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UNIT 6 tscusiveEsoys 4 EG You will hear four people on a radio programme discussing whether progressis good for us. Look at the following questions, then listen to the cassette and answer the questions, A Which speaker discusses posible solutions toa problem?) gpgaker 4 B_ Which speaker gives a personal opinion on the subject? Which speaker (e. economic, social, etc) of the subject? (-] Speaker 3 D_ Which speaker presents a balanced argument discussing points in favour of progress as well as against progress? [] Speaker 2 iscusses various aspects Speaker 4 A good discursive assay should consist of 1) an introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the topic tobe discussed 'b) a main body, in which points are clearly stated in sepavate peragrapns and exemplified or justfied: and ©) closing paragraph summarising the main points of the essay, in which you Statetrestate your opinion, and/or give a balanced consideration cf the topic. Points to consider © Present each point in a separate paragraph. A well-developed paragraph contains 2 clear topic sentence, which summarises the contents of the paragraph, as well as Sele pentenee a clear justification, explanation or example in support of the point presented. ‘Many people, however, prefer {© Woit-known quotations (0g. As writer Somerset Maugham once sad, “itis bad fing tn ts because tayo! sal ‘enough to know the past; it would be intolerable to know the future"), rhetorical ‘questions (@.g. If people today are not concemed enough about tomorrow, will the justification future stil be there for man?) or thought-provoking staternents (@.g. The fact is that (one’s future is what one makes it. There is no such thing as chance.) are useful With increasing crime rates, ympesition more interesting. people ae afraid to ive in a devices to make your house, as they fee! more vulrer- © fore you bg wrtog, youshoué aay make ait the cs ou wl psn © Doro ise formal sy (eg, conracteafoms coloeuil guage, ate) orvery | ae © Bry and oer co strong language (e.g. now, | am sur.) evans {Use appropriate inking worsiphrases to sow the inks between paragraph ac | ina lea ata pn. wal ate nk sentence wi paragrahs a 4 Unit 6 Discursive Essays 2 Look at the essay plans below for the three types of discursive essays, then say what features the plans have in common and how each plan differs from the others. Introduction Intr Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 state topic (without stating state the topic and your your opinion) opinion Mala Body Main Body Paragraphs 2-3 Paragraphs 2-4 arguments for & justifications, viewpoints & reasons/ ‘examples or reasons examples Paragraphs 4-5 Paragraph 5 arguments against & opposing viewpoint and justifications, examples or reason/example ~ reasons Conesion Final Paragraph balanced consideration ‘or opinion Concesion Final Paragraph ‘summarise/restate your opinion 3 Look at the essay topics below, and say whether each topic asks for a mn essay or an essay suggesting ics and make a list of “for and against” essay, an opi solutions to problems. Then, choose two of the to the points you would include in an essay on each topic. 1 “Animals should be treated with the same respect as humans.” Do you agree with this view? 2. “The generation gap is one which cannot be bridged.” Discuss 3 Do you believe that equality for women means that women should also do such things as military service? 4 “One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations.” Discuss 5 Genetic engineering poses a number of worrying problems, both moral and practical Discuss some of these problems and suggest what could be done to overcome them. 6 “Celebrities should be allowed to keep their private lives private, without the invasion of the media.” Discuss. 4 ltr Paragraph 1 state the problem and its cause(s)/ettect(s) A Mala B _. Paragraphs 2 - 5 suggestions & results Conclusion Final Paragraph summarise your opinion 7. “Fear and ignorance are the root caus- cs of racial hatred.” Discuss this state- ment and offer some possible solutions to the problem of racial prejudice. 8 “The motion picture industry's threat- ening to destroy culture and tradi- tion.” Do you agree? 9 “Too much money is spent on sport when it could be used to help the poor.” What are your views on this issue? 10 What are the advantages and disad- vantages of our ever-increasing use of computer technology? 56 Unit 6 Discursive Essays Formal styie fe Discursive essays are written in formal style. This means you should use: passive voice, impersonal constructions (c.g. tis argued tht... ft /s.@ common belie that.) 7 a range of advanced vocabulary (verbs, adjectives, abstract nouns, etc) (2.9. heated debate conceming the controversial Issue ..) 7 formal linking words/phrases (e.g. furthermore, however, nonetheless) 7 complex sentences with a variety of inks, dependent clauses, etc (0.9. Athough ft is widely accepted that compulsory military service, which provides an army with abundent manpower, is beneficial to.@ country’s ably to defend itset, closer analysis of miltary same, there are other changes. suc! > cider might find itliclt to ‘adjust to, Even the weather ca 2 MeGpe to ream to tei country of eign. For example 3 Fan Amazonian indian. They would almost certainly find it impossi- > ? 5 > tle to adapt to the extreme climates of each other's native homes. umber of immigrants there are often social 4s being “different” and even i in a variety of in countries with a larg problems, and immigrants stand out ferior, As a consequence, the host country may react | ism to depriving the immigrants of the > wayscfrom open hostility and ra 2 right equa pay 23 5 — ee 3 ee mple, wat, political or religious intolerance, and natural. ca 3 tastrophes are among the reasons for people seeking new home in & 3 foreign Land, In such cases, people ute often able to start & ne life sre with greater freedom an a higher standard of Tiving > ‘ong foreigners, some of the bar~ o create & more id be of That is to say, by working and living am riers between countries ean be broken down, helping f9 pencetul word, Needless to say. better diplomatic re tions wou benetit to all 15 Which of the following are arguments in favour and which are arguments inst the topic: “School plays a ‘more important role than the family in shaping one’s personality.” Discuss. Suggest examplesijustification for ment. Finally, write the 0 words. Moreover. so much of the school day is devoted to competition and prepa- ration for examinations that there is litte time left for personality develop. ment, On the ater hand, most children base a closer relationship with their parents than with their teachers. An additional argument in support of Schools hut yours people ar exposed toa wide variety of subjects. One point in favour of the role of schools is that itis at school where chil- dren first learn to socialise Furthermore. children usually spend five years of their lives at home before they even go to school What is more. the average child spends as many as cight hoursa day in school Unit Ga For and Against Essays PLANNING & ORGANISATION (© Theres an aterative ps lative paragraph plan you may use when writing for an lL] aut ay nen own pin you pest an argumentin Paragraph 1 favour and the opposing viewpoint in the ve ypposing ypoint in the same paragraph. State topic (summary of topic In such essays the argum tn essays the arguments for and against must be equal in number. Sanaa anu mneet For the introduction and c the introduction and conclusion you should use the techniques, Moin Body suggested on p. 56 Paragraph 2 first argument for & against Paragraph 3* second argument for & against Conclusion Final Paragraph give balanced consideration’ yo opinion expressed directlyiindire 16 “Greater freedom does not necessarily lead to greater happiness.” Discuss. Read the model and say which argu- ments have been presented in each paragraph. Do the topic sentences clearly summarise the content of each paragraph? Finally, underline all the useful expressions and linking words or phrases and replace them with ones similar in meaning, * You may include more paragrapt the main body if you wish to inc ‘more points ed the need for personal and social freedom, and this is perhaps one ofthe Tm important social advancements ever made. However, whether itnas fed fo increased personal happiness is highly det able. many people would argue that greater freedom has led to increased social disorder and personal dissatistactio Firstly, its rue that people are now more at liberty to choose Now to lve Whe ves. For example, in the Western w at att ho choice of hereto Ive, what career to pursue and which religion to folow Na eter ‘been greater. In adi to this, people have more leisure time in which fo enjoy a wider range of recreational activities. On the other hand, it ta argued that this increased freedom can lead people to take things (oF ‘granted and expect too much from life. As pe smeje of this, the greater choice of material goods avaiable has resulted 0 ppeopie quickly growing bored with 1 possessions. Consequently, no sooner have they aequired someting Newt than they tire of it. They find short-term F piness in material goods and entertainment, but Boredom and frustration S90 ssend them looking for fresh distractic ‘Secondly, social and moral attitudes have become less rig, This has alowed for a greater variety of lifestyles and n itoedom in human relations. Ths is ilustrated by the fact that pupils and te wachers now treat each other as equals, parent-child relationships are now much more relaxed. Nevertheless, Some people believe that this increase in free has resulted in the escalation of social problems. They arg} ue that the current lack of discipline has given rise to a br ve vs tho tational family and the decay in educational standards as wel as We 10 0 juvenile delinquency. Th may be said that society is becoming more and more dangerous because of the very fact that people are more o minded than they were in the past To conclude, there is evidence both to support and refute the view that greater freedom does not necessarily le: creater happiness. On the one hand, people have more opportunities fo Fane their standard of living. On the other F Sretnany ‘examples of protests, strikes and criminal activites which are a feature ‘of modem society are a sign though people may be free, they are not necessatlly happier. (Over the years, mankind has recognist

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