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Country: USA

Delegate; Rafadyn Ashmidan Adhiswara

As AI gets more advance an issue that has been plaguing countries politics is the spread of
misinformation through “deepfakes”. The term was Deepfakes are fake videos or images that are
created using artificial intelligence. They are very convincing forgeries that can make it appear
like someone said or did something they never actually did. The evolution of deepfakes has
caused political and societal discourse through the spread of misinformation. The prominence of
deep fakes arose in the past decade for example during the Indonesian election, citizens saw a
deepfake video “resurrecting” the late President Suharto. This was to encourage people to vote,
but it was accused of being propaganda because it was produced by the political party that he led.

Country stance
The United States is against irresponsible use of AI and is actively engaged in creating a
framework for the responsible development and application of artificial intelligence in politics,
with an emphasis on guaranteeing the technology's safety, security, and transparency as well as
fostering global collaboration and resolving worries about AI's potential effects on democracy.
This action is called upon because in February 2024, an audio deepfake emerged that mimicked
the voice of US President, Joe Biden. The audio clip was used in an automated telephone call
targeting democratic voters in the US State of New Hampshire. In the faked message, an
AI-generated version of Biden’s voice is heard urging people not to vote in the state’s primary
election. The executive order "Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial
Intelligence (AI)" was signed by President Biden in October 2023. In order to reduce risks before
they are implemented, this order aims to guarantee that AI systems are planned and built with
strong, dependable, repeatable, and standardized evaluations. The directive also urged the people
to be aware of the technology's possible effects on their lives and stressed the significance of
openness in AI research and application.
- Implementation of ACP(Accountability Program) where all AI must be traceable up a
chain of command, ensuring compliance with human oversight, as well as ensuring that
all perpetrators of misinformation are dealt with accordingly
- Implementation of "Safe, Secure, And Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial
Intelligence" that's currently being implemented in the US towards other countries with
the aim to regulate AI usage.

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