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I would like to take a moment to thank those involved in helping me with

this text. Elsevier, of course, for taking it on and my editor Carrie Bolger for
all the help and guidance. A big thank you to Elizabeth for proofreading,
which really was quite an undertaking. A special thanks to Pat Symonds
for doing the foreword. Pat is an extraordinary engineer with two particular
gifts, first for connecting measured performance trackside into design
improvements on the car and second for managing people. He has been tre-
mendously helpful in the development of the courses at the University and
has hired its students right back to our very first cohorts in the subject.
A big thanks also to those far too numerous to mention in the motorsport
and automotive community in general who have always been so helpful and
supportive. Formula student deserves a mention too. For many years, I built
up and ran the University team and am indebted to all who helped; it became
and still is a very successful team with learning very much a core value.
George, Leo, Harry, Helen and Freya also get thanks, not because they
lifted a finger to help with the book, but because they are my children and
grandchildren of whom I am understandably very proud. Thanks also of
course to the wider circle of family and friends for all the encouragement
along the way. Lastly, another extra thanks to Elizabeth for being such an
excellent mother, wife and codriver in life’s lengthy Grand Tour.


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