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Surrender to Me

A Gentle Fem-Dom Romance

By Tomio Hall-Black
Copyright 2024
In Cooperation with FemDomLit Publications

This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not
be re-sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the
hard work of this author.

This is a work of erotic romance fiction. It is designed to excite the mind

and body, and easily-offended readers are urged to use caution when
selecting this work. All sexual activity contained herein is consensual
and involves only adults, eighteen years and older. This work concerns a
woman-led relationship, in which a strong man surrenders to the
leadership of a stronger woman. Such relationships are sometimes
referred to as Female Domination (FemDom), Female Led Relationships
(FLR), or Gynarchy/Matriarchy. It is the view of all who are connected
with this work that such relationships are a natural expression of love
and affection for a significant portion of the population but is neither
“the way things really are” nor “the ways things should be” unless
people choose this path as a means of finding love, devotion, and giving
purpose to their lives. We believe love is love; and support the right of
all adults to enter freely into whatever loving relationship fits their

FemDomLit Publications believes that representation is important. We

seek to normalize woman-empowered relationships by providing high
quality romance and erotica where strong men are not afraid to surrender
to the woman of their dreams. You can find us on the web at:
“So, Robert Alvin Davis,” I asked, my voice tumbling past my lips to slither over his
cheek. “What am I to do with you? Hmmm?”
His hands tightened at my hips, and I felt him arch his back so that he thrust himself into
the depth of me. It was the reflexive action of a man struggling to keep his body from doing what
it wanted the most. And, hot and hard within me, it felt good to have him struggle for me.
“Elizabeth.” He made a prayer of my name, and it felt good in a way it had never felt
with anyone else. “Please…”
I waited. After a moment, I sucked on his earlobe. Everything about this man excited me.
There was something inside of him that called to me, something deep and intimate. Something
that went beyond what our bodies were doing. Something that, if I were to just find the right way
to nurture, would fulfill us both for a lifetime.
That was both thrilling and frightening, and I knew that was how he felt as well. I ran my
hands over the taut muscles of his biceps and shoulders to hold his face between my palms.
When I kissed him, I pushed his mouth open with mine so I could take his tongue against mine. I
held him as fully within me as our bodies allowed and opened my heart, willing away the fears
that tugged at the edges of my mind.
He tore his mouth from mine to pant against my throat. I gave it to him for a moment,
letting him tighten my body around him as the thrill of his hot mouth ran through me. Then I
pulled his mouth against mine again. When he tried to come up for air, I pulled him to me even
tighter, deeper. I submerged him in all that I was and all I could ever be for him; and I held him
there until his resistance drowned and all that remained to kiss me back was the core of the need
that dwelt within him.
“Your mine, Robert Alvin Davis,” I whispered against his lips. “You need to get used to
being kissed like that.”
To prove the truth of my words, I kissed him again. His strong arms gathered me down to
him until my breasts were crushed against his chest. I twined my legs around his thighs, tilting
him so he filled me as I rocked against him. Sweat made our bodies slick, and I urged him faster.
Higher. Drinking his whimpers of pleasure; I feasted on the deep masculine need he had for me.
“Wait! Please!” He pulled his mouth from mine. “I can’t hold it! Mercy! Please!”
I knew where he was. I could feel his body quivering. Aching for release. At the very
pinnacle of surrendering into ecstasy. But I heard an even deeper need in his voice. Not the
words. No, it was a raw, painful plea that pulled from whatever made him who he was. I drew
still, holding him and waiting.
“I’m here with you,” I whispered. “You are still my man on his knees. My Robert Alvin
Davis. I have you; and you are safe.”
He gulped air into his lungs, fighting a demon I couldn’t see. His hands trembled as they
stroked the length of my back. As his breath came to him, that part of him that I had frightened
retreated; and I used my hips to bring it back.
“No! Please!”
“You are mine,” I whispered, pausing again. “I want you here with me, Robert Alvin
Davis. I will keep you here until you tell me why I scare you.”
When he was panting again, moments away from spilling within me, I waited. I rocked us
just enough to keep him there. Whimpering. Mewling. Needing me in a way he couldn’t say, and
I wouldn’t let him have until he found his voice.
“Talk to me, Robert Alvin Davis,” I whispered. “What frightens you?”
“No afraid,” he panted, fighting and losing the urge to move with me. “I’m not afraid,
Elizabeth. Not with you.”
“You lie,” I replied without accusation. I caught his wrists and pulled them over his head.
My fingers twined with his as I continued teasing him within me. “You may believe what you
say, but you cannot lie to me, Robert Alvin Davis. Hmmm? I know. I feel it.” I brought him to
the very peak again and made him fight his ragged battle against the yawning precipice. “You
cannot surrender to me if you hide your fear from me. You cannot remain on your knees if you
hide this from me.” A few small motions reminded him how close he was, and how complete my
control of the moment. “Don’t make what we’re doing a lie. Hmmm? You’re safe, dearest of all
men. You can tell me your fear.”
His hands tightened in mine. Even in the darkness, I knew he was closing his eyes. There
was a war raging within him. I couldn’t force him to win, but I could make him fight it. My body
moved over and around him, slick and hot and tight.
“Deny me.”
A whispered prayer, the two words carried from his mouth with such force that I drew
back from him. A moment later, I was with him again, carrying his pleasure within me until he
was helpless again.
“You have no power to give demands,” I told him. “You are mine, Robert Alvin Davis.
You are my man on his knees, and I will keep you on your knees as long as it takes. I promise
you. I can take what I want, but I want it surrendered to me. Offered to me. Sacrificed to me.”
My hips moved faster as I spoke, edging him closer. He panted into my throat. Shivered
with my power.
“Please,” he begged. “Make me wait! Don’t let me come!”
There was desperation in his voice. I focused on the tension in his body. Rode that part of
him. Keeping his need and fear at the edge of explosion.
“Why should I wait?” I asked. “Don’t you think I want to see how I thrill you? Don’t you
think I want to feel you lose control inside of me?”
He shook his head and whimpered. Almost wept.
“I can’t!” he said. “Please! Don’t let me!”
There was no steel in my voice. There was only the soft, wet silk of my body moving
around him. There was only the feminine ability to bring a man into her and disappear him into
her body and spirit. Nothing but tenderness and sweet pleasure held him prisoner.
“I don’t deserve it.” The words tore out of him, ragged in his throat. “I don’t deserve to
enjoy you this way.”
“You don’t deserve to come inside me.” It wasn’t a question. I agreed with him. But I
knew my reasoning was far different from his. “Tell me why, or I will take you past your ability
to hold back. Say it, Robert Alvind Davis. Hmmm?”
He brought his mouth to mine. Hard and fierce, he kissed me as if it were a weapon. As if
he could break me with his mouth. And for the span of a dozen frantic heartbeats, he nearly let
himself go too far.
Then my willingness to take him, as he was, shattered him. He pulled his mouth from
mine and cried out. When he began to sob, I let him bury his face in my throat and I pulled his
arms around me, letting him clutch me against his body and find the refuge he needed.
“Safe,” I told him. “You cannot break me, Robert Alvin Davis. You are safe.”
The tears came and went. I held him in silence. With my arms. With my thighs. With the
soft, wet silk of my pussy. I held him and made him safe.
“I don’t know what you want,” he said finally. “Don’t you want me to stay hungry for
I almost laughed. Only the pain that throbbed under those words kept me from doing so.
“You will always be hungry for me,” I told him. I tightened around him and lifted until I
nearly abandoned him. Then I enveloped him again. “You can’t lie to me, Robert Alvin Davis.
There will never be a day when you don’t want me to hold you within me this way.” I gave his
mouth a chaste, loving kiss. Petted his scalp. “I want to feel you come inside me,” I told him.
“I’m not going to pretend I don’t.”
His hands moved up my back and back down. I felt his fingers flutter at my skin as he
tapped his confusion against my skin.
“How can you want that?” he asked. “Doesn’t it make you feel…” I let him search his
words until he discovered the one that he meant. “Dirty?”
“No,” I said, kissing the tip of his nose. “If you were someone else, then perhaps it
would. But you aren’t using me for that, my dearest man on his knees.” I rode him slowly,
enjoying the way he felt inside me. “And I’m not going to use you, either.”
“How would you feel if I came on you now?” I asked. “If I turned on the light and let you
see the pleasure on my face as my body convulsed around you. As I shuddered in your arms and
cried out your name. How would you feel?”
His lost words fell into the night as I kept us both ready. I was hot and tense, moving over
the full hardness of his body. But I didn’t take away his breath. I gave him room and time to
think. To feel. I let our love-making move into a very real place where everything we had ever
been to someone else fell away.
“Do you want me to come?” I asked softly.
“I can let you on top of me,” I offered. “I can surrender that to you. Just enough that you
can drive me to my pleasure. Is that what you want?”
His frustration was palpable. I put my hands on his shoulders and ground my hips into
him. I pulled my pussy around his beautiful cock and rode him until we were both panting.
“We can go together,” I offered. “Feel how much I want this. Feel how hungry I am for
“Yes. For you.” He growled, losing himself enough to pull at my hips. Then he arched
and almost shook me off him. “I can’t. Please! Deny me this!”
I leveraged him back under me. Inhaling the scent of our sex and sweat, I began to pant
and tighten. As my spine tingled and the plateau of my release yawned before me, I forced my
body to stop moving. And I let my lover hear how much it ached for me not to have that release
with him.
“Of course, you don’t deserve me,” I told him, irritation from my self-inflicted denial
bringing a sharpness to my voice. “Do you think you could ever deserve to feel me this way? To
witness my pleasure?”
“Never,” he gasped. As I rode back to the plateau, he pushed up at me. “Take what you
want from me! Take what you deserve!”
Again, I forced my body to deny itself. I growled my frustration as I dug my hands into
the sheets under us.
“I deserve you no more than you deserve me!” I spat at him. My hips kept trying to take
me back to the edge, to push me beyond it. “This isn’t about deserving the other person, damnit!
This is about loving someone enough to let them see you! To be with you!” I pumped my hips at
him. “I want you! I want every part of you!” A feral growl crept out of my throat. “Give me all
of you. I want all of you. Robert. Alvin. Davis.”
We were both panting now. My breath fell from my open mouth into his and he pulled it
into his lungs before gifting it back to me. He quivered and whimpered. I moaned and shook.
“Don’t make me stop again,” I whimpered. “I need this! I need this with you! Come for
His fingers dug into my thighs as he arched into me. I felt him swell, turning to steel and
concrete within me, so full and hard that it nearly hurt to hold him. Then he was erupting, and I
felt hot jets of his cum against the walls of my pussy. A primal cry of release tore from him as I
destroyed the wall he had tried to erect.
Crying his name, I went with him. Pleasure shook me from my core to my fingertips,
sending sparkling droplets of burning pleasure along my skin. I collapsed on top of him, feeling
his strong arms wrap around me as I lost myself under the crashing surf of my orgasm.
“I have you,” he whispered. “I have you, Elizabeth. You’re safe. Always safe.”
Too far gone to stop, I threw my head back as quakes shook the length of my pussy.
When Robert rolled me onto my back, I didn’t resist. I wrapped my arms and legs around him
tighter and held him as pleasure continued to steal my breath.
Some part of my body found the strength to pull his mouth to mine. As our fluids
mingled between my thighs, I drank his sweet mouth. I surrendered to what I needed from him,
until even my skin felt his love surround me.
“My. Man.” I panted so hard I could barely get out the words. “On. His Knees.”
“Yes,” he said, petting my hair. “Always your man. Always on my knees. I’m your
Robert Alvin Davis.”
Afterglow hit me so hard that my teeth chattered. But I pulled my feet into the curve of
his ass so he couldn’t leave me.
“You will never deny me what I want,” I whispered to him. “How can you not want me
to feel this?”
He was silent, and I knew his eyes were straining to see me through the darkness. His
hands stroked my body with a tenderness that left me amazed.
“I want you to feel beautiful,” he said. “I want you to know that I’m not just fucking you,
I inhaled his truth, drew it deep into my lungs.
“I could never feel anything but beautiful with you,” I told him. “And you will fuck me,
when that is what I want.” I drew his lips to mine. “This is not fucking. This is beyond fucking.
This is me and the man I want to love me forever.”
I heard him suck in his breath. He swallowed hard. When he spoke, his voice shook as if
I had cracked him.
“How can you know that?” he whispered. “You don’t know what I am. How I’ve been.”
“Oh, I know you, Robert Alvin Davis,” I said. “You’re handsome and you have money.
You’ve fucked a lot of women.” I laid my hand against his chest and felt his heart beating into
my palm. “You fucked other women because you needed to find me; and now you have. And
you will never want another woman again.”
He chuckled. “No. I won’t.” He kissed my mouth, strong and tender. “You know, this
isn’t how I thought tonight would be.” He gave another chuckle. “It’s so much better.”
“I will always be better than your fantasies,” I told him. “Because I’m real.” Grinning in
the darkness, I threw my arms around his neck. “Make no mistake, Robert. I will rule you. You
will be the man I want you to be. And you will love me for doing it. You will love the man I
make you become.”
“That’s the first time you ever called me by my first name,” he said.
“Really?” I laughed. “That’s what you heard in all that?”
He slid from me and stretched his body next to mine.
“No, I heard every word,” he said, sliding his arm under my head so I could lay on his
chest. “That’s the only part that surprised me.”
“You prefer I use your entire name? Hmmm?”
I felt him shrug. “You own all of me,” he said. “It only seems right.”
Lying next to him, my thighs still slick with our love, I kissed his chest.
“Alright,” I said. “You are my man on his knees. You are my Robert. Alvin. Davis.”

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