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Unit 1 – Our World

Lesson – 1- Earth as a Planet

Question and Answers
A) Answer the following questions :
1. Why is the earth a unique planet?
Ans: It is a unique planet because; it has life on it with air, water and light.
2. Why the earth is called the blue planet or why earth is called the watery
Ans: Earth is called the blue planet because it is covered with 71% of water in
the form of seas, rivers lakes and oceans.
3. What is the surface of the earth made up of?
Ans: It is made up of different types of rocks which is called as lithosphere.
4. Name a planet that cannot support life. Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: Saturn because it does not have oxygen and water.
5. State three factors that have made life possible on the earth or State the
conditions favorable for life to exist on earth.
Ans: The most remarkable feature of Earth is that life exists only on planet
Earth, because
1) It is third in distance from the sun, so it receives enough heat and solar
energy for mankind. It is neither too close nor too far.
2) Earth’s atmosphere contains adequate amount of oxygen and nitrogen
along with other gases making life easier.
3) It has water. Life cannot exist without water.
6. Name the various realms of earth.
Ans: Lithosphere (the sphere/layer of rocks)
Hydrosphere (the layer of water)
Atmosphere (the layer of air)
7. Why is the shape of the earth described as as an oblate spheroid?

Ans: It is called as a oblate spheroid because it is bulged on the sides and flat at
the top.
8. Give two proofs about the shape of the earth.
Ans: a) All celestial bodies are spherical.
b) Circular in outline.
9. What is the significance of the atmosphere on earth as compared to other
Ans: It makes life easier on planet earth as it has air with nitrogen and oxygen.
10. List the conditions favorable to life on earth.
Ans: 1) It is third in distance from the sun, so it receives enough heat and solar
energy for mankind. It is neither too close nor too far.
2) Earth’s atmosphere contains adequate amount of oxygen and nitrogen along
with other gases making life easier
3) It has water. Life cannot exist without water.
B .Explain the following terms:

1 .Terrestrial planets: Also known as rocky planet that is primarily composed of

silicate rocks or metals e.g: the four inner planets like the Mercury, Venus, Earth
and Mars.
2. Oxygen cycle: Oxygen not only supports life but also helps a great deal in
maintaining ecological balance. Man inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide
which is taken in by plants.
3. Unique planet: It is the only planet with life.
4. Water cycle: Water on earth goes in to the atmosphere as vapour by evaporation
and transpiration of the plants. The Vapour is returned to earth as rain or snow.
5. Biosphere: The layer of planet earth where life exists.
6. Environment: the surrounding or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant
lives or operates.
7. Atmosphere: The envelop of air surrounding the earth is called atmosphere.

C. Give reasons for the following:

1 . The earth is the only habitable planet.
Ans: The most remarkable feature of Earth is that life exists only on planet
Earth, because
1) It is third in distance from the sun, so it receives enough heat and solar
energy for mankind. It is neither too close nor too far.
2) Earth’s atmosphere contains adequate amount of oxygen and nitrogen
along with other gases making life easier.
3) It has water. Life cannot exist without water.

2 . The earth’s shape is Geoid.

Ans: 1 .All celestial bodies are spherical.
2. Circular in outline.
3. Circumnavigation of the earth: time and again people traveling round
the world in different directions came back to the same point.

3 . The earth is the home of humankind.

Ans: 1) It is third in distance from the sun, so it receives enough heat and solar
energy for mankind. It is neither too close nor too far.
2) Earth’s atmosphere contains adequate amount of oxygen and nitrogen along
with other gases making life easier
3) It has water. Life cannot exist without water.
D: Tick mark the correct answer:
1. Earth’s orbit lies between
i) Venus and mars
ii) Mercury and Venus
iii) Mars and Jupiter
iv) Jupiter and Saturn
Ans: Venus and Mars

2. The amount of oxygen in earth’s atmosphere is :

i) 60%
ii) 21%
iii) 78%
iv) 10%
Ans: 21%

3. Earth’s biosphere is also called

i) Ecosystem
ii) Environment
iii) Atmosphere
iv) Hydrosphere

Ans: Ecosystem

4 . The average distance of earth from the sun is

i) 150 million km
ii) 108 million km
iii) 1433 million km
iv) 228 million km
Ans: 150 million km

5 . Earth completes its one revolution around the sun in

i) 360 days
ii) 365 ¼ days
iii) 366 days
iv) 300 days
Ans : 365 ¼ days

E. Diagrams
1) Draw a neat diagram to show the realms of the Earth.
2 ) Draw a neat diagram to show the water cycle on the earth.

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