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9 Years
Prediction Report
Harish Goyal
20 October 1992

Produced By

Dinesh Gahlot
Hi Harish Goyal,

Your "9 Years Prediction" report is ready, and trust me, it's fantastic!

I'm so excited to share this special report with you. It's not just a
prediction, but a unique way to understand your personality. And yes,
I've added some extra bonuses like your Double Digit Name Number,
Single Digit Name Number, Driver Number, Conductor Number,
Missing Numbers in your chart, as well as 3 and 2 Arrow
Combinations. All these elements will help you understand yourself
and your life better.

In this report, I've explained everything in detail, so you can make the
most of every aspect of your life.

Hope this report opens new doors for you and gives you the opportunity
to know yourself better.

Best wishes,
Dinesh Gahlot
Numerologist & Astrologer
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Birth Chart ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Zodiac Planet & Numbers ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Luck ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Name Number ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14

Birthday Number ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Missing Number ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Lucky Colors ................................................................................................................................................................................ 28

Driver & Conductor Number ....................................................................................................................................... 30

Three Numbers Arrows ..................................................................................................................................................... 32

Repeated Numbers .............................................................................................................................................................. 36

Year 2024 Prediction ........................................................................................................................................................... 42

Year 2025 Prediction ........................................................................................................................................................... 45

Year 2026 Prediction ........................................................................................................................................................... 47

Year 2027 Prediction ........................................................................................................................................................... 49

Year 2028 Prediction ............................................................................................................................................................ 51

Year 2029 Prediction ........................................................................................................................................................... 53

Year 2030 Prediction .......................................................................................................................................................... 56

Year 2031 Prediction ............................................................................................................................................................ 58

Year 2032 Prediction ........................................................................................................................................................... 60

Gemstone Recommendation .................................................................................................................................... 62

Thank You ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 67

Birth Chart
99 222

8 11 6 PG | 5
Zodiac Planet
& Numbers
Name Number - 8 Birth Number - 2 Life Path Number - 6

Soul Urge Number - 2 Master Planet - Venus Master Number - 6 PG | 7

Gemini Aquarius


Cancer Capricorn PG | 8


Your Lucky day is Monday. Any decision taken related to your personal
and professional life will be fruitful.


2, 11, 20, 29

Your Lucky dates are 2, 11, 20, 29 & if your lucky day falls on any of the
lucky dates then that day is very lucky for you. For example - If Monday
falls on any of the dates 2, 11, 20, 29. It will be very lucky for you.


April, May, June, July

Your Lucky Months are April, May, June, July & if your lucky day & lucky
dates falls on any of the lucky months then that day is extremely lucky
for you.

For example - If Monday falls on any of the dates 2,11,20,29 of any of the
lucky months April, May, June, July. It will be very lucky for you. PG | 10

11 Year of your life 20 Oct 2002 - 19 Oct 2003

20 Year of your life 20 Oct 2011 - 19 Oct 2012

29 Year of your life 20 Oct 2020 - 19 Oct 2021

38 Year of your life 20 Oct 2029 - 19 Oct 2030

47 Year of your life 20 Oct 2038 - 19 Oct 2039

56 Year of your life 20 Oct 2047 - 19 Oct 2048

65 Year of your life 20 Oct 2056 - 19 Oct 2057

74 Year of your life 20 Oct 2065 - 19 Oct 2066

92 Year of your life 20 Oct 2083 - 19 Oct 2084


02 Jun 2002, 02 Apr 2011, 11 Jun 2011, 02 Jul 2011, 29 Apr 2029

20 May 2029, 29 Jul 2029, 11 Apr 2038, 02 May 2038, 20 Jun 2038

11 Jul 2038, 20 Apr 2047, 11 May 2047, 29 Jun 2047, 20 Jul 2047

02 Apr 2056, 11 Jun 2056, 02 Jul 2056, 29 May 2083 PG | 11

November, December, April

These 3 months can be detrimental for your health. People tend to

define and know health as just physical health but mental health
matters too. It is important that you take care of your physical as well
as mental health for the months of November, December, April. For
health to persist stable and good on all levels, it is very important that
you consume a good diet, have a disciplined routine for workouts, and
consume media and information that is not too sensitive on yourself.
Sometimes one also tends to pass time excessively in front of laptop
screens and mobile screens, aimlessly. Aimlessness should not be an
option if you wish to have gain and attain a sound health. PG | 12

Your lucky numbers are 1,6,2. Lucky Numbers are an exceptional way to
choose one's mobile number, house number, car number, etc. If you
add all the digits of your mobile number and it comes down to either
1,6,2 know that you are extremely lucky and blessed. If that is not the
case, it does not matter but if there's anything that you need to decide
regarding dates and numerals, 1,6,2 should be your go-to numbers as
they are extremely lucky and in favour of you! PG | 13
Name Number
Unraveling the Numerical Significance of Your Name

Your name holds a unique vibration that can be understood through

numbers. Here's how we derive both your Double and Single Digit Name

Assign Numbers to Letters: We map each letter in your name to a

corresponding number based on a numerology chart. For the name

H 5

A 1

R 2

I 1

S 3

H 5

Calculate the Total: Add the numbers to find the total sum.

For 'Harish': 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 17

Double Digit Number: The sum gives us the Double Digit Name Number.

'Harish' results in 17.

Reduce to a Single Digit: If the sum is a double-digit number, we further

reduce it by adding the two digits together.


Single Digit Number: The final single digit is the essence of your name's
numerical meaning. PG | 15
For 'Harish', the Single Digit Name Number is 8.

This Single Digit Number, 8, symbolizes the core attributes and life's
path encoded within 'Harish'. It’s a compact representation of the
name's full numerological analysis.


The number 17 is associated with feelings of love and pleasure. Things

may start slowly, and you may feel as if you are trapped in one spot for
a short period of time. These gradual or delayed beginnings, on the
other hand, will almost always end in good and long-lasting pleasure
for you. You are a riot of color in the outdoors, and you delight in making
people happy. You have the greatest chance of becoming well-known
in areas such as politics, acting, and so on. You are a fun-loving person
with a keen interest in politics and real estate as well. PG | 16

Name number 8 represents struggle. It represents obstacles and

difficulties in your life. You are more likely to be depressed and stressed
than people with other name numbers. If given the option, avoid this
number at all costs. It brings pessimism and sadness in life. A lot of
suicidal people are governed by this name number. You are not close
to your family and friends. You lack people with whom you can share
your feelings. You feel lonely and discriminated against. You often fall
into scandals and scams. Due to this, your financial condition is not
good. You always face a shortage of money because your plans tend
to go haywire. You are not able to enjoy life in the way you thought you
would. There will be lots of ups and downs in your life. No matter how
hard you work, success will not come easily. After failing seemingly
millions of times, you will finally succeed in the last few years of your life. PG | 17
Unveiling the Numerological Significance of Your Birth Date

Your birthday number holds key insights into your personality and life's
path. Let's say your birth date is the 20; here's how to determine your
Single Digit Birthday Number:

Add the Digits of Your Birth Date: Separate and add the digits of your
birth date.

For 20: 2 + 0 = 2

Arrive at the Single Digit: The sum is your Single Digit Birthday Number.

Here, for the 20, the Single Digit Birthday Number is 2.

This number, 2, reveals characteristics and the direction of your life

path associated with your birth date. It also sheds light on certain
aspects of your personality. PG | 19

For individuals born on the dates of 2, 11, 20, and 29, your birth number is
2. You are sensitive and emotional. You are imaginative and possess a
superior intellect. The Moon is linked with the number 2 on the birth
chart. It denotes a state of restlessness and insecurity. If you are born
with the number 2 as your birth number, you may go through
significant changes in life. Music and establishing relationships with
other people are among your primary interests. For those of you born
between June 20 and July 27, you are most affected by birth number 2,
listed above. You enjoy quiet and tranquility and you are depressed
most of the time. You are always willing to lend a hand and have a
strong spiritual bent. You have a strong interest in astrology. Others are
respectful of, and grateful for, your presence. Owing to its connection to
the Moon, birth number 2 can influence one's thinking. You may exhibit
violent behavior during or before a lunar phase of the “no moon”,
Amavasya. You channel your energies in the most effective ways
possible since you are more susceptible to worry and sadness when
things do not go according to plan. As a result, you need supervision to
be successful in life. You lack self-confidence and do not appreciate
the beauty of being alone, which is a shame. You have an excellent
sense of intuition. You find wearing a cat's eye stone to be helpful. You
also think about meditation or getting away for a bit in the highlands or
woods. You have a lot of time and money involved in your relationships
and marriage. You are always preoccupied. Your attention tends to PG | 20
wander from one thing to another. As a result, you must strive to
complete what you have begun. For people born on the 11th, you are
more susceptible to heartache and trust problems than any other birth
number or date. You are more prone to engage in gossip and are
excessively talkative. You are imaginative and you may be more drawn
to art and drawings than others. When it comes to love life and finding
true love, for people born on the 29th, you are often unfortunate. If you
marry someone who has a good birth number compatibility, you will be
able to enjoy pleasure and contentment in your relationship. If you are
born on the 29th, you are attractive and are surrounded by people of
the opposite sex the majority of the time. Finding true love, on the other
hand, is a difficult task for you. Overall, birth number 2 has many
favorable characteristics. Yet, its association with the moon indicates
some negative or unpleasant characteristics as well. To summarize
your overall behavior, it can be said you are creative and sensitive. But
you are also cranky and unfocused. PG | 21
The Essence of Missing Numbers

In numerology, 'Missing Numbers' refer to those numbers that are not

present in your numerological chart.


Analyze Your Chart: Review your numerological chart, which includes

numbers derived from your birth date and name.

Spot the Absences: Notice which numbers (typically between 1 and 9)

do not appear in your chart. These are your 'Missing Numbers'.

Why They Matter:

Missing Numbers highlight aspects or traits that may be lacking or less

developed in your personality.

They can point to areas for potential improvement or growth.

Understanding and acknowledging your Missing Numbers can guide you in

personal development and help in balancing your strengths and
weaknesses. PG | 23

99 222

8 11 6

You will never find the right people to guide you through the ups and
downs of life. Because of this, you are unable to understand your true
passion As a result, you feel inferior to others. You lack confidence.
Hence, success for you will come very late. However, if you understand
yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses, your life will be better.
Harness confidence in yourself. It will make all the difference.

In times of crisis, be it financial crisis or health or mental illness, you

become weak. You wish to avoid problems instead of facing them with
courage. You become stressed by the slightest mishap. You do not
have a spiritual or religious attitude. You lack a growth mindset. Your
ideas are not progressive. You lack far-sightedness and vision. If you
wish to grow in life, keep an open mind. Think about the vast
possibilities in life. PG | 24

99 222

8 11 6

You are a daydreamer who is lost in your own thoughts. You do not
listen to what other people say. You find it difficult to navigate to your
goal. Sometimes you don't even know what your goal is. You lack
determination. You can't focus on one thing at a time. You start
something and before you can complete it, you jump to the next big
thing. One of the reasons for this is you do not get good guidance.

You find it difficult to follow rules and regulations. Neither do you value
your time nor others'. It is difficult to work in a group. So, even though
you deserve greater success, you do not achieve it. Remember, time
doesn't wait for anyone. So, value it, while you can. PG | 25

99 222

8 11 6

You lack balance and stability in life. You find it difficult to focus on the
problems at hand or your studies. You lack the dedication to achieve
your goals. You need guidance and good advice in life. You should
complete one job and only then start a new job. You get impatient
quickly. Success won't be served to you on a silver platter. Your life is
typically filled with obstacles. So, you need to work hard to overcome
them. Number 5 has a special significance in your life. It is the number
of balances.

If it is missing, there will be problems in your married life, children's life,

or business. You will face financial problems like accumulating too
much debt or not getting a loan from the bank. It will be difficult to build
your house. If you do, you will not live on the ground floor. But the
positive side is you will face these problems only till the age of 34. After
that, your life will be smoother. PG | 26

99 222

8 11 6

Your life will be full of challenges. You are very irregular in life. You are
self-centered and absorbed in your own thoughts. You believe you are
a victim, oppressed by powerful people. You blame others for every
mishap in your life. You think you are innocent and everything that goes
wrong is the fault of others. You feel that others do not care about you.
You make reckless decisions, without thinking twice. You are always

When it comes to family, your stars hint you might be blessed with
daughters. Interestingly, this also depends on your partner’s
astrological details, especially if their chart is missing the number 7. It’s
a reminder of how connected we are, even through the stars. You do
not care about the emotions of others. You are not religious or spiritual.
The only way you could improve your life is to take responsibility for
your actions. Remove the “victim” image of yourself from your mind and
accept your mistakes. PG | 27
Lucky Colors

Cream Green White Light Grey

Lucky Colors: White, Cream, Light Grey, Green You are creative and kind
and the moon is your ruling planet. You have a penchant for all things
creative and inventive. Your choice for subtle neutral and nude shades
shows your subtlety and soft-spoken nature. You have a very active
personality. Among the other shades of green, it is light green which will
bring prosperity to you. You like to organize and compartmentalize your
stuff. You are a compassionate soul with amazing qualities.
Driver &

Brief Guide:

Driver Number:

Represents your core nature and motivations.

Calculated by adding the digits of your birth day.

Born on 20th (2+0=2), Driver Number is 2.

Conductor Number:

Reflects how you navigate through life's challenges.

Calculated from the sum of all digits in your full birth date (day, month, year)
reduced to a single digit.

Born on 20th Oct 1992 (2+0+1+0+1+9+9+2=24,2+4=6), Conductor Number is 6.

These numbers provide insights into your personality and life approach.


In this combination, the driver number is 2 while the conductor number

is 6. This combination is represented by the moon and Venus. This is an
average combination. You have an interest in science. So, explore a
career in same. Your name number should be 1 or 5. PG | 31

3 Number Arrows:

Formed by the presence of any three specific numbers in your chart.

They signify a more complex interplay of traits and potentials.

Example: A combination of 2, 5, and 8 in your chart creates a 3 Number Arrow,

representing the synergy of these numbers. PG | 33

99 222

8 11 6

It consists of the numerals 8, 1, and 6. It represents your lower body, your

legs, and your feet. The digit 8 is for knowledge and intuition; 1 stands for
career and success, and 6 is for friends. It describes your organizational
skills and knowledge. If you have these digits in your birth chart, then
you are a steady thinker. You are likely to observe before opting to act.
You do not rush your decisions. You are an organized individual with a
clear mindset. You do not allow your emotions or illogical thoughts fog
your reasonable and sound mind.

Your knowledge will help you to think and act practically. Understanding
the situation is your key to success. You have identified your drawbacks
and weaknesses. Your weaknesses will actually become armor once
you start working on yourself.

You diligently work according to the need. Nothing and no one can stop
you from your work. Your practicality and work sense is remarkable.
Proper planning helps you to achieve unbelievable heights. It is also
called an “arrow of business”. You are likely to join your family business PG | 34
and work in its expansion. It will help you to gain wealth. Your nature of
reasoning your actions will save you from being stuck in trouble.
However, if any of the numerals is missing, you might not blend with
others. It will make you antisocial and cause discomfort. PG | 35

99 222

8 11 6

If 1 repeats itself two times in your birth chart then you can easily
convince others. You have defined a positive goal in your life. You have
a friendly nature and are also a good speaker. You tend to perform best
in your field of interest. PG | 37

99 222

8 11 6

The appearance of the number 2 three times in your birth chart makes
you more sensitive. You like to be alone with your thoughts. You prefer
spending on yourself rather than on others. You think it's better to be
alone instead of being hurt by others. PG | 38

99 222

8 11 6

If the number 6 appears once in your birth chart, you love your family
and close ones. You happily fulfill your family responsibilities. You
achieve everything in your life through hard work. You can become a
great parent. If someone in your family faces a problem, they will
approach you to find a solution. Deep within you feel insecure. You think
that you will become separated from your loved ones. PG | 39

99 222

8 11 6

If the number 8 appears once in your birth chart, you like doing good
work. You have great management skills. You have a weird attitude that
makes you restless like if you start some work, in the middle you get a
feeling that you will not be able to complete it so you become restless.
You are quite creative but due to a lack of confidence, you are not able
to fully utilize it. In the end, you will be able to cross all the mental
barriers and become successful. PG | 40

99 222

8 11 6

If the number 9 repeats itself twice in your birth chart, you are extremely
intelligent. You are clever and consider other people beneath you. You
have to learn how to maintain peace with other people. Otherwise, you
will have many problems. PG | 41
Year 2024
Most crucial to sustain your life is patience and endurance. It is going to
be a slow-moving year. You already know that good things in life take
time, perhaps much longer than you think. This year you will experience
it more than ever. Every plan will come to a halt. There is not much that
you can do to eliminate this stagnation. You have to keep your hopes
alive; your dreams will take time to materialize. But you cannot afford to
stop dreaming. Of course, nothing will go as planned, and it will
disappoint you to your core. But you must not let it overwhelm you.

You still have your weapons of hard work and talent. Your strongest
armor is your creativity. New ideas will keep flowing through you. But if
you are aiming to execute those ideas, it is advised that you keep those
plans at bay for the time being. Not because you will fail, but the results
will leave you disheartened. In a year full of hurdles and struggles, this
added stagnancy is the last thing you need. It will be a slow and steady
year for you and your endeavors. You are urged to maintain calm to
keep frustration away.

Getting frustrated will make the process even slower. You must try to be
responsible. Trust the process. The hard work done this year will bring
fruitful results in the coming years. Understandably, you want to be as
productive as possible, but it will not go as per your desire. This year,
patience is the key. Do not stress out over failed attempts. For those of
you who are involved in sports and other recreation, this year is for you.
It is the perfect year to take out time for your family and work on your
relationships. However, nothing new will materialize in your life this year,
so it is better to take care of the things you have in hand and be
grateful. The year's end is likely to be great for you. PG | 43
It will bring new hope into your life, and several aspects will change in
the next few years. If you are unmarried then this year you have a
chance to get married. It is also a great year for a writer. You will have
an ample amount of time to think. People involved in industry will also
do well. If you work as a media person, you will have a nice year
nonetheless. PG | 44
Year 2025
This is a year of hard work and struggle. Work and career-related things
will bombard you and you will hardly find time for recreation and
replenishment. There will be no time for fun and frolic with friends.
Travel is not likely to happen this year. You should take long breaks and
make travel plans, but you will be unable to take the time for their
execution. So, traveling and adventure are not likely to happen.

If you want to take full advantage of this year, you need to sort your
objectives and prospects as soon as possible. Your career plans and
goals need more effort and hard work to prevail. This year is all about
the steps you put in and the sweat you shed to attain your goals.
Meanwhile, try to make new friends and commence some new line of
work. New friends will give you a new perspective and a new job will
take you to a newer altitude. This is also a year of completing all the old
and pending goals that you have been postponing for years.

This year will provide you time to ponder about desires you left behind.
Now it is time to drag them back into your life. This year will be perfect
for starting a family. You are likely to become a parent, and a new kind
of adventure will bless your family. If you are a creative person, then it is
your time to unleash your creativity. Be as inventive and creative as you
want. Your art will see a boost this year. PG | 46
Year 2026
This year will start slowly for you as it has nothing exciting to offer. But it
is a year of hard work, and you can turn It in your favor. Make an effort
and plan your year early. If planned perfectly, this year will bring many
achievements for you at the end of the year. However, all the harshness
that comes your way will not exhaust you even a bit. It is because you
will know that your effort today will later take you toward great success.
It will also lead you to an unbelievably successful vocation. You will be
proactive this year with loads of tasks on your plate.

Prioritize your work before anything else if you want all things to
materialize from your dreams. Happiness will come into your life only if
you are ready to work hard to achieve even the smallest of goals on
your own. Success will be yours to cherish if you put the right amount of
effort into it. Disappointment and failure will only come your way if you
do not work hard to achieve those targets. You have a fondness for a
sophisticated life. So, there is a chance that your expenses will hike up.
Hence you must plan your budget as early as you can and spend
prudently throughout this year. It is the right time for you to start saving.
This year will be great for investing in property and plot-related
matters. Therefore, those in that field should be vigilant to initiate a
deal. PG | 48
Year 2027
You have been through a lot, haven’t you? But now things will change
for good. Do not lose hope; it is going to be a year full of changes, both
small and big. You are likely to experience a shift in your lifestyle. You
will see a shift in your job profile or experience a potential boost in your
work. Extraordinary incidents will occur this year; both happy and sad
accidents are likely to come your way. There are chances you might get
into an accident. It can happen to you or someone close to you.

A rumor might also spread in your name to sully your reputation but
don’t let that bother you much. Things that are happening around you
will stump you throughout the year. But mainly, this year has potential
for bringing a transition into your life. It is your time for ending the long
and toxic relationship that has shackled you for ages. This year will give
you the strength you need to cast off those negative ties. Prepare
yourself to face anything. There is a probability that a disturbing
accident in your family or a troublesome client may manifest. Whatever
it may be, you need not worry. You will perform unbelievable wonders
this year. Some seemingly impossible wishes will come true for you. If
you have a business, especially an online business, it will see serious
progress this year.

You only need to work on your abilities and improve your skills, and you
will gain unbelievable results. Outcomes will only make you happy if
your inputs are sufficient. PG | 50
Year 2028
You have been stalling a decision to start your family for a long time.
But now that wait is over. This year is the year of family planning. It is
time to take this new big step in your life. If you are unmarried, you are
ready for the important commitment of getting married. This year, you
will have many opportunities to get engaged or married. Making good
use of the year and getting married would be a sensible decision, as
things for you are accelerating quickly. If you are not planning on
marriage, then things related to relationships will take place in full
swing. You and your partner will be making decisions together, or you
two might get involved in planning your future together. It is advised
that you must consider the question of marriage this year.

However, this year is important, not only for getting married but for
breaking a relationship if it is not working. If a divorce or a breakup is
your only way out of a toxic relationship, then it is time to walk out of
that toxicity. Unless you remove yourself from such bondage, you will
never be able to look at what life has in store for you.

This year will help you to strengthen your relations with your family, as
well. If yours is a happy marriage, then a child may come into your life.

This year is also a great time to renovate your house or shift to a new
house if that is something you have been planning. If you are aspiring
for a career in education, the hotel industry, fashion, or the cosmetic
industry, it will be a good time full of opportunities this year. PG | 52
Year 2029
It is the year of learning and evolving. Educating your soul and
exercising self-growth and self-love should be the sole purpose of this
year in your life. There are chances that you might feel like moving
beyond your boundaries and family. You will learn that taking time out
for yourself is not selfish, but necessary, and it will help you to discover
new things about yourself and your life. You will be able to develop new
skills. You will learn to be independent. All these will lead you to become
a newer version of yourself. So, if you are planning to move out, then it is
the perfect year to take this step.

If spirituality and divinity are things that satiate your soul, then this year
will bring peace and tranquility to your life. You will have a great year of
deep thinking and introspecting your life and choices. This year will
provide you with a much-needed pause. You deserve to take time out
from your busy life for yourself. This year will give you time to meet new
people and explore new things.

It is the time when you can think solely for yourself. You have been
through a lot. Therefore, if you feel you want to end a long-term
relationship, that is what you need. There are chances of divorce as
well. But if you wish to give your relationship a chance, then be patient.
Or else you might not be able to sustain, and separation will become
your only way out. You might start feeling lonely this year. You will be
misunderstood for your choices. This indicates that you must refrain
from making big decisions this year.

If you are researching any proposal for your degree, then this year will
bring immense success to you. If you are practicing science and the PG | 54
Occult, then this year is the best time to venture deeper into your thesis.
Focus on meditation and introspection. This year will strengthen you
from within. It will make you strong and inspire you to indulge in
spirituality. It will help you to learn new things. PG | 55
Year 2030
You will hit a jackpot this year. This year will shower you with money and
wealth and boost your business like never before. If you were planning
to expand your business, then this is the time. This year will bring you
the fruit of all the hard work from past years. It will fill your life with fun
and frolic. It is the year of finally enjoying your hard-earned money and
experiencing prosperity. Your wealth will increase tenfold, and your
savings will grow. This year is also profitable for all your dealings and
investments. You will be offered a chance of fixing your deals at
nominal capital. For those involved in small businesses, as well as big
merchants, this year will be the key opening your golden lock.

Even if you are interested in selling anything, now is the best time to do
that. Bidders and auctioneers will have a good time of it this year. You
have worked hard in past years; now it is time to plan a trip and relax.
You have earned a generous bank balance, and it is time to utilize that.
A luxurious and pleasant trip awaits you this year. You must take a
break from all the hustle and exhaustion of work. It is time to take good
care of your health and your family. But beware, with wealth comes ego
and attitude, do not let your ego ruin your healthy life. And try to avoid
egotistic people as well. PG | 57
Year 2031
Finally, after many years of hustling and struggling, this year will bring
you an introspective view of the last few years. You have successfully
lived years of learning and earning. Now it is time to analyze past
deeds. Now onward, the purpose of your life will be to have thoughtful
insight. You might feel that this is a year of restructuring your life and
rectifying past mistakes. If you think your immature self has caused
unintentional harm to someone dear to you, then it is time to mend
those ties.

Life does not offer second chances to everyone, but if you are getting a
second chance and are willing to set things right, it is time to hop onto
it. You cannot shrug off past experiences. They are the bricks and
mortar that have made you into who you are today. Hence, you must
be grateful for every event that has occurred in your life. This year will
give you opportunities to meet your old buddies and reunite with old
acquaintances. Moreover, if you are in the army, police department,
management, or a sportsperson, then you will make exceptional
records in your field. Hence this year is likely to bring you the
contentment and fulfillment that you were craving ever since you
started your life on your own. PG | 59
Year 2032
If you are planning to start a new job or new business, this year is the
perfect time for you. This year is all about new beginnings. You will
reinvent your life and advance toward new possibilities and newer
opportunities. New love is likely to enter your life. This new relationship
will bring luck and joy to your life.

This year will fill your life with contentment and will bring optimism and
positivity to your life. The presumptions and insecurities you had about
yourself will end and newfound confidence will occupy your psyche.
Your desire to do new things will be renewed. Your perspective of life will
change. This year you must focus on bringing positive changes in your
everyday life. Your efforts will come back to you in tenfold if you make
affirmative changes. You will not only find success but dignity in this
new path. If you venture in this new direction of possibility it will lead
you toward prosperity. You are likely to get into numerous new things at
once; be it enrolling in a new course or starting a new investment, you
will undoubtedly succeed.

This year will go by quickly as you will be busy working hard. You will
pour all your effort into this and enjoy the fruits that it bears. Your hard
work will be paid. There is no denying it. Start thinking about
establishing a new business and plan its execution if you want a
pleasant year. If you are looking for a stable profession, you will surely
start a new job soon. It will keep you busy. Your new relationship will
anchor strength to endure all your struggles. PG | 61


Coral (Munga)






Copper PG | 63


Diamond (Heera)/Zircon (Zircon)






Gold PG | 64

Based on traditional beliefs, the weight of a gemstone to be worn is

often recommended based on the individual's body weight. The
general guideline suggests wearing 1 ratti (carat) of the gemstone for
every 12 kilograms of body weight. The table below provides an easy
reference for the recommended rattis based on different weight

Body Weight (KG) Recommended Rattis (Carats)

0-12 1

13-24 2

25-36 3

37-48 4

49-60 5

61-72 6

73-84 7

85-96 8

97-108 9

109-120 10 PG | 65


It's traditionally recommended for males to wear the gemstone on the

right hand.


Females are traditionally advised to wear the gemstone on the left

hand. PG | 66
Thank You

Thank you once again for requesting the 9-years prediction.

It is my sincere hope that this has given you clarity on what the next few
years have in store for you.

Please note that this prediction can be used as a benchmark for

creating your future life and achieving your life goals. If you are
confused about any part of this report and would like to discuss parts of
it in detail, then please click here to Book a consultation with me.

We would be happy to break down the meaning of various sections in

detail for you.

Dinesh Gahlot

Dinesh Gahlot

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