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Earth: The Living

4 Pics 1 Word
Can you guess what is what is the
word described by the pictures?
Activity 1
Compare and Contrast. What are the similarities and differences among these three
terrestrial planets? Write as many similarities and differences you can find.
Let’s have a discussion

What similarities and differences did you observe? Share your answers to the
Some Observations…

1. Venus, Earth, and Mars are part of the inner terrestrial or "rocky"
planets. Their composition and densities are not too different from
each other.
2. Venus is considered to be the Earth's twin planet. It has a very
similar size and mass with the Earth. Mars is about half the Earth's
3. Orbital period and velocity are related to the planet's distance
from the sun. Among the three planet, Venus is the nearest and
Mars is the farthest from the Sun.
4. Rotational speed of Earth and Mars are very similar. Rotational
speed of Venus is extremely slow.
5. Abundance of liquid water on Earth, hence the blue color. The
Earth is a habitable planet.
Some Facts…

 Escape velocity - minimum speed an object

needs to escape a planet's pull of gravity.
 Surface pressure – atmospheric pressure at a
location on the surface of the planet. It is
proportional to the mass of air above the
 Temperature if no GHG - this would be the
temperature of the planet without the warming
effect of green house gases. Note that the
temperature of the Earth would be ~ 18 0C
lower without green house warming.
 Length of day - a function of rotational speed.
 Earth's magnetic field is believed to be the
consequence of the presence of a solid metallic
inner core and a liquid metallic outer core.
 The ability of a planet to retain its internal heat is
proportional to its size. Mars may have lost much
of its internal heat very early in its evolution.
 A planet's temperature is a function of distance
from the Sun but is modified by the amount of
greenhouse warming.
Activity 2: What factors make a planet habitable?
1. Write what you think are possible factors that make a planet habitable. Make elaborate reasons. You can
use Table 1 as reference.
2. Draw a sketch/diagram of your desired habitable planet. You may use coloring materials to emphasize the
details of your planet. Write a short description of your planet.
Let’s have a discussion

What are the factors that you determined to make a planet habitable?
Share your answers to the class. Show your desired habitable planet to your
Activity 2: What factors make a planet habitable?
..\Earth Science Activities\What Makes the World Habitable.pdf
Earth: The Living Planet

 Earth is considered as a home of simple single-celled organisms up

to the most complex life forms including humans. It is undeniable
that the planet we live in is a rare planet as it is the only planet in our
solar system that permits life. The different characteristics of Earth
are responsible for the proliferation of life.
Earth: It’s Atmosphere
 The atmosphere consists of 78.1% nitrogen, 20.9%
oxygen, 0.9% argon, 350 ppm carbon dioxide, and
other components. The table below shows the major
components in the atmosphere and their relative
 The presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide permits life
on Earth. Carbon dioxide is used by photosynthetic
organisms, such as plants and algae, to convert the
energy from the sun to usable energy through the
process of photosynthesis. The oxygen makes it livable
for living organisms including humans for respiration and
for our cells to function.
 Earth’s atmosphere also protects us from the sun’s
radiation. Thirty percent of the radiation is reflected
away by the atmosphere, clouds, and the earth's
surface. Another 25% is absorbed by the atmosphere
and clouds, and the remaining 45% is absorbed by the
earth’s surface. Ozone or O3 is composed of three
oxygen atoms. In the stratosphere, O3 is abundant in the
form of the ozone layer. This layer absorbs the ultraviolet Source:
wavelengths, and the absorption of this radiation heats m7sssystem/m7pdfc3.pdf
up the air.
Earth: Soil and Vegetation
 The soil is a mixture of minerals, water, air, organic matter, and organisms. It is a living
medium—a medium for growth of all kinds of vegetation. The soil promotes growth for
plants by providing nutrients, water, and as a substrate for anchorage of roots. In return,
vegetation produces trees and forests cover, ensures the water and nutrient cycle, and
prevents soil and wind erosion. This mutual relationship of the soil and vegetation makes
our planet liveable.
Earth: It’s Hydrosphere
 The hydrosphere contains all the water on our planet including ice and vapor. Nearly
three-quarters of the earth’s surface is the sea and the ocean. The ocean houses many
species of marine life and diverse mineral resources. Other forms of water include river,
streams, and lakes. Other than being a water reservoir, these forms of water are all
sources of fish and shellfish that we consume. They also serve as thermostat and heat
reservoir, especially the ocean. They also serve as ways for transportation.
Key Points

 The atmosphere consists of 78.1% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.9%

argon, 350 ppm carbon dioxide, and other components.
 The presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide makes Earth habitable.
 Earth’s atmosphere also protects us from the sun’s radiation.
 The soil is a living medium—a medium for growth of all kinds of
 The hydrosphere serves as a water reservoir, a source of fish and
shellfish that we consume, a thermostat and heat reservoir, and a
way for transportation.
Activity 3: Interstellar Crash Landing
Which planet will you go?
Your spaceship suffers mechanical problems and will be forced to land. Fortunately
they are passing through the Yanib System , which is composed of a sun-like star
surrounded by seven planets, some of which have moons . The profiles of planets
and moons of the Yanib System are listed on Table 3
The Earth’s
Four Subsystem of the Earth

 The four subsystems of the Earth are the atmosphere, geosphere,

hydrosphere, and biosphere.
The Atmosphere

 The word atmosphere comes from the Greek roots atmos which
means gas, and sphaira which means globe or ball.
The atmosphere makes up of all the gases on Earth. It extends
outward about 10 000 km from the surface of the Earth. It is
composed of 78.1% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.9% argon, 350 ppm
carbon dioxide, and other components.
 The atmosphere has different layers – troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.
The Atmosphere
 The troposphere extends to about 14.5 km
above the Earth's surface. It is the lowest layer
where the weather forms.
 The stratosphere is found 14.5 to 50 km above
the Earth's surface. The ozone layer that
protects the Earth from the Sun's harmful UV
radiation is found in this layer.
 The mesosphere extends from 50 to 85 km
above the Earth's surface. It protects the Earth
from the impact of space debris.
 The thermosphere is found 85 to 600 km above
the Earth's surface. It has charged particles
that are affected by the Earth's magnetic field.
The particles create the Auroras or Northern
and Southern lights.
 The exosphere is the farthest layer. It extends to
about 10 000 km above the Earth's surface.
The Geosphere

 Geo is a Greek root which means

ground. Geosphere includes all the
soil, rocks, and minerals present in the
crust to the core of the Earth. It is
divided into three layers namely
crust, mantle, and core.
The Geosphere
 The crust is the outermost layer of the geosphere. It is
made mostly of silicate materials. There are two different
types of crust, the oceanic and continental crusts. The
thin oceanic crust that lies beneath the oceanic floors is
about 5 to 10 km thick. On the other hand, the
thicker continental crust that makes up the continents is
about 15 to 70 km thick.
 The mantle, which lies just below the crust, is made mostly
of silicate rocks rich in magnesium and iron. It is about
2900 km thick. It has increasing temperatures at
increasing depths. For instance, the layer with the lowest
temperature is the one right beneath the crust. This layer,
which is soft enough to flow, causes the plates of the
crust to move. On the other hand, the layer with the
highest temperature is found in contact with the heat-
producing core.
 The core, which has a radius of 3400 km, is the innermost
layer of the Earth. It is made up of iron and nickel. It is the
source of internal heat because it contains radioactive
materials that release energy as they decay into more
stable substances.
The Biosphere

 Bio is a Greek root that means life. The biosphere is comprised of all
living things. It includes all microbes, plants, and animals. It extends
to the upper areas of the atmosphere where insects and birds can
be found. It also reaches the deep parts of the oceans where
marine organisms can still survive.
 For the majority of life on Earth, the base of the food chain
comprises photosynthetic organisms. During photosynthesis, CO2 is
sequestered from the atmosphere, while oxygen is released as a
byproduct. The biosphere is a CO2 sink, and therefore, an important
part of the carbon cycle.
The Carbon Cycle
The Hydrosphere

 Hydro is a Greek root which means water. Hydrosphere is composed

of all the water on Earth in any form: water vapor, liquid water, and
ice. It is comprised of 97.5% saltwater and 2.5% freshwater. It
includes all bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and
marshes. Clouds and rain are also part of the hydrosphere.
 About 70% of the Earth is covered with liquid water
 The water on Earth is constantly moving. It moves through the
oceans in currents. Warm waters in the tropics move toward the
poles while cold water from the polar regions move toward the
tropics. Water also flows into streams and rivers and through the
rocks underground. It can also move from the Earth’s surface to the
air by evaporation and then fall back to Earth as precipitation. It
even moves into and out of the bodies of organisms.
The Hydrosphere

 Hydro is a Greek root which means water. Hydrosphere is composed of all

the water on Earth in any form: water vapor, liquid water, and ice. It is
comprised of 97.5% saltwater and 2.5% freshwater. It includes all bodies of
water such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and marshes. About 70% of the Earth is
covered with liquid water.
 The oceans are important sinks for CO2 through direct exchange with the
atmosphere and indirectly through the weathering of rocks.
The Hydrosphere
 The hypsographic curve is a
graphical representation of
the proportion of land at
various elevations (meters
above or below sea level).
Example: 4000 m below see
level is a approximately
~60% earth’s surface.
Contributors in Understanding of
the Earth Systems
 Earth System Science (ESS) is the study of the Earth as a system. It
considers interactions between the Earth’s “spheres” – atmosphere,
geosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. It is a relatively new field
whose foundations are established long ago by scientists in other
 Earth System Science is an integration of chemistry, physics, biology,
and mathematics. It is the study of the Earth as an integrated
system. It seeks to understand the past, current, and future states of
the Earth.
 Many scientists had built the foundations of understanding the Earth
systems. They include James Hutton, Alexander von Humboldt,
Vladimir Vernadsky, James Lovelock, and Lynn Margulis.
Contributors of the Understanding
of the Earth Systems
 James Hutton, the father of modern geology, was a Scottish farmer
and naturalist. It was in farming that he observed how land was
shaped by destructive forces of wind and weather systems. He
described how the Earth was formed in a repeated cycle of erosion
and sedimentation, with heat from volcanic activity as the driving
force. He also introduced the concept of uniformitarianism, implying
that the geological forces (such as those that trigger erosion and
volcanic activities) in the past are the same as those in the present,
making it possible to determine the Earth's history by studying rocks.
Contributors of the Understanding
of the Earth Systems
 Alexander von Humboldt, a 19th-century geographer, helped
establish the foundation for Earth System Science through his
observations of nature. He, together with his colleagues, traveled to
America; collected botanical, zoological, and geological
specimens; recorded the location of the specimens where they
were found; and performed atmospheric and geophysical
measurements. From his records, he recognized patterns that reveal
underlying processes, such as the transport of heat in ocean
currents and the influence of temperature on plants.
Contributors of the Understanding
of the Earth Systems
 Vladimir Vernadsky, one of the founders of geochemistry,
popularized the term noosphere. In his theory of Earth development,
he stated that geosphere was the first phase of the Earth that was
developed. The second phase was the biosphere or biological life.
The emergence of life on Earth transformed the geosphere. Then
the noosphere, the sphere of human consciousness, is the third
phase. The development of human cognition then transformed the
 Today, the study of human impact on the biosphere led to the
concept of sustainability, which is the capacity of the Earth to
continue to support human life.
Contributors of the Understanding
of the Earth Systems
 James Lovelock, a British environmentalist, proposed the Gaia
hypothesis, which postulates that the Earth works as a self-regulating
system. He stated that the living organisms co-evolve with nonliving
things in the environment to form a synergistic, self-regulating system
where life is maintained and perpetuated. He cited as evidence the
photosynthetic bacteria during the Precambrian times. The bacteria
modified the Earth’s atmosphere to become oxygen-enriched. The
change in the atmosphere then supported the evolution of more
complex organisms.
Contributors of the Understanding
of the Earth Systems
 Lynn Margulis, an evolutionary theorist, further developed Lovelock’s
Gaia hypothesis. Margulis noticed that all kinds of bacteria give off
gases and thought that atmospheric gases were from biological
sources. She collaborated with Lovelock and published a paper on
how life regulates the temperature and chemical composition of
the soil and the atmosphere.

The Internal Structure of the Earth
The Internal Structure of the Earth

 The Earth consists of three layers:

core, mantle, and crust. The solid
outer layer is the crust. A semi-
molten rock called magma lies in
the mantle below the crust.
Beneath the mantle is the core.
The outer core is a liquid mixture of
nickel and iron while the inner
core is solid.
The Crust
 The crust is a very thin layer that
measures between 0 and 60 km. It has
two layers and is composed of two
major kinds of rocks. The
thick continental crust, about 32 km,
makes up the land surface of the Earth
and is composed primarily of dense
materials such as granite. The
thin oceanic crust has a depth of 5–10
km and is made up of basalt which is
less dense than granite. The crust can
be broken down into plates which
produce earthquakes when they
move along each other.
The Mantle
 The mantle is below the crust. It is the
thickest layer of the Earth, spanning
almost 2900 km and making up 84% of
the Earth’s volume. It contains magma.
It is primarily solid but behaves as a
viscous liquid. This behavior is due to
temperature differences towards the
lower mantle. As the depth becomes
near the core, the temperature
increases. This is known as
the geothermal gradient, the increase in
temperature with depth. In the upper
mantle, the temperatures range from
600 to 900 °C. In the lower mantle, the
temperature can reach over 4000 °C.

Convection currents carry heat from the hot inner mantle to the cooler outer
mantle. If the upper part of the mantle cools down, it becomes part of the crust.
Also, this process is responsible for earthquakes and other geological processes.
The Mantle
 The crust and the upper part of
the mantle make up
the lithosphere, a zone of rigid,
brittle rock. The layer below it is
called the asthenosphere. This
part of the mantle is solid in a
plastic manner (flows very slowly),
allowing the plates to move on
top of it.
The Core
 The core is at the center of the Earth. In this region,
the temperature is hotter than the mantle. It is
divided into two parts: the outer core and the inner
 The liquid outer core is 2300 km thick. It is
composed primarily of iron and nickel. The
temperature here is around 4000–5700 °C. Due to
its high temperature, the outer core undergoes
convection and rotates faster than the planet.
 The inner core is a solid ball with a radius of 1220
km. Like the outer core, the inner core is made up
of iron and nickel, but in solid form. The
temperature is quite high at around 7000 °C.
 The difference between the state of matter of the
inner and outer core is due to the very high
pressure in the inner core, increasing the melting
points of the metals. Scientists believed that the
inner core rotates opposite to the direction of the
flow of the outer core, creating an effect that
influences the Earth’s magnetic field.

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