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Number and Calculation Số và Phép tính

addition phép cộng

Addition is finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers. (Synonyms:
Sum, add, plus).
Symbol: +
arithmetic số học
The basic calculations we make in everyday life: addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division. It also includes fractions and percentages.
bracket dấu ngoặc
Brackets are symbols used in pairs to group things together.
Example: (3 + 2) x (6 - 4) = 5 x 2 = 10
The Parentheses group 3 and 2 together, and 6 and 4 together.
common denominator mẫu số chung
Two fractions have a common denominator when they have the same denominator
(the number on the bottom).
You can add or subtract fractions only if they have a common denominator.
You can find a common denominator by trying different multiples of the fractions.

You can't add and directly as they are.

But when you multiply by you get

And when you multiply by you get

Now you can add and to get

So plus equals
common factor thừa số chung
Factors are the numbers you multiply together to get another number.
When you find all the factors of two or more numbers, and then find some factors that
are the same ("common"), then they are the "common factors".
Example: 12 and 30

* The factors of 12 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12
* The factors of 30 are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15 and 30
So the common factors of 12 and 30 are: 1, 2, 3 and 6.
complement to a number phần bù của một số
Working out the complement to a number of another number is to find how much
should be added to the second to find the first.
Example working out the complement to 100 of 37 is trying to find out how much
should we add to 37 to find 100:
37+ 63 = 100
decimal số thập phân
A decimal number is a number that uses a decimal point followed by digits that show
a value smaller than one.
Example: 63.78
decimal point dấu thập phân
A point or dot used to separate the whole number part from the fractional part,
decimal part of a number.
15 . 42

whole number part decimal point decimal part

/!\ Be careful! Do not confuse!
In Vietnamese, the whole number part and the fractional part are separated by a
comma, while in English, the comma is used to separate thousands and hundreds,
millions and hundred thousand, billions and hundred millions,…
denominator mẫu số
The lower part of a fraction (see: fraction).
diagram biểu đồ
A drawing used to describe something.
divisible số chia hết
When one number can be divided by another and the result is an exact whole number.
Example: 15 is divisible by 3, because 15 ÷ 3 = 5 exactly.

But 9 is not divisible by 2 because 9 ÷ 2 is 4 with 1 left over.
Checking if a number is a divisible of another is also called looking for the divisibility
of a number or applying divisibility tests.
division phép chia
Sharing, splitting a number into equal parts or groups. Trying to find how many times
a number fits into another.
Symbol: ÷
estimate ước lượng
A close guess of the actual value, usually with some thought or calculation involved.
Example: The teacher estimates that there are 20 students in the class. Maybe the
exact number is 23 or 18 but the important thing is to try to be close enough of the
actual value without spending time on counting precisely.
fraction phân số
The name given to a part of a whole number. This can be described as a division of
two integers. The number below the bar is the denominator, and the number above the
bar is the numerator.

index số mũ
An index shows how many times to use a number in a multiplication.
It is written as a small number to the right and above the base number.
82 = 8 × 8 = 64
33 = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27
The plural of index is indices, synonyms: exponent, power, order.
integer số nguyên
Integers are whole numbers, no decimal parts. They can be positive (1,2,4,7,…),
negative (-1,-3,-6,-17,…) or null (0).

mixed number hỗn số
A mixed number is a whole number and a proper fraction combined, such as 1 or 3 .
multiplication phép nhân
Adding a number to itself a number of times. Repeating an addition a number of times.
(Synonyms: multiply, times)
Symbol: ×
negative number số âm
Negative means less than zero. (Positive means more than zero. Zero is neither
negative nor positive or is both positive and negative.)
A negative number is written with a minus sign in front.
Example: -5 is negative five.
numerator tử số
The upper part of a fraction (see: fraction).
operation phép tính
An operation is a mathematical process.
The most common are add, subtract, multiply and divide (using the operator +, -, ×, ÷).
percentage phần trăm
A percentage means parts per 100.
So it tells you a ratio "out of 100".
Symbol: %
Example 50% is 50 parts of 100 hence a half ( ).
place value giá trị vị trí của từng chữ số trong số thập phân
hundred thousandths
hundred thousands
hundred millions
hundred billions

ten thousandths

ten millionths
ten thousands

decimal point

ten millions
ten billions




1 8 4 3 2 7 6 5 1 3 2 7 . 9 6 1 4 2 3 4

remainder số dư
The amount left over after

rounding làm tròn

Change a number to a more convenient number. The result is less accurate, but easier
to use.
Rounding 1.1254 to the nearest hundredths gives us 1.13.
1.13 is close to 1.1254 but shorter.
simplify fractions rút gọn phân số
To simplify a fraction is to put it in its simplest form- when the top and bottom cannot
be any smaller (while still being whole numbers).

Example: can be simplified to

To simplify a fraction, divide the top and bottom by the highest number that can
divide into both numbers exactly.
square (number) bình phương
A number multiplied by itself.
Symbol: ²
Example: 6² = 6 × 6 = 36
subtraction phép trừ
Taking one number away from another, removing a number from another. (Synonyms:
take away, remove, subtract)
Symbol: -
whole number số nguyên
The numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} etc.
There is no fractional or decimal part and they cannot be negative numbers.
highest common factor (HCF) ước số chung lớn nhất
The highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers (sometimes called
greatest common factor (GCF)).

Example: the HCF of 12 and 30 is 6, because 1, 2, 3 and 6 are factors of both 12 and
30, and 6 is the greatest.
inverse nghịch đảo
The opposite effect. E.g The inverse of adding 9 is subtracting 9. The inverse of
multiplying by 5 is dividing by 5.
When you invert a fraction you swap the denominator and numerator e.g inverse of
lowest common multiple (LCM) bội số chung nhỏ nhất
The smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.
Example: the lowest common multiple of 3 and 5 is 15, because 15 is a multiple of 3
and also a multiple of 5. Other common multiples include 30 and 45, etc, but they are
not the smallest (least, lowest).

multiple bội số
The result of multiplying a number by an integer (not a fraction).
12 is a multiple of 3, because 3 × 4 = 12
-6 is a multiple of 3, because 3 × -2 = -6
But 7 is NOT a multiple of 3
prime number số nguyên tố
A prime number always has two factors.
The number 1 is not a prime number because it only has 1 factor.
A prime number can be divided evenly only by 1, or itself.
And it must be a whole number greater than 1.
Example: 5 can only be divided evenly by 1 or 5, so it is a prime number.

But 6 can be divided evenly by 1, 2, 3 and 6 so it is NOT a prime number (it is a

composite number).

Composite numbers are made by multiplying two or more prime numbers together (1
is not a composite number).
square root căn bậc hai
The square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the
Example: 4 × 4 = 16, so the square root of 16 is 4.
The symbol is √
Another example: √36 = 6 (because 6 x 6 = 36)

proportion tỉ lệ thức
Proportion says that two ratios
(or fractions) are equal.

Algebra and Measures Đại số và Đo lường

constant hằng số
A value that doesn’t change in an expression, represented as a number. A fixed value.
Example: in "x + 5 = 9", 5 and 9 are constants.
equation phương trình
An equation says that two things are the same, using mathematical symbols.
An equal sign (=) is used.
Example: 7+2 = 10-1


expression biểu thức

Numbers, symbols and operators (such as + or ×) grouped together that show the
value of something.
Example: 2×3 is an expression (see: equation)
measurement đo lường
Finding a number that shows the size or amount of something.
Usually the number is in reference to some standard measurement (see: units).
sequence dãy số
A sequence is a list or a collection of numbers or objects in a special order, following
a rule or rules.
Example: 3, 5, 7, 9, ... is a sequence starting at 3 and increasing by 2 each time.
Each element of a sequence is called a term. In the above example, 1 is the first term,
5 the second term, etc.
In the above example, increasing by 2 each time is called the term-to-term rule.
Synonym of sequence: pattern.

term số hạng
In Algebra, a term is either:
* a single number, or
* a variable, or
* numbers and variables multiplied together.
(see: equation)
term-to-term rule quy luật theo số hạng
The term-to-term rule is the operation or operations between one term and the next
term in a sequence or a pattern (see: sequence).
units (of measurements) đơn vị
A value, a quantity used as a standard, a reference, a base of measurement.
variable biến số/ biến thiên
A symbol for a number we don't know yet. It is usually a letter like x or y.Example:
in x + 2 = 6, x is the variable
If it is not a variable it is called a Constant (see: Constant).
axis trục
A reference line drawn on a graph
(you can measure from it to find
Here is a graph with an X axis and a
Y axis (see: coordinates).

coordinate tọa độ
Coordinates are a set of values that
show an exact position.
On maps and graphs it is common to
have a pair of numbers to show where a
point is: the first number shows the
distance along and the second number
shows the distance up or down.
Example: the point (12, 5) is 12 units
along, and 5 units up.
The point (0,0) is the origin of the
(see: axis)

cubic meter mét khối

A volume that is made by a cube that is 1
meter on each side.
Its symbol is m3
It is equal to 1000 (one thousand) liters.

function hàm số
It is like a machine that you put a number into and a different number comes out
Example: f(x) = x +2
If you put a number into this function (eg 5) you will get 5+2 = 7 out the other end.
net hình trải phẳng (của khối đa diện)
A pattern that you can cut and fold to
make a model of a solid shape.

origin gốc
The starting point. On a number line it is 0. On a two-dimensional graph it is where
the X axis and Y axis cross, marked (0,0) on the graph (see: axis, coordinates).
travel graph đồ thị đường đi
Travel graphs are line graphs that are
used to describe the motion of objects
such as cars, trains, walkers and cyclists.
They are sometimes called distance-and-
time graphs and they show journeys.
The distance travelled is represented on
the vertical axis and the time taken to
travel that distance is represented on the
horizontal axis.
In this example the first hour, the object
moved away by 2 km, then was not
moving for 30 minutes.
After that it moved away during one hour
by 2 more km, stopped moving for one
hour and went back to its original
position in 2h.
volume thể tích
The amount of 3-dimensional space an object occupies.
area diện tích
The area of an object is the size of a surface, or in other words, the amount of space
inside the boundary of a flat (2-dimensional) object such as a triangle or circle.
formula công thức
Numbers and symbols that show how to work something out.
A special type of equation that shows the relationship between different variables.
The formula for the area of a circle: where A is the area of a circle of radius r

square meter mét vuông
The area equal to a square that is
1meter on each side.
Used for measuring areas of rooms,
houses, blocks of land, etc.
The symbol is m2

substitution phép thay thế

In Algebra, "Substitution" means putting numbers where the letters are:
Example: If x=5, then what is x + 10/x ?
Put "5" where "x" is: 5 + 10/5 = 7

Handling data and Geometry Xử lý dữ liệu và Hình học

acute góc nhọn

An angle less than 90°.
(see: angle)
angle góc

An angle is the amount of rotation

or turn between two straight lines
that have a common end point (the
vertex), usually measured in
degrees (symbol: °).


obtuse (90°<angle<180°) acute



reflex (angle>180°)

bar graph biểu đồ hình cột
A graph drawn using
rectangular bars to show
how large each value is.
The larger the rectangle
is the larger the value is
(the bars can be
horizontal or vertical).

For example, on the bar graph above 3 people prefer dogs as a favourite pet, while 2
people prefer fish and only 1 person prefers a hamster as a favourite pet.
The most popular pet is the cat because 4 people chose it.

centre of rotation trọng điểm của phép xoay

The point where a rotation is done (see: rotation).
compass com-pa
An instrument with two arms;
one sharp and one with a pencil
that canbe used to draw circles
or arcs.

data (data collection) dữ liệu

A collection of facts, such as
values or measurements.
Here we have a table of data
aboutwhat sport people play at
a school.

equilateral (nói về hình) có các cạnh bằng nhau, đều nhau
A shape with all sides equal in length.
frequency tần số
How often something happens (usually during a period of time).
frequency diagram biểu đồ tần số
A graph that uses vertical
columns to show frequencies
(how many times each score
There should not be any gaps
between the bars.

graph đồ thị
A diagram of values, usually shown as lines or bars (see: frequency diagram, bar
geometry hình học
The area of mathematics that deals with points, lines, shapes and space.
Plane Geometry is about flat shapes like lines, circles and triangles.
Solid Geometry is about solid (3-dimensional) shapes like spheres and cubes.
hexagon lục giác
A 6-sided polygon (a flat
shape with straight sides).

image hình ảnh

An image is like a drawing or a photograph of an object that looks the same as the
original object.
isosceles cân, hai cạnh bằng nhau (vd: tam giác cân)
A triangle with 2 sides equal in length.

line đường thẳng
A long thin mark made by a pen, pencil, etc.
In geometry a line:
· is straight (no curves), and
· has no thickness
mirror line (line of symmetry) trục đối xứng
A line that will divide an object or an
image into two equal opposite sides. An
image or object can have more than one
mirror line.

Eg: A square has 4 mirror lines:

notation kí hiệu
A system of symbols used to represent special things.
In mathematical notation "∞" means "infinity", which extends in both directions
without end (infinitely).
In geometry, angles or sides with the same value are indicated with the same number
of marks.
object vật thể
Anything that you can touch or see, for example, your desk is an object, your pencil
case is an object, your clothes are objects.etc

obtuse góc tù
An angle between 90° and 180°.
(see: angle)
octagon bát giác
An eight sided shape.

order of rotational symmetry thứ tự đối xứng quay

The order of rotational symmetry is the number of times an object looks the same
during a full rotation (360°).
To calculate the order of rotational symmetry, rotate a shape and count how many
times it looks the same during a complete rotation.

Example for a square:

keep turning the keep turning the keep turning the
turn the square square square
square D

After a rotation of 90° it After a rotation of 180° After a rotation of 270° After a full rotation it
looks like the initial it looks like the initial it looks like the initial looks like the initial
square: count 1! square: count 2! square: count 3! square: count 4!

The order of rotational

symmetry of a square is 4.

parallel (đường) song song
Two lines on a plane are parallel when they never meet. They are always
the same distance apart and they do not share any common point.

parallelogram hình bình hành

A 2D shape with four sides. The opposite
sides are parallel and equal in length.

perpendicular hai đường thẳng vuông góc

If two lines intersect (cross each other) at right angles they are
called perpendicular (synonyms: orthogonal, normal).

pie chart biểu đồ hình tròn

A circular chart divided into
sectors, each sector shows
the relative size of each

point điểm
An exact location. It has no size, only position.
Points usually have a name, often a letter like "A", or even "W"
probability xác suất
Probability is the chance that something will happen - how likely it is that some event
will happen.
Sometimes you can measure a probability with a number: "10% chance of rain", or
you can use words such as impossible, unlikely, possible, even chance, likely and
Example: "It is unlikely that you will see an elephant tomorrow".

protractor thước đo độ
An instrument used in
measuring or drawing angles.

pentagon ngũ giác

A five sided shape

polygon đa giác
Any plane shape (two-dimensional) with straight sides.
A polygon is called regular if all its sides are equal in length.
quadrilateral tứ giác
The general name for a flat shape with 4 straight sides.

ratio tỉ lệ
A ratio shows the relative sizes of two or more values. Ratios can be shown
in different ways.
If there is 1 boy and 3 girls you could write the ratio as:
1:3 (for every one boy there are 3 girls)
1/4 are boys and 3/4 are girls
0.25 are boys (by dividing 1 by 4)
25% are boys (0.25 as a percentage)
rectangle hình chữ nhật
A 2D shape with four right angles.
Opposite sides are equal but
adjacent sides are not.

reflection phép đối xứng

Reflections are everywhere... in mirrors, glass, on a lake, etc.
Every point is the same distance from the central line,
this central line is called the Mirror Line ...

reflex góc phản xạ

An angle over 180°.
(see: angle)
regular polygon đa giác đều
A regular polygon has all sides equal and all angles equal, otherwise it is irregular.
right (góc) vuông
An angle exactly equal to 90°.
(see: angle)

rhombus hình thoi
A rhombus looks like a diamond.
All sides have equal length and
opposite sides are parallel and
opposite angles are equal.

rotation phép quay

"Rotation" means turning around a centre:
the distance from the centre to any point
on the shape stays the same.
Every point makes a circle around the

scalene thường, không đều (tam giác)

A triangle which has no equal sides.
side cạnh
A side is one of the lines that make a flat (2-dimensional) shape, or one of the surfaces
that make a solid (3-dimensional) object.
shape hình
The form of an object – how it is laid out in space (not what it is made of, or where it is).
Common shapes are:
Two dimensional (flat, can fit on a page a paper): circles, squares, triangles, etc.
Three dimensional (is a volume, we can fill it with a liquid): spheres, cubes, pyramids,etc.
square hình vuông
A 2D shape with four equal
sides and four right angles.

straight (góc) bẹt
An angle exactly equal to 180°.
(see: angle)
symmetry tính đối xứng
Symmetry is when one shape becomes exactly like another if you apply a transformation.
Example of common transformations: a flip, a slide or a turn.
tally phép đếm
It is easy to do a tally, just put marks on a piece of paper!

Here are the tally marks for 1 to 4:

BUT the 5th mark is drawn

ACROSS the previous 4 marks:

Then continue making single marks


transformation phép dịch chuyển

A transformation moves a shape so that it is in a different position, but still has the same
size, area, angles and line lengths.
Rotation (a turn), reflection (a flip) or translation (a slide) are the basic transformations.
translation phép tịnh tiến
A translation “slide” moves an object
without flipping or turning it.
Every point of the shape must move:
- the same distance
- in the same direction

trapezium hình thang
A 4-sided flat shape with straight sides
that has a pair of opposite sides parallel.

triangle hình tam giác

A triangle is a flat shape with 3 straight sides.
The sum of its angles is equal to 180°.


alternate angle góc so le

When two lines are crossed by another line (which is called the transversal), the pairs
of angles on opposite sides are called alternate angles.
We distinguish two situations:

- when the pairs of angles on opposite sides of the

transversal are outside the two lines, we call the
alternate angles, alternate exterior angles.

- when the pairs of angles on opposite sides of the

transversal are inside the two lines, we call the
alternate angles, alternate interior angles.

average trung bình
A calculated “central” or “in the middle” value of a set of numbers.
To calculate: add up all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers there are.
Example: what is the average of 2, 7 and 9?
Add the numbers: 2 + 7 + 9 = 18
Divide by how many numbers (i.e. we added 3 numbers): 18 ÷ 3 = 6
So the average is 6.

complementary angle góc phụ

Two angles are complementary if
they add up to 90 degrees (a Right

a + b = 90°

corresponding angle góc đồng vị

When two lines are crossed by another

line (which is called the Transversal), the
angles in matching corners are called
corresponding angles.

median số trung vị
The middle number (in a sorted list of numbers). To find the median, place the
numbers you are given in value order and find the middle number.
Example: find the Median of {13, 23, 11, 16, 15, 10, 26}.
Put them in order: {10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 23, 26}
The middle number is 15, so the median is 15.
(If there are two middle numbers, you find the average of them.)
mode số có tần số xuất hiện nhiều lần (yếu vị)
The number which appears most often in a set of numbers.
Example: in {6, 3, 9, 6, 6, 5, 9, 3} the Mode is 6 (it occurs most often).

range khoảng biến thiên

The difference between the lowest and
highest values.
In {3, 4, 6, 7, 9} the lowest value is 3, and
the highest is 9, so the range is 9-3 =6.

supplementary angle góc bù a + b = 180°
Two angles are supplementary if a
they add up to 180 degrees (a
straight angle).

cube hình lập phương

A cube is a box-shaped solid object
that has six identical square faces, and
12 edges equal in length. All edges
intersect at right angles (90°).

cuboid hình hộp chữ nhật

A cuboid is a box-shaped object.
It has six flat sides and all angles are
right angles.

cylinder hình trụ
A solid object with:
* two identical flat ends that are circular
or elliptical
* and one curved side.
It has the same cross-section from one
end to the other.

face mặt, diện

Any of the individual surfaces of a
solid object.
Example: this tetrahedron has 4 faces.
(there is one face you can't see)

perimeter chu vi
The distance around a 2D shape.

prism hình lăng trụ

A solid object that has two identical ends
and all flat sides. The cross section is the
same all along its length. The shape of the
ends give each prism a name, such as
pentagonal prism cross-section
"triangular prism or "pentagonal prism"
like the shape on the next picture.

pyramid hình chóp
A solid object where:
* The base is a polygon (a straight-sided
* The sides are triangles which meet at
the top (the apex).

square-based pyramid hình chóp vuông

A pyramid with a square for the bottom.

sphere hình cầu

A 3D object shaped like a ball.

surface area diện tích bề mặt

The total area of the surface of a three-
dimensional object.
Example: the surface area of a cube is
6 × area of each square face.

triangular based pyramid hình chóp tam giác

A pyramid with a triangle for the bottom.

vertex chóp, đỉnh

A point where two or more straight lines
meet. A corner.
Example: a corner of a polygon (2D) or
of a polyhedron (3D).
The plural of vertex is "vertices".


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