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SIGNALS for Strategists

Upgrading blockchains:
Smart contract use cases in industry
By John Ream, Yang Chu, and David Schatsky

Paper contracts can take weeks to travel around the globe, while digital documents
are uncomfortably easy to forge. Is there a way to automate transactions to make
them smoother, more efficient, and more secure for all parties? Leaders are looking
at blockchain and smart contracts as a viable solution.

B LOCKCHAIN technology is generating

significant interest across a wide range
of industries. As the field of applications
contracts in the commercial realm have not
yet been proven, but we believe that permis-
sioned blockchains (those that are privately
for blockchains grows, industry leaders are maintained by a small group of parties) in
customizing and tailoring the technology to particular will find near-term adoption. Two
fit very particular uses.1 Blockchain-based blockchain-based smart contract use cases—
smart contracts—self-executing code on a (1) securities trade clearing and settlement and
blockchain that automatically implements (2) supply chain and trade finance document
the terms of an agreement between par- handling—carry important lessons for busi-
ties—are a critical step forward, streamlining ness and technology leaders interested in smart
processes that are currently spread across contract applications.
multiple databases and ERP systems. Smart
Smart contract use cases in industry

• Smart contract VC-related deals totaled
$116 million in Q1 2016, more than twice The protocol for blockchains allows multiple parties that
do not know or trust each other to maintain consensus
as much as the prior three quarters com-
as to the state of and changes made to a shared
bined and accounting for 86 percent of total database. Bitcoin has leveraged this technology to
blockchain venture funding enable payment transactions between strangers without
need for a third-party financial intermediary (that is, a
• An Ethereum-based organization has raised bank). The range of potential applications is broad and
over $150 million to experiment with and extends to almost every industry, sparking wide interest
and investment in blockchain technology over the
develop smart contract-driven applications2
past year. For a detailed discussion of the technology,
see Beyond bitcoin: Blockchain is coming to disrupt
• The Australian Securities Exchange is your industry.8
developing a blockchain-based post-trade
solution to replace its current system3

implementing terms of multiparty agreements.

• The Post-Trade Distributed Ledger Group,
Smart contracts are executed by a computer
an organization launched to explore post-
network that uses consensus protocols to agree
trade applications on the blockchain, has 37
upon the sequence of actions resulting from
financial institutions as members4
the contract’s code.9 The result is a method by
which parties can agree upon terms and trust
• Five global banks are building proof-
that they will be executed automatically, with
of-concept systems with a trade finance
reduced risk of error or manipulation.
and supply chain platform that uses
Technology leaders envision many applica-
smart contracts5
tions for blockchain-based smart contracts,
from validating loan eligibility to executing
• Barclays Corporate Bank plans to leverage
transfer pricing agreements between subsidiar-
a smart contract bill-of-lading platform
ies.10 Importantly, before blockchain this type
to help its clients reduce supply chain
of smart contract was impossible because par-
management costs6
ties to an agreement of this sort would main-
tain separate databases. With a shared database
• The state of Delaware announced initia-
running a blockchain protocol, the smart
tives to utilize smart contracts for state-
contracts auto-execute, and all parties validate
recognized “distributed ledger shares” and
the outcome instantaneously and without need
to streamline back-office procedures7
for a third-party intermediary.
But when should companies employ block-
What are blockchain- chain-enabled smart contracts rather than
based smart contracts? existing technology? They can be a worthwhile
option where frequent transactions occur
Smart contracts represent a next step in the
among a network of parties, and manual or
progression of blockchains from a financial
duplicative tasks are performed by counterpar-
transaction protocol to an all-purpose util-
ties for each transaction. The blockchain acts
ity. They are pieces of software, not contracts
as a shared database to provide a secure, single
in the legal sense, that extend blockchains’
source of truth, and smart contracts automate
utility from simply keeping a record of finan-
approvals, calculations, and other transacting
cial transaction entries to automatically
activities that are prone to lag and error.

Smart contract use cases in industry

Blockchain-based smart New business or operational models. Because

smart contracts provide a low-cost way of
contract benefits ensuring that the transactions are reliably
For a wide range of potential applications, performed as agreed upon, they will enable
blockchain-based smart contracts could offer a new kinds of businesses, from peer-to-peer
number of benefits: renewable energy trading to automated access
to vehicles and storage units.11
Speed and real-time updates. Because smart
contracts use software code to automate
tasks that are typically accomplished through
manual means, they can increase the speed of a
Smart contract use cases
To determine high-impact areas of poten-
wide variety of business processes.
tial, Deloitte’s analysis of smart contract use
cases considered a number of factors, includ-
Accuracy. Automated transactions are not only
ing: a sizable market opportunity; the pres-
faster but less prone to manual error.
ence of active, relatively well-funded start-ups
targeting the opportunity; the participation of
Lower execution risk. The decentralized pro-
prominent investors; technical feasibility and
cess of execution virtually eliminates the risk
ease of implementation; and evidence of mul-
of manipulation, nonperformance, or errors,
tiple pilots or adoption by corporations. The
since execution is managed automatically by
lowest-hanging fruits today are applications
the network rather than an individual party.
in which contracts are narrow, objective, and
mechanical, with straightforward clauses and
Fewer intermediaries. Smart contracts can
clearly defined outcomes.
reduce or eliminate reliance on third-party
We have identified a range of applications—
intermediaries that provide “trust” services
ranging from smart health records to pay-as-
such as escrow between counterparties.
you-go insurance—that companies are piloting
right now (see table). Using the criteria above,
Lower cost. New processes enabled by smart
two use cases stand out for their immediacy to
contracts require less human intervention
market: trade clearing and settlement and sup-
and fewer intermediaries and will therefore
ply chain and trade finance.
reduce costs.

Smart contract use cases in industry

Table 1. Range of use case applications for smart contracts

Use case What the smart contract can do

Manages approval workflows between counterparties,

Trade clearing and settlement calculates trade settlement amounts, and transfers funds

Automatically calculates and pays periodic coupon payments

Coupon payments
and returns principal upon bond expiration
Financial services
Performs error checking, routing, and approval workflows, and
Insurance claim processing calculates payout based on the type of claim and underlying

Calculates and transfers micropayments based on usage data

Micro-insurance from an Internet of Things-enabled device (example: pay-as-
you-go automotive insurance)

Provides transfer and/or access to medical health records upon

Electronic medical records
multi-signature approvals between patients and providers

Grants health researchers access to certain personal health

Life sciences and
Population health data access information; micropayments are automatically transferred to
health care
the patient for participation

Tracks patients’ health-related actions through IoT devices and

Personal health tracking
automatically generates rewards based on specific milestones

Technology, media, Calculates and distributes royalty payments to artists and other
Royalty distribution
and telecom associated parties according to the contract

Energy and Autonomous electric vehicle Processes a deposit, enables the charging station, and returns
resources charging stations remaining funds when complete

Updates private company share registries and capitalization

Public sector Record-keeping
table records, and distributes shareholder communications

Transfers payments upon multi-signature approval for letters of

Supply chain and trade finance
credit and issues port payments upon custody change for bills
of lading

Facilitates chain-of custody process for products in the supply

Product provenance and
chain where the party in custody is able to log evidence about
the product
Matches parties and transfers payments automatically for
Peer-to-peer transacting various peer-to-peer applications: lending, insurance, energy
credits, etc.

Validates voter criteria, logs vote to the blockchain, and

initiates specific actions as a result of the majority vote

Smart contract use cases in industry

Trade clearing and settlement Supply chain and trade

Blockchains provide a single ledger as the finance documentation
source of truth, and smart contracts offer the Blockchains can make supply chain and
ability to automate approval workflows and trade finance documentation more efficient,
clearing calculations that are prone to lag and by streamlining processes previously spread
error—thus reducing errors, cost, and the across multiple parties and databases on a
time to settlement. Trade clearing and settle- single shared ledger. All too often, supply
ment often entails labor-intensive activities chains are hampered by paper-based systems
that include various approvals and/or complex reliant on trading parties and banks around
internal and external reconciliations. Banks the world physically transferring documents,
maintain substantial IT networks, but indepen- a process that can take weeks for a single
dent processing by each counterparty causes transaction. Letters of credit and bills of lading
discrepancies that lead to costly resolutions must be signed and referenced by a multitude
and settlement delays.12 of parties, increasing exposure to loss and
The opportunity to streamline clearing fraud.19 Current technologies haven’t addressed
and settlement processes with the blockchain this issue because digital documents are easy to
and smart contracts is immense. In 2015, the forge; even current IT systems at banks simply
Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. (DTCC) track the logistics of physical documents for
processed over $1.5 quadrillion worth of secu- trade finance.20 A blockchain can provide
rities, representing 345 million transactions.13 secure, accessible digital versions to all par-
Santander Bank’s innovation fund, Santander ties in a transaction, and smart contracts can
Innoventures, expects blockchain technology be used to manage the workflow of approvals
to lead to $15–20 billion in annual savings in and automatically transfer payment upon all
infrastructure costs by 2022.14 Seven start-ups, signatures being collected.21
retaining funding of over $125 million, have Because current paper systems drive $18
platforms or services targeting this space: The trillion in transactions per year,22 there’s an
list of more than 35 investors behind these attractive opportunity to decrease costs and
companies is equally impressive; it includes improve reliability in supply chain and trade
not only major venture funds such as Khosla finance. Four start-ups have emerged in this
Ventures and SV Angel but also large banks area, all of which have noted engagement with
such as Citigroup, JP Morgan, and Santander, banks in proof-of-concept activities.23 Funding
and other organizations such as NASDAQ and has not been disclosed, but backers include
the DTCC itself.15 three respected venture funds in addition
Wall Street has also been busy exploring to Barclays.
this space. More than 40 global banks within A number of corporations have also shown
the R3 consortium participated in testing that mounting interest in this area. Seven banks
included clearing and settlement activity,16 have revealed proof-of-concept testing, and
and many of those banks have pursued further the numbers noted by start-ups indicate
trials individually. The Australian Securities more that haven’t been publicly revealed. One
Exchange is also working on a smart contracts- start-up in particular noted implementation
based post-trade platform to replace its equity roadmaps with five banks as well as a major
settlement system,17 and four global banks and insurer.24 Barclays Corporate Bank recently
the DTCC recently ran a successful trial of a partnered with one of the start-ups, Wave,25 a
smart contracts solution for post-trade credit platform that stores bill-of-lading documents
default swaps.18 in the blockchain and uses smart contracts to

Smart contract use cases in industry

log change of ownership and automatically Latency. Blockchains suffer from high latency,
transfer payments to ports upon arrival.26 given that time passes for each verified block
Bank of America, Standard Charter, and the of transactions to be added to the ledger. For
Development Bank of Singapore are also Ethereum, the most popular blockchain for
among the banks pursuing proof-of-concepts smart contracts, this occurs approximately
of their own.27 every 17 seconds—a far cry from the millisec-
onds to which we are accustomed while using
What to watch non-blockchain databases.

Smart contract technology is still in its

Permissioning. While excitement for smart
early stages. Business and technology leaders
contracts is growing in the realm of both
who want to stay current on implications of
permission-less and permissioned blockchains,
smart contracts should track both technol-
the latter is likely to see faster adoption in
ogy and business developments surrounding
industry, given that complexities around trust,
smart contracts.
privacy, and scalability are more easily resolved
On the technology side, certain advances
within a consortium of known parties.
will help broaden the applications and adop-
tion of smart contracts.
Watch for major trials or deployments
that achieve new milestones in scalability, or
Scalability. Smart contract platforms are still
technologies that successfully address issues of
considered unproven in terms of scalability.
privacy or enable greater trust of oracles. These
are key signs of maturity, signaling that smart
External information. Because smart con-
contracts are positioned for wider adoption.
tracts can reference only information on the
On the business side, new capabilities
blockchain, trustworthy data services—known
and business models that extend beyond the
as “oracles”—that can push information to the
digital realm driven by smart contracts will
blockchain will be needed. Approaches for
emerge in the coming months. For instance,
creating oracles are still emerging.
start-ups have already paired smart con-
tracts with IoT devices to provide access via
Real assets. Use cases that effectively link
smart locks or automatically enable electric
smart contracts to real assets are still in
vehicle charging stations. Pushing IoT sen-
their infancy.
sor data to the blockchain will also open up
countless possibilities; among them, look for
Flexibility. The immutability of blockchain-
new business models that are based on usage
based smart contracts today means that devel-
rather than time, and applications that employ
opers must anticipate any conceivable scenario
micropayments automatically.
necessitating changes to the contract.
Revised legislation that accomodates smart
contracts or recognition of smart contracts by
Privacy. The code within smart contracts is
legal authorities will also be critical for some
visible to all parties within the network, which
applications of smart contracts. This will be
may not be acceptable for some applications.
another signal to watch for that indicates the
technology is positioned for wider adoption.

Smart contract use cases in industry

Considerations for corporations Likewise, ideating on new capabilities that

Business leaders who may not be could be made possible by smart contracts
closely following blockchain developments should be considered in the context of current
should consider examining the technol- strategy or innovation efforts.
ogy and evaluate how it can be paired with Given that smart contracts represent a
smart contracts to drive efficiencies or new new model of computing, software develop-
business capabilities. ment teams and IT leaders should consider
Operations executives should look to their exploring the implications of this approach.
own processes to evaluate where smart con- Implementing smart contracts on a blockchain
tracts may be applicable. Some factors to look will require significant integration work, and
for include complex and manual work flows, it will be important to understand the new
multiparty agreements, lack of trust between protocols and considerations when evaluating
parties, and interdependent transactions. these applications for the enterprise.

Smart contract use cases in industry

1. Deloitte, Blockchain: Enigma. Paradox. Op- rwe-slock-it-electric-cars-using-ethereum-
portunity, 2016, wallets-can-recharge-by-induction-traffic-
dam/Deloitte/uk/Documents/Innovation/ lights-1545220; Giulio Prisco, “Blockchain
deloitte-uk-blockchain-full-report.pdf; technology could enable next-generation,
David Schatsky and Craig Muraskin, Beyond peer-to-peer energy microgrids,” Bitcoin Maga-
bitcoin: Blockchain is coming to disrupt your zine, April 25, 2016, https://bitcoinmagazine.
industry, Deloitte University Press, December com/articles/blockchain-technology-could-
7, 2015, enable-next-generation-peer-to-peer-energy-
blockchain-bitcoin-security-transparency/. microgrids-1461596932; Giulio Prisco, “Slock.
2. Nathaniel Popper, “A venture fund with it to introduce smart locks linked to smart
plenty of virtual capital, but no capital- Ethereum contracts, decentralize the sharing
ist,” New York Times, May 21, 2016, www. economy,” Bitcoin Magazine, November 5, 2015,
crypto-ether-bitcoin-currency.html. slock-it-to-introduce-smart-locks-linked-
3. Samburaj Das, “Australian Stock Exchange the-sharing-economy-1446746719.
confirms upcoming blockchain for
settlements,” CryptoCoinsNews, January 12. Ignatius John, “Trade break pain—feel-
22, 2016, ing unsettled?,” TABB Forum, October
australian-stock-exchange-confirms- 5, 2015,
upcoming-blockchain-for-settlements/. trade-break-pain-feeling-unsettled.

4. Pete Rizzo, “Post-Trade Distributed Ledger 13. DTCC, “Performance dashboard,” www.dtcc.
Group grows to 37 members,” CoinDesk, com/annuals/2015/index.php#performance-
May 3, 2016, dashboard, accessed May 27, 2016.
ptdl-group-37-members-post-trade-ledgers/. 14. Santander Innoventures with Oliver Wyman
5. Phone interview with Skuchain, April 25, 2016. and Anthemis Group, The Fintech 2.0 paper:
Rebooting financial services, 2015, http://
6. Pete Rizzo, “Wave brings blockchain
trade finance trial to Barclays,” CoinDesk, uploads/2015/06/The-Fintech-2-0-Paper.pdf.
October 15, 2015,
wave-blockchain-trade-finance-barclays/. 15. Deloitte analysis from Coindesk.
com and
7. Luke Parker, “Delaware to ‘embrace the emerg-
ing blockchain and smart contract technology 16. Ian Allison, “R3 completes trial of five
industry,’ with distributed ledger shares,” Brave cloud-based blockchain technologies
New Coin, May 4, 2016, http://bravenewcoin. with 40 banks,” International Business
com/news/delaware-to-embrace-the-emerging- Times, March 3, 2016,
blockchain-and-smart-contract-technology- r3-completes-trial-five-cloud-based-
industry-with-distributed-ledger-shares/. blockchain-technologies-40-banks-1547260.

8. Schatsky and Muraskin, Beyond bitcoin. 17. Daniel Palmer, “ASX details blockchain
strategy in financial update,” CoinDesk,
9. Kevin Delmolino, et al., Step by step towards February 12, 2016,
creating a safe smart contract: Lessons asx-blockchain-strategy-financial-results/.
and insights from a cryptocurrency lab,
University of Maryland, November 18, 18. DTCC, “DTCC and Digital Asset to de-
2015, velop distributed ledger solution to drive
improvements in repo clearing,” March
10. A use case Deloitte is currently 29, 2016,
developing for clients. march/29/dtcc-and-digital-asset-to-
11. Ian Allison, “RWE and—Electric cars develop-distributed-ledger-solution.
using Ethereum wallets can recharge by induc- 19. CoinDesk, “Trade finance and supply
tion at traffic lights,” International Business chains,” April 20, 2016, www.coindesk.
Times, February 22, 2016, com/research/supply-chains-report/.

Smart contract use cases in industry

20. Ibid. 25. Giulio Prisco, “Chainalysis and Wave showcase

21. Phone interview with supply chain and blockchain fintech products at New York
trade finance start-up, April 25, 2016. Barclays accelerator, sign deal with Barclays,”
Bitcoin Magazine, October 21, 2015, https://
22. World Trade Organization, International Trade
Statistics 2015, 2015, and-wave-showcase-blockchain-fintech-
res_e/statis_e/its2015_e/its2015_e.pdf, p. 41. products-at-new-york-barclays-accelerator-
23. Luke Parker, “Blockchain tech companies sign-deal-with-barclays-1445454899.
focus on the $40 trillion supply chain market,” 26. Evry, Blockchain: Powering the Internet of
Brave New Coin, February 2, 2016, http:// Value, 2016, insight/bank2020/bank-2020---blockchain-
companies-focus-on-the-40-trillion-supply- powering-the-internet-of-value---whitepaper.
chain-market/; Hans Lombardo, “Skuchain pdf. For additional information on blockchain
Intersects with IoT and blockchain-enabled and smart contract applications in trade
trade finance,” AllCoinsNews, April 3, 2016, finance, see Eric Piscini et al., Blockchain: Disruptions and opportunities in banking,
intersects-with-the-iot-and-blockchain- Deloitte, forthcoming in June 2016.
enabled-trade-finance/; Rizzo, “Wave brings
blockchain trade finance trial to Barclays.” 27. Pete Rizzo, “How Standard Chartered is
using Ripple to rethink trade finance,”
24. Phone interview with supply chain and CoinDesk, February 29, 2016, www.
trade finance start-up, April 25, 2016.

The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of Peter Gratzke, Ragu Gurumurthy,
and Craig Muraskin of Deloitte LLP; Eric Piscini of Deloitte Consulting LLP; Pavan Murali of
Deloitte AERS India Pvt Ltd.; and Swagatam Chakraborty and Ramya Kunnath Puliyakodil of
Deloitte Support Services India Pvt Ltd.

Smart contract use cases in industry

About the authors

John Ream is a manager at Deloitte LLP focused on evaluating emerging business and technology
trends. His background comprises more than a decade of experience across management consulting
and investment research.

Yang Chu is a senior manager at Deloitte & Touche LLP. She is a specialist in strategic, financial,
operational, technological, and regulatory risk and focuses on exploring emerging trends for oppor-
tunities and threats for clients and for Deloitte.

David Schatsky is a senior manager at Deloitte LLP. He tracks and analyzes emerging technology
and business trends, including the growing impact of cognitive technologies, for the firm’s leaders
and its clients.

John Ream Yang Chu David Schatsky
Manager Senior manager Senior manager
Deloitte LLP Deloitte & Touche LLP Deloitte LLP
+1 816-802-7339 +1 415-783-4060 +1 646-582-5209

Deloitte member firms help clients capture the opportunities offered by blockchain
by identifying viable, feasible, and desirable use cases; recognizing industry business
processes where blockchain technology is applicable; assisting clients in effectively
sourcing fintech suppliers; providing regulatory and compliance guidance relevant to
blockchain applications and constraints; and building and integrating blockchain technology
solutions. For more information please contact Eric Piscini [].

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