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The Lost Child Summary

Class 9 English
 16 Nov, 2022


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Summary of The Lost Child

Class 9 English Moments with
Hindi Summary
The Lost Child is the story of a small child
who gets lost in a fair or an exhibition. He
had gone with his parents to the fair but
loses them when he gets fascinated by
looking at a roundabout swing. The story
highlights the bond of love and a!ection that
the child shares with his parents. Before
losing them he had been demanding
di!erent things like sweets, balloons, flowers,
swings, etc. Once he loses them, he is picked
up by a stranger. The stranger tries to silence
the child by o!ering him all these things that
he had demanded from his parents but the
child does not want them anymore. He wants
his parents first.
The Story is written by Mulk Raj Anand



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The Lost Child Summary

It was spring time. A child was going with his
parents to visit a spring fair. He was very
happy and excited. He was attracted by the
toys in the shops that lined the way. He
pleaded with his parents to buy him a toy. His
father gave him a stern look. His mother
diverted his attention to a flowering
mustard-field. The child ran into the field.
Some dragon-flies were bustling about on
their colourful wings. He tried to catch them.
Then his mother called out to him. He ran
towards his parents. He walked abreast of
them for a while. However, he was soon left
behind, attracted by the little insects along
the footpath. His parents called out to him.
They had seated themselves in the shade of a
A shower of young flowers fell upon the child
as he entered the grove. Forgetting his
parents, he began to gather the petals in his
hands. The parents called out to him. They
gathered him up and took the narrow,
winding footpath which led to the fair
through the mustard-fields. At the corner of
the entrance, a sweetmeat-seller was calling
out to people. The child's mouth watered for
a 'burfi'. He murmured softly that he wanted
a 'burfi'. But he knew that his request would
not be heeded. So he moved on. He also felt
drawn towards the flower-seller but moved
A little further, a man was selling colourful
balloons. The child wanted to have them all.
But he knew that his parents would not buy
him the balloons. So he walked on. A snake-
charmer stood playing a flute to a snake. His
parents had forbidden him to hear the coarse
music of snake-charmers. So he again moved
on. He saw a roundabout in full swing. People
were going round and round in it. He
requested his parents to let him go on the
roundabout. But there was no reply.
He turned round and found that his parents
were not there. He started crying and ran
from one side to another. He did not know
where to go. He ran to a temple crying for his
parents. A man in the crowd heard his cry. He
lifted him up in his arms. He took him to the
roundabout but the child refused to go on it.
The man then took him near the snake-
charmer and then near the balloon-man but
the child turned his eyes away. He only wept
for his parents. The man next took him to the
flower-seller and then to the sweet-shop also.
But the child now wanted nothing except the
company of his parents. He lost interest in all
the things that he had wanted earlier. Thus
the writer wants to tell us that a child cannot
live without his parents.


The Lost Child Summary in Hindi

बस# का समय था। एक ब+ा अपने माता-िपता के साथ

बस# मेला देखने जा रहा था। वह बहुत :स; था और
उ>ाह से भरा हुआ था। राAे मB जो दक ु ानB कतार मB लगी
हुई थG, वह उनमB रखे हुए HखलौनJ को देख कर आकिषLत
हो गया। उसने अपने माता-िपता सेठ कN िक वे उसे एक
Hखलौना खरOद दB। उसके िपता ने उसे कड़ी नज़रJ से देखा ।
उसकN मR उसका Sान एक Hखले हुए सरसJ के खेत कN
तरफ ले गई। कुछ VततWलयR अपने रंग-Vबरंगे पंखJ से Yभन-
Yभन कN आवाज़ करती हुई उड़ रही थG । उसने उZB पकड़ने
का य[ िकया। िफर उसकN मR ने उसे पुकार Wलया । वह
अपने माता-िपता कN ओर दौड़ा। वह थोड़ी देर उनके साथ-
साथ चलता रहा। िक#ु िफर उसका Sान फुटपाथ पर रBग
रहे छोटे-छोटे कNड़J कN ओर चला गया और वह शी` ही
पीछे छूट गया। उसके माता-िपता ने उसे पुकारा । वे एक
वािटका मB एक छायादार वृc के नीचे बैठ गए थे।
जैसे ही ब+े ने वािटका मB :वेश िकया, उस पर Hखले हुए
फूलJ कN वषe हुई। अपने माता-िपता को भूल कर वह अपने
हाथJ मB पंखुfड़यJ को इकhा करने लगा। उसके माता-िपता
ने उसे पुकारा। उZJने उसे गोद मB Wलया और संकरा
घुमावदार फुटपाथ का राAा पकड़ा जो सरसJ के खेतJ से
होता हुआ मेले कN तरफ जाता था। :वेश jार के कोने पर
एक Vमठाई बेचने वाला लोगJ को अपनी तरफ पुकार पुकार
कर बुला रहा था। एक बफk पाने कN लालसा मB ब+े के
मुँह मB पानी भर आया। वह धीरे से बुदबुदाया िक उसे एक
बफk चाfहए थी। िक#ु वह जानता था िक उसकN याचना
nथL जाएगी। वह आगे बढ़ गया। फूल बेचने वाले कN तरफ
भी वह आकिषLत हुआ लेिकन िफर आगे बढ़ गया। थोड़ी
दरू O पर एक npq रंग-Vबरंगे गुrारे बेच रहा था । ब+ा वे
सभी गुrारे पाना चाहता था। िक#ु वह जानता था िक
उसके माता-िपता उसके Wलए गुrारे नहG खरOदBगे। इसWलए
वह आगे चल fदया। एक सँपेरा एक सRप के आगे खड़ा बीन
बजा रहा था । उसके माता-िपता ने उसे सँपेरJ का ककLश
संगीत सुनने को मना िकया हुआ था । इसWलए वह िफर
आगे बढ़ गया। उसने एक चsर वाले झूले को ज़ोर-ज़ोर
से घूमते हुए देखा। लोग उसमB गोल-गोल हो कर जा रहे थे।
उसने अपने माता-िपता से Vनवेदन िकया िक वे उसे चsर
वाले झूले पर जाने दB। िक#ु उसे कोई उuर नहG Vमला ।
उसने घूम कर देखा तो पाया िक उसके माता-िपता वहv नहG
थे। उसने रोना शुw कर fदया और एक Wसरे से दस ू रे Wसरे
तक दौड़ने लगा। उसे समझ मB नहG आ रहा था िक वह कहR
जाए। वह अपने माता-िपता के Wलए रोता हुआ एक मxyर
कN ओर दौड़ा। भीड़ मB खड़े एक npq ने उसके रोने कN
आवाज़ सुनी। उसने उसे अपनी गोद मB उठा Wलया। वह उसे
चsर वाले झूले के पास ले गया लेिकन ब+े ने उस पर
जाने से इzार कर fदया।
वह npq िफर उसे सँपेरे के पास ले गया और िफर गुrारे
वाले के पास । िक#ु ब+े ने अपनी नज़रB हटा लG। वह
केवल अपने माता-िपता के Wलए रोता रहा । वह npq िफर
उसे फूल बेचने वाले के पास ले गया और िफर Vमठाई कN
दक ु ान पर भी, िक#ु अब ब+े को अपने माता-िपता का
साथ के अVत{रq और कुछ नहG चाfहए था । वह उन सभी
चीजJ मB |}च खो बैठा WजZB पाने कN उसने पहले इ~ा कN
थी। इस :कार लेखक हमB बताना चाहता है िक एक ब+ा
अपने माता-िपता के Vबना नहG रह सकता है।


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