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A report submitted for the second sessional assessment for the course of


(BA 587)

By Group 5
Sayandeep Roy (BAM23024)

Mahendra Thakuria (BAM23041)

K Rajib Singha (BAM23054)

Bikash Kakati (BAM23059)

Under the Supervision of

Dr. Papori Baruah



This is to certify that the report entitled “HR FUNCTIONS AND PRACTICES AT BRITANNIA”
by Group 5 submitted in the Department of Business Administration at Tezpur University, Tezpur
during the academic year 2023-24, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master
in Business Administration for the second semester, is carried out under my guidance and
supervision. The work contained in this report has not been submitted elsewhere for a Mini-

Project Supervisor

Dr. Papori Baruah

The completion of this report gives us much pleasure. We would like to expand our deepest gratitude
to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing the report.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our faculty instructor for Human
Resource Management (BA 587), Dr Papori Baruah ma’am for giving us the golden opportunity to
work on this informative project and guiding us through this process. We would also like to extend
our gratitude to Tezpur University for this opportunity. We would also like to extend our gratitude to
the Head of the Department “Dr. Tridib Ranjan Sharma” for providing us with the facility that was
Thanking you,
Sayandeep Roy (BAM23024)

Mahendra Thakuria (BAM23041)

K Rajib Singha (BAM23054)

Bikash Kakati (BAM23059)

MBA 2nd Semester

Department of Business Administration,
School of Management Sciences,
Tezpur University
This report delves into the Human Resources (HR) practices at Britannia, a company known for its
people-centric approach. Through an interview with Mr. Pranab Kalita, HR Manager at Britannia's
Guwahati (Rampur) location, and a structured Google Form questionnaire, the study examined
various aspects of HR management, including talent acquisition, training and development,
performance management, employee relations, compensation and benefits, HR policies, employee
engagement, and HR software usage. Key findings reveal Britannia's robust hiring methodologies,
emphasis on professional growth through training initiatives, performance management systems
aligning individual and corporate goals, and proactive employee engagement efforts. Challenges
identified include talent retention, skill gaps, and adapting HR practices to technological
advancements. The report concludes with recommendations for Britannia to focus on targeted
retention strategies, enhanced employee engagement programs, and investment in technology-
enabled HR solutions to optimize processes and productivity. This comprehensive understanding of
Britannia's HR landscape provides a foundation for further research and strategic planning in HR
Introduction to HR Department..................................................................2
Organization Structure...................................................................................3
HR Management Structure.........................................................................3
Different Levels of Management................................................................3
Hierarchy for North-eastern Zone...............................................................4
Different HR Profiles.....................................................................................5
HR Practices at Britannia..............................................................................6
Recruitment and Selection..........................................................................6
Training and Development.........................................................................6
Performance Management..........................................................................7
Employee Relations....................................................................................8
Compensation and Benefits........................................................................9
HR policies and Compliance:.....................................................................9
HR software or Data Management...........................................................10
Organization Culture at Britannia................................................................11

Britannia is a significant historical figure, representing the Roman province that encompassed the
territories of modern-day England and Wales during the reign of the Roman Empire. The term
"Britannia" is thought to have originated with the Latin word "Britannia," which was used by the
Romans to refer to the island of Great Britain. This vast expanse of land was a focal point of Roman
expansionism, acting as a critical frontier territory and a source of enormous strategic importance.
The Roman conquest of Britannia began in AD 43, under Emperor Claudius, and lasted centuries.
Roman legions, led by skilled generals, quickly subdued local tribes and took control of the area. To
maintain their authority, the Romans built a network of forts, roads, and cities throughout Britain.
Cities such as Londinium (modern-day London), Eboracum (York), and Verulamium (St. AlBAMs)
grew into thriving urBAM centers, showcasing Roman architecture, culture, and governance.
Britannia's administration was divided into provinces, each with a governor appointed by the Roman
Senate or Emperor. These governors, frequently accompanied by legions and auxiliary troops,
wielded considerable power, collecting taxes, enforcing Roman law, and supervising public works
projects. Britannia became an important source of valuable resources for the Roman Empire, such as
tin and iron, agricultural produce, and skilled labor.
However, Roman rule in Britain was not without challenges. Local resistance, particularly led by
figures such as Queen Boudica of the Iceni tribe, occasionally erupted into large-scale revolts against
Roman rule. The Romans also faced threats from outside the province, such as raids by tribes from
Scotland and Ireland, which prompted the construction of Hadrian's Wall in the north as a defensive
barrier. Despite these challenges, Roman influence in Britain lasted for centuries. The Romanization
of Britannia saw the spread of Roman culture, language, and technology across the province. Roman
towns flourished, trade thrived, and Christianity began to spread, leaving an indelible mark on the
island's social and cultural landscape.
However, by the early fifth century AD, the Roman Empire was in decline, with internal strife and
external threats from invading tribes. In AD 410, the Roman legions stationed in Britannia were
recalled to the continent to defend against barbarian incursions, making the province vulnerable to
invasion. The withdrawal of Roman forces signaled the end of Roman rule in Britain and the start of
the Anglo-Saxon period, when Germanic tribes began to settle and establish kingdoms in the area.
Nonetheless, Britannia's legacy has endured. The term "Britannia" has evolved over time to become
synonymous with the island of Great Britain, reflecting its long-standing historical and cultural
significance. Today, Britannia remains a symbol of Britain's rich and complex history, celebrated in
literature, art, and popular culture However, by the early fifth century AD, the Roman Empire was in
decline, with internal strife and external threats from invading tribes. In AD 410, the Roman legions
stationed in Britannia were recalled to the continent to defend against barbarian incursions, making
the province vulnerable to invasion. The withdrawal of Roman forces signalled the end of Roman
rule in Britain and the start of the Anglo-Saxon period, when Germanic tribes began to settle and
establish kingdoms in the area. Nonetheless, Britannia's legacy has endured. The term "Britannia"
has evolved over time to become synonymous with the island of Great Britain, reflecting its long-
standing historical and cultural significance. Today, Britannia remains a symbol of Britain's rich and
complex history, celebrated in literature, art, and popular culture.
Introduction to HR Department
The foundation of Britannia's people-centric activities is the Human Resources (HR) division. It has
been given the important responsibility of managing and fostering the organization's human capital.
The HR department is essential to the success and general well-being of the company since it works
to create a positive work environment and matches HR tactics with Britannia's basic principles and

Here's an introduction to the key functions and activities of the HR department at Britannia:

1. Talent Acquisition: The HR department is responsible for attracting and hiring top talent to
Britannia. This involves designing effective recruitment strategies, conducting interviews,
and selecting candidates who fit the company's culture and requirements.
2. Employee Onboarding: Once new employees are hired, HR oversees their onboarding
process. This includes orientation sessions, providing necessary training, and ensuring that
new hires integrate smoothly into their roles and the company culture.
3. Performance Management: HR plays a crucial role in monitoring and evaluating employee
performance. They design performance appraisal systems, provide feedback to employees,
and work with managers to address performance issues and facilitate career development.
4. Training and Development: Britannia invests in the growth and development of its
employees. The HR department identifies training needs, organizes relevant workshops or
programs, and facilitates opportunities for skill enhancement and career advancement.
5. Compensation and Benefits: HR manages compensation and benefits programs to ensure
that Britannia remains competitive in attracting and retaining talent. This involves designing
salary structures, administering employee benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans,
and handling compensation-related inquiries.
6. Employee Relations: HR serves as a bridge between employees and management,
addressing concerns, resolving conflicts, and fostering a positive work environment. They
promote open communication channels and ensure that company policies are followed fairly
and consistently.
7. Compliance and Legal Matters: The HR department ensures that Britannia complies with
relevant labour laws and regulations. They stay updated on legal requirements, handle
employee grievances or disciplinary actions, and mitigate risks related to employment laws.
8. Diversity and Inclusion: Britannia values diversity and inclusion in its workforce. The HR
department implements initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a
welcoming and respectful workplace for employees from diverse backgrounds.
9. Employee Engagement and Retention: Keeping employees engaged and motivated is
essential for organizational success. HR develops strategies to boost employee morale,
conducts employee satisfaction surveys, and implements initiatives to improve retention
10. Organizational Development: HR collaborates with leadership to drive organizational
change and development initiatives. This may involve restructuring, succession planning, or
implementing new HR technologies to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Overall, the HR department at Britannia plays a crucial role in building and maintaining a high-
performing, engaged workforce that drives the company's success. They are dedicated to supporting
employees, fostering a positive work culture, and aligning HR practices with Britannia's strategic
Organization Structure
HR Management Structure

Renee P Kashyap

RReports RInstruct

Pranab Kalita

RReports RInstruct


Different Levels of Management


Assistant Vice President Validation Incharge Data Validator

Senior Manager Site Division Incharge NOMC Executive
Project Manager Circle Incharge Computer Operator
HR Manager & Executive Accountant FMS Technician
Store Incharge DNM Technician
Engineers Quality Supervisors
Hierarchy for North-eastern Zone
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
(Nikhil Kulkarni)
Head of NE Zone

Senior Manager
(Sandip Das)

(Multiple for Different State)

HR Team

Different HR Profiles
At Britannia, the Human Resources (HR) department encompasses a diverse range of roles and
profiles, each contributing to the strategic management of the company's most valuable asset—its
people. Here's an overview of some key HR profiles you might find at Britannia:

1. Talent Acquisition Specialist: Responsible for identifying, attracting, and recruiting top
talent to join Britannia. They work closely with hiring managers to understand staffing needs,
develop recruitment strategies, and execute hiring plans to ensure the company has the right
people in the right roles.
2. Employee Relations Manager: Focuses on fostering positive relationships between
employees and management. They handle employee grievances, mediate conflicts, and
ensure that Britannia's policies and procedures are applied consistently and fairly across the
3. Compensation and Benefits Analyst: Manages Britannia's compensation and benefits
programs to attract, retain, and motivate employees. They conduct market research to ensure
competitive salary structures and design benefits packages that meet the needs of employees
while aligning with the company's budget and strategic goals.
4. Learning and Development Specialist: Designs and delivers training programs to enhance
the skills and capabilities of Britannia's workforce. They assess training needs, develop
curriculum, and facilitate learning opportunities to support employee growth and
5. HR Business Partner: Acts as a strategic partner to business leaders and department heads,
providing guidance and support on HR matters aligned with Britannia's business objectives.
They collaborate with stakeholders to address organizational challenges, implement HR
initiatives, and drive employee engagement and performance.
6. HR Operations Manager: Oversees the day-to-day administrative functions of the HR
department, including payroll processing, employee data management, and compliance with
labor laws and regulations. They ensure that HR processes are efficient, accurate, and
compliant with Britannia's policies and legal requirements.
7. Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator: Leads initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and
inclusion within Britannia's workforce. They develop strategies to attract and retain diverse
talent, create inclusive policies and practices, and foster a culture where all employees feel
valued and respected.
8. Performance Management Specialist: Designs and implements performance appraisal
systems to assess and improve employee performance. They work with managers to set goals,
provide feedback, and support employee development, ensuring that performance evaluations
are fair, transparent, and aligned with Britannia's performance standards.
9. HR Analytics Manager: Utilizes data analysis and insights to inform HR decision-making
and drive organizational effectiveness. They gather and analyze HR metrics related to
recruitment, retention, employee engagement, and other key areas to identify trends, patterns,
and areas for improvement.
10. Organizational Development Consultant: Focuses on enhancing Britannia's organizational
effectiveness and agility through strategic interventions and change management initiatives.
They assess organizational needs, design and implement development programs, and
facilitate change processes to support Britannia's growth and success.
HR Practices at Britannia
Human Resource practices consist of various activities related to managing people within an
organization. This includes recruitment, training, performance management, compensation,
employee relations, and more.

Recruitment and Selection

Attracting and sourcing candidates for open positions:
Britannia uses a mix of classic and innovative approaches to attract and source people for
available roles. We advertise job openings on online job boards, have a dedicated careers section
on our website, use social media platforms, promote employee recommendations, do campus
recruitment, collaborate with recruitment firms, attend networking events, and provide internship
opportunities. We as a company try to provide the greatest talents the opportunity as per the best
fit for their needs.
Conducting interviews and selecting candidates based on the criteria:
Britannia uses a structured candidate selection process that includes initial screening, in-person
interviews, behavioural interviews, technical interviews, cultural fit evaluation, assessment exercises,
reference checks, and a final decision. The initial screening considers qualifications, interest in the
position, and availability. In-person interviews consist of several rounds, whereas behavioural
interviews evaluate candidates' previous behaviour and experiences. Technical interviews assess
expertise in relevant skills and technologies. The cultural fit assessment ensures that employees are
aligned with the company's values, mission, and work style. Assessment exercises simulate tasks or
challenges relevant to the role. Reference checks verify candidates' qualifications and suitability. The
final decision is to hire the candidate who best meets the job requirements and aligns with the
company's goals and values.
Standardized onboarding process for new hires
Britannia has a structured onboarding procedure for new employees, which ensures a seamless
transfer and prepares them for success. The process consists of preparation before the start date, an
orientation session, training and growth opportunities, an introduction to policies and procedures, a
mentorship system, open communication, and integration into the team and culture. The organization
delivers an onboarding package with key documentation and links to internet portals or training
resources. On the first day, new hires attend an orientation class where they learn about the
company's history, mission, structure, IT system, and software training. Regular check-ins are
arranged to discuss progress and handle any issues. This standardized onboarding procedure helps
Britannia guarantee that new workers feel welcome, engaged, and ready to contribute to the

Training and Development

Training programs are available for employees:
Britannia offers various training programs to support employees at different career levels. These
include onboarding training for new hires, skill development workshops for job-related skills,
leadership development programs for leadership positions, technical training for industry trends,
sales and customer service training for sales roles, cross-functional training for exposure to different
business areas, and continuous learning platforms for employees to pursue self-directed learning at
their own pace. By offering these programs, Britannia aims to empower its workforce to
continuously learn, grow, and excel in their roles, contributing to the company's success and
innovation. But there is a catch. It varies from time to time, and especially as per location, it gets
customized. Somewhere we need to add more and somewhere curtail unnecessary programmes.

Measuring of effectiveness of training programs:

Our training programs are assessed using a variety of methods to determine the influence on workers'
knowledge, skills, performance, and business outcomes. These techniques include pre-and post-
assessments, skill-based evaluations, feedback surveys, performance metrics, management feedback,
retention and application rates, ROI analysis, and long-term performance reviews. Pre-assessments
test employees' knowledge and abilities before training, whereas post-assessments analyze the
amount of improvement made. Skills-based assessments assess employees' ability to apply training
information in real-world circumstances. Feedback surveys collect participants' opinions on the
training content, delivery, relevance, and effectiveness. Performance metrics monitor changes in
employee performance, productivity, quality, efficiency, and other quantitative outcomes. Long-term
performance assessments look at how training has affected employees' performance, skill
development, and job satisfaction over time.

Performance Management
Goal and objective setting:
Britannia's goal-setting approach includes aligning with corporate goals, developing SMART goals
using the SMART criteria, and engaging in communication with employees and management.
Managers communicate performance goals to staff, ensuring that they are relevant and connected
with professional development and organizational needs. Feedback and review are continuous,
allowing for changes as needed. Regular reviews and progress monitoring help staff stay engaged
and accountable. Recognition and reward methods, like as performance incentives or promotions, are
used to acknowledge and reward personnel who fulfil their objectives. Professional development
options, such as learning new skills or obtaining certifications, are also available. This systematic
strategy guarantees that people are engaged, motivated, and working toward goals that benefit their
development and the organization's success.
Methods used for performance appraisal and evaluation:
Britannia employs a variety of performance assessment and evaluation methodologies to review
workers' accomplishments, strengths, and areas for development. These approaches include yearly or
periodic evaluations, 360-degree feedback, Objective Key Results (OKRs), performance ratings or
grading systems, behavioural assessments, self-assessments, performance interviews, and continuous
feedback. Annual evaluations are a detailed evaluation of personnel's accomplishments, skills, and
progress toward goals. Performance ratings, often known as grading scales, statistically measure
employees' performance against set criteria. Behavioural evaluations analyze workers' role-relevant
behaviours, competencies, and skills. Self-assessments enable employees to take charge of their
growth and share insights. Performance interviews promote open communication and goal setting.
The 360-degree method is also used as a whole but here in the current location of the interviewer, it
isn't applied yet.
Providing feedback and formal performance reviews process:
Britannia encourages ongoing growth and development through both official and informal feedback
mechanisms. Formal performance evaluations are done on a yearly or semi-annual basis, and we
provide organized feedback based on predetermined criteria. Feedback methods solicit feedback
from peers, direct reports, and other stakeholders. Continuous feedback is offered throughout the
year, enabling prompt acknowledgment of accomplishments and assistance for development goals.
One-on-one sessions with direct reports are also organized to promote open communication and
feedback sharing (but here it is a little bit less). Feedback sessions or seminars are planned to
promote constructive criticism and teamwork. Written feedback is delivered via performance
assessment documents, emails, or memos. Employees' efforts are acknowledged and rewarded
through recognition programs.

Linking performance metrics to rewards and recognition:

Britannia's performance management and incentive systems associate performance measurements
with awards or recognition. Employees that reach or exceed particular performance measures, such
as sales targets or customer satisfaction objectives, are eligible for performance-based incentives.
Merit increments are given to workers who continually exhibit great performance, based on their
contributions and alignment with business goals. Recognition programs recognize and celebrate
employees' accomplishments, and high-performing employees are evaluated for promotions and
career development possibilities. Special incentives or awards are also provided to employees who
accomplish extraordinary outcomes or exceed performance goals.

Employee Relations
Handling employee grievances and conflicts:
Britannia has a comprehensive grievance system in place to resolve employee concerns and issues in
a fair and effective manner. The policy encourages employees to express their issues directly to
supervisors or higher-level management, allowing for early resolution. The method includes
presenting a formal complaint to HR, who will then investigate the matter. Britannia may provide
mediation and conflict resolution services to help promote positive communication. Thorough
investigations are carried out to obtain essential information and appraise the issue objectively.
Information is kept confidential and private, and only those directly concerned are given access to it.
Employee support services are available to help employees deal with stress and manage complaints
successfully. Britannia teaches conflict resolution tactics and communication skills to help avoid
confrontations. Follow-up meetings or questionnaires are used to track progress.
Communication channels for voicing concerns
Britannia offer employees various communication channels for expressing concerns, including the
Employee Hotline, email, Intranet Portal, regular meetings, anonymous feedback boxes, and
employee representatives. These channels provide employees with a comfortable way to express
their concerns, whether anonymously or directly, ensuring a comprehensive and respectful
Ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations regarding employee relations:
The company ensures compliance with labour laws and regulations by regularly training and
educating managers and HR personnel, developing comprehensive HR policies, conducting legal
reviews, monitoring and auditing, providing employee feedback mechanisms, seeking external
consultation, and maintaining open communication with regulatory bodies. These measures
demonstrate our dedication to upholding labour laws and regulations and fostering a fair and
compliant work environment for all employees.

Compensation and Benefits

Offering to employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and vacation time:
Britannia offers its workers a comprehensive benefit package that includes health insurance,
retirement plans, vacation time, sick leave, life insurance, employee assistance programs, wellness
programs, and employee discounts. These perks are designed to improve employees' well-being and
financial stability while also increasing job satisfaction and retention rates. Employees can save for
medical expenditures, take paid time off, and get tuition reimbursement for additional education or
professional development. Britannia also provides employee discounts on corporate products and
services, working with external vendors to achieve lower pricing.

HR policies and Compliance:

Process for updating and revising HR policies.
This Organisation follows a structured process for updating and revising its HR policies. This
process includes a policy review, identifying needs, researching best practices, drafting, consulting,
approving, communicating, implementing, and monitoring. The process ensures that HR policies are
effective, legally compliant, and align with the organization's goals and values. The process includes
consulting with stakeholders, presenting the changes to decision-makers, providing training, and
ensuring compliance. By following this process, Britannia maintains its HR policies' effectiveness
and compliance.
Employee engagement and retention
Britannia encourages employee engagement and happiness through open communication,
recognition, professional development, work-life balance, wellness programs, team building events,
empowerment, employee feedback, community involvement, and regular performance evaluations.
These tactics seek to build a good work environment, increasing happiness, productivity, and
retention, resulting in a more productive staff.
Initiatives for recognizing and rewarding employee contributions.
Britannia has measures in place to recognize and reward employees' accomplishments. These
programs include employee of the month honors, incentives for exemplary performance, supervisor
commendation, and merit-based career promotion chances.
Handling employee turnover and conducting exit interviews.
Britannia handles employee turnover through exit interviews, which gather comments and insights
from departing employees. This assists in identifying reasons for turnover and opportunities for
improvement. Based on this input, the business adopts initiatives to resolve problems and increase
employee happiness, resulting in lower turnover rates.

HR software or Data Management

HR software or systems are used for managing employee data and HR processes
HR software and systems such as SAP Success Factors or Workday to effectively manage employee
data and HR operations. Payroll, benefits administration, performance management, and employee
self-service are among the processes that these systems automate, therefore increasing organizational
effectiveness and accuracy.
Analytics or metrics used to track HR performance and trends.
Britannia tracks HR trends and performance using statistics and data. Important data include
absenteeism rates, performance management measures, diversity and inclusion metrics, employee
engagement surveys, attrition rates, recruiting analytics, and a centralized HR Analytics Dashboard.
With the aid of these measures, HR performance can be improved and the success of the company
can be increased. They also help discover areas of strength and progress. Britannia may contribute to
the organization's overall performance and make well-informed decisions by examining these
Organization Culture at Britannia
Using a variety of strategies, including social media platforms, online job boards, a specialised
careers section on their website, employee recommendations, campus recruitment, partnerships with
recruitment agencies, networking events, and internships, Britannia seeks to attract top talent. The
methodical procedure they employ for choosing candidates includes preliminary screening, several
rounds of interviews, behavioural and technical evaluations, assessments of cultural fit, reference
checks, and a final selection based on compatibility with job specifications and corporate values.
Standardized on boarding methods promote new hires' seamless integration by including pre-start
preparation, orientation sessions, training, policy familiarisation, mentorship, open communication,
and team integration. Designed to accommodate a range of professional levels, training programmes
include topics such as technical proficiency, leadership, skill development, on boarding, cross-
functional exposure, and platforms for ongoing education.
Pre- and post-assessments, skill-based assessments, feedback forms, retention rates, ROI analysis,
performance metrics, and long-term performance reviews are all used to evaluate how beneficial a
training programme has been. Setting goals for employees is in line with company objectives; it uses
SMART criteria, ongoing feedback, and ways of acknowledgment to encourage growth and
Behavioural assessments, OKRs, performance ratings, interviews, periodic evaluations, 360-degree
feedback, self-assessments, and continuous feedback mechanisms are some of the techniques used in
performance appraisals. Feedback is provided in both formal and informal formats, including regular
performance reviews, one-on-one meetings, seminars, and written feedback channels.
Performance measurements are linked to rewards and recognition, including incentives for meeting
particular targets, merit increases, promotion prospects, and special acknowledgment for exceptional
performance. Employee grievances and problems are managed using a multifaceted approach that
includes direct conversation, formal HR complaints, mediation, detailed investigations, and follow-
up methods.
The intranet site, meetings, emails, hotlines, feedback boxes, and employee reps are just a few of the
ways in which staff members can communicate their issues. Training, policy creation, legal
evaluations, oversight, external consultation, and transparent interaction with regulatory agencies all
serve to guarantee adherence to labour rules.
Health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, life insurance, assistance programmes, wellness
campaigns, and discounts are all included in the perks offered to employees. HR policies go through
a controlled modification process to guarantee their efficacy, legality, connection with organisational
goals, and stakeholder participation.
Britannia places a strong emphasis on open communication, acknowledgment, professional growth,
work-life balance, wellness initiatives, team-building activities, empowerment, feedback
mechanisms, community involvement, and frequent performance reviews in order to promote
engagement and satisfaction. Employee of the Month awards, performance bonuses, praise, and
prospects for advancement are a few examples of recognition and reward programmes.
Exit interviews are undertaken to obtain insights and address reasons for departure, thereby driving
measures to improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover rates. HR software, such as SAP
Success Factors or Workday, is used to handle employee data and operations, including payroll,
benefits administration, performance management, and employee self-service. Analytics monitor HR
performance and trends, such as absenteeism, performance measurements, diversity indicators,
engagement surveys, attrition rates, recruiting analytics, and a centralised HR Analytics Dashboard,
to promote informed decision-making and organisational success.
We had an interview with Britannia's HR manager Mr Pranab Kalita in Guwahati (Rampur), Assam .
The interview's objective was to learn more about Britannia's HR procedures, policies, and
Methodology: The interview with Mr. Pranab Kalita was performed in two stages: a personal
interview and a questionnaire provided via Google Form. The personal interview gave a chance for
in-depth conversations and probing questions to acquire a thorough understanding. The Google Form
was used to record structured replies and assure data consistency.
Personal Interview: Because the interview took place in person, it was able to be more
conversational and in-depth. Mr. Kalita was asked open-ended questions to go into different facets of
HR administration at Britannia. The interview encompassed subjects including hiring procedures,
staff growth programs, performance evaluation frameworks, and obstacles encountered by the human
resources division. To elucidate answers and go further into certain areas of interest, follow-up
questions were posed.
Google Form Questionnaire: In order to receive organized answers to a series of predetermined
questions, Mr. Kalita was emailed a Google Form questionnaire after the in-person interview. Key
HR topics including hiring tactics, development plans, employee engagement campaigns, and the use
of HR technologies were all included in the questionnaire. This approach made sure that data
collecting was consistent and made it simple to analyze the answers.
Analysis: To find recurring themes, patterns, and difficulties, the information gathered from the
Google Form survey and the in-person interview was examined. While quantitative research was
utilized to measure variables like training costs and recruiting indicators, qualitative analysis
approaches were applied to glean insights from Mr. Kalita's comments. After that, the data were
combined to give a thorough rundown of Britannia's HR procedures.
Interview Findings:
Several significant facets of Britannia's HR procedures were disclosed by the interview's findings,
1. Hiring Methodologies: To find talent, Britannia uses a combination of old-fashioned and new-
fashioned recruitment techniques, such as employee recommendations, job portals, and campus
2. Professional Growth: Through ongoing training efforts, leadership development workshops, and
skill enhancement programs, the organization maintains a heavy emphasis on staff development.
3. Administration of Performance: Britannia uses a performance management system to assess
worker performance and offer suggestions for development. To match individual goals with
corporate objectives, regular goal-setting sessions and performance reviews are held.
The HR department proactively involves its workforce through a range of initiatives, including team-
building exercises, wellness programs, and recognition programs, with the goal of cultivating a
positive work environment and improving employee satisfaction morale.
5. Challenges: Talent retention, skill gaps, and adjusting HR procedures to technological changes are
a few of the issues that have been noted.
In summary, the conversation with Mr. Pranab Kalita shed light on the organization's issues as well
as its strengths and opportunities for development with regard to HR procedures at Britannia. A
thorough grasp of Britannia's HR environment was attained by utilizing a combination of in-person
interviews and standardized surveys, providing the groundwork for further study and strategic
Recommendations: In light of the results, Britannia should concentrate on resolving issues related to
talent retention by implementing focused retention tactics and improved employee engagement
programs. Investing in technology-enabled HR solutions may also aid in process optimization and
increased productivity in HR administration.
The research tool: Google Form Questionnaire
The HR Manager at Britannia, Guwahati (Rampur), Mr. Pranab Kalita, was surveyed using a Google
Form as a research tool to collect organized answers. A user-friendly interface for creating and
managing surveys and questionnaires is offered by Google Forms, a web-based survey tool.
1. How does the organization attract and source candidates for open positions?
2. How are interviews conducted, and what criteria are used for candidate selection?
3. Does the organization have a standardized on boarding process for new hires?
4. What training programs are available for employees at different levels?
5. How is the effectiveness of training programs measured?
6. How are employee goals and objectives set?
7. What methods are used for performance appraisal and evaluation?
8. How feedback is provided to employees, and is there a formal performance review
9. Are performance metrics tied to rewards or recognition?
10. How does the organization handle employee grievances and conflicts?
11. What communication channels are in place for employees to voice concerns?
12. How does the organization ensure compliance with labour laws and regulations regarding
employee relations?
13. What benefits are offered to employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and
vacation time?
14. Is there a process for updating and revising HR policies as needed?
15. What strategies does the organization use to foster employee engagement and
16. Are there any initiatives in place to recognize and reward employee contributions?
17. How does the organization handle employee turnover and exit interviews?
18. What HR software or systems are used for managing employee data and HR processes?
19. Are there any analytics or metrics used to track HR performance and trends?
In conclusion, Britannia's HR functions and practices are essential pillars of its organizational
success, fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and employee empowerment. Through
strategic recruitment, robust training programs, and effective performance management, Britannia
has cultivated a workforce that is highly skilled, motivated, and aligned with the company's
objectives. Moreover, its emphasis on diversity and inclusion ensures a harmonious workplace where
every individual's unique talents are valued and celebrated. As Britannia continues to evolve and
expand, its commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a supportive work environment will remain
integral to sustaining its competitive edge in the market.

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