities and topic commonly found in the


Aspect Romanticism Modernism

Temporal Period 18th and 19th centuries Late 19th to mid-20th centuries
Emotional Emphasis on intense emotions, Focus on inner feelings,
Expression individualism psychological exploration
Nature and Reverence for nature as Rejection of traditional spirituality,
Spirituality sublime, spiritual inspiration search for new forms
Critique of societal norms, Critique of societal fragmentation,
Social Critique
injustices disillusionment
Artistic Innovative literary forms, Experimentation with narrative
Experimentation exploration of imagination structures, styles

Exploration of human
Existential angst, alienation, search
Existential Themes existence, individual
for identity

Romantic rebellion against Modernist break from Victorian

classical norms traditions
Influenced later literary Influenced by previous movements,
Cultural Impact
movements like Realism led to Postmodernism
Technological Limited technological impact, Embraced technological
Influence focus on nature and emotion advancements, reflected in art

The final Timeline with all periods, authors, historical background, literary styles, and


Notable Dominati
Period Historical Context Styles and
Authors on Dates
European William
Renaissance, Shakespeare, 15th - 16th
Renaissance epic), Drama
rediscovery of John Milton, centuries
antiquity Dante Alighieri
Industrial narrative), Late 18th -
Romanticism Revolution, French Gothic Early 19th
Lord Byron,
Revolution Fiction, centuries
Mary Shelley
British colonial Charles Dickens, Novel, Social
Victorian 19th
expansion, Charlotte Brontë, Realism,
Literature century
Industrialization Emily Brontë Sensation
Leo Tolstoy,
Rise of industrial Realist Novel,
Gustave 19th
Realism capitalism, Satire, Social
Flaubert, Mark century
urbanization Commentary
Stream of
World Wars, T.S. Eliot, Early 20th
, Modernist
Modernism Technological Virginia Woolf, - Mid 20th
Advancements James Joyce centuries


Dickens, C. (1843). A Christmas Carol. Chapman & Hall.

Eliot, T. S. (1922). The Waste Land. The Dial Press.

Flaubert, G. (1857). Madame Bovary. Michel Lévy Frères.

Goethe, J. W. von. (1808). Faust. J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung.

Joyce, J. (1922). Ulysses. Sylvia Beach.

Milton, J. (1667). Paradise Lost. Samuel Simmons.

Poe, E. A. (1843). The Tell-Tale Heart. The Pioneer.

Shakespeare, W. (1603). Hamlet. Printed by J. Roberts.

Shelley, M. (1818). Frankenstein. Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones.

Tolstoy, L. (1869). War and Peace. The Russian Messenger.

Twain, M. (1884). The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Charles L. Webster & Company.

Wordsworth, W. (1798). Lyrical Ballads. J. & A. Arch.

Woolf, V. (1925). Mrs Dalloway. Hogarth Press.

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